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I've been wondering for a while. What exactly is a kumite?

technically it's just a form of sparring in karate. I don't know how, but it got co-opted in the FGC as a series of matches against one player.

Also, I'll totally sign up for a Kumite, if Mike's up for it
Well, it's SG, so it'll just be a "however many people we got"-man kumite if we don't have ten signups, but considering that an average grudge match stream gets 8 players already, I think we can pull it off. I might even jump in because why not?
I'll challenge Mike, provided my internet behaves...
It'd be cool to fight Mike.
I just fought Cisco...and lost, but that won't stop me from being streamed. Also, thank you @scrubbyscum999.
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How is a kumite different from an "X vs the world" type thing?
How is a kumite different from an "X vs the world" type thing?
Sounds like Kumite isn't just quick matches but with specifically planned opponents. I thought vs the world would be against just anyone.
Although, just anyone could ask to do these so yeah, maybe there's little difference.
I want in on whatever. Kumite or grudge match. Doesnt matter. :D
i'll fite anyone
Okay, first 10 spots filled up, if Mike wants to open it up to 15 we can put the alternates in or if four people want to battle it out against each other in some FT5 midcard matches before the main event, that would also be acceptable. Otherwise I'm going to go down the list and either you're there ready to go when I call you or you're SOL. Friending me on steam in advance so I can easily reach you is a plus.
I'm sad. I never get to fight Mike. He's always busy with something. What could be more important?

......ok yeah, ignore me.
Where did THAT all come from?

Why wouldn't you do this with a good player? :^P

because we're all tired of losing to good players.
I think it's better to play good people. At least when you lose you won't feel like an idiot because you know the other player is definitely more than capable.

And when you win, you feel better about yourself because you rose to the challenge.

Win/win even when you lose.
I'll play that team but I want to know AHEAD of time that that's what I'd be playing. As opposed to what happened before where I asked at the last minute and it wasn't until midset that apparently people wanted me to play that team.

ask again in 2 weeks
Watch out Mcpeanuts, he's gonna do secret training for 2 weeks
Anyone who participated in making that matchup chart ain't good. NOW WHAT.

Also yeah I guess I'm doing this...
lol playing seriously doesn't help you once you get hit. It's the same shit playing seriously or just doing stuff for fun
Anyone who participated in making that matchup chart ain't good. NOW WHAT.
So Agent J has volunteered to do a match before the kumite if anyone takes him up on it. We'll make it a FT5, and taking him up on it will not cause you to lose your spot in the kumite if you've already signed up.
So Agent J has volunteered to do a match before the kumite if anyone takes him up on it. We'll make it a FT5, and taking him up on it will not cause you to lose your spot in the kumite if you've already signed up.
Does this thing start at 10 or 9?
So Agent J has volunteered to do a match before the kumite if anyone takes him up on it. We'll make it a FT5, and taking him up on it will not cause you to lose your spot in the kumite if you've already signed up.
Solo match? Gimme.
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