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The Wulf Den

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A question for the Wulf Pack, who is your favorite Wrestler excluding Beowulf and who is your Favourite Wolf or wolf themed Character excluding Beowulf?
Does Hideyoshi from Sengoku Basara count as a wrestler? Piledriving his way to a stronger nation. :3
As for the wolf, mine's also Ammy as well.
Wow that was some hiatus this thread had. Listen Wulf Pack, don't be afraid to talk about anything you want. Here in The Wulf Den there are no limits, Beowulf may be our champion but he doesn't need to be the absolute focus of our conversation.
The gesture is vividly appreciated but, personally, I really got no clue what to discuss. Probably because the shame of not playing the game in ages is gnawing at me like a rabid termite colony. (.__.)
(My defense is that I'm a filthy console peasant.)

Anyway, about the "original Skullgirls", I assume you already read the Wikia article?

And thanks for that tumblr page. Certainly haven't seen that one before. Needs more Oujo-sama though.
Side note, ever since Tumblr limited it's search function for non-users, I stopped looking besides a few key pages.
How about references Beowulf can have to other things as "parody?"

What genre of music (modern) would fit best for a song about Beowulf? I've been making a lot of music for the Annie fan game lately, and one of the pieces I made (which is secret and not for you to hear until later) was so bad-ass that I thought I might make a small EP of songs about Skullgirls. Keep in mind, this would include lyrics and full band instrumentation. Thoughts?
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Skullgirls is Jazz themed and Beo is a wrestler, so maybe Jazz Fusion?
Something peaceful, that becomes more intense and dramatic as it goes on.
My favorite wrestler is King, and my favorite wolf is JON TALBAIN.
A question for the Wulf Pack, who is your favorite Wrestler excluding Beowulf and who is your Favourite Wolf or wolf themed Character excluding Beowulf? Mine would be The Undertaker for the wrestler and Amaterasu for the wolf character.
Arn Anderson because my Dad scared the crap outa him in High School.

As for the wolf character, probably J. Talbain. Not to keen on my Wolfs...
A question for the Wulf Pack, who is your favorite Wrestler excluding Beowulf and who is your Favourite Wolf or wolf themed Character excluding Beowulf? Mine would be The Undertaker for the wrestler and Amaterasu for the wolf character.
Rowdy Roddy Piper.
The wolf one is tough... Star Wolf?
they are not having salty at footsie anymore and may switch the day it is on!
Also next week there will be no Salty Cupcakes because of Halloween!

I'll still make a special post for that day, but it's a bummer that there won't be anything to do it for.
Whoa, at younger Beowulf! Interesting, but I'm loving the older badass that we know and love today. I tend to resonate with older characters hah, so I might be biased.

Favorite wrestler in RL? Hmm that's a tough one. When I was heavily into wrestling I rotated around favorites per era I guess hah. I remember going through the Stone Cold, Hart Bros., Degeneration X, Kurt Angle, Undertaker (old and classic) phases. Always loved Hogan and Randy Savage though.

John Talbain is by far on of my favorite Wolf characters in fiction. He's a British werewolf who knows martial arts, has such an awesome and smooth theme and can fire a dragon at you! What's not to love? :D
@Cybermanworf I don't follow pro wrestling, so I have no idea how to answer that. As for my favorite wolf themed character, that's also a tough question to answer. Hmm, the first person that comes to mind is Free from Soul Eater.
I may think of someone different later, but for now Free will do. He's pretty damn cool.
@Night Phyre I know it isn't modern, but this is the first thing that came to mind when I imagined what music would represent Beowulf. A Warrior's Heartbeat.
If you're looking for something more modern that fits with the theme of Skullgirls then I would say Freeform Jazz.
It's high energy music that doesn't limit itself to a particular form, which I believe matches Beowulf's character pretty damn well. I don't think anything could top what @Revenant posted though.
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Wow, no one's interested in the story that involves Arn Anderson getting the shit scared out of him by a small piece of paper and the word "Spider" being softly said?
Wow, no one's interested in the story that involves Arn Anderson getting the shit scared out of him by a small piece of paper and the word "Spider" being softly said?
Tell it Lavama. I don't know anything about Arn Anderson or pro wrestling but it sounds like an interesting story.
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Just a quick announcement, I'm going on a trip to Massachusetts for the weekend and I will most likely not have any internet connection while I'm there.
So The Wulf Pack will have to do without me for a couple days, I'll see you all on Monday.
Have a safe trip Denizen!

Now wulf pack on November 2 I will be in a Skullgirls tournament here in Mexico

Give me tips! What do you guys do agains Fillia and Double?


Um, depends on who you are Blaken. I'm shit at Skullgirls, so no advice that I can give. Ask around your main's forum.
Give me tips! What do you guys do against Fillia and Double?
For this match-up, I make use of the wisdom I gathered from my Dark Souls experience - resignation. Lots of resignation.

In all seriousness, during my most active time with SG, I've played a lot of matches against one Filia/Double player. A nice lad with flawless execution and one that just wouldn't turn the fuggin' "kill switch" OFF for a goddamned second, like every match is the goddamned EVO finals. So there I was, little casual me, getting constantly slaughtered with relentless Filia rushdown and Double ass bombs. Those matches were my crash course in pushblocking. Alas, pushblock j.HP, pushblock c.MK, pushblock Hairballs, pushblock ass bombs...no matter how many times I did, she just keeps coming. But I eventually learned at what point I should pushblock those multi-hitters.
Anyway, given my abysmally poor execution, my only hope to even put up a fight was by improving the neutral game. And by "improving the neutral game" I mean "spam that Cerecopter assist like a champ". Which, to it's credit, worked very damn well at shutting one-track minded Filias. But then I felt terrible about relying on one move. (.__.)
But yeah, the folks at the Characters sections will be of actual help given that they actually know what they are saying.
I just used the opportunity to reminisce. :P
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I have returned from my journey to Mount Greylock.
This is likely what it would have said if it could talk.

