Funny because they broke that with smash 64. He only has 4 stripes on the sleeves where his clay design has 5 ending in blue. Consistency is irrelevant.

Also, just got home from work so sorry for bringing this up again :(
It was a different time.
Parachute pants were the shit bro. What's wrong with you?
I like a lot of things, but more importantly I dislike things that most people like.
Oh shit! I'm only laughing b-because this Jojo chapter is hilarious.. hehe.
It's the kind of "wtf" retro character everyone was expecting as a newcomer. I'm tooooootally ok with it to be perfectly honest.
How the fuck does PACMAN fight? Really, try harder.
Well, he's techincally not a clone according to that roster leak... Whole new moveset anyone? :D
I don't really give two shits about Pacman. I'd argue with you but I need to get my sleep, and again, it's my opinion. You can either deal with it by shutting up or arguing, which I'm not going to do.
Talk about touchy... yeesh. Have a good one though. Sleep well.