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The fact that her playstyle resolves around healing is interesting, but I couldn't really have seen her as anything other than very bad tier-wise. It's hard to make a character of that type good, apparently.
Hey guys! I came to see the new intro so I should share something in return.

I had a chance to play with Celica for a while, and she REALLY feels a lot begginer-friendly, much more than the other supposedly begginer-friendly characters.

Minerva is never detached from her in any moment, so it's more like she has a weird shaped sword than a puppet or Persona, her drives work similar to Noel's and are easily mashable for satisfying results, and not only she has a healing DD, but her overdrive also makes her regenerate health.

I don't really see her being very good, but it's probably a good entry point character.
Hey guys! I came to see the new intro so I should share something in return.

I had a chance to play with Celica for a while, and she REALLY feels a lot begginer-friendly, much more than the other supposedly begginer-friendly characters.

Minerva is never detached from her in any moment, so it's more like she has a weird shaped sword than a puppet or Persona, her drives work similar to Noel's and are easily mashable for satisfying results, and not only she has a healing DD, but her overdrive also makes her regenerate health.

I don't really see her being very good, but it's probably a good entry point character.
Her playstyle, although friendly, doesn't seem like you can get too complex with. It just looks very sterile to me. I thought she would be somewhat technical, almost like a half-way Relius or Carl, but I'm disappointed how Minerva just sits there and makes her hitbox huge.
Frankly I didn't really see a need for her to ever be playable, and I find it weird that her, out of everyone, would be the beginner character.
Is the manga any good? Is the story as good or better than the almost silly game plot?

The story takes place when Noel/Makoto/Tsubaki were in school and with the central character being Mai (and her "situation), the manga is more light hearted. It also makes more sense but introduces too many characters that really don't matter in the end (so like the game I guess). Also, fan servicey.

Celica's move list is on the BB wiki for anyone interested http://blazblue.wikia.com/wiki/Celica_A._Mercury/Move_List
Great...sounds decent I guess. I might check it out later
So does anybody have CS Extend on steam? Since it's gonna be forever until I get a console and I can use some sparring on this game.
I do, but I wouldn't make a good sparring partner. The game slows down for me and tends to stay at a rough framerate. I go online and its really bad. Shame cause its the only way I can play those extra stories.
I do, but I wouldn't make a good sparring partner. The game slows down for me and tends to stay at a rough framerate. I go online and its really bad. Shame cause its the only way I can play those extra stories.
Ouch. No worries.
I do, but since I'm in East Europe we'd probably have some real shitty connection.
There is a live stream today for BBCPExtend from 3pm to 7pm PDT here (I don't know if it will be with English VO or not)

Edit: It's live but not showing anything new. It's just casual matches (Celica or Lambda haven't been shown yet at all. Characters use so far are Valk, Rachel, Tager, and Kagura so far). It's pretty cool that there is a Replay option for local play (replace the match without switching characters/stages/colors/etc). They placed all their matches on the new stage with Crystal Forest theme (Celica's) which is a pretty nice theme.

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Celica's these doesn't really fit her I don't think. It's awesome but.......the really fast moments don't feel like they fit. It feels so heavy for most of it...woulda preferred the violins to be more prevalent...

It's still kick ass, but doesn't really fit imo
I feel terrible for liking her theme. I really dislike Celica. her design, personality, her role in the story... We already have Noel, and she's terrible, did we really need another character that's just there for everyone to scream "KAWAII" at?
I was open to her being playable. Having more characters is fine. But then I watched a gameplay video of her. Her attacks include falling on her opponent and looking away when she swats the air. Her attack names are all named after a type of food.
No, Blazblue. Not again.
Also, yes, it doesn't fit her, but I feel like a lot of themes don't fit their characters.
So she's a less unique and interesting Tao? :/

I'm fine with stuff like that for a joke character...but wouldn't it have been easier to just make the doll playable? >_>
She's nothing like Tao. Tao is a good character.
Wait do we mean design wise or gameplay wise?
design wise every one is worse than Labrys
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Eh, I like Hazama's design....though that's because its FAIRLY simple and he's got an amazing hat and suit :D

anyways, my comparisons to Tao were more in the sense that her moves are more joking. Tao does have a lot of serious attacks, but at the same time a lot of really ridiculous joking ones. I guess in that sense Platinum would be a better comparison? Iunno.

What's wrong with Labrys' design? I really like it! That whole Knight motif is really awesome! I wish she'd ditch the schoolgirl outfit cause that looks silly given Aigis and she looks cooler design-wise without it.
Eh, I like Hazama's design....though that's because its FAIRLY simple and he's got an amazing hat and suit :D

anyways, my comparisons to Tao were more in the sense that her moves are more joking. Tao does have a lot of serious attacks, but at the same time a lot of really ridiculous joking ones. I guess in that sense Platinum would be a better comparison? Iunno.

