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Webtoon thread

since Parasoul find out about Bella's past in the elevator ride, where in SGM she finds out the same thing in a different situation (albeit also in Medici Tower).
Not to mention, that they gave Adam's line from SGM to Parasoul. In the game it was him being shocked at Cerebella's revelation.
Though, here at least he got to use his finger guns instead :PUN:

I wonder if there would be a moment, when Panzerfaust tells his backstory to shocked Parasoul.

i wonder if it will be different this time
In minor details, if so.
The basic blueprint of prequel events is still the same in the comic. For now, at least.
What bothers me, is that we finally might get a chapter or two dedicated to the Life Gem's disappearance...

The fact that all 3 of Marie's victims from SGM are there doesn't help lol
To think about it, this is their origin story...
They are definitely ready to meet their new friend The Skeleton.
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Things are ramping up and I can't wait for the next one, I didn't play SGM (I am very bad at it) so being able to read this stuff is great
Would this be a continuity error? That the bunnies that Dahlia had 14 years ago at Selene's party appear to be the same bunnies she has now -- and none of them have aged?


  • 1671454405692694.jpg
    204 KB · Views: 263
Would this be a continuity error? That the bunnies that Dahlia had 14 years ago at Selene's party appear to be the same bunnies she has now -- and none of them have aged?
Probably, different ones now, considering the changes that were made to the in-game bunnies appearance.
Bunnies with those hair styles and skin tones also show up in Big Band's story - they're not the same ones that Dahlia keeps around nowadays!
Bunnies with those hair styles and skin tones also show up in Big Band's story - they're not the same ones that Dahlia keeps around nowadays!
I guess Dahlia mandates the hairstyles then? Always a blonde, pink with spiky ends and brunette with a ponytail?
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Another chapter is out.

And we already have a victim. RIP to that expensive portrait of Vitale... Cerebella definitely knows what to use in battle.
Well, maybe she just thought it didn't do Vitale justice...

Peacock's part of the chapter is short, but pretty beautiful. We need more of peaceful Patricia, that's for sure.

Also, we finally found out what the Egrets do when their commander gets brutally beaten. Reminds me of the first appearance of Jaina in "Warcraft 3".

Nice to know they included the PSA about the glass safety in the end. What we're going to have next? Maybe, The Skeleton getting some new playmates like these three Medici goons?
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And we already have a victim. RIP to that expensive portrait of Vitale... Cerebella definitely knows what to use in battle.
Well, maybe she just thought it didn't do Vitale justice...
Lol yeah. Although it would have been fun if she threw Filia's dad portrait instead to reference the time where it was missing in SGM for a while because of some visual bug.

Nice to know they included the PSA about the glass safety in the end. What we're going to have next? Maybe, The Skeleton getting some new playmates like these three Medici goons?
Arriving 1 chapter later than I expected but I knew it was coming.

So, regarding Theo Medici: still not 100% sure he is actually dead yet because the corpses were unrecognisable and I think the Black Egrets could have been mistaken, but Lorenzo didn't seem too affected by being told that Theo was dead. If Theo were actually the third Medici son, I think it would have elicited more reaction, or at least someone would have mentioned the fact. So I think it's safer to assume that Theo was just a more distant relative, like a nephew or cousin or something.
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Although it would have been fun if she threw Filia's dad portrait instead to reference the time where it was missing in SGM for a while because of some visual bug.
Wow, never knew about this bug.
Still, Vitale's reaction would be priceless.
Should be added in the game.

So I think it's safer to assume that Theo was just a more distant relative, like a nephew or cousin or something.
Yeah, he's definitely not so close to Lorenzo. Otherwise, his disappearance would be a bigger deal. Filia's origin story kind of says it all in that regard.
Maybe, nobody liked Theo at all, too. Definitely because Dahlia lost her bet on Grendel's mother.

I wonder if he's going to have a role in the future chapters, or if he was just a throwaway mention.

Arriving 1 chapter later than I expected but I knew it was coming.
Yeah, if we're right about the one who murdered that poor innocent window.

If Theo were actually the third Medici son, I think it would have elicited more reaction, or at least someone would have mentioned the fact.
The third son question is still up in the air.
I wonder if he exists at all. Maybe, Lorenzo just bought a portrait of some random Irvin guy for a symmetry in his office.
Wow, never knew about this bug.
Still, Vitale's reaction would be priceless.
Should be added in the game.
Injustice-style environmental interactables. :PUN:

I wonder if he's going to have a role in the future chapters, or if he was just a throwaway mention.
Yeah, hopefully. Would be a bit disappointing to get a named Medici family member to have him never being mentioned again.

