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"- I'm going to try some pretty big rework style changes, I expect her gameplan to be different.
- I'd like to see more ebb and flow between all of the available states, rather than camping the razors edge of Ravenous the whole match.
- Will probably see changes to make her feel more consistent in all states and a bit more "Skullgirlsy feeling" (looking at giving her a good overhead for example), but removing and nerfing her more frustrating things to deal with.
- Ravenous will probably feel a bit different. It may be "worse", as rising JMP is definitely going, and I want to test her being unable to use bubbles in this state, but Ravenous might be even better than before at just rushing you down aggressively as its primary focus.
- Satiated and Overstuffed will hopefully feel better and easier to play."
My thoughts.
patch stuff;
Being able to DHC into Eliza for less than 3 bars is nice, but locking it behind taunt makes it hard to set up and bold to run a team around. If you have the taunt, you had to have played Eliza earlier, so she should be missing some health, so getting more after regaining your red health as soon as she comes in makes for quite a lot of health recovery. I doubt we will see it used much.
Point Eliza can kara axe into bite super without taunt, so the only thing the taunt opens for her on point would be canceling out of a special move, but none of her specials really work with it. The best I could get was a spiral if you dropped the last hit.
Not being Frame 1 invuln makes it not a reversal option that could be punished if blocked.
It really feels like it's only for DHCs and is limited in usability for solos.
Before the patch, I was wondering if having it as a DHC option without the taunt restrictions would be OP. opens up the option to have Eliza mid and gives her a way to off-set the red health lost when DHCing in after using butchers or Axe assist.Draining corpses was good if you had 5 bars since you don't really have a good way to front load with meter. The heal was nice to get but not worth a bar. I don't think this was an issue.M-spiral pulling blood is a great change. If you do a combo where you don't need H spiral to kill and there is blood on the floor, you get the blood and the 50-50 incoming. It used to feel like if you went for taunt, you'd lose the chance to left/right on incoming.throne red bounce feels like something that should have already been there, but there are so few ways to get throne OTG less solo that it doesn't feel like much of a buff. nice to have, but nothing crazy.Sekhmet getting counter-hit when attacking just makes sense and rewards contesting the hyper-armored character. rewards good counterplay. Good change.Sekhmet landing recovery feels odd. Comboing out of Sek jH feels harder than it was, and the timing for some follow-ups, like rising Sek jM, were already difficult on heavys and some mediums. I don't think it makes the character easier to counter by enough to justify the routing issues it presents. might be a skill issue or me not having the feel for the changes, but I don't really get the design goals behind them.
2f more jump start up, I can't even noticeI didn't think there was an issue being able to recall after hitting an assist with Sek 5H on block. Calling assist into Sek is a bad idea, so is it really a problem if she gets more reward for her opponent's bad decision?Sek jM and Sek 5H having the same damage feels weird when they have different Undizzy. This wouldn't be a problem if they were all 20 undizzy, like special moves, but that might end up giving her higher damage routes.
Damage reduction feels weirdly targeted since you lose health for Sek moves in the first place. The extra damage you do by comboing into Sekhmet is usually less than the damage you do to yourself. I never realized that Eliza's damage was much of an issue in the first place.
other stuff;
You can pickup OTG less from Bite Super if you already spent OTG, but if you haven't, it's hard to not lose it. makes routing around Bite kind of annoying. Would it be an issue if you could more consistently pickup OTGlessly out of Crimson Scourge? Maybe if you hold K during the super, she goes back to Eliza, leaving her more plus.I just wanted to touch on the fact that Sekhmet doesn't build meters. I understand that it used to cost meter, but now that it costs health, I feel this wouldn't be unfair.
