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The Steven Universe Thread! [SPOILERS]

Err... that site you linked hosts a metric shitton of adware and viruses disguised as flash/java updates, which it invites the user to install before loading the video. Since not everyone on SH has adblock(!), I've removed your link. Sorry!
Wow, really? I never would've realized, considering I have Adblock myself... o.o
The more you know
I'm surprised since it was the first link that popped up when I searched. Here's a Youtube video instead that shouldn't have the issue.
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Hey the only canon thing to happen
LarsxSadie no more I guess
Decent episode. The canon part was good.
The episode was better than I expected it to be. So much hilarity.
Amethyst is now my favorite gem for eating pizza steve.
Also uncle grandpa's list included juniper lee. <3
Also uncle grandpa's list included juniper lee. <3
my heart fluttered a little when I saw the Swat Kats on there, tbh
I just watched that video on whim. First episode I've seen. I can't put my finger on it, but I just get this feeling like, while kind of funny, the show doesn't really earn its laughs. It's just constantly irreverent. Most of the jokes are just based on cartoonish logical inconsistencies, but it doesn't really back it up with, say, the energy of a show like Superjail, for example.

It feels much closer to Regular Show than Adventure Time (a kid's show I actually do like).
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I just watched that video on whim. First episode I've seen. I can't put my finger on it, but I just get this feeling like, while kind of funny, the show doesn't really earn its laughs. It's just constantly irreverent. Most of the jokes are just based on cartoonish logical inconsistencies, but it doesn't really back it up with, say, the energy of a show like Superjail, for example.

It feels much closer to Regular Show than Adventure Time (a kid's show I actually do like).
tbh, the only joke of SuperJail is that it's SuperJail.
and lately it feels like more people are enjoying Regular Show nowadays over Adventure Time.
I have seen some clips with the other gems from later episodes, and seeing the uncle grandpa bits really make me want to watch it now.
I still think every episode involving the fryshop family is boring.

Superjail is one of the high points of surrealism in commercial animation. Next you're gonna tell me you didn't like King Star King :/
SuperJail was like show you would watch when you're high. at least that's what i did...
I just watched that video on whim. First episode I've seen. I can't put my finger on it, but I just get this feeling like, while kind of funny, the show doesn't really earn its laughs. It's just constantly irreverent. Most of the jokes are just based on cartoonish logical inconsistencies, but it doesn't really back it up with, say, the energy of a show like Superjail, for example.

It feels much closer to Regular Show than Adventure Time (a kid's show I actually do like).
If the crossover episode is the first SU Episode you watched, Then thats the equivalent of playing Sonic 06 for your first Sonic Game. The rest of SU is nothing like this episode, and this episode is clearly the UG team and SU team having fun.
SuperJail was like show you would watch when you're high. at least that's what i did...
Well, I enjoyed it immensely whilst sober. I feel like I see a lot of that Superjail-ish Frenetic-Rube-Goldberg style in the episode of SU I just saw, but without the satisfyingly dizzying imagery Augenblick is known for.
If the crossover episode is the first SU Episode you watched, Then thats the equivalent of playing Sonic 06 for your first Sonic Game. The rest of SU is nothing like this episode, and this episode is clearly the UG team and SU team having fun.
I will watch some more, but I'm willing to bet the pacing and style of the show is pretty uniform throughout.

Superjail is one of the high points of surrealism in commercial animation. Next you're gonna tell me you didn't like King Star King :/
never seen king star king, but the style is the same as superjail, which I have never really liked, tbh. it's cool if you like it though.

every episode just feels the same to me.
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you're going to be surprised Night Phyre. it has a way to get you sucked in. Also I love all the intros with Jacknife so much funny.

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my favorite thing is how the moral of the episode is how you shouldn't be an asshole if someone's doing something different than you are
what the SU fanbase was doing to UG
Yeah definitely watch more. uncle grandpa crossover does not reflect the usual pacing of the show.
my favorite thing is how the moral of the episode is how you shouldn't be an asshole if someone's doing something different than you are
what the SU fanbase was doing to UG
this brings up why I also haven't really been all that keen with the show.
the fanbase.
the less said about that entity, the better.
So, I don't watch Steven Universe, I probably will not watch Steven Universe, from everything I've seen it looks like a great show but it just ain't for me. And I cannot stand the color palette, but that's personal business.

However, I am a crossover connoisseur so I felt drawn to watch this one episode.

And, uh, yeah I liked it. I mean, I don't really mind random humor, it wasn't deviantart levels of predictability or anything and I got some genuine laughs out of it, mostly from the juxtaposition of cartoon illogic and the mostly grounded Steven Universe, um, universe. It feels like an easy joke but I eat that shit up.

Plus I've been hanging around the fandom for a while now, so a lot of the meta jokes really struck home for me.

