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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Jiggz is actually pretty bad against Marth.
Bull. Jigglypuff is one of Marth's worst matchups and I know this all too well from experience as a Marth main. She's so floaty that 90% of Marth's combos just flat-out don't work on her, and she has the potential to outspace a bunch of Marth's good attacks.
Allright, signed up for the tourney (currently jacking Starbucks WiFi to post from phone). Doubles going on for about 5 hours, heading back home to eat food and sleep, leaving in about 4 to specate the end of doubles and warm up for PM/Melee, probably gonna get out around midnight l, assuming I do not get knocked out first round. Gonna be fun
Allright, signed up for the tourney (currently jacking Starbucks WiFi to post from phone). Doubles going on for about 5 hours, heading back home to eat food and sleep, leaving in about 4 to specate the end of doubles and warm up for PM/Melee, probably gonna get out around midnight l, assuming I do not get knocked out first round. Gonna be fun


But those rules for yer Canadian Smash Club tomfoolery are poop. Like, who the fuck plays timed matches willingly. Everyone and their Mum would rather play stock.
Jiggz is actually pretty bad against Marth.
Bull. Jigglypuff is one of Marth's worst matchups and I know this all too well from experience as a Marth main. She's so floaty that 90% of Marth's combos just flat-out don't work on her, and she has the potential to outspace a bunch of Marth's good attacks.

I don't have a lot of experience in the matchup, but I played some Lucinas online with Jiggz and it was struggle. It felt like Lucina/Marth was a hard counter to Jiggz, mostly because they have too much range to safely approach while Jigglypuff has like no range. I had to play super fucking defensive to get anything done. There's also the problem of Jiggly wanting to be in the air 90% of the time and all of Marth/Lucinas attacks having some vertical range too.
There's a glitch going around that bans you for aroouuuund 139 years online.

"Mr. Sakurai were you aware of this glitch"

"Have you ever made a game before?"
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I think they're trying to get rid of all the Little Mac players.
I don't have a lot of experience in the matchup, but I played some Lucinas online with Jiggz and it was struggle. It felt like Lucina/Marth was a hard counter to Jiggz, mostly because they have too much range to safely approach while Jigglypuff has like no range. I had to play super fucking defensive to get anything done. There's also the problem of Jiggly wanting to be in the air 90% of the time and all of Marth/Lucinas attacks having some vertical range too.
We're talking Melee here, not 4.
We're talking Melee here, not 4.

It'd still be pretty similar, no? Unless Jiggly used to have some range I'm unaware of, since I know Marth has crazy range in Melee.
So there was no WiiU version at Smash Club, but I did pretty good in the tourney. Lost in the first round to my friend, ended up in the losers bracket, and then won 4 matches in a row and then lost to a kid's Mii Swordsman that had impeccable Counter-timing.

I played as Dark Pit through the whole thing. He's kind of my main now I guess? Dat Side B for days, and Down-B murders Mega Man and Robin.
Jiggly still has a ton of tools, like an actual combo system in her favor and throw-rest pretty much being an instakill at any percent. Her back-air is also really good at outspacing a lot of Marth's stuff. Not sure if that's the case in 4, but the range on that thing is rather ridiculous. Just look at it!
Jiggly still has a ton of tools, like an actual combo system in her favor and throw-rest pretty much being an instakill at any percent. Her back-air is also really good at outspacing a lot of Marth's stuff. Not sure if that's the case in 4, but the range on that thing is rather ridiculous. Just look at it!

lol that hitbox.
Jiggz is actually pretty bad against Marth.
It is pretty much dead even as far as I know.

I realised that I haven't played Smash4 at all in like a week. I'm already play melee and PM way more than it, we'll see how wiiU goes.

Wasn't deliberate, really, I think I just don't enjoy this version all that much, despite all the new awesome newcomers.
Melee's hitboxes are stupid.
Like Marth's grab range is longer than Yoshi's.
Actually all Smash's hitboxes in general are stupid.
Have you ever seen Snake's?
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Let's not bring that up
Melee's hitboxes are stupid.
Like Marth's grab range is longer than Yoshi's.
Actually all Smash's hitboxes in general are stupid.
Have you ever seen Snake's?

Your hitboxes are stupid.
I lived for like 15 years without knowing that my crouching punch was an overhead
The thing I'm most interested in is to see if TOs will start having more Team side tournaments.

Like, there's Doubles, but now you can have Triples and Quadruples.
It might make Palutena's Temple not unplayable.
Like, there's Doubles, but now you can have Triples and Quadruples.

Wow, I've never thought of that. That'd be pretty interesting, albeit having 8 dudes huddled up tightly in front of one TV.

Imagine the combos and potential tech with a three or four-man team though.
What if Quadruples totally blew up for Smash 4 and it became an eSports thing and everyone had their own teams and stuff and sponsors everywhere.
8-Player Smash pushes competitive FG into the popular consciousness.
People walking around casually with HungryBox and Ken jerseys.
Painting their faces at EVO to look like Foxes.
Junior League Smash Tournaments.
Parents fall into deep disappointment when their kid doesn't want to play Smash, they just want to play Football.
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"No items, 4v4-only, Big Battlefield" replaces the well-known Fox-only Final Destination jokes.
"No items, 4v4-only, Big Battlefield" replaces the well-known Fox-only Final Destination jokes.
Because that joke made sakurai think the competitive community wanted omega stages.
I'm actually pretty hyped for 4v4. Get some real teams going.

Plus think of the WOMBO COMBOS.
a team of 4 captain falcons
taking the world by storm
Alright, just got back from the tourney.
First, placement,
Melee: 6th, PM: 4th.
Got knocked to losers immediately on both cases, Melee by a pretty cool Sheik player that went on to win the whole event, and in PM by a Fox who knew the Squirtle MU better than I did.
Fought my way through loser's bracket, highlights include a Roy vs Marth that I somehow managed to win, landing three Uthrow-Rests on a Fox, getting some poor Ness to 70 exclusively with Withdrawal combos, and, last but not least, actually managing to hit a reverse Blazer on a Jiggs on Yoshi's, which could very well be the highlight of my life.
Ended on both accounts, by the same Ganon player on both games.
There was a single stream set-up for Melee, but I never made it on, unfortunately.
Overall, pretty fun night, many friendlies played, good times.

TL;DR Everything went better than expected.
What do people think of 8-man smash?

It's fantastic for when you're in a party setting or just have a big group of people you need to cycle through for playtime. From what I've seen, it'll also impact each stage differently, helping stages like Gaur Plain and Palutena's Temple, and (probably) hurting Great Cave Offensive, which has the camera zoomed out so goddamn far it looks unplayable. And I'm sure 8 player smash items on high on smaller stages like Battlefield will be hilarious with so much shit happening at once.

In a competitive sense it will probably go nowhere. I mean, 4v4 COULD happen but most people won't want to bother, as that requires ridiculous levels of teamwork to function at all. Even 3v3 is unlikely, but I guess that might go somewhere.

Alright, just got back from the tourney.
First, placement,
Melee: 6th, PM: 4th.

Damn, I just played a fantastic pair of games with an exceptionally skilled Diddy Kong. He completely destroyed my Robin in the first game but I switched to Ness and I stood much more of a chance. He had great tech and combos with the banana. Learned a lot about the character too.

You can actually hang onto the banana yourself so Diddy can't summon another, of course you sacrifice your normals but it's still an interesting strategy against it.