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The Wulf Den

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My Take would be a mix of Abel with some Captain america madness and Litchi with the chair traps :)

But you never know! this is Skullgirls I mean have you guys seen Big Band level 3? its pretty cool!
I read the above stuff, and I have to disagree that Beowulf will be a the first "straight" Grappler.
I see Beowulf as someone like, say, El Fuerte or Abel, someone with grapples, but there not his bread and butter.
Well we'll see what happens when Beowulf is finally released. We can speculate all we want but the truth of the matter is that we won't really know how he'll play until we see him in action. This is Skullgirls, I'm sure we aere all surprised by how Big Band plays.
I really wish the definition of a "Straight Grappler" as you define it wasn't just a big lumbering oaf with a few hard hitting grabs. That'ts not what true wrestling is, I'd like to call Beowulf a "True Grappler." Someone who can fight from any position with a move for every occasion.
I picture Beowulf taking quite a bit from Litchi more than the idea of him being a grappler. Sliding and positioning the chair...
I'm hoping for a combination of both actually. One move I hope that Beowulf will have would be to set out The Hurting and knock opponents into it to set up some special throws, and if you decide to do nothing and leave them in the chair, this happens.
I really wish the definition of a "Straight Grappler" as you define it wasn't just a big lumbering oaf with a few hard hitting grabs. That's not what true wrestling is, I'd like to call Beowulf a "True Grappler." Someone who can fight from any position with a move for every occasion.
I believe Ace meant "True Grappler" in accordance to classic gaming conventions, or rather, if the new ones fall in line to the spirit of the grand daddy of them all - The Gief. In that sense, I don't think Beowulf will be a "True Grappler", but I don't think PoPo is one either since some folks can mess up the opponent without need of getting a Buster in (the move is more like a psychological weapon than anything else). So yeah, I don't think Beowulf will fit the old "moving wall" archetype but I don't think he'll be a runny luchador like Fuerte/Blaze/Ramon either.
But then again...
Beowulf Gameplay Inspiration said:
Tizoc (Garou: Mark of the Wolves), R. Mika (Street Fighter series), Macho Man Randy Savage (WWE), The Ultimate Warrior (WCW), King (Tekken), El Fuerte (Street Fighter IV), Captain America (Versus series), not Kanji
From reading this, I guess he might have anti-air grab, close range grab and dash grab, a attack from above (Tizoc's elbow drop, Mika's ass bomb) and a mobility skill to get around (maybe not a dash since Bella already has that but a evade like Cap's cartwheel).
We'll have to wait and see.

Speaking of which, this talk of the Gief reminds me of the olden days when throws were done by pressing a direction+Hard P or K when at closest range and in SSFII, Zangief had like 6+ throw animations just from using MK, HK, MP and HP. The new input method leaves less room for error but something got lost in the process.
What would you guys think if Beowulf had that grapple method and with it, at least 4 different grapples plus the LP+LK ones? Stuff that could give him more tactical options.
On that note, I hope he has a Irish Whip that causes wall bounce.
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If Beowulf's forward throw isn't a van-daminator I'm going to be thoroughly disappointed. I always thought Beowulf would be like a combination of King and El Fuerte (but...y'know, not terrible and racist.). The only thing I REALLY WANT out of this character though is the ability to chain grabs together in some kind of way that's fun to look at, but still challenging and has enough variation to not get boring.(Think UMVC3 Dante) I honestly like the concept of this character so much that I'm fine with whatever they do though. A very unique thing.
So now that there's a beowulf subforum, shouldn't this get moved?
NUPE. The Beowulf Discussion Subforum != The WulfPack. We talk as much about Beowulf as we talk about other random nonsense and try to secretly plot to build hype. We are a separate entity entirely...as far as I know. Iunno maybe they wanna move it. Ask somebody important...like...SkullZen Denizen.
NUPE. The Beowulf Discussion Subforum != The WulfPack. We talk as much about Beowulf as we talk about other random nonsense and try to secretly plot to build hype. We are a separate entity entirely...as far as I know. Iunno maybe they wanna move it. Ask somebody important...like...SkullZen Denizen.
But it's still beowulf related. We're not removed from beowulf, we just talk about other stuff sometimes. Otherwise we wouldn't be in the unreleased characters section.
I started this thread because I wanted a place where people united by common interest could go to talk about Skullgirls, Beowulf, and anything else that interests them. Where this thread lies has never really been of much concern to me, I mean before SkullHeart's second death we were situated in the Lore section. It's up to the Forum Moderators to decide where this thread should be.
All I care about is that it stays what it is; A place that The Wulf Pack can call home.
I read the above stuff, and I have to disagree that Beowulf will be a the first "straight" Grappler. A straight grappler, at least in my opinion, is someone like Zangief or Potemkin, who's big, slow, grabs that hit like a truck, a simple way to move forward while protecting themselves, and other such things. I wouldn't even consider Bella a straight grappler because she has so much priority and can zip around the stage just as fast as any of the other cast without the need to use her grapples. The only Skullgirls character I could see becoming a "straight grappler" is Hubrect, who Mike Z said was going to be. I see Beowulf as someone like, say, El Fuerte or Abel, someone with grapples, but there not his bread and butter.
Now that I think about it, Beowulf's body shape doesn't really look like those of a grappler-type character. his arms look smaller than Vice Versa's or Hubrect. Maybe Beowulf will be a rather swift but strong character, like a wolf.
To be fair, MOST people's arms are smaller than Vice-Versa's.

...which makes her more like a grappler than Beowulf.
I started this thread because I wanted a place where people united by common interest could go to talk about Skullgirls, Beowulf, and anything else that interests them. Where this thread lies has never really been of much concern to me, I mean before SkullHeart's second death we were situated in the Lore section. It's up to the Forum Moderators to decide where this thread should be.
All I care about is that it stays what it is; A place that The Wulf Pack can call home.
Well, either way, we definitely don't belong in unreleased future characters anymore.

