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...Josh's struggle to not suck...

bomb drop is a setup yeah.
Bella. you don't. you might as well react to the run. usually if a bella does C.MP only then its a kanchou reset while if a bella does C.MP, S.HP, Kanchou then its a combo route.

and learning filia resets will help you get out of the filia blender a bit but of course you would have to best her in neutral so you don't get there in the first place.
@Dreamepitaph could you suggest an efficient way of learning Filia? As you have seen before mine lacks resets. I guess I'm asking how you learned Filia and how you would suggest learning her. So for instance what areas of gameplay should I focus on first? (I hope this question is not to convoluted -_-)
@Dreamepitaph could you suggest an efficient way of learning Filia? As you have seen before mine lacks resets. I guess I'm asking how you learned Filia and how you would suggest learning her. So for instance what areas of gameplay should I focus on first? (I hope this question is not to convoluted -_-)
Ok you ready? 3. 2. 1.

i learned my filia from getting my ass whooped by other filias....and getting frustrated. and then i looked up a basic BNB then i looked here on the forums and it showed me reset points. from there i spend endless hours learning the ins and outs of her resets. eventually as i grew out of the solo region i then figured out how to make her function as a point character. making her an assist and utilizing it came naturally
@Dreamepitaph Thanks for the suggestion :)
I think Im gonna try learning her the same way I learned Fukua:
Im gonna develop my own combos and try to put as many hits into a combo at first just so I can learn what each move does
After this I'm gonna work on optimizing these combos
After that start using her solo to increase my normal use efficiency
See where I drop combos at and develop some resets based on these
test said resets
explore what other people are doing
I don't want to make the same mistake I made when I learned Val (Basing my entire game on her bnbs and not actually learning her normal properties and neutral game). I'm not trying to say that you learned her the wrong way twerk I'm just gonna try to learn her from scratch so I can understand her and play her with the same level of comfort that I can play Fukua with.

Yeah its gonna take forever but I think it might be better in the long run if I don't look at what others are doing til after I feel comfortable using her.
Also thanks again for the suggestion and your continued support :)
So I dont know if any one has claimed this color yet but Im taking rei miamoto cause high school of the dead is my shit
Solo Filia is always Fionna for me. And Madoka in a team with other Madoka Magica characters.
I was called an expert today by a player......
Im pretty distraught by this cause I kind of suck...

Any ways so things I have learned about Filia:
*IADs all day
*cr.hp is just as god like as it is for Fukua
*j.hk is also sexy good
*filia is great but I still need to design resets based on some new combos that I made
I was called an expert today by a player......
Im pretty distraught by this cause I kind of suck...

Any ways so things I have learned about Filia:
*IADs all day
*cr.hp is just as god like as it is for Fukua
*j.hk is also sexy good
*filia is great but I still need to design resets based on some new combos that I made
To be fair you called yourself that first.
So things I have learned about offline play:

*intimidation, mind games, and overall persona plays a huge role in how your opponent plays against you
*every one plays on pad.... (Weird?)
*the skullgirls community is one of the friendliest communities out there (so glad to be a part of it 0.0)
*lastly shit talking is much more fun offline 0.0 shoutouts to @Crypt Kiddie
*oh and Justin Wong is shorter then you would expect him to be

So things I have learned about my style and things I need to work on
*execution.....yeah my reads are good but if I can't get my hands to do what I want it's useless.....
*optimization.....once again my reads are not the problem it's my overall attitude towards this game (I'm not playing street fighter as much as I want to it's not....)
*my online tactics still work offline which is really good :)
*so overall I think I need two things: a new stick and a new attitude towards this game
so my stick finally died on me...... (I cant go left....-_-....)
So I guess I'm gonna be taking a few days off till I get my stick fixed and what not... BUT!! (because @Broseidon Rex likes my updates on what I'm doing so much.....) Heres what I am planning on doing:
*After seeing the shit that sage and sonicfox did with fukua I am a little distraught so I am going to figure out a new way to play her....ugh.....
*I'm going to continue working on filia (once again attempt to play her as methodical as I can -_-)
*Develop some assist based strats and tech
*Experiment with french twist as an assist (for both the sisters)
*Work on my overall execution......cleaned stick and what not.....
*Play a lot more long sets with people (so I can learn different play styles and not just style on the same people over and over again :P)
*Optimize bnbs so I can get that soviet damage and what not...
So after experimenting with some Fukua combos I have one question why do people keep going to the c.mp, c.hp chain when s.mk, s.hp is better? Am I missing something cause the only real use I found for that chain is to go into shadows which in some cases uses an OTG
So after experimenting with some Fukua combos I have one question why do people keep going to the c.mp, c.hp chain when s.mk, s.hp is better? Am I missing something cause the only real use I found for that chain is to go into shadows which in some cases uses an OTG
reset potential. s.mk doesn't have much reset potential and all you have some basic kara throw that's hard to time due to the hitstun from J hk still in effect.
reset potential. s.mk doesn't have much reset potential and all you have some basic kara throw that's hard to time due to the hitstun from J hk still in effect.
I guess I'll try to put perspective on it. At NEC sage kept using this chain in a combo. Is this a mind game tactic where your conditioning your opponent to expect a reset but not actually doing it? But besides that the damage is not much better and it leads to an increase in drama (unless off a counter hit). I guess I'm just confused by this type of gameplay -_-

(Edit) that Kara throw isn't to hard it's just a 2 frame window ;)
I guess I'll try to put perspective on it. At NEC sage kept using this chain in a combo. Is this a mind game tactic where your conditioning your opponent to expect a reset but not actually doing it? But besides that the damage is not much better and it leads to an increase in drama (unless off a counter hit). I guess I'm just confused by this type of gameplay -_-

(Edit) that Kara throw isn't to hard it's just a 2 frame window ;)
"Mind game" is not the right expression for it. It's more like, if you only ever do a specific set of several inputs just before a reset, it's going to be easier for your opponent to see the reset coming.
well sages doesn't optimize fukua combos. instead the main damage comes from Lnl then a combo into a DHC with Duo's damage allows for an immediate kill.

