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The Wulf Den

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Salty Cupcakes has been renamed to SALTY! because of the fact that it is no longer held at Frootsii.
SALTY! will be held at The Ultimate Gaming Center at 8551 Vesper Ave, North Hills Los Angeles, CA 91402.
SALTY! will now be held on Friday night instead of Thursday night and an hour earlier, so it's 7PM PST & 10PM EST.
Click the link below for more details.
Salty on a reasonable day at a more reasonable hour? What form of witchcraft is this?!? Probably Gypsy.
I know plenty of people who would disagree with you. For this week at least, that is actually the worst time for me to watch Salty. I need my sleep on Friday night for a tournament this Saturday. I'm still going to watch it though.
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Today's Salty Reminder is going to be super short because I'm doing this at the last minute and I'm pretty bummed.
In light of the recent arrival of the Skullgirls Art Gallery, let's celebrate fan artists today.
Here is your mission if you choose to accept it. Post a link to your favorite Skullgirls fan artist along with a piece of their art and give a brief summary of why you like them.
Retrodynamics, or simply Retro, is my favorite Skullgirls fan artist at the moment. I like her because she's a fan of Skullgirls, Beowulf, and overall just a really cool and funny person. Her art style is on the comedic side but she knows how to draw human anatomy and she isn't afraid to do it. She also reblogs a lot of the stuff I'm into, so her Tumblr is fun to follow.
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We can also celebrate with someone giving me a link to a gallery filedump. #JustSayin :3

It's a tough one because Skullgirls has a LOT of very talented artists "flocked" around it but I'm putting my vote on emlan.
emlan has campaigned for Oujo-sama thus making her automatically better than about 3/4 the competition, is a fan of Skullgirls, JoJo, Sengoku Basara, Castlevania AND Okami, has a very unique style of both drawing and coloring as well as the creativity and sense of humor to put such talent to good use.

Shouldn't the 'Cupcakes' be dropped from the reminder? :3
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That's some nice art! :D I really like the colour scheme and the black and yellow "danger" bits she has.
I'm sure everyone has noticed this by now but I'm posting it here just in case and to start some conversation. EightySixed released another new poster by @Viro Veteruscy. It looks like it belongs on a Metallica album cover.
If I were to choose a piece of Beowulf art to be sold as a poster by EightySixed I would choose one of these two.
Didn't know it got put up >w<

SUPER LAST MINUTE EDITION. Sorry I've been really busy lately and I totally forgot about it.
Click the image above for a link to the Skullgirls Official Tumblr, where they made this announcement:

"With the release of the Art Gallery on the PC version of Skullgirls, we’d like to take some time to show our appreciation to all of the wonderful guest artists that contributed to the guest gallery section!
Here is a listing of all of the artists, with links to their website(s) and links to their associated pieces. Please check them out. You won’t be disappointed!
Just keep in mind some galleries aren’t safe for work."

