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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

so does doctor who

doctor who confirmed 4 smash
all of the tennant fans quit Smash because their jesus didn't get picked over a more well written character.
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I'm saying fake as the resolution varies too much between the icons.
And is fairly low in general, usually things ripped from the games are a lot clearer than that.

Let's talk about this stage select for a second though.
I think there's one more Smash original stage coming - cause if you look, you put one more in between FD and MKU and suddenly all the stages are put side-by-side properly.

And I think I know what it might be




"Newcomer Valley"? All other CG ones took place in a stage from the game. Imagine dat lightning engine tho
Unspecific canyon from the newcomer trailers would be cool though.
Anti-Descriptive Cannon

With nonsense missiles as stage hazards

"Pic of the day. Classic mode in the Wii U version is set up like a battle coliseum with multiple fighters teamed up with each other. Move your trophy and join in anywhere you want. You can see faint images of stages on the platform--the number of fighters clustered on those images indicates the number of fighters you'll face. As you can see, this feature leverages the fact that the game supports multiplayer with up to eight players."

Not sure how to feel about this new classic mode; all the random elements and rivals and 8-player things, just seems like it's a bit too much, but I will reserve real judgement until release.
The stages on the bases are really cool, though.
So in easy-to-fake-leaks news, 4Chan apparently found this in the games code.


Ice Climbers
Golden Sun
Chibi Robo
Wonderful 101
Rhythm Heaven

Remember, stages have icons too

As usual, is most likely BS, but it looks pretty cool. Except the last one. It's pretty lazy.

I'm calling fake because Ice Climber didn't even have their own icons for their own old character, and the bowtie for the Rhythm Heaven icon isn't properly aligned at where the two triangles meet.

Oh and if they knew there was gonna be a W101 stage, WHY DOES MARIO GALAXY ALREADY HAVE W101 MUSIC IN IT?

The bowtie icon is for Non-Specific Action Figure. And Newcomer Valley is his home stage.
I'm calling fake because Ice Climber didn't even have their own icons for their own old character, and the bowtie for the Rhythm Heaven icon isn't properly aligned at where the two triangles meet.

Oh and if they knew there was gonna be a W101 stage, WHY DOES MARIO GALAXY ALREADY HAVE W101 MUSIC IN IT?

Why did Temple have that Fire Emblem song still in Brawl when there was Castle Seige?
Why did Temple have that Fire Emblem song still in Brawl when there was Castle Seige?

Because it had that music in Melee.
So? It has a stage present already. Point is, Just because a stage has a certain series' music in it not native to the stage's origin, that doesn't mean it outrules a stage for that music's franchise.

But I think it's complete horseshit. No way W101 is getting in :P
The day W101 gets in is the day Rochelle gets added.
says the guy with a Duck Hunt avatar
I'm not sure what the problem is here.
Why did Temple have that Fire Emblem song still in Brawl when there was Castle Seige?
It doesn't have the Melee FE theme, it only has the Melee Temple theme and the redone new theme.

It was Castle Siege that had FE Melee in its My Music.
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The Sable Prince's visit to Smashville...


Pic of the day. "Your finger stinks!!"

Not as much as EarthBound did. =P


"It is bitter, yet tasty."

...Remind me to never talk to Saharah again. ._.
Shouldn't the Link Amiibo also be on the Mario Kart 8 section since he's a DLC character?
75m wouldn't be fun even if dollar bills spewed out of your Wii U when you played on it.
well i guess it depends on the value of the bills and the rate at which they got spewed
Well I loved 75m anyway, so it's all good that it got in over Rumble Falls

But it was mostly because of the Donkey Kong sfx mix track, so...
I hated 75m, the only good place to actualy fight was up in the top right corner which was too cramped, everywhere else was pretty much unplayable.
There are people who like 75m?
Like, even among Brawl's more ridiculous stages, it was sub-par at best, and infuriatingly unplayable at worst.
Still better than New Pork City though.
Then again, getting your eyes gouged out with a rusty fork is a more enjoyable experience than NPC, so maybe that's not saying much.
There are people who like 75m?
Like, even among Brawl's more ridiculous stages, it was sub-par at best, and infuriatingly unplayable at worst.
Still better than New Pork City though.
Then again, getting your eyes gouged out with a rusty fork is a more enjoyable experience than NPC, so maybe that's not saying much.
God I fucking hate New Pork City. Couldn't they made a better stage than that one?
I'm not sure if this was already posted, if it was, I apologize.

Would you like King K. Rool as DLC?
Yes. Then you might want to check out this site.
I'm going to be salty if the Link amiibo can't also be used in MK8. That was kind of why I wanted to get Link first.

Also nothing can redeem 75m as a fun stage.