The third son question is still up in the air.
I wonder if he exists at all. Maybe, Lorenzo just bought a portrait of some random Irvin guy for a symmetry in his office.
Lol. As funny as it would be, Alex specifically confirmed it. If he didn't we probably would be theorising who it is till this very day.
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Yay, the new chapter is out.

As you could guess, it's about the skeleton supremacy.

They are just teasing us with Dahlia and Marie. Perfume grenades are also here, which is kind of nostalgic. Still, no flamethrower in sight.

Molly has a nice little sequence with her mech transforming from its backpack form, which makes me sad that she's not playable. What a great opening animation is would be.

Also, great to see Adam doing something useful. And making puns. That fan theory about him being related to Ms. Fortune starts to make sense now.

By the way, never knew that Lorenzo was a LOTR fan. To think about it, he's a really dedicated Gollum cosplayer...
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same thoughts here. hype for playable marie and dreams of molly with some action make this the best week for me. I'm easily pleased <3
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I had to go check the original panel to see what you edited and wait what the hell that's not an edit?
I just wanted to ask, is it possible or within whatever agreement webtoons x SG has to just put this content *inside* SG? Like intersplice some of these panels inside various character's story modes? There's already varying art styles contained within. Not expecting anything but still it's like everytime I see an update this dissonance pops up in my head, going to an external source for core to semi-core lore. Dont mean like a bulletin saying 'hey goto webtoons' but actual integration.

Or like a moving panels mode where you can let chapters play with SG music or something. Guessing someone's already asked & it's honestly something is better than nothing especially since this technically's been in the works for years but just never got kicked off...

Can't help but wonder
I just wanted to ask, is it possible or within whatever agreement webtoons x SG has to just put this content *inside* SG? Like intersplice some of these panels inside various character's story modes? There's already varying art styles contained within. Not expecting anything but still it's like everytime I see an update this dissonance pops up in my head, going to an external source for core to semi-core lore. Dont mean like a bulletin saying 'hey goto webtoons' but actual integration.

Regarding the agreement, based on a quick look at the Webtoon website:

The Service is owned and operated by the Company, and Digital Content is licensed by the copyright owner to the Company.

So I'd assume Autumn Games and/or the artists/writer still own the rights to the actual comics. However; I'd imagine there are marketing agreements where the comics would have to be exclusive to the Webtoon platform, and could only be used outside for marketing purposes (e.g. some panels being posted by the SG social media to promote the Webtoon). So actually putting them as in-game contents may be a bit dicey, unless it's for something that is explicitly a tie-in with Webtoon.

Practically though, at this point the Webtoon takes place parallel to the events of the SGM Main Story but in a different timeline/universe. Perhaps they could take some art from it and retroactively integrate it to the existing Main Story, although personally I don't think it would work that well or if it's worth the effort. If they ever decide to continue the SGM Main Story though (it's been "Coming Soon" since the game's beta release), I guess some aspects of future Webtoon contents could find its way there. Based on what the devs said, there are already characters that were supposed to debut on Webtoon finding their way to the actual game, like Evelyn from the Medici Tower.

Or like a moving panels mode where you can let chapters play with SG music or something. Guessing someone's already asked & it's honestly something is better than nothing especially since this technically's been in the works for years but just never got kicked off...

Can't help but wonder

The Webtoon platform itself does support having background music playing for certain chapters, so having SG music playing in some of them would certainly be cool. That's probably more licensing nightmare than they already went through though, and I can't imagine it was easy since it took them 3 years to release this after the original announcement lol.
Glad to see Molly and Panzerfaust getting some needed love in the webtoon, which makes me wonder if either one of them will be playable in the future or not. Other than that, I really hope that we'll see some more characters such as Feng and Minette in it as well since those two are pretty much fan favorites at this point.
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I just hope we'll get more information about the Fishbone Gang this time around. Come on, we've been waiting for so long.

Adam seems to be the second only to Marie in durability, considering that he survives a lot of abuse.

So nice to see one of The Skeletons having a speaking line.

