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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I like that commercial. Yet the people aren't playing on the NEW 3DS, which is odd. If they were to market it, that would be the place to do it.
so Shulk's counter becomes harder to use the more you use it


also rip other party members
Big fuckin image

Dammit I thought they were showing a picture of Robin's final smash in the bottom right picture and Virion was in it. And that he'd suddenly started using swords and dyed his hair and bought a nice new jacket to half wear. Now I'm disappointed.

Confirmation of 8 colors as speculated is great. And that Dark Samus color looks awesome. Also depressed Villager is hilarious.

This ad gives me strength

Amazing commercial, lol.
Dammit I thought they were showing a picture of Robin's final smash in the bottom right picture and Virion was in it. And that he'd suddenly started using swords and dyed his hair and bought a nice new jacket to half wear. Now I'm disappointed.
And grew a goatee.
And stopped being actually Miles Edgeworth.
so Shulk's counter becomes harder to use the more you use it


They Shoulda done the same thing with Pit...

You know

Cuz thats how his dodge worked in Kid Icarus Uprising..
That reminds me

why does everyone think either/both Professor Layton and/or Phoenix Wright are in in some form? They're third party as almost everyone else.
Because they've had a ton of games on the DS's.
you know who else had a game on a nintendo system

That reminds me

why does everyone think either/both Professor Layton and/or Phoenix Wright are in in some form? They're third party as almost everyone else.

Phoenix Wright at the least is a Capcom title.
And Professor Layton is almost 2nd party at this point.
I'm not really expecting anything, but with Capcom working on the game I'm hoping for a PW trophy or a song or something.
and got a good design
Well you've had your say ruin but I'll have mine. You're a rascal. You're a rascal with no respect for horses.
No respect for anything... except your little mac...
That reminds me

why does everyone think either/both Professor Layton and/or Phoenix Wright are in in some form? They're third party as almost everyone else.

Because people are dumb and have unrealistic expectations for Smash. Oh, and also because there's a Rayman Trophy.
Top hats are associated more with some goddamn anime character than Professor Layton, I'm disappointed in humanity but mostly myself.
Top hats are associated more with some goddamn anime character than Professor Layton, I'm disappointed in humanity but mostly myself.

Zepelli, and by extension, Speedwagon, rocked the Top Hat WAAAAAAAAY before Layton. JoJo was written years ago.

That said, the official Layton Mii is really good. You should use that.


False. I have no JoJo Miis.

You're banned for having worse taste than Ruin
SadiCyan has got all them supporting characters though

gonna be pimpin Lisa Lisa and Foo Fighters, obv
SadiCyan has got all them supporting characters though

gonna be pimpin Lisa Lisa and Foo Fighters, obv
What about Danica Patrick?
Uh.... Squigly... confirmed for Smash????
I think Squigly is possible to make in the mii maker, without Leviathan of course.

There's a Jack Skellington mii where the mouth could be reused, I think.
Zepelli, and by extension, Speedwagon, rocked the Top Hat WAAAAAAAAY before Layton. JoJo was written years ago.

That said, the official Layton Mii is really good. You should use that.

Layton was already a Mii to begin with so it's not that surprising.
Though actually thinkig about it, I may have just found me swordsman.
I think Squigly is possible to make in the mii maker, without Leviathan of course.

There's a Jack Skellington mii where the mouth could be reused, I think.

I already have it...
my favorite joey joesters are zappelo and speedyweed
So for thouse of you who see me using Squigly in the new 3DS release... Just call me "That Guy who plays as his Waifu outside of Skullgirls"
So for thouse of you who see me using Squigly in the new 3DS release... Just call me "That Guy-
Let me stop you right there, that's good enough.