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Blood for the Blood Goddess! Eliza BETA Gameplay Discussion

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To those who don't want to deal with Twitch TV shenanigans, here is a YT link of the latest update:
Thaaanks. Watchin' this right now.
Because she's rich and can afford to throw hand-made lounge chairs around
What's the point of having lots of money if you don't slap it on people' faces

Ah yes. The mosquito bites, the steady smell of sweat and the physiological need to rip my skin off because fuck it's too hot outside. Truly the best time of the year

Well that's an explanation, but like I said I hope the chariot move is a buff move for that motion, In fact, Albus should be LK, Horace, MK and Chariot with HK, it makes more sense.
Well, Pea getting the Tenrai Ha input makes perfect sense and Eliza having Anakaris' has some sense of affinity (likewise for Beowulf getting Talbain's for his) but I don't really see much of Morrigan's super in Big Band's so the connection isn't entirely necessary. That said, I would probably give it to Fukua because doppelgängers (effect could be giving a hit of armor to her QCB+K moves).

I'm not certain of my fighting game chronology, but wasn't Ms Aensland rocking that input before Akuma? If so, it should be the Darkness Illusion input, not the Raging Demon input. INPUT APPROPRIATION! :3

Actually, thinking on it and trying to keep it thematically appropriate, giving Parasoul the darkness/luminous illusion input, then making her next Motorcade hit from both sides would be kinda cool. It'd make corner combos work with Motorcade and possibly allow followups. Wouldn't even need to change the number of bikes, just have 3 come from each screen edge.
DDB i swear to god if you keep it up with these stupid posts
stop hating DDB let this person express his love for Annie

Annie fo-eva
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That's more a general ratio thing, though. There are no mechanics EXCLUSIVE to solos.
Hello? They have the exclusive mechanic of not being able to heal red health *sigh*. Some people don't pay attention.....

Thank you based Z for Eliza, she was made for scrubs like me who can't take on Peacock.
Eliza looks ultra hype, can't wait to play her when the update drops.
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I kinda want to say that i feel disppointed about eliza ... i was really hyped for the blood mechanic, but meh im sure mike has a surprise for us, not the blood mechNic, but something really cool
Probably should have thought a little harder about your user name then.:PUN:

I'd get used to the idea of Eliza being pretty close to being feature complete now, if not balanced, so holding out for a mysterious surprise is probably going to lead to disappointment. Enjoy Eliza for the badass she currently is!


Everyone talking about other people going off topic is still off topic. I'm deleting a bunch of posts.
Quit it Haz-umi. You've been warned about derailing the Eliza thread before. Gaemplay threads are held to more stringent on-topic rules than the rest of the forum.
DDB at least knows mostly when to quit when he's told to stop.
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I'd make a little fanfare about guessing the taunt input but it was so remarkably obvious, I'll take the modest route.
That said, I now claim Beowulf's taunt input will be LP, MP, Forward, LK, MK. :P
C'mon, as far as grapplers go we're missing 720+PP / 1080+PP / double-half-circle-back, forward + PP / the old Necro's Anger motion / Genma's Death Spell / Summon Suffering / Goku's whatever that thing was called / my personal least favorite, Tager's original Astral input - hold ABC+mash D.

I kinda want to say that i feel disppointed about eliza.. lol already did, but still, she is really cool, and has some BEAUTIFUL animations and she has sekhmet, AND albus and horace, i was really hyped for the blood mechanic, but meh im sure mike has a surprise for us, not the blood mechNic, but something really cool
That's some pretty amazing passive-aggressive bullshit.
I didn't make the decision, but you can be damn sure I'll defend it.
But wait SURPRISE! She has supers left and that's it, boyo.

If you need me I'll be crying in the shower, reading all the "Oh man I was NOT looking forward to Eliza at all but she's super fun" messages I've gotten to try to calm my frazzled nerves.

Only two more characters, Mike, just get through it and you never have to deal with this junk again.
Only two more characters, Mike, just get through it and you never have to deal with this junk again.


the physiological need to rip my skin off because fuck it's too hot outside.