Check out Beowulf on the diving board up there. He is going to WRECK that pool. The poor souls enjoying the peace are completely unaware of the WATERY APOCALYPSE that is about to occur. His manonball will go down in history as the SECOND GREAT FLOOD.
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Crapcrapcrap!! I forgot to catch these streams! D: I hope they were awesome!
I started watching around 10:00 and it was pretty awesome for a while. I really liked the band that was playing all that J-Rock. I fell asleep when they tourney started though, I have no idea what happened after that.
Oooh, JRock? Nice :D Aww man, sorry to hear you fell asleep after that! D :
It's alright, I was at a dual meet all day so I had no energy left to stay up. I missed Toonami also, but I can always just watch what I missed online.
Is there anyone who watched the whole Expo that can brief us sleepy people on what happened?
It's alright, I was at a dual meet all day so I had no energy left to stay up. I missed Toonami also, but I can always just watch what I missed online.
Is there anyone who watched the whole Expo that can brief us sleepy people on what happened?
Well the stream kept on dying during tournament and they decided to stopp streaming early. They did say that they were recording everything and uploading it on youtube, though.
I think Cosplay in general is pretty radical. I mean not everyone is going to look great, but it takes a lot of guts to step out there in a crazy outfit and put yourself on display. I've never done it before, and I probably never will unless someone manages to convince me. However, if I were to cosplay as someone, it would be Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender. I've been told by many people that we look a lot alike.
You've all probably noticed that lately I haven't been putting much effort into these Salty Reminders. Well that's because I'm a lazy procrastinator.
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Well, I really can't see it on the surface, so I guess I'll ask you guys.
What really made Beowulf stand out to you? I mean, from my perspective, he was just kind of...a boxer. Nothing wrong with a simple approach, I suppose, but compared to a lot of the other potential candidates, he seemed really lackluster. He can punch, he has a chair, he might be good for a humorous Punch-Out!! reference...but other than that, he doesn't have much going for him in my books. Were I here for the voting (And I obviously wasn't), he would've been the last guy I'd consider voting for. So how did he win?

To be absolutely fair, I haven't played many fighting games (As mentioned in my intro post), so it's possible that people saw some of their favorite fighting game characters under his inspiration list and had a reaction similar to "Yes. Him. I want a character like him in Skullgirls." and I would be unable to relate. I also cannot overlook the fact that his bio claims that he punched out a Gigan, but even with that Crowning Moment of Awesome under his belt, I don't perceive it to be a significant enough rise to topple some of the more interesting characters that were up for voting.
he was just kind of...a boxer.
...Not even a boxer. He's a professional wrestler. In the WWE fake-but-awesome sense, except we can probably assume that the wrestling is real here since he tore Grendal's fucking arm off. Big difference.

But anyway, Beowulf's appeal:
1.) The Personality. We don't really have anyone that's that sort of hot blooded, foolhardy fighter, and a lot of people tend to like that archetype. I mean, who doesn't want to play as the guy who ripped a gigan's fucking arm off? Yeah, that's right- you said he punched him out when he actually ripped his arm off. Plus he should have good interactions with Cerebella (who canonically has a big crush on him) and Andy Anvil (one of Peacock's cronies) who is another one of his fans.
2.) The Mythology. I think what you're trying to figure out is something about him that stands out. Filia has her hair, Parasoul has a napalm parasol, Valentine's a ninja nurse, Ms.Fortune can detach all her limbs/head, etc... this is where that sort of "just plain cool" thing comes in. The Beowulf motif will make for an interesting character/story, for sure, even if Denizen can't come to terms with Beowulf dying in the end. ;)
3.) The Gameplay. Because Cerebella has kind of failed to play very much like a grappler at all, so he very much fills in a niche as an actually grappling oriented character, while bringing something unique to the table with the hurting, a mechanic that sounds like it will give him a lot of depth in playstyle.
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That's a big question, one that I'm happy to answer. To be clear I don't speak for The Pack, I speak only for myself.

My first impression of him was very simple, I just thought he was really cool. The wolf pelt hood, the steel folding chair, the musculature, everything about him emanated strength and masculinity and it just captivated me. It was something that Skullgirls lacked and I wanted it. It went deeper than that though, Beowulf is a wolf themed professional wrestler based on an old english legend by the same name. I relate to this on such a deep level because I'm a college wrestler, wolves are my favorite animals, and I greatly admire heroic characters. He will also be the first true grappler of Skullgirls, faster and more technical than Cerebella.
Beowulf is the most 'normal', the most 'powerless' character in the current and potential roster. Even Adam at least has firepower as well as two Egrets under his command. All Beowulf has are his fighting skills and an indestructible folding chair. To others that may seem boring, but to me it's the most badass thing ever. In a world of Parasites, Living Weapons, Super Soldiers, and Gods Beowulf is just a man, a man who can go toe to toe with each and every one of them and come out on top! A man that would put his life on the line to protect an audience of people from a rampaging Gigan with nothing but his bare hands! To me Beowulf represents the limitless potential of humanity, he symbolizes the capability of a single person, he is willpower personified! Beowulf represents everything that I believe in and no other character in the entire Skullgirls Universe possesses the the same spirit that he has! You ask the question "How did he win?", well I'll tell you! He won because I believed in him, because we believed in him, because all of us saw a man worth supporting in his fight for the top!

