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The Wulf Den

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Oh, and while we're on the topic of DDB's world domination, I say we have some kind of confrontation between Parasoul and (a guy with a shirt with DDB written on it?) about who Annie's biggest fan is. It'd be great.
and maybe he'd see annie and she'd be all like "a show for the fans" or whatever.
and they'd be all

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That whole "Annie Singularity" thing is seeming more and more likely.
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Don't talk about it like you're just some kind of casual observer.

WULF PACK! and Star cruisers too I guess...I need you guys to do something.
Name in this order:
A color you would use to identify yourself
A personal effect(like glasses or something)...maybe two or three.
your preferred hairstyle(real or not, whatever)

uh...height (you don't need to be exact, just a ballpark estimate)
and any notable facial features you have.

It's for something super important you guys. I need you to do it though. NEEDS IT.
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What's the occasion?
I think I'm going to draw the Wulfpack members (sorta).
I've come to the decision that we are really a separate entity from Beowulf, but we're still the conductors of the hype train. So I thought I would draw any common wulf den visitors as part of an ouendan-esque group. With me Denizen as the head of course. I want to try to capture the personality of the guys(and girls) here in a big picture. I figured I'd do myself first and then post it here to show everybody what I'm going for and see if they like it etc. etc.
I'm not the greatest of artists, I know. But I can't stand seeing all these other fandoms with their cool artists making their cool fanart and fangames and animating the entire character just because they can (wait...all of those are the star cruiser...) with us not having much to show for ourselves! Team BLOODSTARWULF GOTTA STEP IT UP!
WULF PACK! and Star cruisers too I guess...I need you guys to do something.
I usually wear Black or Army Green clothing.
I always wear cargo pants and a zipped hoodie of the same material when I go out.
I have short wavy dark brown hair which I usually leave messy. I look like a mess most of the time. A HOT MESS
My height is 5' 6''

Hmm, notable facial features...
You know what, I'll save you all this trouble. I look kind of like Sokka from Avatar.
Don't worry about your artistic ability Capn, the fact that you want to do this for us is flattering.
Speaking of art, I'm still working on the Star★Wulf Insignia. Since I suck at drawing I'm probably going to make several attempts so I'm not setting a date when I'll be done.
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So I thought about it, and the uniform Idea works somewhat, but I need to make a lot of changes for personal...persons.
So. If you want me to draw your Wulfpack persona, give any changes to the standard model that you want. And you know...like your gender, build, race(doesn't even need to be human) along with the previous bits! I'MONA MAKE A THING! I definitely need to do something with the pants...hmmm...
any comments or criticisms are welcome (and by that I mean mandatory). C'mon!

Edit: Whoops forgot to put in the mock-up...
also the coloring is super rough on purpose, I'm not THAT bad.
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So I thought about it, and the uniform Idea works somewhat, but I need to make a lot of changes for personal...persons.
So. If you want me to draw your Wulfpack persona, give any changes to the standard model that you want.
Oh now I see what you're doing, I knew I wasn't the only one who fantasized about themselves in Skullgirls.
It's a world that's perfectly tailored to that sort of thing. You know what's funny, I thought about the same thing that you're thinking about.
I'll let you all in on a little secret.

An important part of Wiglaf's story is his founding of The Wulf Pack, a group of young men and women who take up arms in order to assist Beowulf in all of his heroic endeavors. It's my way of inserting myself and all the other members of The Wulf Pack in Skullgirls. Capn, I'm going to go to the Skullgirls Original / Fan Character Thread and I'm going to write that extension to Wiglaf's story now.
It might not help but if you want you can use my descriptions as a reference to your drawings.
I wish I was good at art...
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Actually I thought the Wulfpack would be less of fighters and more of the...community helpers? Starting off as hardcore Beowulf fans, but after he retired became determined to help out the Canopy Kingdom community in a more passive manner. Helping, teaching, building, etc. But having them as fighters works too(I don't see why both can't be done). Either way though, this should be good.
and hopefully I can show the diversity of the real Wulfpack with it's in-universe equivalent, all types of races, species, etc. y'know?
So you want us to submit how we look for real, or how we think/want to look in Skullgirls?
Skullgirls version
Color: Cobalt or electric blue
Personal effect: Glasses whose frame has wire bottoms, and the frame itself is black. I have an overcoat (that has a hood which would shroud my face like a Nazghul) with black slacks and either boots or gray sneakers.
Hairstyle: A messy version of Vergil's hair (I push my bangs to the right)
Height: 6'0"
Facial features: clean

