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The Wulf Den

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Meanwhile in a parallel universe where the number of replies/views in a character's thread matters.
It doesn't, but it's the only measurable trait we have so of course I'm self-conscious about it.
Personally I find Minette to be the more interesting between her and Beowulf, but I know why...

Also I really don't know what to talk about here, besides gameplay elements I usually draw a blank on most other things.
That vagueness is precisely what I don't like. When I'm a fan of a character I'd like to know exactly who that character is. I know what kind of character Beowulf is, he's a big damn hero which is more than I can say about a lot of other DLC characters. There might be more to talk about with Minette, but I don't think that makes her a more interesting character. Not that she isn't interesting of course.

You shouldn't be drawing a blank about what to talk about man. We're a family, we talk about any random crap that comes to mind. I mean just recently we were talking about our Christmas Lists. Don't think, just type.
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Oh yeah, I'd like to say I'm both surprised and delighted to see that a few Minette Fans came in and had nothing but kind words to say about Beowulf. I know you take a lot of crap from us and the Star Cruisers, but I'm glad to see you all know it's in good fun and you don't take it personally. You all definitely have my respect.
Here's to a long lasting peace between Threads.
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Re-routing discussion.

Denizen said:
I'm not talking about something as mundane as power level Balder.
This is about fighting spirit and what a single man is capable of.
I know.
And no one tops Kenshiro and Guts in those regards, especially the later.
I snip it.

I don't think Selene knew how to fight. Also, I'm just making a speculation but, if Ms Fortune wished to bring her family back, chances are they'd be back as her undead minions. So she would have powerful allies combo'd with her abilities now.
When you said "Beowulf and Annie teaming up would make any Skullgirl child's play" I perceived the notion of him killing anything easily. My mistake if that wasn't your intention.
As for re-watching it, I'm going to be too busy this week with my soccer team trying to clinch our free ticket to the nationals again. I'll give it another go one time!
Oh no, it's not because of Beowulf that would make any Skullgirl child's play. It's the sheer STAR POWER AND WULF BLOOD RUSHING THROUGH HIS AND ANNIE'S VEINS THAT ALLOWS THEM TO DO SUCH THINGS.
I know.
And no one tops Kenshiro and Guts in those regards, especially the later.
Pfft man you don't even know!
Kenshiro and Guts need a lesson from Kamina about what true fighting spirit is all about!
*Snippity Snip*
I doubt Marie knew how to fight either. As for Ms. Fortune, Marie probably brought the fishbone gang back to life anyway, since her undead army is wrought from the corpses of new Meridian City.
Ms. Fortune and The Fishbone Gang were dumped in the New Meridian Harbor or something right?
I was just being funny with the Annie & Beowulf Team Up, but I don't doubt they would be a powerful duo.

Also I wish you and your team the best of luck!
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The main question would be how well Annie works with others. I've got no doubt Beowulf's got a number of tag-teams under his championship belt, but Annie is probably a little distant due to probably not wanting to get too attached to people because she's immortal.
That's actually a really good point DDB. I never really thought too hard about Annie's personality, I guess she would be the very distant type, AS DISTANT AS THE STARS.

No but seriously, maybe Beowulf is one of the few people that Annie trusts, he does seem like the type of guy to make friends out of unlikely people.
Well, he was a Pro Wrestler. That type is usually characterized as somebody who fights for the children. Annie kinda does the same thing, so I could definitely see them being friendly.

Unless she thinks wrestling is fake.
By the way, is Beowulf being buddies with Annie canon, or is this fans hoping out loud? s: I honestly have no clue. My take on the situation is that both of them don't put up with crap after years of fighting. After both realizing the same, they just become respecting, convenient allies instead of friends.
By the way, is Beowulf being buddies with Annie canon, or is this fans hoping out loud? s: I honestly have no clue. My take on the situation is that both of them don't put up with crap after years of fighting. After both realizing the same, they just become respecting, convenient allies instead of friends.
Hahaha, it's ALL just wishful thinking as far as I know, though I wouldn't be surprised if Alex Ahad made them important to each other's stories.
This old war wolf remembers the early days of the character war, filled with derails and salt. Everyone was lively and SG was getting out there. It was like the Skullgirls renaissance in a way.
yeah, we had derails up the wazoo. BUT we also had very in-depth discussion about character mechanics. Sadly, they are lost to the infinite void of the digital sea.
yeah, we had derails up the wazoo. BUT we also had very in-depth discussion about character mechanics. Sadly, they are lost to the infinite void of the digital sea.

Mhm, and those great quotes everyone was creating for dlc characters interactions... Speaking of which if anyone remembers my Taliesin vs Beowulf quotes feel free to repost them because I forgot XD
I'm pretty sure I made a page saving what was left from the catacombs of the old forums, but I could be wrong.