This...The very thought I had the other day
Just needed to say that but back on topic

Being that EL Lie Za is essentially two people and one eats meter like a mosquito drinks blood, I think she can skip out on using a super during solo runs
Also while is seems the blood mechanic was a driving point for some to vote for Elza I don't mind not having feels like it would cause real world trouble (too lazy to explain unless asked)
I'm going to wait until she has all her moves before I give her any serious time but from what I've seen so far she's pretty interesting.
The only thing I don't like from Sekhmet is the HP is the A.MP, it feels a little weird.
Summon Suffering

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Actually, thinking on it and trying to keep it thematically appropriate, giving Parasoul the darkness/luminous illusion input, then making her next Motorcade hit from both sides would be kinda cool.
Sounds good to me. While the Blockbuster has its purposes, I do think it could benefit from that extra bit of flair (and utility).

C'mon, as far as grapplers go we're missing 720+PP / 1080+PP / double-half-circle-back, forward + PP / the old Necro's Anger motion / Genma's Death Spell / Summon Suffering / Goku's whatever that thing was called / my personal least favorite, Tager's original Astral input - hold ABC+mash D.
I see.
I'm just going by the DS inputs "logic" (with a bit of facetiousness) but if you folks have the resources to add taunts for the rest of the characters, expanding the "input pool" to other games would be a necessity (and, of course, being limited to DS inputs isn't a written rule to begin with). Personally, I'm OK with 720ºs and HCBx2 but the pretzels and assorted pastry motions are another story... =A=
On a slightly related note, my gratitude for the absence of mash inputs.

She has supers left and that's it, boyo.
So, the only thing missing for Sek is the Blockbuster (she shares with Eliza)?
Not trying to be "up in your grill" or anything, just wanting to confirm if her only crouching move is LP.

My humble two cents regarding the blood mechanic's absence, I can understand the disappointment but I'm not entirely surprised by its exclusion given the character already has a lot going on for her in terms of delivering a unique gameplay experience and, from what I gathered, a lot of folks weren't too thrilled about the disadvantage angle (I personally was because I'm terrible at the game. <:3 ).
Also, the possible ESRB issues bearing in mind the description mentioned dropping blood on hit (allegedly a whole different matter than Nadia bloodletting on her own accord).
I confess I was hoping Sekhmet would be the Ki-ryuu to Eliza's Sou-ryuu but Lab Zero never promised a character with two full basic move sets so I cannot fault them for not delivering something that was never promised. That said, Eliza's basic move set is so much more elaborate than I thought it would be, both in terms of design and function, and the special moves all look quite interesting (especially as I never expected A&H to interact in the fight). So, even if some things didn't pan out as I expected, other things more than made up for it.

agent13 said:
Speak for yourself, neophyte! I could pull it off...like 1 out of 20 times...against a training dummy.
does the call back for sekhmet feel weird to anybody? It doesnt feel too responsive, also just out of curiosity is there a reason why single kicks do nothing, I find my self dropping a lot of combos by accidentally hitting kick. . . though that really is something I should just get used too.
Speak for yourself, neophyte! I could pull it off...like 1 out of 20 times...against a training dummy.

No, it's actually not possible in a 2d game because there's a random jump motion in the middle of it unless beowulf will have something like throwing a chair or whiffing normals or something because the input i'm thinking about it is

does the call back for sekhmet feel weird to anybody? It doesnt feel too responsive, also just out of curiosity is there a reason why single kicks do nothing, I find my self dropping a lot of combos by accidentally hitting kick. . . though that really is something I should just get used too.
Yeah, :KK: feels a little weird.
Yeah, :KK: feels a little weird.

I doesn't feel too bad for me. The only problem is that if you hold it in the air it won't do it when you land. It kinda messes me up on Sekhmet's wallbounce stuff.
does the call back for sekhmet feel weird to anybody? It doesnt feel too responsive, also just out of curiosity is there a reason why single kicks do nothing, I find my self dropping a lot of combos by accidentally hitting kick. . . though that really is something I should just get used too.
People were accidentally hitting a single kick and calling her back I believe? Much easier to accidentally tap a kick than accidentally not tap two kicks if you catch my meaning.
I personally prefer her requiring two kicks to call back because it feels more deliberate. However it does make it feel weird that she has no reaction from tapping single kicks now. Even if she did something like her growling win animation if you tap any single kick would feel a bit better methinks.

Her s.hp and j.mp sharing the same animation also bugs me, but both this and the kicks are issues I'd get over pretty quick.
does the call back for sekhmet feel weird to anybody? It doesnt feel too responsive

It also feels tough to time for me. It might be easier if it worked by holding kicks and when recall becomes possible it does it, but that might be a bit easy mode.
KK is because if it's just K then non-single-frame assist calls (P~K or K~P) make her return. If people are okay with that I personally prefer single K.
I can allow you to hold KK, though, and make Ks do attacks like Ps.

j.MP shares the same animation as s.HP because otherwise her only jumping attack was GOING to be what's now HP.