Cool Idea CapnWTF
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Okay... I'll try my best.
Reality me
color identification: blue
Personal effect: dark blue jeans, light blue jacket, and a black and white striped shirt under
Hairstyle: Uh... you know when people have their hair in front long, and comb in back? They do something like that in Mad Men, but for a teenager? Brown hair.
Height: 6'0"
Facial features: light facial hair

Skullgirls me
Pretty much same as before, except
Personal effect: remove the jacket
Facial features: remove facial hair, add vertical and horizontal face scar.
Uh...I don't have a visual, but I imagine some sort of poisonous looking plant attached to the right shoulder. I keep thinking of it as a mix of No-Face (Spirited Away) and a Flower, with a mix between the stereotypical sad theatre face mask and Hannibal Lecter's mask for a "face" (actually a place for poison to come out of). But meeting halfway up the head in terms of height.

Edit: I realized I wasn't as specific as I thought
Eyes: brown
Skin Tone: Pale-ish
Size: Let's go with halfway between medium and skinny
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These physical details are just enough to stalk get to know you all better!
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I guess I'll throw my hat into the ring

Reality me is basically Doug from Walking Dead combined with Jack Black... so, dont do that.

I would hope I would look like my avatar I normally use in SGworld

but if not, then I guess similar hair with an oversized beanie (or equivalent), thick furryhooded jacket, regular pants, and I guess brown boots that my pants are tucked into. the shirt can be plain black or a faded The Hurting shirt. gloves can be optional.

owo" unless you plan on just doing uniforms so just the jacket over it is fine.

for hair: same as pic if you please

eyes: same. I have green eyes in real life and I dont see why I should change that now. I wouldnt mind more tired or droopy eyes if you can.

this description is gawdawful! OTL
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this idea is awesome
1.green eyes. 2.just got out of bed brown hair 3.small scruffy beard. 4.skinny 5.butt chin 6.mid hight. 7.young 8.arabic skin tone 9.wearing flip flops 10.a T-shirt if you can put a walrus on the shirt that would be awesome if not thats fine 11.jeans. and an unbuttoned flannel shirt orange. because that is what i looks like or you can just draw a humanoid walrus in a top hat that would be awesome 2 just do witch ever is easiest
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All right, in order:
Color: Brown. Same shade as the background behind this text.
Personal effects: An (indestructible) Open-back banjo.
It is both his hobby and weapon of choice. For the photo, it would be slung behind his back. But if it's inconvenient, you could leave it out, or put it somewhere in the background. There should also be a pouch on his belt for fingerpicks.
Hair: Light brown. Short. Neutral hair style, not messy, but not combed.
Height: 5' 10"
Facial Features: A small horizontal scar beneath the right eye. No facial hair.

And for additional info:
Eyes: Green
Build: Lean.
Skin tone: Same as Beowulf.
Demeanor: Calm and respectful. Laid-back, but confident. He's the type to let others have the spotlight and will do what he can to help. But when the spotlight's on him, he'll put on one heck of a show.
Shirt: Brown flannel shirt. Long sleeved. Usually not tucked in, but since this is going to be a group photo, he'd probably tuck it.
Pants: Blue jeans.
Shoes: Brown work boots with a little dirt on them.
The clothes are only if you're not doing a uniform. If you are doing a uniform, just ignore that part.
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Suddenly trying really hard to refrain from designing fighting styles/movelists...what the hell? I've never had to...not create moves...welp, back to work.
I agree with AceZTeller, I pop in and out. I guess that makes us the Taliesin lurkers. How fitting that it's Taliesin fans peering on the Beowulf ones....
Perhaps you could be lurking around in the background. Though you guys have certainly posted enough here for me, at least, to consider you Wulf Pack. But it's all who you associate yourselves with, I guess.
Pretty much feel the same as Ace and Phish, here.
Although if you want, CapnWTF, my avatar is a real picture of me. I know most people think I just stuck a super model's picture on there so that people will think I'm that attractive, but it really is me.
How fitting that it's Taliesin fans peering on the Beowulf ones....
Laughed all the way home with that one. Thanks for the joke, mate.
Suddenly trying really hard to refrain from designing fighting styles/movelists...what the hell? I've never had to...not create moves...welp, back to work.