What's wrong with Labrys' design? I really like it! That whole Knight motif is really awesome! I wish she'd ditch the schoolgirl outfit cause that looks silly given Aigis and she looks cooler design-wise without it.
The thing with Tao is that there's more to her as a character, and what's there is interesting.
With Celica, I complained about her moves because they reinforce the part of her I don't like: the generic cute fragile girl.

And I'm still going to argue that BlazBlue has some good characters in it.
Hazama is just a joy to me, although I've heard people say they find him annoying
Bang I also really like. He's got a good backstory and great personality.
When Ragna isn't be an edgelord all the time he can be interesting because of his role in the story.
In the Alter Memory anime it seemed to me they made his personality a bit softer and he really could make a good protagonist.

Although I'm not going to act like all of the characters are great.
Noel is a black hole of horrible that taints any character she's near.

Also, I'd argue Labrys has one of my favorite designs in the cast of Persona.
Usually it's just some shade of school uniform on all of them, and even though, yeah, the uniform looks silly on her, she's got the robotic arms and legs that just look very intricate.
Also I really like the big axe.
There is a live stream today for BBCPExtend from 3pm to 7pm PDT here (I don't know if it will be with English VO or not)

I went back to the live stream archive of this stream and there is a Celica match at 3:42:47 with English VO on and no commentary over it. I hope you like a lot of "MINERVA!" "PLEASE!"

Terumi's new theme is playing over it (Silent Scream). It's pretty good.
I lke Bang, but at the same time, I find him annoying as all hell...but also funny...it really depends on the mood I'm in at the time.

I don't get why people hate on Noel so much...at least as of Continuum Shift. She never seemed too bad to me. If anything, I felt kinda bad for her with all the abuse she got both in the game itself and by the fans...

I absolutely love Rachel both design and gameplay-wise :D

lesse, any ther charactesr worth noting?

Bullet's design bugs me slghtly, but not too much...
Anyone else think that the Chronophantasma character portraits are REALLY weird? The proportions and poses are really weird. Ragna's body seems to contort and turn into a twig, Bullet's breasts are wider than her waist, Noel is someone posed in a way that emphasises her chest when there's really not much there, and Makoto is...well...every Makoto NSFW fanart ever >_>
I lke Bang, but at the same time, I find him annoying as all hell...but also funny...it really depends on the mood I'm in at the time.

I don't get why people hate on Noel so much...at least as of Continuum Shift. She never seemed too bad to me. If anything, I felt kinda bad for her with all the abuse she got both in the game itself and by the fans...

I absolutely love Rachel both design and gameplay-wise :D

lesse, any ther charactesr worth noting?

Bullet's design bugs me slghtly, but not too much...
Anyone else think that the Chronophantasma character portraits are REALLY weird? The proportions and poses are really weird. Ragna's body seems to contort and turn into a twig, Bullet's breasts are wider than her waist, Noel is someone posed in a way that emphasises her chest when there's really not much there, and Makoto is...well...every Makoto NSFW fanart ever >_>
Rachel is awesome, yes.
Yeah, the Chronophanasma art, while drawn nicely, tries way too hard to be suggestive. It's just kind of awkward.

Noel is my least favorite character from anything.
She's so, so close to being good; she's got an interesting backstory, but he personality is so annoying.
She's like Celica, but not supposed to be as cute.

I went back to the live stream archive of this stream and there is a Celica match at 3:42:47 with English VO on and no commentary over it. I hope you like a lot of "MINERVA!" "PLEASE!"
Oh god, my ears....
I don't get why people hate on Noel so much...at least as of Continuum Shift. She never seemed too bad to me. If anything, I felt kinda bad for her with all the abuse she got both in the game itself and by the fans...

Good one.

Seriously, Noel is like the most generic, crybaby character ever. She doesn't even lack a spine, she lacks a back to contain it.
In Alter Memory, she goes through a whole action sequence for pulling out her guns, and then Nu-13 hits her once and she just starts crying.
In multiple moments in the stories, she just starts crying for no reason, or acting tough and then getting knocked down.

She is so infuriating that it hurts me inside. Even her backstory is pushed aside by her innate inability to do anything or be of any use. She would be a bigger help just staying out of the way most of the time, but doesn't have the brain cells to do even that.

So, the hate is justified. She deserves every bit of abuse. If they wanted a fragile girl character, they could have at least made it so she didn't appear everywhere, OR BE A MAIN CHARACTER. At least make it so she doesn't act all tough.

I feel like they should just kill her off next game, and we'd all be better off. :U
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y'all awful mad over a video game character, mang
Come on man. What kind of character, after being told by the main villain to look at him, actually looks at him?
Like, it's the first thing she does. She had one job.

I just really feel like she's not adding anything but a source of "Why would you do that" to the cast.
I mean, Noel did play a pretty important role in the story, at least initially, but yeah, feels more or less like she got sidelined due to ineptitude. Honestly? It feels like Makoto, who started out as a side character, suddenly has more presence in the main story than Noel actually does, yet she shows up to be important just enough times for me to care about her.

Not gonna lie, part of me likes Noel...But I see ALL the issues with her. Doesn't help that she was my initial main for the games...