Beowulf is a Big Damn Hero and that is why I voted for him!
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I can't really say much, especially since I didn't vote for anyone.
Anyway, I really like Beowulf for not just his personality, but his concept as well. At least potential concept. We see that his clothes look semi-sophisticated, with his vest and trousers and all that. We don't see that in wrestlers every day. Then there's the fact that he's based on a character from English literature, and said character is a warrior. I love the concept of warriors trying to save the day. Not only that, it gives me an impression that Beowulf will love books. Don't you see? A wrestler that loves books? Brains and brawn? That's very cool!

BTW, Eliza's production has started, that means one more step for Beowulf!
...Not even a boxer. He's a professional wrestler.
you said he punched him out when he actually ripped his arm off.
Oh. Well. ...Now I look like a fool for having not done my homework. Back to Mrs. Victoria's classroom with me...

Well, I appreciate your answers; now I can begin to understand the appeal. Badass Normals, though not the first kind of character I'd choose, generally do have their appeal once they're in a game—though I find it funny he'd be compared to Adam (Who, in retrospective, is probably my least favorite character, as he seems to have all the generic powers of an Egret without the personality that made the standard-issue Egrets seem fun). In a kind of strange way, he is unusual in the sense that he is not unusual—in a world of oddballs, the straight man can, I suppose, stand out.
There also seems to be the common notion of a lack of a grappler, which—assuming that means what I think it means (A quick character centered on grabs and throws), pardon my ignorance—there is a lack of characters like that, mostly because Cerebella isn't very quick. I don't feel any such need for such a character—but this is probably a good case of my lack of experience with fighting games.

He still wouldn't have been my first choice, but I have a bit more reason to look forward to his inclusion now.

(I actually haven't read Beowulf the English legend...I ought to do that sometime.)
Who, in retrospective, is probably my least favorite character, as he seems to have all the generic powers of an Egret without the personality that made the standard-issue Egrets seem fun
Adam is pretty normal (power-wise, gameplay wise he might have had the most unique gimmick out of any character) but he has way more personality than any of the regular egrets. I have no idea where you got this from.

There also seems to be the common notion of a lack of a grappler, which—assuming that means what I think it means (A quick character centered on grabs and throws), pardon my ignorance—there is a lack of characters like that, mostly because Cerebella isn't very quick. I don't feel any such need for such a character—but this is probably a good case of my lack of experience with fighting games.
They don't have to be quick, they just have to grab things on a regular basis.
Just look up a video of high level cerebella play, they aren't going to be grabbing much aside from using some of them as combo extenders or resets. She's not that much of a grappler at this point, she's just kind of a heavy hitting rushdown character at this point. Not that I have anything against bella or the people that play her, she just didn't end up playing much like a traditional grappler.
In a kind of strange way, he is unusual in the sense that he is not unusual—in a world of oddballs, the straight man can, I suppose, stand out.
Is he really that much of a straight man, though? He's a pro wrestler living out the life of a mythological anglo-saxon hero who is unusually attached to a folding chair. I've never really thought of him as a badass normal, especially since he's not the only character with no superpowers.
I think people got the idea that Adam has no personality because he's pretty deadpan most of the time and we haven't seen much of him anyway. The Egrets have way more screen time than him, also they tend to jump in front of bullets while screaming NOOOOOOO!