If I made jHP the axe, I don't mind it but then you wouldn't be able to do j.Axe->s.Axe.

[edit] And yes, she only has one low. Again, she was gonna have zero lows. :^P
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I can allow you to hold KK, though, and make Ks do attacks like Ps.
could you please? that would be so awesome
I don't see any issue in KK being return.

Holding KK = Return happens ASAP .. uuh I'm impartial to this; wouldn't mind it but don't think she needs it.

Kick buttons mirroring the punch buttons I was about to request, would just feel better to not have buttons flat ignoring inputs.


Question on visuals: Are there still some effects coming, or just colouring etc? I'd think that the Sekhmet winpose would look a lot better if it had an effect like Painwheel's does; Blood twirling around her, or rising out of the ground, or something to that effect.
I can allow you to hold KK, though, and make Ks do attacks like Ps.

I think that would be pretty good. I'm guessing they would just do the same moves but on kicks? I think that'd be okay too.
Would just using the same input for summoning Sekhmet be a fair alternative? It would be like a revolving door, QCB+P to summon, and QCB+any P to recall back to Eliza.
I can allow you to hold KK, though, and make Ks do attacks like Ps.
Ooh. This is super neat and I approve. Tidy solution to the empty buttons.
j.MP shares the same animation as s.HP because otherwise her only jumping attack was GOING to be what's now HP.
If I made jHP the axe, I don't mind it but then you wouldn't be able to do j.Axe->s.Axe.
Aye, I meant to mention that I understood why it was on j.MP. Even aside from chaining, j.HP looks more like a HP.

Out of curiosity, if she was only supposed to have j.HP, and wasn't supposed to have any crouching attacks, where did j.LP and c.LP come from?
I can allow you to hold KK, though, and make Ks do attacks like Ps.

Personally I have a slight issue with making it hold KK and also having the attacks on K's and P's because you won't get instant response from return while on the ground and could accidentally get attacks when you're not intending to do that and are just trying to recall Sekhmet.

Now, if you can make it where it's tap KK and/or hold KK and they both function for recalling Sekhmet, then I'm fine with it.
KK is because if it's just K then non-single-frame assist calls (P~K or K~P) make her return. If people are okay with that I personally prefer single K.
I can allow you to hold KK, though, and make Ks do attacks like Ps.

j.MP shares the same animation as s.HP because otherwise her only jumping attack was GOING to be what's now HP.

If I made jHP the axe, I don't mind it but then you wouldn't be able to do j.Axe->s.Axe.

[edit] And yes, she only has one low. Again, she was gonna have zero lows. :^P

wouldn't that mean if you don't do KK on the same frame she starts her moves which she can't cancel?
Personally I think it's just fine the way it is. Making it one K might cause people to call her back on accident and all of her inputs being punches is easy to remember. Are people having a hard time with this?
Personally I think it's just fine the way it is. Making it one K might cause people to call her back on accident and all of her inputs being punches is easy to remember. Are people having a hard time with this?
By making the buttons based on the strength of either punch or kick takes nothing away from you but helps players that may accidentally hit the wrong button and drop a combo. By making it able to be held also takes nothing away from you.
About the minor Sekback discussion, my initial impression would be to say the situation seems to be one of lack of familiarity with the character and her specific mechanics but it seems to more than that.
If these proposed changes don't affect what's there, then by all means, why not?

Anywho, it seems that poor Horace can be beaten by pretty much anything in 236+MK...
Real discussion and totally not a excuse to post a screencap of this frame that I think looks hilarious. :3
For being the more experienced one, his divekick can get stuffed out easier than Albus's attack.
He looks like he is in disbelief that he got hit. It is funny.
If Beowulf gets the original summon suffering or criminal symphony input, I'm learning him. You namby pamby grapplers have it too easy. I learned to do that shit off of a parry.
If you need me I'll be crying in the shower, reading all the "Oh man I was NOT looking forward to Eliza at all but she's super fun" messages I've gotten to try to calm my frazzled nerves.

Only two more characters, Mike, just get through it and you never have to deal with this junk again.

You let the ignorant whining of forumgoers frazzle your nerves? You're Mike Z, Gameplay Genius, just create the characters to the best of your expertise and fuck me and the rest of the haters. Maybe you're not the man i thought you were?
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