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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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she just seems more like a mess of references than her own character most of the time.

I disagree. Based solely on what I've seen so far she seems nicely put together and I think that as a whole she's very well thought out and designed. Much of the cast is like her when it comes to having strong referential qualities or in-your-face thematic elements. Big Band uses nothing but musical instruments, Peacock has so many old-school western cartoon references that I can't count them all, and even things like Valentines constant use of nursing tools and ninja gear feel very blatant and almost too obvious. Eliza has a really strong motif that lends itself to a large host of strong (yet sometimes subtle) visually thematic elements. While these visual elements convey a strong theme on the outside, there are a large number of subtle yet import details throughout all off her moves that connote a very strong sense of character and personality. Don't forget that her voice will play a large role in the portrayal of her character as well.

Also what's with all the sphinx hate? It's like everyone hates it simply because it's the one Egyptian reference that they recognize. Don't think about it too hard people. She has a wide variety of references and themes in her moves. Some of them are obvious, some of them aren't. The sphinx is something that many people are familiar with, thus it serves its purpose of conveying Eliza's strong ties to Egyptian lore. It's also funny and cute. There's nothing wrong with having really blatant references when done properly, especially in a game like this that's full of them.
I don't hate Eliza for her messheap of Egyptian references, or her inability to stick to one thing.

I hate Eliza because she stole my waifu's spot.
I disagree. Based solely on what I've seen so far she seems nicely put together and I think that as a whole she's very well thought out and designed. Much of the cast is like her when it comes to having strong referential qualities or in-your-face thematic elements. Big Band uses nothing but musical instruments, Peacock has so many old-school western cartoon references that I can't count them all, and even things like Valentines constant use of nursing tools and ninja gear feel very blatant and almost too obvious. Eliza has a really strong motif that lends itself to a large host of strong (yet sometimes subtle) visually thematic elements. While these visual elements convey a strong theme on the outside, there are a large number of subtle yet import details throughout all off her moves that connote a very strong sense of character and personality. Don't forget that her voice will play a large role in the portrayal of her character as well.
I can give you a few of those points, especially in regards to everyone else having their motifs and references. I can't exactly describe it. Liz just doesn't feel as there to me as the other characters. With Squigly and Big Band, it was easy to see a lot of their personalities come out in their animations. I'm just not getting that from Eliza. Nothing about her is really jumping out at me right now. Granted, like you said, that could all change with her voice actress belting out a fine performance (and I'm sure she will)
but if her lines are all just blood and egypt then I don't know anymore
*Great Sphinx of Giza photo*
I'd reckon Eliza's c.MP emulating the style a Sphinx tourist postcard would make a pretty neat shirt design. Just throwing that out. :3

Also what's with all the sphinx hate?
They couldn't solve the riddle.
As for recognition, well, then I guess it's a good sign most folks don't know much about ancient Egyptian mythology. Personally, I see others as being more instantly recognizable (Albus and Horace) but I've always took a interest in the subject.

Anywho, Hathor has listened to our prayers and blessed us with a extended version of Bath of Tefnut.

Now to find a little break to play it... Transistor OST, Y U SO GOOD?
Is it really extended? Or is it just looped?

Either way I'm happy I don't have to keep taking my phone out of my pocket to rewind the video on Youtube when listening to it through earphones on the bus (I listened without earphones and got complaints of people having hot-flashes)
I can give you a few of those points, especially in regards to everyone else having their motifs and references. I can't exactly describe it. Liz just doesn't feel as there to me as the other characters. With Squigly and Big Band, it was easy to see a lot of their personalities come out in their animations. I'm just not getting that from Eliza. Nothing about her is really jumping out at me right now. Granted, like you said, that could all change with her voice actress belting out a fine performance (and I'm sure she will)
but if her lines are all just blood and egypt then I don't know anymore

At this point I would just trust everyone at LabZ to do their job. They've done a great job thus far and have given us no reason to doubt their judgement when it comes to character design and implementation. If Eliza still doesn't appeal to you by the time she's finished, then it simply is what it is.
There's extensions for that, dear.

Thanks Mom

At this point I would just trust everyone at LabZ to do their job. They've done a great job thus far and have given us no reason to doubt their judgement when it comes to character design and implementation. If Eliza still doesn't appeal to you by the time she's finished, then it simply is what it is.

Yeah like at first I was on the "he's just a guy with a chair" hate train for the Wulf when he was picked but I quickly got off once I remembered how awesome LZ is at their jobs. They'll make him cool, as they will Eliza.
At this point I would just trust everyone at LabZ to do their job. They've done a great job thus far and have given us no reason to doubt their judgement when it comes to character design and implementation. If Eliza still doesn't appeal to you by the time she's finished, then it simply is what it is.
Fair enough.
Umm no Skehmet better have his own form!


I'm sure that will be the case as we saw some work on Sekhmet's idle and the supposed multi hit move that changes Eliza into Sekhmet Mode on hit.

I'm sure that will be the case as we saw some work on Sekhmet's idle and the supposed multi hit move that changes Eliza into Sekhmet Mode on hit.
I wonder if the form will cost meter (either a timed super or just a normal one) or not. It'll be interesting to see since Sekhmet should be faster than Eliza, at least from the initial character description.
I'm psyched for Eliza's story because she seems like she's going to be the second playable villain. (Valentine isn't as bad as she pretends.) And let's be honest, Double's story mode was pretty boring save for that epic ending shot. And if Liz will get the same story treatment as Squigs and Big Band we should be in for something good.
Plus the story will revolve around the Medici's, who are one of my favorite parts of Skullgirls lore. And they'll get to be important now that the story modes are more...story driven(?)
Seeing how Liz is being blackmailed by the mob you have to wonder who her handler would be... I hope it isn't Vitale, he has his own crew. I want her to work directly under Lorenzo, like Dahlia. Also what kind of assignment do think she'll be given in her story mode? Which character do think the Medici's would want dead? Maybe Parasoul...
...is that a Cerellama/paca!? GIMME

EDIT: huh, it double posted and then deleted both instead of one :/

EDIT number dos: ...those aren't boobs, are they?
1: chickenwithtie is the best human being to ever exist

I hope Lab Zero keeps doing what they did with Big Band. I'm talking about giving a reason for every single fight.

You're telling me suddenly fighting Painwheel because she interrupted my night at the casino isn't a good enough reason

Nah but no kiddin, Band's story is the greatest yet, not only for actual battle meanings, but for seeing some of Painwheel's not GHABLAHGH side and seeing a smigeon of some of Hive's, Leduc's, Stanley's, and Ileum's personalities past ASG soldiers.

That last point makes me wonder if we'll get to see some of the Medici character personalities (all the circus characters, Black Dahlia, Ottomo, etc.). Also calling it now:

In the last fight, it's versus a pissed off Bella (with permanent max meter, 300% damage boost and 50% damage taken on always nightmare difficulty) because Eliza tried to kill Vitale to topple the Medici's.
Was that stream recorded or?
Huh, that's odd. I pulled that picture from the stream archive yesterday (actual stream was like a few more days back), but when I went back to check today I can't find the stream anymore.
Lab Zero currently burning every evidence of working on Eliza for reasons unknown
You thought it was Lab Zero
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