It's a metaphorical rest, very technical.
Hey @DDB what will you do when annie comes out in ten years. What then?
Actually, I was thinking about getting a group of coders together on Skullheart to MAKE Annie for L0, then force feed it to them. Fully animated Annie, stage, theme, and moveset (possibly actress, but less likely). Anyone interested? If we get it put together for free and don't act like with Juju, it could work!
Not gonna happen. You can't just make a character. What if it's not how lab zero wanted her to be.Actually, I was thinking about getting a group of coders together on Skullheart to MAKE Annie for L0, then force feed it to them. Fully animated Annie, stage, theme, and moveset (possibly actress, but less likely). Anyone interested? If we get it put together for free and don't act like with Juju, it could work!
Let's do it right: study L0's notes, chat with mike and alex, and get someinfo on how they would do it. And get a Guilty gear player in here, because I never played it.
I know about the Juju nightmare, but if we all sign something, we're good, right?Dude. One: Lab Zero can not take in Fan made material. there is such a thing called, you know "laws" and they have to follow them. (basically they would have to pay us to do that, and Mike Z is like "NO WAY" to that.)
Also this is a fan hobby time sink, something that Skull, DDB, and Karlaaldana all like to do. I've been meaning to make something this thread too. hopefully I'll find the time to do so. It would be fun for me.
Oh, well... Time to think up a new budget-boosting plan!
I know you are.. I will definetly use it to model dem panties.
If you still need a parasoul frontal view sorta...Yeah.. basically is that. I need a 2d character sheet of Annie, that would seriously help with the process of making a 3d model that when fully rigged and textured would serve a guide to translate the 3d motions into a 2d plane.. helping us making better looking 2d frames of animation.
your help would be greatly appreciated!
I used this character sheet to make that parasoul mesh:
(Having a frontal view seriously would have helped a lot more than the slight frontal view though)
Until Yargin provides us with the Annie character sheet... For now Parasoul shall keep this thread moving.
Mystery gamer ?
Mkay, I'll give it a little bit to look over everything and make sure I'm happy with it before I give you the word but I'll send you a message to let you know once I've completely finished making any revisions. :D
EDIT: I was going to see what people might think of these little revisions I did, taking in the misalignment issue that was mentioned with her braids I tried to even them up a little bit and clean them up a little more from the IGG image. I haven't saved these changes as permanent yet just in case they weren't well received and if people would prefer the previous revision to be the final, then I'll just go with that instead.
View attachment 2626
7 Days late but I am going to say it anyways: This is far from correct, L0 could take Fan material and put it ingame if the creators would aggree by contract to not get any money and transfer the whole "ownership" to L0. Unknown Worlds does it all the time with Natural Selection 2, in fact the whole game is now mostly run by the community.
Here is Japanese article on how Arc did Guilty Gear Xrd:
Translated Forum post on Polycouny Forums:
I've written a shader similar to this in UDK and UE4 but i don't know GLSL for Blender sadly. However you can mimic their outline trick by duplicated the mesh, expand vertex along normals then flip the face normals(works in most 3d programs).
The Annie sheet is almost done, should be done later today