Yeah, I really wish most Grapplers in fighting games weren't so damn slow all the time. One of my favorite Characters in Street Fighter IV is El Fuerte because he's a high flying speedy luchadore. He has a command dash, a wall jump, and grabs for every opportunity. He was just so much fun to play as. Well guess what, El Fuerte is one Beowulf's gameplay inspirations!

I do see Beowulf as the only true straight man in the game. Sure there are other people without superpowers but they all make up for it somehow. Adam has his Egrets and firepower, Roxie has a Pit Crew with machines and turrets, even Minette has a whole town behind her. Valentine comes close but she has a myriad of ninja tools and she was experimented on. Unless Beowulf can summon wolves to help him (Which I don't think he will) he's really the only one who qualifies as a Badass Normal. He's like the Batman of Skullgirls, who also qualifies as a Badass Normal and is just as bizarre as Beowulf.

By the way Chaos, I can tell you read a lot of TV Tropes.
I do see Beowulf as the only true straight man in the game. Sure there are other people without superpowers but they all make up for it somehow. Adam has his Egrets and firepower, Roxie has a Pit Crew with machines and turrets, even Minette has a whole town behind her. Valentine comes close but she has a myriad of ninja tools and she was experimented on. Unless Beowulf can summon wolves to help him (Which I don't think he will) he's really the only one who qualifies as a Badass Normal. He's like the Batman of Skullgirls, who also qualifies as a Badass Normal and is just as bizarre as Beowulf.
But the hurting isn't a normal folding chair. Legend has it that it can hold a gigan, if one could fit on it. If that doesn't count as heavy weaponry, I don't know what does.
Although, for the record, using weapons doesn't disqualify you as a badass normal. Batman practically has an alternate dimension full of devices and gadgets, and he's the original badass normal.
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I decided to look up some El Fuerte gameplay and HOLY CRAP HIS ULTRA II!
I thought that the Flying Giga Buster was nuts but the Ultra Spark is just plain ridiculous!
Beowulf needs a Level 5 Blockbuster Grab that can top this, come on everyone let's hear some suggestions!
Also I've done some shallow research on Pro Wrestling and I've decided that my favorite wrestler is Rey Mysterio.
Hmm, something insane and over the top.

Beowulf rushes forward and then does in an uppercut motion with the hurting, if it connects he launches the opponent upward like a rocket. While the camera zooms back to Beo his eye glints, he rears back, 3 afterimages follow the motion. He lets out a howl, an image of the moon appears behind him. He jumps up incredibly fast to catch up with the opponent and continues upper cutting them 3 times. Lands another uppercut that sends them higher. He quickly rebounds off of the edge of the stage walls and then grapples the opponent. He rockets downward and lands with the opponent painfully onto a wrestling ring that has appeared. I don't know the name of the pose, but the opponent would be locked in this maneuver. The move where they're shoulder to shoulder and the opponent's legs are grabbed as seen here:
12:45 in

and here (what King is doing, not Marduck):
The Kinniku/Muscle Buster, it originated from the anime Kinnikuman AKA Ultimate Muscle. Since then it has been adopted worldwide in Professional Wrestling. I find it amazing that such a popular move was created by an anime.
I found this while searching for examples of the move, I really need to watch this show.
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Oh wow, it originated in Kinnikuman? I thought the reverse happened! Interesting, interesting! :o
I read the above stuff, and I have to disagree that Beowulf will be a the first "straight" Grappler. A straight grappler, at least in my opinion, is someone like Zangief or Potemkin, who's big, slow, grabs that hit like a truck, a simple way to move forward while protecting themselves, and other such things. I wouldn't even consider Bella a straight grappler because she has so much priority and can zip around the stage just as fast as any of the other cast without the need to use her grapples. The only Skullgirls character I could see becoming a "straight grappler" is Hubrect, who Mike Z said was going to be. I see Beowulf as someone like, say, El Fuerte or Abel, someone with grapples, but there not his bread and butter.
I picture Beowulf taking quite a bit from Litchi more than the idea of him being a grappler. Sliding and positioning the chair...
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