And Peacock is a treasure. Hope that her storyline in the comic would bring her somewhere.
One of the most amusing aspects of Skullgirls in both the games and webcomic is that literally no one treats Marie any different for being 12 year old girl. From Lorenzo to Parasoul to Annie, all are perfectly fine on beating her to death. She gets zero sympathy from everyone except Peacock and Squigly and those two are still stretching it.
One of the most amusing aspects of Skullgirls in both the games and webcomic is that literally no one treats Marie any different for being 12 year old girl. From Lorenzo to Parasoul to Annie, all are perfectly fine on beating her to death. She gets zero sympathy from everyone except Peacock and Squigly and those two are still stretching it.
Especially interesting, considering the dialogue about Umbrella in Parasoul's story mode. Marie's only a couple years older.
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I just hope we'll get more information about the Fishbone Gang this time around. Come on, we've been waiting for so long.
I hope we learn their names at least, including which one is actually Sinker lol.

One of the most amusing aspects of Skullgirls in both the games and webcomic is that literally no one treats Marie any different for being 12 year old girl. From Lorenzo to Parasoul to Annie, all are perfectly fine on beating her to death. She gets zero sympathy from everyone except Peacock and Squigly and those two are still stretching it.
I think everyone knows that a Skullgirl basically has no reasoning facilities left and it doesn't really matter who they were. Marie is actually sort of the exception since she has not fully given in to the Skull Heart yet, but I don't think most characters realise that, at least not immediately.
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Marie still has perfectly lucid conversations with most the cast, so you would think someone would think "huh maybe she's not too far gone after all..."
But my personal favorite moment of the game dunking on Marie was when Ms. Fortune sought the Skull Heart, found out Marie also wants revenge on the Medici, killed Marie anyway and then decided to destroy the Skull Heart without wishing on it.
Talk about trolled.
Marie still has perfectly lucid conversations with most the cast, so you would think someone would think "huh maybe she's not too far gone after all..."
Other Skullgirls like Selene and Nancy could also hold meaningful conversations as well, but their minds are too warped and they can't be reasoned out of their hatred for all lives. I think the biggest clue that Marie is different is how she held up the Medici Tower rather than let it kill more people to create more minions, but yeah, most characters are probably too occupied to give it too much thought.

But my personal favorite moment of the game dunking on Marie was when Ms. Fortune sought the Skull Heart, found out Marie also wants revenge on the Medici, killed Marie anyway and then decided to destroy the Skull Heart without wishing on it.
Talk about trolled.
Very savage.

Slight segue but on a related note, I feel like that ending became a bit more poignant after Annie's story. Annie was frustrated that the children who watched her show didn't actually learn anything but continue to seek the Skull Heart when they grew up. She actually met Ms. Fortune and chastised her for it. But, as we see in Fortune's story, in the end, she did actually take Annie's lessons to heart and did make the right decision when it mattered. It does reassure the point of Annie's story that she needs to trust people more to do the right thing, even if they don't seem to be able to at first.
My eyes will roll out of my head if "Fishbone Gang happens to see Lorenzo's Life Gem by being on the fire escape of nearby puny apartment building that can somehow see the top floor of the tallest skyscraper in the city" is an actual plot point next issue. It is beyond ridiculous. The only thing they can see is blue flame explosions and maybe distant figure-shaped specks floating in the sky.

More suspension of disbelief breaks:
  • Molly's mech transforming from a backpack. There is some crazy technology spikes in the Skullgirls universe, but that mech's nanotech-needed level of sophistication clashes with what is "possible" in their world. That mech should be carted around like a Tachikoma. Air-dropped or towed as needed.
  • Black Dahlia's gun arm keeps swapping sides... just like Panzerfaust's tank arm...
  • Molly's mech transforming from a backpack. There is some crazy technology spikes in the Skullgirls universe, but that mech's nanotech-needed level of sophistication clashes with what is "possible" in their world. That mech should be carted around like a Tachikoma. Air-dropped or towed as needed.
Yeah, I mean technically they do have the technology to put big things in small spaces (e.g. Big Band), but the way Molly's Graham-o-tron was unfolded from just the backpack was way too jarring. I think it would have been better if it was just the control mechanism that unfolds from the pack, and then the actual mech can be called to her to assemble.
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I think it would have been better if it was just the control mechanism that unfolds from the pack, and then the actual mech can be called to her to assemble.