Edit: I checked. All my hard work is gone.
That's actually a really good point DDB. I never really thought too hard about Annie's personality, I guess she would be the very distant type, AS DISTANT AS THE STARS.

No but seriously, maybe Beowulf is one of the few people that Annie trusts, he does seem like the type of guy to make friends out of unlikely people.

I agree. Beowulf seems like the kinda guy who would be really honest, and wouldn't judge a person by their appearances; He himself being a super smart pro wrestler.

Also any fighter/wrestler/sportsman appreciates the saying, "Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog." And I'd bet Annie is VERY likely one one those people.

Respect in the ring and in downing drinks at the bar. That is a good word to use I think; at the very least I'd imagine they'd at least respect each other, distant or otherwise.
I'm pretty sure I made a page saving what was left from the catacombs of the old forums, but I could be wrong.

Edit: I checked. All my hard work is gone.
That's a shame Rev-
Wait, what do I call you for short now? I'll call you Forge, until told otherwise.
Yeah though that's a shame, that mega post of yours was the pride and joy of the Den.
That's a shame Rev-
Wait, what do I call you for short now? I'll call you Forge, until told otherwise. Yeah though that's a shame, that mega post of yours was the pride and joy of the Den.

Forge is great, I love Marvel comics so that is a plus as well. Thanks for the praise man. I remember having at least 3 large images of Beo palettes, supers, specials, THE BONE RING STAGE WITH THE WOLF BAND AND NORD AUDIENCE as well as other stages, and character specific quotes/banter.
Anyone else think of Meteor Chair Shower? Just thousands of chairs descending from the heavens upon those foolish enough to tangle with them?
Set them on fire, green cosmic fire. Oh man just the thought of this is hilarious.

This gives me an idea though, TAG TEAM BLOCKBUSTERS. This is all in the realm of fantasy, but the idea of two fighters combining their abilities to unleash a single superpowered attack is just too cool to ignore.
We'll start with Beowulf and Annie. What would their Tag Team Blockbuster be?
(I can't think of a more Show Biz name than Tag Team Blockbuster)
Set them on fire, green cosmic fire. Oh man just the thought of this is hilarious.

This gives me an idea though, TAG TEAM BLOCKBUSTERS. This is all in the realm of fantasy, but the idea of two fighters combining their abilities to unleash a single superpowered attack is just too cool to ignore.
We'll start with Beowulf and Annie. What would their Tag Team Blockbuster be?
(I can't think of a more Show Biz name than Tag Team Blockbuster)
Actually, since Blockbusters are already a thing, Why not "Box Office Smash?"

And, for Annie and Beowulf, it's either Meteor Chair Shower...

Or this- Annie as a human cannonball of sorts, with Beowulf flipping the chair as a launcher.
Super Mode Blockbuster where Beowulf gets Grendel's arm, and uses it as a semi-replacement to his chair? (both weapon and animation wise?)
Actually, since Blockbusters are already a thing, Why not "Box Office Smash?"

Or this- Annie as a human cannonball of sorts, with Beowulf flipping the chair as a launcher.
"Box Office Smash" is PERFECT. Let's make that the official term.

Beowuf performing a Fastball Special with Annie sounds like the coolest thing ever.
I've got a dog that's gotten pretty grey in the past few years, and it was recently discovered she has cancer. Everyone gettin' dogged with stuff.
Sigh... There she went, today...
Sigh... There she went, today...
Let's have moment to mourn the passing of another of man's best friend...

DDB I hope you're all right, if there's anything I can do to help just name it...
Whatever holiday you may celebrate, this is a time to be shared with friends and family. It is a time to put aside all differences to celebrate the bond of the human spirit. I hope that everyone in The Wulf Pack has had the fortune to be able to share this day with the people they love, and those who must be lone wolves can find friends and family right here in The Den. The thing I love most about this time of year is it's ability to make even the greatest worries vanish in an instant. Whatever heaviness still lingers in your heart can be lightened by a cup of hot chocolate and a shoulder to lean on. The day is still young and I hope the rest is filled with nothing but good tidings, for everyone.
Oh wow...so I decided to pop on GameFAQs' Skullgirls board and OH MY GOD IT's HILARIOUS. I feel bad about the generally large amount of mis-information there, but GOD DAMN, It's like watching some distorted combination of A slow-motion train-wreck and a chicken running around with it's head cut off.

No, I got it. It's like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off, bumping into each other and then fighting about it. But with multiple camera angles and a skybox.
Headless chickens piloting fighting giant robots with multiple camera angles sounds hype. But just because of the camera angles.
Camera angles are hype.
Skullgirls doesn't have that, ergo, it can't be hype. :(
Camera angles are hype.
Skullgirls doesn't have that, ergo, it can't be hype. :(
Is this camera angle not hype enough for you?
I'm thinking sometime by the end of this year... Team Starwulf may finally truly unite. I've got a good feeling about this year.

A new year, a new longing for Annie!
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