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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

The fucking youtube chat was garbage when I watched it earlier at work.

Nothing but bitching and whining about Sakurai holding out on fighters and wanting more.
Going back to the "Each new character comes with a stage and music"
Like I said, I think it's either ALL gonna be new franchises
Or potentially very significant different entres in past franchises.

Like just as a potential example...
For a brand new franchise, let's assume DLC 1 is Yokai Watch related, Jibanyan as a playable character, Yokai Watch stage, tons of YW Music.
But what if it's a new thing to an existing franchise? It'd be something like... Deep Sea Metro Stage with Octo Expansion music, and Octoling as a playable character.

That's how I'm seein' this Fighter Pass, at least, but I'll probably be wrong, there's no way anyone can predict Masahiro "Piranha Plant" Sakurai at this point.
I liked it. Incineroar seems like his gameplay has stuff going on. Ken is gonna be my main so I'm happy for him. Piranha Plant is wack and amazing. And World of Light is the hype awesome thing of the Direct.

They could've trimmed out part of going over every single detail about spirits and briefly filling time with brightness and audio (which was an excuse to talk about the team greying I'm sure). The direct went 41 minutes too so it's even a little over time. And the only thing relevant to competitive this time is the reworked online play, which is nice but not GGPO.
I have to wounder how many cutscenes if any are we getting in adventure mode, is just the begging, boss intros, and end cutscene, or are we going to be getting more as you progress and get more characters. Or is it a case of where what Sakura says is literal and we "have to use are imaginations". Personally I wouldn't mind if it was "here's the beginning cutscene" and then "here's the end cutscene" as long as you also unlock little trailer like cutscenes of the characters you unlock interacting with each other along the way. I mean I imagine that there has to be some form of character interaction other wise why is both Inkling girl and Inkling boy being represented other than just padding, and if any one says gender equality then there better be female Robin as well.
this is great. this is a great character

Beat desperately clinging to the hope that he'll have one good alex
here's something for you bud

Incineroar has the slowest walk speed in the game
I'm kinda hoping Spirits will still have some biography or background information, I don't mind Trophies getting snipped to cut down on development time, but I at least want some lore on characters I don't know shit about
yeah like that sick purple mecha dude I saw for half a second
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yeah like that sick purple Mecha dude I saw for half a second
The Purple Mech guy was a boss from Subspace Emissary. He was like a giant ape, and he had a Subspace Bomb in his chest, if you beat him, he could just Suicide Pact you and suck you into a black hole.
It is actually funny though I really don't mind Piranha Plant because it does work as a joke character (And also just because I imagine basically a long tube with a mouth is so much easier to animate that it's on the level of some echoes) and I imagine the final smash being Petey Piranha was actually that they planned Petey as a boss and just shrugged and gave it to Piranha

I've been thinking about this and I think Piranha maybe one of the harder characters to animate, at least compared to average human-esq model, due to all the squash and stretch, color changing, and model altering and creating that we see of it. Like the spike head forward smash that also changes it's head colors, the spike ball projectile, and the growth and twisting of the leaves when it does it's attack/movement animations.

I mean modeling Piranha would probably be easy though do to no facial features or hands/feet to rig, but at the same time characters like say Ken or Ryu are blocky built dudes with stiff movements/animations so swings and roundabouts, I think. I'm no model creature or animator though so this is just a guess.
no no not that, it was a spirit

looked kinda like a votom
That was ST Falcon, if it's who I think you're talking about. He's from Battle Clash a Super Scope game and the main mech you control and is piloted by Mike Anderson (so you never see it in game I think, IDK I could never get past a mobile fortress named Ivan). The game is mostly forgotten about due to it being a Super Scope game and being a kinda "generic mecha" game to most.
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Alright, so, let's cover two things now.

1. Bosses, so clearly we'll get some recycled Subspace Bosses, but what about new bosses? We got Rathalos and Dracula... but who else? Metal Gear REX, DJ Octavio, Metal Face as an actaul boss this time?

2. If Assist trophies can't be promoted to echoes, or even playable characters, who can we get? DOOM Guy? Dragonborn? Crash Bandicoot? Octoling?
I have to wounder how many cutscenes if any are we getting in adventure mode, is just the begging, boss intros, and end cutscene, or are we going to be getting more as you progress and get more characters. Or is it a case of where what Sakura says is literal and we "have to use are imaginations". Personally I wouldn't mind if it was "here's the beginning cutscene" and then "here's the end cutscene" as long as you also unlock little trailer like cutscenes of the characters you unlock interacting with each other along the way. I mean I imagine that there has to be some form of character interaction other wise why is both Inkling girl and Inkling boy being represented other than just padding, and if any one says gender equality then there better be female Robin as well.
I really hope we get character interaction scenes. The three pillars of a story is plot, characters, lore. Plots are stupid in fanservice crossovers. Nobody cares about the lore of some separate crossover world. It's aaaaaall about the characters. Absolute way-too-much-work icing would be if Sakurai handled cutscenes being uploaded to YouTube by just going all-in and redoing every cutscene for every character who could trigger it, so there are loads of different playthroughs.

Inklings are different from Robin and Corrin in that they've both existed at once from the start, while Robin and Corrin are technically just one person each.
i bless the Nintendo gods
for having a brief 5 second moment of clarity
and remembering Eternal Darkness long enough
to add Alex in smash
I'm also curious if Echo Fighters will be added later? More, at least. Sakurai said Echo Fighters won't be part of the Fighters Pass.
Maybe as free updates a la Splatoon weapon updates?
I'd be down with echo fighters being included like that
Well they did add a free echo to Mario Kart with BoTW Link and the Master Cycle, so why not Smash.
Gonna miss the trophies but its worth it for all the characters. The spirits/stickers do look nice in high resolution though. Like upgraded brawl stickers.
I say having a character as a spirit doesn't deconfirm it as DLC.