I already have fighting ideas for myself. I am one step ahead of you. It involves badass living armor and GATTAI!
I have my guy's fighting style all thought out. It would be kinda cool to see the Wulf Pack in some sort of epic battle, though.
Are we currently discussing what our Skullgirls Personas would be? Wow what a bunch of dorks!
Seriously though, that kind of talk deserves it's own thread, separate from the Fan Character Thread.
I think I might start one.

By the way I'm almost done writing The Wulf Pack as a Fan Character Group, I think you'll all be pleased.
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Dose having dual pistols and running around shooting them count as a fighting style?
Dose having dual pistols and running around shooting them count as a fighting style?


Are we currently discussing what our Skullgirls Personas would be? Wow what a bunch of dorks!
Seriously though, that kind of talk deserves it's own thread, separate from the Fan Character Thread.
I think I might start one.

If you do let me know. We can move all the SG persona stuff there and expand on it. Then I will be able to clean up the forum. This still is a Beowulf centric thread. If you make the separate forum then people can branch out more. The Taliesin members can join in too. We could all make a "gang" based underworld. And, of course, it in no shape or form has to be an RP forum. We can just share ideas and flesh out our characters.
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If you do let me know. We can move all the SG persona stuff there and expand on it. Then I will be able to clean up the forum. This still is a Beowulf centric thread. If you make the separate forum then people can branch out more. The Taliesin members can join in too. We could all make a "gang" based underworld. And, of course, it in no shape or form has to be an RP forum. We can just share ideas and flesh out our characters.
Would I be putting such a thread in the Lore Section or in the Visual Art Section next to the Fan Character Thread? This is going to be fun, we can all be dorks together.
Would I be putting such a thread in the Lore Section or in the Visual Art Section next to the Fan Character Thread? This is going to be fun, we can all be dorks together.
Lore thread would be fine.
I wanted to add more personality to my character, so I decided to give him plain white gloves but with an "!" on one and a "?" on the other (seeing as how I'm easily confused). Then I thought..."what if they did something" and after like 1/4 of a second I thought one glove would push things away, and the other would pull things towards (as long as the glove has touched them)...then something about Mobius loops and vortexes and launchers and reload cancels(which was completely unrelated)...a combination of boxing and magic? Iunno, but I'm probably gonna end up turning it into a thing...
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I've finally written down my ideas for The Wulf Pack as a group of characters in Skullgirls.
Lore thread would be fine.
Sometime tonight I'll make the Skullgirls Persona Thread and we can get started on shamelessly inserting ourselves into the Skullgirls Universe. Anyone who wants to make their Persona a member of The Wulf Pack are free to do so. In fact I encourage it, I want this fictional fellowship that I've created to be populated by the creativity of my friends.
When Lab Zero finishes Beowulf I may even consider writing fan fiction about Wiglaf and The Wulf Pack...
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I've finally written down my ideas for The Wulf Pack as a group of characters in Skullgirls.

Sometime tonight I'll make the Skullgirls Persona Thread and we can get started on shamelessly inserting ourselves into the Skullgirls Universe. Anyone who wants to make their Persona a member of The Wulf Pack are free to do so. In fact I encourage it, I want this fictional fellowship that I've created to be populated by the creativity of my friends.

Good stuff.
I REALLY hope that Encore comes to PS3 tomorrow, but I highly doubt it will be because Curse of Lab Zero. :(

Oh well. At least the massive amounts of cold (my sister regaled me with a lovely tale that involved her breath freezing to her scarf after a five-minute jaunt outside) have left me with some free time tomorrow.
I REALLY hope that Encore comes to PS3 tomorrow, but I highly doubt it will be because Curse of Lab Zero. :(

Oh well. At least the massive amounts of cold (my sister regaled me with a lovely tale that involved her breath freezing to her scarf) have left me with some free time tomorrow.
if it doesnt at least we know Sony will do their best to bring it out as soon as possible.
Mac news would be best. I am sick of waiting for the 360 version which has yet to submitted.
Man the Mac port for skullgirls would be a dream come true
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"Lab Zero I need you to submit those TPS reports"
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