Didn't I say a long time ago that I hated being called that? OK I'll say it again, I am not the leader of The Wulf Pack.
I don't really deserve that title, all I did was create the name and the thread, I haven't contributed much else outside of spirit. If you must call me leader, then please remember that all of the power lies in your hands, all of you. *Dramatically looks off into the horizon*

So what happened while I was gone? Not much from what I can see.
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I added shadow of impending doom to my repertoire. From what I hear my Peacock play is much more annoying now.
By the look of it I already abhor your team Muro.
I don't always play Skullgirls, but when I do, I prefer Solobella. REAL BRAZILIAN DAMAGE.

Seriously I actually don't play Skullgirls, or any fighting games all that often. When I do play, I almost always go Solo. It's not a conscious and informed tactical decision, it's just a personal preference. I'm such a scrub at fighting games it's not even funny.

I'm a lot better with FPS's, hence my obsession with Destiny.
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Seriously I actually don't play Skullgirls, or any fighting games all that often.
This is so weird, to me. It'd be like somebody over at SRK saying, "Eh, I don't really play Street Fighter, I just like how Ryu looks." It's like... why aren't you playing the game? How are there so many people who like the game but don't actually like the game? :(
I don't always play Skullgirls, but when I do, I prefer Solobella. REAL BRAZILIAN DAMAGE.

I agree with the sentiment. I prefer solo matches as well, especially since most fighting games nowadays have the player control a whole bloody entourage. The lack of a dedicated solo mode is one of my quips with Skullgirls (though I can understand why it is not available).
And no way you can be worse at fighting games than me. I play since Street Fighter II, and I'm STILL terrible. -_-"

Anyway, how about we get some culture up here in this beeyatch? Beowulf - Summary & Analysis by Thug Notes
Just discovered this series. *slowpoke.jpg*
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This is so weird, to me. It'd be like somebody over at SRK saying, "Eh, I don't really play Street Fighter, I just like how Ryu looks." It's like... why aren't you playing the game? How are there so many people who like the game but don't actually like the game? :(
I love Skullgirls, each and every facet of it. However, between academics and athletics I have to allot what little free time I have to more important things, such as studying, exercise, and talking too much on SkullHeart. Think of it this way, it's the same way a person can love music, without actually being able to play an instrument. Of course one could make the claim that you can't really love music without playing it, but that's another discussion.

@Balder There's an easy way to find out who's worse at this game, but I've sworn off playing consoles for the time being out of responsibility. Solos for life brother.
That video was awesome, I'm tempted to send the link to the channel to some of my old english professors.
For those of you that did not watch it last week, there is no Salty Cupcakes today because of Halloween and the fact that Lab Zero is currently searching for a new venue to host it. That's right, Salty Cupcakes will no longer be held at Frootsii. It will also most likely be held on a different day. At the moment L0 is uncertain what day that will be but for now it will most likely be Tuesday.

On the bright side, or the dark and spooky side, EightySixed released a new poster designed by @Viro Veteruscy. This is a limited edition Halloween poster and will only be available until November 4th, so order it while you can! I know I might, it's only $6.95.

So what is The Wulf Pack doing this Halloween?
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Didn't mike say that there would still be a big band demo, even if it's just at his house or something rather than an actual salty?
I feel I'm a little too old to be trick-or-treating(which sucks). So I'm probly just gonna get on some Fightan Games. Or...work...
Didn't mike say that there would still be a big band demo, even if it's just at his house or something rather than an actual salty?
Yeah I remember him saying that he would do something for Halloween so I've been checking Twitter for updates.
Nothing so far.

I'm going to hide in my room all night eating pumpkin pie and watching the Shitstorm of Scariness.
I´m going to a graduation party
Kids are running around this place asking for candy which I found reeeallly odd since this is Mexico!
Good thing I had candy around XD I would feeel bad if they did not get any like last year...

Also everyone should play "DreadOut" (Demo) I really recommend it!!! It´s so fun and totally not scary att all!
me and my friends just walked around in costumes i just carried a chair around saying i was the chairmen and thanking people for there chairity.
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Oh man sorry for not hanging out here as much since the alert for the forum from Tapatalk which I rely on so much has turned off. Anyway, why aren't there any fanart of Beowulf the Werewolf (and Eliza the Vampire) yet? It seems so obvious.
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Oh man sorry for not hanging out here as much since the alert for the forum from Tapatalk which I rely on so much has turned off. Anyway, why aren't there any fanart of Beowulf the Werewolf (and Eliza the Vampire) yet? It seems so obvious.
Because this fandom is starving of artists, the Anime fans, Homestuck fans, and MLP fans are hogging them all. ;_;
I'm actually shocked that I haven't seen any "Attack on Gigan" art yet. The only thing that comes close is this piece by Alex Ahad.
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Oh god, that pic is funny, but the imagery made my brain and eyes recieve a Happy Birthday.
Beowulf in a bunny suit. I just... can't.
*cue music*

Side note, anyone know if Beowulf, Oujo-sama and Robo-Fortune got any art in the gallery besides being in group shots?
- concept pic back from his potential DLC char profile before the vote
- pic released when he won his vote

- concept pic back from her potential DLC char profile before the vote
- pic released when she won her vote
- "Thanks for 600k!" pinup
- The EVO envelope for 1st place

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