Yeah, when stuff started floppin' outta her backpack, I was expecting it to just be the thing from her lineup art:
Molly Lineup.png
This alone might have some combat potential. But they could've given the Graham-o-Tron to Panzerfaust in a pack to lug around.
I guess they were just eager to show it off.
I'm just going to quote someone from another site, instead of trying to paraphrase.
Artist Black (Chris Flores) is infamously the person who helped Alex with the earliest prototype of Skullgirls, provided art assistance on various NPCs for SG and Indivisible, and did the anatomical breakdown illustration of Big Band. He also has that schematic image of Robo Fortune that was used in her story mode. He may have also helped contribute moveset concepts with the other contractors.

I'm not too terribly aware of the exact history of Skullgirls's constantly rotating groups of developers, artists and contractors, but Black / Chris Flores has been part of the game for a long time. It's definitely cool that we'll get more people helping out with the webtoon.
Black / Chris Flores has been part of the game for a long time
Oh yeah, he had some interesting posts on ArtStation and Tumblr about the game. I'm happy about his involvement in the Webcomic.

But the word "infamously" in the original post rubs me the wrong way.
Artist Black (Chris Flores) is infamously the person who helped Alex with the earliest prototype of Skullgirls, provided art assistance on various NPCs for SG and Indivisible, and did the anatomical breakdown illustration of Big Band. He also has that schematic image of Robo Fortune that was used in her story mode. He may have also helped contribute moveset concepts with the other contractors.
That's fake news lol. They are describing Alpha Gamboa (blackbookalpha) who is another person completely.

The schematic that they were talking about is on his portfolio page here: https://blackbookalpha.com/site2018/labzero.html

Black (Chris Flores) worked with Lab Zero Games on Skullgirls and Indivisible. They were the one who did the recent Skullgirls pin set with Persona.

Two different people who happen to have "black" in their usernames.
Damn, I can't believe that someone on the internet lied to me.
I guess, that was the reason for using the word "infamously", then...
I guess, that was the reason for using the word "infamously", then...
Lol yeah not sure why they said "infamous" since both Alpha and Black are arguably among the least controversial characters to have been involved in SG development. It might have been intended as a joke, although given the fact the person confused these two devs, they might have also combined them with a third person into some sort of infamous hybrid dev.
Lol yeah not sure why they said "infamous" since both Alpha and Black are arguably among the least controversial characters to have been involved in SG development. It might have been intended as a joke, although given the fact the person confused these two devs, they might have also combined them with a third person into some sort of infamous hybrid dev.
Or they just thought that it's synonymous to "famous". Quite a common mistake.
Infamous Hybrid Dev is a good name for a band.
I just wanted to ask, is it possible or within whatever agreement webtoons x SG has to just put this content *inside* SG?
Not really no. The comic on Webtoon is it's own thing and stands alone from actual game integration. We can still do some fun stuff like palettes based on comic costumes, but the comic itself will remain exclusively on the Webtoon platform.

However, having said that, developing the overarching storylines in the Webtoon have allowed us to really focus down and explore lore and character dynamics possibilities within the Skullgirls universe. All of the work that goes into developing the Skullgirls comic will be reflected in the Skullgirls stories in the games, which now have a vast amount of foundation work to build off.

Developing the stories for games and comics helps both in huge ways. A quick example is that Annie's mom and her Skullgirl form were designed for her appearance in the comic first, and that work then informed how she appeared in Annie's storyline in 2nd Encore. (However, the comic has been in development for so long, Annie's 2E story actually came out first!)

You might not realize it, but the contents of the Season 1 Pass is already being greatly informed by the work done in the comic, and in reverse, plans for the games affect what happens in the comic. This is on top of the massive amount of established lore we already had planned before the Season 1 Pass or comic of course!

tl;dr, you're unlikely to see the actual comic itself used in any capacity outside of the Webtoon platform (aside from plugs on our socials), but a huge amount of work has gone into the development of the Skullgirls world as a whole because of the comic, so it all comes back around!

Artist Black (Chris Flores) is infamously the person who helped Alex with the earliest prototype of Skullgirls, provided art assistance on various NPCs for SG and Indivisible, and did the anatomical breakdown illustration of Big Band. He also has that schematic image of Robo Fortune that was used in her story mode. He may have also helped contribute moveset concepts with the other contractors.

lolz. I am always amused by how any recounting of Skullgirls development history ineveitably mixes up some people, or blends them togther, or attributes the actions of one person to another, or something completely wrong.