I dunno, maybe I just got low standards, but I enjoyed it. Like I said, I probably won't watch the rest of the show, this one episode didn't intrigue me or anything, but it was good, and at the very least it wasn't as bad as a lot of the building anti-hype built it up to be.
Haven't seen Steven, but I watched the crossover because i'm a sucker for crossovers, was waaaay better than i thought it would be.

Also, Dex, the Eds and PPGs are kind of go-to references so I didn't get a kick out of them, and Finn, Flapjack and Clarence were meh choices but seeing Mac, the SWAT Kats and ESPECIALLY Juniper was very appreciated.
Now for the ugly question brought up by @SanoBaron , but is the fanbase bad? I've heard nothing about it (and haven't looked that hard)
They've been whining about this crossover ever since it was announced, going out of their way to find things to hate about Uncle Grandpa.
I've only ever seen one proper episode of Uncle Grandpa, and I couldn't stand it. For that reason, I was with the majority who were dreading the crossover. Luckily, I thought it was hilarious, but I'm thinking maybe Uncle Grandpa's style of humor works better when there characters that are more...normal (for lack of a better word) for him to bounce off of.
Steven Universe' fanbase as three types of internet people weirdly fused together:
-Poe Law Tumblrina (Many fans can't stand the gems being called 'she' because it's offensive to agenders or something, and since much of Tumblr hates cis gay people, many deny the lesbian romance)
-Meme fuckers (They got in because the show is filled with obvious nerd references. Put the characters in a stupid meme and you get 30000 notes or so. I've done it too because I hate myself)
-The creativity and talent almost as good as the Gravity Falls fandom (as shown by the gemsona project, and the atention and passion fans put in any possible theory)

I enjoy being a part of this fandom overall.
I will watch some more, but I'm willing to bet the pacing and style of the show is pretty uniform throughout.
The Uncle Grandpa episode is definitely the exception than the rule with regard to how SU episodes are usually paced. That being said I think my biggest gripe with SU's structure is that its restricted to 10 minute episodes. I love episodic narratives but when the story is restricted to such a short timeframe it feels like the non-filler episodes never have enough time to explore their particular story.
Watched it. Love the show. Thought the crossover was good (UG dressing up as Steven's dead mom was the only part I disliked). Hope to see more in the future.
I mean, that's kind of what I thought yeah. That's how he comes in, dressed up as Rose as a joke.
Steven doesn't seem to mind, though.
This might've been written before that Amethyst episode where she transformed into a replica of Rose, and it was clearly shown off to be wrong. I mean, Garnet is her design before she regenerated/fused back.

Either way I'm assuming it was the Uncle Grandpa team that wrote that part, so something like that shouldn't happen again. Probably for the better, too. Lots of people were upset by the joke due to A. Dead mom jokes and B. possible transphobia. I mean I see where they're coming from, fat/ugly guy in dress har har certainly looks like a transphobic joke and has its negative effects. But the actual joke was fat/ugly guy dressed as kid's dead mom har har. Which... may be even worse come to think of it.
The crossover episode was made before the Steven bomb, and it goes completely off the SU canon. But yeah that joke was very fucked up. The drama in this show is well written and believable, after seeing Steven traumatized by Ame's shapeshifting this was a huge insult.
I found the jokes aimed at the fanbase interesting, but this was a completely useless since none of the jokes are as good as the ones SU can pull by itself.
Lots of people were upset by the joke due to A. Dead mom jokes and B. possible transphobia. I mean I see where they're coming from, fat/ugly guy in dress har har certainly looks like a transphobic joke and has its negative effects. But the actual joke was fat/ugly guy dressed as kid's dead mom har har. Which... may be even worse come to think of it.
Not necessarily saying that people are wrong for taking the joke as transphobic, but I'm trans and that thought didn't even cross my mind when I saw it. And I'm certain that the crewniverse didn't mean for it to come across that way.

I was a bit put off by him taking on Rose's appearance in front of Steven though.
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Not necessarily saying that people are wrong for taking the joke as transphobic, but I'm trans and that thought didn't even cross my mind when I saw it. And I'm certain that the crewniverse didn't mean for it to come across that way.

I was a bit put off by him taking on Rose's appearance in front of Steven though.
Oh yeah, I'm not saying that was the intent. But those kind of jokes have the tendency of accidently establishing that a man in a dress should be seen as a joke. Which in turn can cause a lot of issues for those who later in life become uncomfortable with their gender or sex.

And even then, again, some guy was dressing up as a kid's dead mom. So either way it's a lose/lose situation in terms of the joke.

Like an offensive equilibrium.
well it wasn't really offensive to Steven
he didn't really care at all
maybe he's just kinda cool with that shit
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well it wasn't really offensive to Steven
he didn't really care at all
maybe he's just kinda cool with that shit

Wasn't it discussed that he was super upset about it, though, when Amethyst did it?
maybe he's cool when dudes do it, idk
ask the creators, they'll give you a 100% serious answer