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Forum Problems and Feature Requests

For the last few hours I've been unable to post in any thread or conversation, until now. Still, every now and then my messages refuse to go through even though I can navigate the forums normally. Can somebody please explain this?

Also, I started a training diary a while back before I was banned for a week, but after the ban was lifted I noticed that the thread is completely gone. What's going on here?
I don't know if its just for me, but the thing on the portal or whatever its called that sez who you follow or general members that are online is completely gone.
The thing under forum statistics.
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I don't know if its just for me, but the thing on the portal or whatever its called that sez who you follow or general members that are online is completely gone.
That was deliberate in order to ease server load. Looks like the server move had to be delayed until this weekend.


Also I'd like to request that people keep complaints about the moderation of the site elsewhere. It's common knowledge that I'm no longer doing any moderation or community management here, so take your issues up with the respective mods and only use this thread to let me know about actual issues with the site (such as the current performance issues).
Does the total disappearance of certain threads count as an actual issue?
No, just the mods enforcing the no fun allowed rule. On a serious note if you made a thread outside of Off Topic and it got deleted and you were not notified about it/explained why it was deleted then I would inquire about the issue further.
My main issue is the fact the my Training Diary was deleted sometime after I was banned for a week and I wasn't given any notification. Some other threads I've started have also disappeared, but those can wait until I get an explanation, which is taking a while.
That was literally the first thing I did, but no one has answered me.
I stopped trying to contact Vadsamoht a while ago when I realized he wasn't involved in moderation anymore.
I'm looking into it man but let's not fill this thread up with more responses that are off the topic (though the disappearance is technically a forum problem).
Just make a new training thread - none of the mods seem to have a problem with it so I doubt it'll be deleted again.
That still doesn't explain why the threads were deleted in the first place. I know it was done out of spite but I wanted to hear someone say it. Whatever, I guess I'lll let it slide, this is off-topic anyway.
Don't know if it was just me, but I saw these when I tried to get on here,
Is that the Vita browser? Let me get mine out to check. It probably isn't an isolated issue on your end. This site has been having performance issues lately.
the website entirely appeared to be offline a while back, probably due to autumn's server change
No idea, everything seems to have been working whenever I was around. The site is currently on the new server so the initial performance issues should be resolved, but it's possible that they still want to tweak things a bit. Of course, let me know if this keeps happening, but I doubt it's anything to worry about at this stage.
I get double notifications if a person I follow replies to a thread I watch (in which I've already read all previous posts). I figure that's a bug, or at the very least redundant.


Single entry for every reply in a thread that I either don't follow or follow but didn't read the latest posts before the followed person replied, ie. 4th and last entry (good)
Double notification on the same post when the post of the followed person is also the first new post in the watched thread, ie. 2nd and 3rd entry (unneeded)
when's Beowulf/Robo-Fortune icons for profiles
Very soon.
I get double notifications if a person I follow replies to a thread I watch (in which I've already read all previous posts). I figure that's a bug, or at the very least redundant.
I can see why this would occur but it's not really something I have the power to fix. I'll be doing a software update for the forum soon, which might solve the issue. If that doesn't work I doubt I can really do much about it.
when's Beowulf/Robo-Fortune icons for profiles
Try now. I had to mash copy/paste a lot to add them in, so let me know if I did something wrong.
I like the new change to the spoilers and such, but spoilers that have specific messages on them seem to be cut short if there's a comma inside of them.

I typed "Like this, for instance" but if the problem is there, it'll only say "Like this"
I couldn't find this mentioned anywhere, but just a general question...is it possible to embed a google calendar into a post? I'm trying to use the <iframe> tag
I couldn't find this mentioned anywhere, but just a general question...is it possible to embed a google calendar into a post? I'm trying to use the <iframe> tag
Currently I think only Google Docs and Google Spreadsheets are supported via the Media tag.
I like the new change to the spoilers and such, but spoilers that have specific messages on them seem to be cut short if there's a comma inside of them.

I typed "Like this, for instance" but if the problem is there, it'll only say "Like this"
No idea, presumably it thinks the comma is to delineate sperate fields and automatically terminates the title string. Not much I can do there.
home page looks like this now

Wow. The new portal system has some stuff I need to fix, but I didn't see that because I didn't try lower browser window sizes. Thanks.

EDIT: Should be fixed now. Other stuff will come later when I have a bit of extra time.

EDIT2: Also please DO let me know of any strange stuff you see around the site - I I know a number of things that need changing but I might stuff unless you point it out.
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This was due to something wj asked me to do. It didn't have the desired effect, though, so I'll revert it.
Awesome, thank you! Being able to see the venue and attendees for local tournaments is really helpful for local scenes c:
Not a fan of the stream tab showing above the recent threads
Oh, THAT'S what's off about the forum mainpage.
I was wondering; it did look strange, but I couldn't figure out why

Yeah, neither.

"Recent Threads" is a thing that one clicks and looks at a lot, and there are always 5 of them (okay, sometimes only 3-4 when there are recent posts in the mod subform, but largely 5)
"Current Streams" is a thing that can have anywhere between 0 and 10 entries, burying the Recent Thread tabs somewhere at the bottom of the page, and one (or at least I) mostly looks at it when one wants to watch a stream anyway
"Recent Threads" is a thing that one clicks and looks at a lot, and there are always 5 of them (okay, sometimes only 3-4 when there are recent posts in the mod subform, but largely 5)
Ooh. I actually always kinda wondered what happened for non-mods when there was mod section posts in the recent threads tab.
Ooh. I actually always kinda wondered what happened for non-mods when there was mod section posts in the recent threads tab.
Could always just have posted something in the Mod section, then logged out and checked :P