As it is, if you have less than a bar as Sekhmet and are combing someone away from your anchor point, you cannot build a bar to bring the anchor over to you, regardless of how long the combo is. You also can't reliably build a second bar for kill combos or DHC out to recover the red health she just built. You need to already have the bars ready. Since you would be building meter as Eliza anyway, you are still effectively meter negative anyway.It's common to try and punish assist calls with H-kaht, and you lose any advantage if your opponent blocks it. Would it be too much if she could jump-cancel even if it was blocked? My main concern would be that she could get TK Kaht out of it and reset the pressure. On the other hand, a pushblock defuses the situation anyway. food for thought.It might be a skill issue, but I find it unusually difficult to convert out of Lvl 3 midscreen. If she had a bit less end lag or launched higher, then it would be easier to convert off. I understand wanting to make it, so you need OTG to convert it off, but even if you could convert it off with light moves in the corner, it probably wouldn't be broken.
This 1000 times. Please bring it back.
I agree with Iso about Robo-Fortune.
Personally, I'd like to see the head drone mine disappear while falling if she is hit with an air button. Right now you can hit her during startup but before the mine is fully active, but it is impossible to know whether you have timed this right and can continue hit her, or if you need to block again.
I'd also like to see the hitbox on her 2mk not be so reliable at anti-airing.
Right now she is incredibly difficult to catch with some characters, especially with assists behind her.
While we're on the topic, here's some other Robo adjustments that I have seen suggested from like-minded people:
No, no, no and absolutely not. I will die on this hill.
This however, is a legitimate point. I think Liam has already addressed that this is going to get looked at.
I really agree with this and think that Robo Fortune should get the same normalization to her jumping frames Fortune received. Yes she is a zoner, and the archetype is supposed to be "slippery", but as long as she has j.HK (which lets her basically circumvent the "you don't get to call assists at superjump height" rule and also easily escape, I do not think she should have this. Upforward in this game is powerful enough already. Saw + assist and are doing enough for her on defense that she should not carry on the sins of her flesh counterpart. I really think there may be some implicit bias from Robo Fortune players here. Fortune was better than Robo Fortune, but not by a massive degree, and now that Fortune has been nerfed so severely robo is in a better spot by default like Iso said. I don't think any character should have a hitbox as whacky as the old Fortune/current robo Fortune jumping one, regardless of archetype. It simply feels awful to play against. So many "this is just how Skullgirls is!" bad gamefeel things have been axed that I feel like I'm being pretty reasonable here by asking for this to be removed.-Upfoward is abnormally strong at beating fake/bad pressure due to how tiny the air hurtbox is after the prejump frames. If she wants to beat this kind of pressure, she has options to do that (Saw, great boxing tools/antiairs, calling assist), but upforward also has a bit of a one-size-fits-all problem.
Current “two touch meta” feels just right, in our opinion. The issue with two touches isn’t that people can kill you with two touches, it’s that some characters from the roundstart can begin their stagger pressure or perform a setup that, unless the defender backs off, they will get put in a blender. The volatility of the neutral does not benefit certain team compositions with the current range between players at the start of the round, but increasing this distance might help smooth things out.
Can you be more specific? It wouldn’t be healthy for the game and Parasoul if she gains something similar to Dahlia auto mixup options, something that you need to hold every time she’s in your face.Openly acknowledging that I'm biased towards always leaving Parasoul alone, so I appreciate the feedback for her. More perspectives are always welcome especially if players are agreeing on things that could make her life easier. I've got my own thoughts like making it a bit harder to jump out of her overhead strings, and reducing her susceptibility to PBGC, but I'm always weary of buffing her without trade off.
You are completely and objectively correct on this metric, from earliest days did I say if peacock needed to be nerfed in any capacity, this actual comical level deletion that no other character is capable of doing should be the first to goNo, no, no and absolutely not. I will die on this hill.
Being able to make the opponent guess for TWO CHARACTERS for one bar was never healthy for the game. I really struggle to think of anything with more skewed risk reward than old Lenny's HBD ability. This is in the realm of fortune instant head cooldown and old Fukua M shadow levels of "do thing for zero risk, get rewarded and win the game" in terms of what decisions you are making in neutral versus the reward you are actually getting. Peacock has dodged normalization for far too long, and Lenny no longer easily carry two characters to the corner is something Peacock players are just going to have to route around. This might be the single most meaningful and healthy nerf to Peacock besides the george nerf.
