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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

needs to be a new golden beetle farming battle mode

most golden beetles gets unlimited final smashes

>unlimited final smashes
>4 Sonics

"NOW I'LL SHOW YOU" X1000000000000000000
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Yeah, that's totally the island. Graphics ripped right from it too (I have no problem with that)

It's weird though. We've got good looks at all the WiiU stages, but the 3DS ones not so much.
We have nothing on the DKCR3D Stage, one screen on Streetpass Quest (Find Mii) and I'm betting you we'll only have this one for a while.

Pretty much why I question that "Spring 2014" rumor. We barely know ANYTHING outside of characters, stages, a few misc things like items and certain gameplay mechanics. I don't expect Sakurai to tell us everything ala Brawl but I do expect him to at least hype the game up a bit more and give us some insight on some of the other modes and how both versions connect that should be happening now if it was scheduled for Spring.
Alright, so, confession time. I've been playing through Metroid Other M, and while the story is bad, I'm actually enjoying the gameplay and presentation.

Am I a bad person?

also music of the day
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Alright, so, confession time. I've been playing through Metroid Other M, and while the story is bad, I'm actually enjoying the gameplay and presentation.

Am I a bad person?

Not really. Most people raeg about Other M because of story, not gameplay. Then again, there is some weird gameplay crap in that one. (like no drops from enemies. Dafuq?)
Also unrelated, but can you please...please... FREAKING PLEASE?! Put your Youtube videos under spoiler tags?
I ask this because a lot of the time I'm listening to a video when I'm browsing, and sudden loading of them causes flash to crash, and Firefox to freeze up.
Please, and thank you.
Not sure if this sounds selfish but it's caused flash to act up a lot of times now.
Also unrelated, but can you please...please... FREAKING PLEASE?! Put your Youtube videos under spoiler tags?
I ask this because a lot of the time I'm listening to a video when I'm browsing, and sudden loading of them causes flash to crash, and Firefox to freeze up.
Please, and thank you.
Not sure if this sounds selfish but it's caused flash to act up a lot of times now.

Oh, sorry man. I never knew this was an issue.
Though I do remember Flash crashing was the reason I switched to Chrome. Will do from now on.
Thank you. That's probably why.
It just causes flash to crash and act up sometimes and it's starting to piss me off.

Anyway back on topic.
Anyone think Sakurai will take a day off on Christmas?
...Probably not, he didn't do that at all during the Dojo
sakurai will take a day off when he's dead

that man does not stop working
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Reactions: Jutsei
Yeah, that's totally the island. Graphics ripped right from it too (I have no problem with that)

It's weird though. We've got good looks at all the WiiU stages, but the 3DS ones not so much.
We have nothing on the DKCR3D Stage, one screen on Streetpass Quest (Find Mii) and I'm betting you we'll only have this one for a while.
Well consider that a vast majority of people will be aiming to get the WiiU version. Even I am and I don't have a WiiU and even possess a 3DS. The graphics just look better and when you're showing off screenshots, putting the prettiest ones or the most significant ones on are priority. Like we got stages and new images of player mechanics almost every time a 3DS screen was posted and the WiiU images are just overall pretty :P

I'm predicting a higher profit for the WiiU version than the 3DS version, and the images and frequency of images of both titles is showing it.
You know what Smash really needs? Who am I kidding everyone already knows.



Reggie going to VGX to reveal Cranky for DCKR:TF was clearly a stealthy way to reveal him for smash. 2014 will be the Year of Cranky.
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No idea.
Once more Sakurai's being his cryptic self and only said something about Yellow Devil like he was a Power Rangers character or something
"GO! POWER UP!" shit like that
For those curious, I've been saving every promotional picture thus far. Here's the number of each for each stage (as I've manually saved them all there could be a 1-2 picture margin of error)

Arena Fernox: 10
Battlefield: 111
Boxing Arena: 30
DKReturns 3D: 2 (both are simply stills from the trailer though)
Find Mii: 1
Galaxy: 5
Garden of Hope: 17
Gerudo Valley: 6
Island: 1
New Mushroom Kingdom: 11
Nintendogs: 6
Pilotwings: 16
Pyrosphere: 12
Reset Bomb Battle: 4
Skyloft: 36
Smashville 2: 21
New Hyrule (Spirit Tracks): 15
Yoga Room: 15
Wily Fortress: 18
Windy Hill: 4

There's your fun fact of the day
and now for the (now spoilered) music of the day
What did Sakurai say about today's pic
All I could find is this.

"Dismantle! Unite!! Yellow Devil!!!"
Definitely looks like it's a boss hazard.
I think it'll be like...
Boss Battle in Single Player (Or co-op!)
Stage Hazard in Multiplayer.
I'd be ok with that. That sounds fun.
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Also, something I didn't notice.
Sonic and Mega Man fighting Yellow Devil is probably a reference to the comic.
Nice touch.
Honestly, there's so many references to it, I wouldn't be surprised if they reference it in an event and go all out with it.
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Reactions: Jutsei
Oh yeah! Event battles! Those are always fun :P
A bit of a cheat.
But today's last Smash Bros pic of the week is up.
Nintendog Assist Trophies are back, baby!

It's a Boston Terrier this time.
The labradore must be busy in the 3DS stage.
A bit of a cheat.
But today's last Smash Bros pic of the week is up.
Nintendog Assist Trophies are back, baby!

It's a Boston Terrier this time.
The labradore must be busy in the 3DS stage.
Or maybe it's a random dog every time? Possible.
A bit of a cheat.
But today's last Smash Bros pic of the week is up.
Nintendog Assist Trophies are back, baby!

It's a Boston Terrier this time.
The labradore must be busy in the 3DS stage.

It's a french bulldog. And it has a funny face. :P
And with all this people will still play on final destination every time
Which sucks because Battlefield is the fairest stage.
To be fair, the Nintendog was one of the rarer Assist Trophies in Brawl, and I'd expect the same to be here.
Also, got an amazing Music of the Day. It's a remix celebrating Mario's first handheld outing!
Are people seriously butthurt over Nintendog returning?
I'm just laughing at their tears.
This is legitimately delicious.
The fucker's cute, and I love vision impairing things like that.
Man if people hate Assist Trophies of Nintendog, how the fuck do you think react if they ever made Nintendog a playable character?
Oh man the tears and salt that'd flow!
Good god that's a horrible idea.
Good god that's a horrible idea.
Someone on Smash Boards at least came up with a convincing Moveset.
And given Sakurai's reconsidered Villager, it could happen.
It's just very very very very very very very very very unlikely and improbable.