Now that I think about it, Beowulf's body shape doesn't really look like those of a grappler-type character. his arms look smaller than Vice Versa's or Hubrect. Maybe Beowulf will be a rather swift but strong character, like a wolf.
Not every grappler needs to be some comically massive strong man. Most of them have arms that are just about as muscley as Beowulf's.
I mean not every grappler is Zangief, that would just be boring.
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It looks like EightySixed is getting into the spirit of Black Friday. Every T-Shirt that they've ever made is now available for this weekend. There are no price deals yet but according to one of their tweets there will be some soon. What I'm hoping for is the announcement of hoodies sometime soon, here's hoping that they listened to us and release a Beowulf zipper hoodie.
Now that I think about it, Beowulf's body shape doesn't really look like those of a grappler-type character. his arms look smaller than Vice Versa's or Hubrect. Maybe Beowulf will be a rather swift but strong character, like a wolf.
It's not the size of the wolf in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the wolf. Anyone can be a Grappler.
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It's not the size of the wolf in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the wolf. Anyone can be a Grappler.
My point was that since Beowulf's muscles aren't as huge as Vice Versa's, it's less likely that he'll be an exclusively grappling character. But whatever, my logic is flawed and will probably always be flawed.
Too bad I'm not interested in anything :(
Well I am, I bought the 10 Pack Character Pins and it only cost me $11, fucking awesome.

By the way Revenant you're a big Gurren Lagann fan right?
My point was that since Beowulf's muscles aren't as huge as Vice Versa's, it's less likely that he'll be an exclusively grappling character. But whatever, my logic is flawed and will probably always be flawed.
Vice from KoF is a grappler and she's not even the slightest bit muscular
Well I recently started watching Gurren Lagann. You know that old question "What book would you carry through the pearly gates when you die?" Well Gurren lagann would be the anime that I would carry with me, it officially replaces Attack on Titan as my favorite anime.
This show is just so...
Words can not describe it, I cried in the first episode. THE FIRST EPISODE.
My only regret while watching this is that the internet has already spoiled every moment of the show for me.
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I know right, it's so much fun! I'm sad though, it looks like the Kickstarter didn't reach it's goal.

What will this mean for the future of Dino Run? Extinction?
yea well hopefully they try again in the future or keep receiving donations through pay pal and it gets made some day
Uuuggghhh I don't know what to do for these reminders anymore.
Just watch some Skullfaced or something.
By the way I won yesterday.
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Hey, Hey Wulfpack!
I have a request to make!
What with the recent events between L0 and Konami, Console Skullgirls is in a little bit of danger, as I'm sure you guys know already. My request is simple: play Skullgirls Beta on PC! The quicker bugs are found out, the quicker the console patch can be made and submitted! I'm not asking you to buy SG again, but if worst comes to worst with the console patch, a lot of people may have to do just that. Just spend a little bit of time on SG Beta over the next couple of weeks. If you find bugs, submit em, if you dont find any then AWESOME!
Capn is right guys, this is an urgent issue that needs our attention. It's not something you can just look at a go, "Oh, well that sucks" and just go on about your day. If you're able to help, even if it's just a little bit then you should do that. Looking for programming bugs is like looking for bugs in real life, the more people are searching for them the more likely one will be found. I'm sitting here restless at the thought that I can't do something to help, since I own a Mac and I have a super busy weekend. It would alleviate my suffering to know that The Wulf Pack is helping out!

Learn about exactly what is going on here:
Dude, congrats on the win yesterday! Agree with you guys about helping out. I would if I could, my video card prevents me from playing steam games, so SG is just sitting on my HD. :/ IF the console stuff is sorted out I'll buy it again there on the PS3
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Thanks Shock that means a lot, I've got bigger news though. Last Friday was a duel meet so that was just one match.
Today I had a tournament which is several matches and I won every one! That's right Wulf Pack, I got 1st place!
I'm not trying to brag, I'm just super excited because I haven't gotten 1st place in a tournament in a long time.
This has also broken my losing streak so I just wanted to share the news.
I can't wait to hear Big Band in action, but this brings up a bigger question. Who is the voice actor that can take on the epitome of heroism and manliness that is Beowulf?
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Seriously, this is huge for me. Could not WAIT to hear that saxy, sweet voice over my laptop's speaker. Best of luck to Rich Brown.
Who is the voice actor that can take on the epitome of heroism and manliness that is Beowulf?
Troy Baker. #TroyBakeraseveryone :3
I don't really have any concrete recommendations but I imagine Beowulf, despite being a wrestler, have a almost high born, aristocratic countenance but still very masculine about it. Something like Dark Souls' Solaire of Astora.

Congratulations on your victories, Denizen. A perfect streak sounds like a whole case of whoop ass opened.
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While I like those guys, I'd like to hear someone...new. anime and videogames are oversaturated with the same like 15 voice actors, and frankly I'm tired of hearing their voices. They're not bad, just EVERYONE EVERYWHERE.
That being said...David Hayter...
David Hayter would be a great choice since Steve Blum is unable. Too bad I am getting sick of Skullgirls and the people who play on Xbox. Here's to the Mac port:
I don't think Mike would let him have the same voice actor as Kanji.
Just imagine how ironic and funny that would be though.

After listening to @Shockdingo's voice attempt I decided that it would be cool if he had a bit of an accent.
I'm not sure what kind though, something in the realm of a Bronx, Brooklyn, or some other New York accent.
John DiMaggio could pull something like that off, but I don't know of any other voice actors that do that sort of voice.
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