Don't give up hope

Also, 72 characters, almost 60 trophies, dozens of franchises... Do we have a guinness world record for biggest entretainment crossover?
One of the weirdest things to come out of this direct is smug people going "that leaked list was too good to be true!" while also being weirded the fuck out by regular Pirahna Plant.

Nothing is too stupid anymore. Sakurai will do whatever he wants and its clear no one will stop this man ever.
Mmm actually, I really wouldn’t say that

Piranha Plant has an extremely specific purpose: Be the absolute opposite extreme compared to every other character introduced up to that point for hilarity. The rule of comedy (at least to me) is a reversal of expectations.

“You were expecting a mega popular character you all voted for, but here’s a piranha plant!”

The reason why it might not feel like that is because it was executed horribly, literally 100% on Incineroar. The most unhype and nonvoted for character being revealed as the last fighter right before piranha plant objectively destroyed the joke. Because there’s no expectations to reverse, you already made the contradiction that would have made piranha plant beyond hilarious. They spent 10 months building up a joke they fumbled at the last step.

So I personally don’t expect another Piranha Plant anytime soon, because I seriously think Piranha Plant was intensely context sensitive
I kind of get the impression that Piranha Plant is probably a sort-of Robo-Fortune kind of character. I think he was an assist trophy they converted into a character to avoid ending on 69 characters. Notice how there are 59 assist trophies. One more would have made a nice, even 60.
I kind of get the impression that Piranha Plant is probably a sort-of Robo-Fortune kind of character. I think he was an assist trophy they converted into a character to avoid ending on 69 characters. Notice how there are 59 assist trophies. One more would have made a nice, even 60.
That could be it too tbh

If you notice a lot of assist trophies this time around have grab animations, damage, knockback, etc. it’s entirely possible while doing that they went “Hey Piranha Plant is surprisingly easy to animate, can we do more?” And the ball rolled from there

Edit: Heck when you think about it the fact that it’s final smash is literally reused boss animations (they may have planned petey for a boss in spirits mode, heck he might still be there) that should have been the biggest indicator it’s a lot cheaper than we might have thought
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Incineraor being unhype is unwarranted, I know many people eagerly expecting him. Unvoted for is understandable...because no one knew he existed before the ballot.

Now, im like 90% sure the Grinch leak was leakbait; an "official fake" if you will, cause too many stars alighn for it to be some random shcmoe on the internet. So if anyone got us, it was a set up by Namco and nintendo all along ha ha.

I will say They did blow their load too soon though.Either K rool or the Belmonts should have been saved for last. Imagine if this direct was swapped with August...think people would be more willing to ride the hype
Yeah like I said, Piranha’s joke completely falls through if the character before it is just “meeehh...” at best. The lowest low to contrast with the highest high of K. Rool, the Belmonts, Ridley, etc. was needed for that

And honestly I would genuinely argue that Incineroar was the least popular starter of gen 7 like jfchfhdv
You guys also have to realize that Piranha Plant is basically another way of saying
"Don't think you know the rules for character inclusion"
Because every single time people made up a rule they thought was true, Sakurai broke it.
Now regular ass mooks are in the running for future Smash games.
Well the one rule he sure hasn’t broken has been one new pokemon character every smash fdhcjchx
So the final character roster of this game is going to be...80 characters.

I think thats the most characters in ANY fighting game EVER. Thats so wild...and not to mention balancing all of this....

So the final character roster of this game is going to be...80 characters.

I think thats the most characters in ANY fighting game EVER. Thats so wild...and not to mention balancing all of this....

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 prided itself on having over 100+ characters.

Anyway, Good ole' Appleboy
Put out a hilarious leak for the first 3 DLC characters, it's VERY likely fake 'cuz chances are the DLC is still getting planned out and worked on, but if you wanna have a good chuckle...
Steve, from Minecraft (lmfao, no), A Dragon Quest character (Would actually be fine by me), A character from Granblue Fantasy (WHAT??? This invalidates the entire "leak" lol)
You guys also have to realize that Piranha Plant is basically another way of saying
"Don't think you know the rules for character inclusion"
Because every single time people made up a rule they thought was true, Sakurai broke it.
Now regular ass mooks are in the running for future Smash games.
When Goku
No, that one rule exists.
Because it was in the Ballot.
And he actually said that instead of people twisting his words.
Character has to originate from a GAME.
He actually mentioned he got a bizarre amount of requests for Spongebob afew years ago
And yes, I still hate that stupid ass meme.
Just because the characters are getting worked on doesnt mean they didnt already choose who is getting in already. Im still heavily expecting Banjo especially with the rumors of upcoming events next week.
Dragalia Lost is actually made by the same dev studio as GBF... and FEH, and probably some other gacha games. But no I seriously doubt even Dragalia Lost gets in as it is, least for more than Spirits (wild hope that they make a console Dragalia game... and hire the Rune Factory devs for it).

Goku would be fun in a game that doesn't have half the cast play like him... especially if it's Kaio-Ken Goku. Not that I expect him to get in. Still hedging bets on Wonder Red, he's basically a Super Saiyan. ;)
Some blokes found out that in the Adventure Mode art, you can see some art of some previously unseen characters,presumably as bosses.
As seen here
You can see King Bulbin, The Werewolf...
And Balder.

Specifically Bayo 2 Balder with his fuckin' amazing moveset
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