I might be misunderstanding you, but if the Headrone is moving around, the eyes have flashes, etc, it will always perform its attack. Either it receives the command does it, or you interrupt her in time (6F I believe) and it doesn't come out. I believe there should be no confusion about whether to press the attack or not if you see the Headrone responded to her command.I agree with Iso about Robo-Fortune.
Personally, I'd like to see the head drone mine disappear while falling if she is hit with an air button. Right now you can hit her during startup but before the mine is fully active, but it is impossible to know whether you have timed this right and can continue hit her, or if you need to block again.
As you can probably infer based on the implemented system changes, I don't plan on adjusting the overall pacing and feel of two touches across the board anymore, but I am looking at adjusting the most egregious examples, and when they are possible. (Ex: Off of a down back DP assist call, or specific characters).
I was looking into this a bit ago actually, but that lockout timer also gets set during a double snap which I would need to resolve. Without fixing that, it makes HBD combos that lead into a double snap more punishing than they already are, which I don't think is needed.* Idea #1: Snapping the assist now puts it on an extremely large cooldown. (Or even locking out the assist entirely until certain conditions are met). This mechanic exists now, but it’s not really worth using. Maybe ramping up the reward to absurd levels (and tweaking it later) will help dealing with meta assists?
Currently the engine can't distinguish between projectile hits and physical hits as a global rule, so I need to move some data around if we're going to test this out, but it's still on my list to explore. I think a little bit longer lockout on physical hits against assists wouldn't be a bad thing to try.
Appreciate the thoughts - I'd love feedback from others on the new burst as well! Also just as a reminder Super Gold Burst already existed when getting hit with a long burst bait sequence, or when setting off IPS using command grabs, so it's not entirely new. I understand where you're coming from about there being zero risk for taking it when the opportunity arises, but the attacker is explicitly giving the defender the opportunity to use it every time the mechanic triggers.
It is extremely time intensive to do things like make a character's eye glow, since I have to mark where that is on every frame by hand... but I'll see if something can be done. I think UI options are out of scope for this patch unfortuntely.
H Chair is probably so that she can't safe jump him easily by whiff cancelling something into reflector when it goes through his i-frames, if I had to guess. She doesn't need to be able to do that vs his reversal option. Chair is not considered a normal projectile since it has green hurtboxes, so it won't work on it just due to some engine quirks. H Step I don't recall, some balance decision I don't have context for, sorry.
I think if you figure out the timing required for each character this can be consistent, like knowing how to adjust Cerebella's (microdash if needed per character) cLP cMK jMP jHK restand to not drop. Also if your BNB drops on a partciular character to the point where it's inconsistent for you, then that's probably not a BNB you should be doing. That said, I know that drop well, maybe I'll adjust it, we shall see.
Happy to report that we've actually resolved that issue once and for all earlier this month, we're just doing some final polishes on it because it requires us to re-tweak all of the stage lighting a little bit. Hopefuly should be releasing soon!
Well, it's been adjusted since then so let me know what your updated thoughts on it are. To be clear I want to remove the extra recovery that is mostly absent in the current 3.7.1 release patch (the -31 on block when cancelled from M Bang version) where it uses 99% of the same frame data in every situation. The only difference would be after hitting BANG! (M) and getting to do Lenny > Argus, but I think that could go too. I loathe these kind of exceptions but community... reactions... in the past have made me try and err towards leaving things the same for specific conversions / combos to avoid said reactions, haha.Mbang and Lenny -> Just make it uniform frame data wise and decide what it should and shouldn't do, put the foot down for this combo, no variables for something like this, in the beta bracket there were moments I did Mbang Lenny on hit and peacock just straight up FROZE while I was "buffering" my next inputs like please, it's too volatilely inconsistent for fast paced play
As a fellow Beam assist enjoyer/abuser, I am completely unbothered if the fullscreen lockdown laser isn't as good at setting up powerful left rights personally.
My reaction to this clip was "oh the nerf did exactly what I wanted, this rules". Beam lasted so long you could load a vial off it and combo (lol) - reducing how long they're stuck there is the point.