Good thing I jumped on the Hazama and Platinum train while I could!
Come on man. What kind of character, after being told by the main villain to look at him, actually looks at him?
Like, it's the first thing she does. She had one job.

I just really feel like she's not adding anything but a source of "Why would you do that" to the cast.

To be fair when someone startles you, yelling something you might not have processed yet, it's a human reflex to look in the direction of the sound.

So, Noel didn't get any spine in ChronoPhantasma? Too bad. I thought that the myriad of things she's been through would toughen her up. That actually would make for a pretty bad ass character growth.
I mean, Noel did play a pretty important role in the story, at least initially, but yeah, feels more or less like she got sidelined due to ineptitude. Honestly? It feels like Makoto, who started out as a side character, suddenly has more presence in the main story than Noel actually does, yet she shows up to be important just enough times for me to care about her.

Not gonna lie, part of me likes Noel...But I see ALL the issues with her. Doesn't help that she was my initial main for the games...

Good thing I jumped on the Hazama and Platinum train while I could!

The Hazama main train never stops chugging.
But yeah, I'm more of a fan of Makoto, since she's actually half useful. Noel just kinda doesn't help ever. Meanwhile Tsubaki actually has plot relevance and character quality, at least in my opinion. Again, Makoto isn't bad, but I do like the Renegade Justice feel to Tsubaki. While Makoto is actually a decently charismatic character.

Only problem is every time Tsubaki seems to be on the same level as everybody else, they go and power up the rest of the cast. Valkyrie Waifu will never escape garbage tier.

To be fair when someone startles you, yelling something you might not have processed yet, it's a human reflex to look in the direction of the sound.
True, but when you hear specifically to acknowledge Hazama, don't you think: "Why?" First reaction I'd have is to NOT look at the menacing voice telling me to look at it. IDK.
True, but when you hear specifically to acknowledge Hazama, don't you think: "Why?" First reaction I'd have is to NOT look at the menacing voice telling me to look at it. IDK.

That's why I said "not have processed yet". Reflex would be probably faster than speech comprehension. Especially that if I remember correctly it wasn't the first thing Hazama said after apearing.
That's why I said "not have processed yet". Reflex would be probably faster than speech comprehension. Especially that if I remember correctly it wasn't the first thing Hazama said after apearing.
If he did just appear outta nowhere, then she might have not, but I don't remember all that well, so you might be right. Still doesn't seem like a bright idea for her. Either way, he probably just could have appeared in front of her, so it wasn't ALL her fault.
I like Noel's playstyle more than her character XD

I like Tsubaki as well, but sometimes I think she's being a moron on purpose >_>
I also can't play Tsubaki for shit, but try anyways cause she has a kickass theme.

I've recently been learning Kagura as well. Why? Cause Kagura is a fucking badass. No two ways about it.

That's why I said "not have processed yet". Reflex would be probably faster than speech comprehension. Especially that if I remember correctly it wasn't the first thing Hazama said after apearing.
This is true, our reflexes naturally turn in the direction of noises, far faster than our brain processes the words. Its why sometimes you start talking without thinking out the ords ahead of time, or why we have knee-jerk reactions to thing before we think said reactons out. Its not entirely her fault in that regard. Additionally, Hazama would have pulled some trollng BS to get her to look at him anyways. Its just how he rolls. He's got like 8 variations on every nook and cranny of his massive plot plan of nonsensicality.

On hazama, I do like how they show him clearly getting one-upped numerous times throughout the story, makes it feel he's not 100% in control all the time, I just wish they'd add more villains so Hazama would stop having to steal the plot ith the next phase of his stupid scheme every other scene. >_>
The Hazama main train never stops chugging.
But yeah, I'm more of a fan of Makoto, since she's actually half useful. Noel just kinda doesn't help ever. Meanwhile Tsubaki actually has plot relevance and character quality, at least in my opinion. Again, Makoto isn't bad, but I do like the Renegade Justice feel to Tsubaki. While Makoto is actually a decently charismatic character.

Makoto is great, except for the constant fanservice. That gets really annoying really fast
I recently been learning Kagura as well. Why? Cause Kagura is a fucking badass. No two ways about it.
Kagura is awesome, yeah. Can we just all agree on that?

Sorry for the double post, only saw this afterwards.
I like Noel's playstyle more than her character XD

I like Tsubaki as well, but sometimes I think she's being a moron on purpose >_>
I also can't play Tsubaki for shit, but try anyways cause she has a kickass theme.

I've recently been learning Kagura as well. Why? Cause Kagura is a fucking badass. No two ways about it.

This sounds like a description of my character learning patterns.
*Seeing cool character*
*Wanting to use them just because they're cool*
*Feeling sad when you can't use them right because you're not cool*


But yeah, Kagura is super fun, and one of my more used, and Tsubaki is hard. It's just because I hate waiting on 22D all day. It's kinda hard to time it right. With stuff like Hazama's cr.C Forward into Benediction, then Redemption, then Rising Fang, at least I can enter it as fast as I want.
Plus both of their themes are stellar.