Edit: @joshb911 it isn't hard. However a restand from j hk and its hitstun makes it so that you will get poked and possibly dead anytime you do it on an alert enemy. it is also susceptible to mashing
I see... So once LNL gets nerfed his team should not be as effective?

Also I found an interesting strategy using cerecopter assist: while in block stun Fukua can basically hide within her animation and use shadows to hit the opponent. If you see them crouching hk shadow, if they are standing lk shadow, and lastly if they are in the air I think you can run under them and mk shadow or something else like that?
I see... So once LNL gets nerfed his team should not be as effective?

Also I found an interesting strategy using cerecopter assist: while in block stun Fukua can basically hide within her animation and use shadows to hit the opponent. If you see them crouching hk shadow, if they are standing lk shadow, and lastly if they are in the air I think you can run under them and mk shadow or something else like that?
No Lnl doesn't need to get nerfed. Fukua would have to be nerfed in the way that she can't crossover if she does j hk, fireball.

Cause not only does she do Bella like damage for half the effort. she also has the neutral of parasoul with her shadows and fireballs. WITH the assist and cross over. she can now be like fortune and pretty much punish you via double snapping for TRYING to counter call.

the things you found are very useful but be mindful if the person knows how to absolute guard.
Another thing about LnL. All that's getting nerfed is damage. Nothing function-wise has changed, so it's not going to affect teams so much.
People use H LnL for counter calls or as something that's like a projectile that hits like a truck. So 1800 -> 1400 on normal, 2700 -> 2100 on CH.
Sure that few hundred missing is going to take down like 100-200 off my bypass + LnL assist bnbs (8.6k -> 8.45k) but counterhitting assists still screams rape.
Wait, does counter hit actually mean more damage? I assumed doing so just gave more dizzy.
I believe on the first hit it yields slightly higher damage and also reduces scaling for a little while
So after attempting to play skullgirls with a dreamcast controller I have decided that I cant play skullgirls till I get my stick fixed (although I want to keep playing I can't.........) So untill I get it fixed I really dont know what else to put in here except.
LADIES AND GENTLEMAN THE RECESSION WILL BE OVER ON FRIDAY (getting my stick fixed :3 thanks Alex 0.0)
@SScrux, @Dreamepitaph , @Natezer (just in case you guys have not seen this video yet)
FINALLY A FUKUA RESET VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first shout outs to @Meiynas for making this video and now providing me with the resources I need to incorporate resets into my game :)
I will personally learn each and every one of these resets and will optimize their use.

Secondly I now challenge you French Fukua player to play me! I wish to see you in action and challenge your shadow against my ken 0.0 (THE EPIC SHOWDOWN............0.0)
first shout outs to @Meiynas for making this video and now providing me with the resources I need to incorporate resets into my game :)
I will personally learn each and every one of these resets and will optimize their use.
Josh just make sure when you're learning these things to practice them on a variety of characters. It looks like some of these things, especially some of the crossup setups, might be Fukua/Filia only. The video description also mentions that some of them are character specific.

Personally I think one of the best resets you can do with this character is c.MP c.HP xx M Shadow, because there's four ways you can go with it (left/right/air grab/burst bait) and there are not a ton of things the opponent can do that beat multiple options (air supers can beat both the same side and air grab options, I think that's it).
Josh just make sure when you're learning these things to practice them on a variety of characters. It looks like some of these things, especially some of the crossup setups, might be Fukua/Filia only. The video description also mentions that some of them are character specific.
The real money winner in this video is the cr.mp, cr.hp, mk shadow, j.hk, cross under, reset. This is the reset I have been looking to get my hands on for the longest time 0.0

Not only can you condition an opponent but you can still go to a pretty high damage combo route. What I really need to do is incorporate this kind of setup into a non mk shadow situation so that I can maintain a 7.5k combo over this less optimal route and still utilize this reset. And yes I do intend to test this on every single character for consistency sake. As always thanks for your suggestion and advice :)
You should all check out GU tonight (On Mc Peanuts channel) cause when my stick gets fixed I'm making it a National Holiday. All Kings day 0.0
(Just kidding but I am going to go nuts!)
So goals for the next couple of weeks:
*work on my Filia(I'm finally at the point where I feel comfortable using her)
I lack combos though so I need to work on my optimization with her
*work on Bella more so I can develop non flow charted combos, work on my Kara setups and higher damage combos
*work on my execution to adjust to the lubricated stick
*play long sets with top players (I'm gonna work on this the most)
*learn peacock so I destroy her (I hope your ready peanuts O.O)
*learn BB to destroy him
*learn squiggly
*learn Eliza (I'm sick of her shit)

Most likely your gonna see a lot of solo Filia from me and solo Bella. I promise you I'm gonna get good..... I swear by it....