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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

I could see it being something like Mr. Wright's assist trophy. You know, he points his finger and suddenly BUILDINGS which KO upwards.

Like, erectin' a Police Station or something.
Thing is, all the characters are composite versions of their different selves. Like, even though he physically looks like a villager from City Folk or Wild World, in the trailer and concept you see Isabelle and other New Leaf nuances.


So something involving Mayoring isn't out of the question at all!

Though, right now, all we can do is wait.
both for this and Project M
Like I said, hope we get some FS reveals soon.
So far all we have is Wii Fit Trainer.

Though wait, what's Megaman's Final Smash now?
Maybe Prot-...wait, no, I'm a moron
His Final Smash will be the Rush Armor from Megaman 7
Villager whacks people with Isabelle.
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Villager whacks people with Isabelle.
I imagine it's the villager going to speak with Isabelle about a character's clothing or language and she LET'S LOOSE HER ADORABLE FURY! Like putting you in a barrel and washing your mouth out with soap.
Like I said, hope we get some FS reveals soon.
So far all we have is Wii Fit Trainer.

Though wait, what's Megaman's Final Smash now?
Maybe Prot-...wait, no, I'm a moron
His Final Smash will be the Rush Armor from Megaman 7
Considering that 2 of his Smash Attacks use both busters, I wouldn't be surprised if he uses both busters at once and does something like the giant laser X could do in X8.

Or maybe, seeing as the Mega Upper/Shoryuken is also around, Hyper Mega Man could make a comeback. Who knows?
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Megaman's Final Smash?
Transform into X
Like it's totally random and out of nowhere.

I know it's a reference to Great Mazinger, but still, WHY. HE HAS A SUPER FORM.

You know what? I'd be cool if they used this even. Sure it's Archie but it both makes sense for his character and is awesome.
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So today's Miiverse post is talking about Marth's neutral B, the shield breaker being much more powerful.

... Marth buffs, Sakurai what are you doing
I don't mind buffs to my favorite character. >:D

That being said, unless the Shield Breaker can hit above him like in Melee it's probably going to end up as a throwaway move regardless.
I don't mind buffs to my favorite character. >:D

That being said, unless the Shield Breaker can hit above him like in Melee it's probably going to end up as a throwaway move regardless.

Problem is, he's a fencer, so this actually makes sense for him to do a stab.

Also, I was kinda worried PM 3.0 would be the "Smash 4 Killer", but upon playing it, it's not. There's slowdown when using any "new" models and overall it's cool but nowhere near official quality.
Back to hyping for Smash 4 then!

Also, if you download the update on your 3DS right now you can get MiiVerse. You can look at previous 3DS pics of the day on it to see what it looks like ON the 3DS (no 3D... yet) and it looks so, SO MUCH BETTER.
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I don't think many people understand how awesome an update this is.

You can upload GOOD QUALITY 3DS SCREENSHOTS at ANY TIME from both the UPPER AND LOWER SCREENS. If you then load up MiiVerse on the browser, you can (on Chrome) right-click "inspect element" and find the screenshot in raw form.

Look at this:

Compared to pre-MiiVerse's this:

This is pretty big!
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Personally, I hate the vast majority of the music from the 3D Sonics (especially any and all with lyrics), but when they get their music right...

...they REALLY got it right. I would love to hear Green Forest's music in SSB4. Beyond that, as much music from the 2D Sonics as they can jam in would be appreciated. :)

except Sonic 4 episode 1 and Sonic Chronicles. Both shit games with shit music.

<sarcasm>What? You didn't LOVE the boss music from Sonic 4: Episode 1???</sarcasm>

Personally, I hate the vast majority of the music from the 3D Sonics (especially any and all with lyrics)

Oh man, the lyrical stuff is the best. It's narmy. It's 90s. It's fun.
Even the crappiness of Sonic 06 had some alright lyrical pieces. Dreams of an Absolution was awesome.
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pretty much all sonic music 3D and 2D I love, I really like the music in colors as well.
I like this screenshot! Giving new effects to players who are shield-broken. I don't think the stars were there and rather they were like popping confetti or something. It's likely not a slash though, I can gather that much.
that is almost certainly bullshit
spring is waaaay too early for something announced just this year
Remember how Brawl was announced for a date and then pushed back like three times?

Yeah. Betting that'll happen.

And I kinda want it too. I don't want it rushed. I want a huge game.
There's apparently a rumor that SSB is set to release sometime in Spring of 2014 with Mario Kart 8.
But this could be bullshit of course.

when has any sm4sh rumor been true?
when has any sm4sh rumor been true?

Before release, some guy predicted Mega Man, the Villager and Wii Fit Trainer would be in. (though he also said Little Mac, Pacman and Mii would too) Either he knows something we don't or he was really lucky.