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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I dunno, I just always thought of him as a giant piece of bird poo.
Anything with a big mouth that starts chasing me scares me. Doesn't matter what it is. I always think it'll eat me and I freak out and turn off the game.
Parasect is amoung the creepiest pokemon in the pokemon world. At least in my eyes. As well as Gengars. How terrifying is it to be potentially killed by your own shadow?
Good, I hate kids.
i too dislike and generalize an entire denomination and wish for them to meet a gruesome end
much like any mature adult would
Every generation besides mine is SHIT.
My generation sucks, it's basically filled with self entitled kids who think they can get away with so much- sorry, I don't want to derail the thread.
i too dislike and generalize an entire denomination and wish for them to meet a gruesome end
much like any mature adult would
I ain't even 18 yet.
It's just me being Cyanide, ignore me.
well cyanide is toxic
Heheeheheh, this why you're one of my favorite people on this site. I laughed at this too hard.
Yo guys what about Phantump.
Born from children that die lost in the forest.
how about how Vanillite and its evolution tree supposedly luring children and pokemon to freeze and then eat them?
But what about Shedinja guys? You stare into it's back and it takes your soul. I have one though and that never happened. Unless... what if I'm dead and I don't really know it? #2spoopy

Real talk tho, when I was a stupid kid I used be afraid that a Gengar would come for me in the night. In the same age area of course where you were convinced that everything fictional was real and all that crap.
funny enough I just plain never liked Gengar
loved my Haunter though. Miss u STEVEN
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Can we stay on topic please?

So when's Dark Pit? And Shulk?
When's Valkyrie is more like it.
Are we really back at these crossroads again?
So when's Dark Pit?

An alternate color scheme, like he was in the beginning.

Though, considering WFT's costume has a voice change, I wouldn't be surprised if it's more of a change this time. As in, new facial expression and Anthony Del Rio doing his other voice, edgier voice. Also, giving him the Silver Bow, like in his Figma


(still waiting for my Pit figma to arrive, and then I'm gonna buy Samus so I can have a desktop Brawl)
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"Pic of the day. The leg and arm positions of some characters will automatically be mirrored when facing left or right. Mario, for example, will have his chest shown in the foreground regardless of whether he's facing right or left. This was quite a tedious task, but thanks to it we can show the best features of each character even better."
Oh good alt colors finally being shown off. Seeing as Mario has his Fire Flower colors I hope they can do the same for Luigi, Peach and Rosalina. It would be nice to see Fire Flower Peach and Rosalina colors complete with ponytails but I 'm sure that isn't happening.

"Here's another example: in the previous games, you saw the back of Kirby's head when facing left. Now Kirby looks great from any angle."

Damn, Bowser's black color looks great this time around!
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Well this is a bit more substantial then what we got yesterday and Monday at least.

An alternate color scheme, like he was in the beginning.

Though, considering WFT's costume has a voice change, I wouldn't be surprised if it's more of a change this time. As in, new facial expression and Anthony Del Rio doing his other voice, edgier voice. Also, giving him the Silver Bow, like in his Figma

If Uprising hadn't been released, that would've been more accurate but considering Uprising gave us like several dozen weapons, many which have a more sinister vibe to them, I don't think that should be done. Also given how much of a presence Dark Pit has in Uprising and the fact that we could do with more villains in Smash (and I honestly doubt Medusa or Hades would be playable instead) there's really not much of an excuse to do that again. It's not like with Captain Falcon and Blood Falcon.

Speaking of that figma, I'd like to point out that also came with the Dark Pit Staff as a weapon. That's another thing he could use instead of the Silver Bow.
"Here's another example: in the previous games, you saw the back of Kirby's head when facing left. Now Kirby looks great from any angle."

Damn, Bowser's black color looks great this time around!
I have mixed feelings about that. I like seeing all the details, and some characters still look good from the back [pause].
I'd prefer the change to be character specific.
I have mixed feelings about that. I like seeing all the details, and some characters still look good from the back [pause].
I'd prefer the change to be character specific.

I think it is. He says some characters, and we've seen how Marth turns to show his cape. I think it's only symmetrical characters with this change.
I have mixed feelings about that. I like seeing all the details, and some characters still look good from the back [pause].
I'd prefer the change to be character specific.
The first image said "Some characters", so it may be character-specific. A potential avoider for this would be swordsmen.
Yea, I can't look at Fox's butt when if this change applies to him.
there's always camera mode for all your butt-looking needs
Well this is a bit more substantial then what we got yesterday and Monday at least.

If Uprising hadn't been released, that would've been more accurate but considering Uprising gave us like several dozen weapons, many which have a more sinister vibe to them, I don't think that should be done. Also given how much of a presence Dark Pit has in Uprising and the fact that we could do with more villains in Smash (and I honestly doubt Medusa or Hades would be playable instead) there's really not much of an excuse to do that again. It's not like with Captain Falcon and Blood Falcon.

Speaking of that figma, I'd like to point out that also came with the Dark Pit Staff as a weapon. That's another thing he could use instead of the Silver Bow.
Well, for one, dark pit is a villain for all of 10 minutes really. He's an anti-hero. It's like saying that Piccolo is a DBZ villain. If KI is getting a villain it's probably hades, but I doubt they're getting more than Palutena.
But I think the big problem is that, no matter how much effort you put in this character, he'll always be a pit clone to the uneducated bystander. He's just a palette swap to 90% of the people who will see the roster. The wolf to pit's fox, maybe, but a 100% new moveset seems really unlikely.
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That is NOT a Gamecube controller design. At all. It doesn't even seem like it'd function as a normal controller! I's missing the D-pad, right stick, and Z button.
it looks like that one fightpad people have bought and regretted it!
That is NOT a Gamecube controller design. At all. It doesn't even seem like it'd function as a normal controller! I's missing the D-pad, right stick, and Z button.
It's a fightpad. It's specifically made for fighting and retro games. But I do agree that it's not very gamecuby. It doesnt release until the holiday season, though, so I expect some changes.
Aren't the PDP pads universally terrible in build quality?
That is NOT a Gamecube controller design. At all. It doesn't even seem like it'd function as a normal controller! I's missing the D-pad, right stick, and Z button.
That's an old one, it's for the wii.

it looks like that one fightpad people have bought and regretted it!
I fucking love my fightpad.
Although, ironically, I use it for platformers on PC.