I don't think Starving is ever going to be that kind of state personally, I'd rather buff Ravenous to the point where it feels like Starving is an appropriate punishment for mismanaging it. From your notes it sounds like Ravenous just needs to be more powerful, which I think is totally fair to talk about. I agree getting stuck on the other side of the screen against Peacock in Starving is probably GGs though, she may need a few things tweaked there to make that more viable.
The only thing I’m a bit wary of is that before there WAS a way to manage it even if it was broken.I don't think Starving is ever going to be that kind of state personally, I'd rather buff Ravenous to the point where it feels like Starving is an appropriate punishment for mismanaging it. From your notes it sounds like Ravenous just needs to be more powerful, which I think is totally fair to talk about. I agree getting stuck on the other side of the screen against Peacock in Starving is probably GGs though, she may need a few things tweaked there to make that more viable.
I think this idea would be really healthy if the L bubble butterfly was an option only in Ravenous to take you back to Satiated. It would make it so you have to make a decision do you want to get in fast and reckless or get in slower and more methodically It would also keep starving as a you messed up big time now die.2. Umbrella should have the L Bubble Butterfly back. If there was one, and ONLY one change that I could ask for and recieve with this rework, it's that. Umbrella having a means to restore her hunger without having to actually land a hit on the opponent was a core part of her design (as I saw it) specifically to avoid abusive play patterns from the opponent. It's extremely important for her health as a character!
I'd like to see this get changed mostly just to promote healthy interaction on both sides. Rather than buffs Rav so much so to make the downside of Starving worth it, I'd much rather see things like hunger not draining in combos when you decay to ravenous or Ravenous -> Starving only exists if the opponent hits you. This way you force both players to interact as now you can't do a long combo and force a satiated umby player into Starving, and you can't just call a lockdown assist against ravenous umby and ignore the whole mode. You have to interact with ravenous at some point.
Correct it's a very odd input, although Umbrella is full of an odd mishmash of inputs already so if anyone was going to get something like this, it's her.
I think losing the IOH from jLP on Beo/Bella/Eliza/Dahlia is worth considering, but the mixup you're describing gets mashed on for days and can be fuzzy blocked, including all the variations off of M Danger->TK L Beam midscreen and Mine->TK H Beam in the corner. It's a strong mixup but it's rare even at high level play, and generally people disrespect the mixup when I try to go for it.With the gradual removal of rising overheads, is it perhaps time Robo loses rising jLP as well?
I understand 5HK was buffed as nice compensation to the removal of idj jLP. Rising jLP works on characters that, let's be fair, she already decimates (such as but not limited to Beo, Bella). She also has a juiced install with fast overheads.
If it's not just a matter of rising dj jLP as she leaves the ground, then there are still ways of setting up the spacing required for delay dj jMK high vs 2LK low (you're probably familiar with this as a clide player).
Just getting a feel on where we're at about these iohs.
I agree with you! I wanted to include that I was aware of the mixup, in case there was a fringe rule that somehow it couldn't be blockable while rising only on first jump. The primary point is intended for the IOH vs tall characters.I think losing the IOH from jLP on Beo/Bella/Eliza/Dahlia is worth considering, but the mixup you're describing gets mashed on for days and can be fuzzy blocked, including all the variations off of M Danger->TK L Beam midscreen and Mine->TK H Beam in the corner. It's a strong mixup but it's rare even at high level play, and generally people disrespect the mixup when I try to go for it.
I'll also say it's pretty difficult to set up and convert the rising jLP on the big bodies without certain assists or without heavy scaling(double jumping or pressing jMP), whereas the other characters with similar rising overhead mix have gotten a pretty good consistent reward for going for it without needing assists(Fortune, Band, and notably Squigly, who gets rising jLP M divekick for a safe, consistent stage 2 conversion on the same characters).
Yeah I almost did that for her very first initial release but didn't have time to rework the whole animation on Friday for this. Perhaps, though. It's a lot easier to punish a taunt than it is to punish L Bubble.
I know it when I see it :P