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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

And we love you for that but I can't help but thinking that 1.5 mill all in one chunk is a big pill to swallow. I've seen several people say they weren't going to contribute because they assumed the campaign wouldn't reach the goal.
Remind them that they'll get a refund if it doesn't.
Remind them that they'll get a refund if it doesn't.

Oh I do but you know for every person who speaks up mentioning this there's probably 10 more who don't bother to say anything and I can't inform them.

And for some reason there's this perception that all IGG campaigns are flexible funding so your money is gone even if they don't hit the goal. There must have been some bad press about that recently? I dunno.
And we love you for that but I can't help but thinking that 1.5 mill all in one chunk is a big pill to swallow. I've seen several people say they weren't going to contribute because they assumed the campaign wouldn't reach the goal.
Bloodstained RAISED $5m! And the game costs $5m. I really freakin' hate campaigns like that making real budgets seem big.

And um, if they don't contribute it won't reach the goal, so that's self-fulfilling innit?

There are hella stories like this
and then when we try to do the real thing, NO DICE?
And um, if they don't contribute it won't reach the goal, so that's self-fulfilling innit?

It doesn't matter if everyone's got a bad opinion / self fulfilling prophecy on stuff like "This doesn't look like it will be funded, so I won't donate". What matters is they DO have that that opinion and it needs to be worked with, not just discarded as irrelevant because it's bad.
It doesn't matter if everyone's got a bad opinion / self fulfilling prophecy on stuff like "This doesn't look like it will be funded, so I won't donate". What matters is they DO have that that opinion and it needs to be worked with, not just discarded as irrelevant because it's bad.
I didn't discard it as irrelevant. I am also not talking to the person involved.
Bloodstained RAISED $5m! And the game costs $5m. I really freakin' hate campaigns like that making real budgets seem big.

And um, if they don't contribute it won't reach the goal, so that's self-fulfilling innit?

There are hella stories like this
and then when we try to do the real thing, NO DICE?
The horror...
The problem mike is that campaigns like Bloodstained "sold" on the name of SotN or some famous acclaimed game and someone who said to be the original creator. It hurts me to say this, but as much as VP is an excellent game it isn't as famous as them. It's all a game of popularity on that factor.

The second issue is that right now most campaigns have gone crap and in many ways: they didn't raise high enough, or they mismanaged their budget, or the devs turned out to be shitheads. Even though this community knows you L0 guys are great, one that has never heard of you might think differently just by merely looking ar your campaign and remembering about other people's failed kickstarters. It won't make you look like shitheads, but you will probably raise doubts just because misinformation. On that you have to show you're different, that you proved youselves with SG and its campaign. You have the advantage of having the proto but who knows if it's going to be enough. I'd say you bump the info you have put in the IGG about your previous campaign a bit higher in the page (or at least put a header at the beginning leading to the paragraph) to show you're some people who know what they're doing.

One thing that concerned me was that pie chart. I know you don't know exactly how much stuff will cost but people will think it's too vague and I think it's misleading. You made one precise chart back in the SG IGG that assured people how you were going to spend the budget. That... thing in Indiv's is not. Maybe you could make one for how much you spent for the proto since making one with the full 3.5M is difficult and would probably require permission from 505 for the 2M thing.

Basically I think you should highlight the fact that you have experience and have done things with professionality.

I hope I didn't sound pretentious or anything but I wanted to talk about the stuff I was worried about.

Edit: is there an hashtag for indivisible? Maybe it could help, I'll post about it in the advertise thread
I hope I didn't sound pretentious or anything but I wanted to talk about the stuff I was worried about.
You didn't, but we know all that.
The pie chart sucks because 505 doesn't want us sharing more of their commitment for legal reasons, which we are trying to get them to change, but still ends up with a chart that sucks.
Does that include a chart about the proto?

EDIT: the legal stuff I mean
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Bloodstained RAISED $5m! And the game costs $5m. I really freakin' hate campaigns like that making real budgets seem big.

And um, if they don't contribute it won't reach the goal, so that's self-fulfilling innit?

There are hella stories like this
and then when we try to do the real thing, NO DICE?

Yeah, I mean it sucks that the campaign is a bit more intimidating due to having a realistic budget. It would be nice if there was some way to set some smaller milestones within that 1.5 million that people could work towards to make it less of a hurdle but I have no idea what that would even entail. Its hard to generate hype for a crowdfunding that is only 17% of the way funded after all.
The pie chart sucks because 505 doesn't want us sharing more of their commitment for legal reasons, which we are trying to get them to change, but still ends up with a chart that sucks.
When I saw that chart I thought something like this happened but never remembered to ask. Damn, that sucks.
More detail on the pie chart wouldn't hurt, but I don't think it's really that bad once you read the description. Instead of giving arbitrary percents, you guys just straight up said you were shooting for a $10,000 man-month, which makes sense to me. This early on, it's more important to see how a company's planning to keep the lights on for two years, and how much everyone's getting paid for whichever months they work. I figured the SG chart was more specific because that was a more compartmentalized process that had already been done several times before.

Anyway, I do hope the campaign can stay energized. Whenever I tell others about it, I make absolutely sure to tell them how much I trust Lab Zero. Once I start describing what the Skullgirls Beta was like, it's hard for them to disagree. Nobody else is going to let you play characters when they're still being roughed out, c'mon.
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Game Grumps did a video about the game:
For future reference, this isn't the thread to talk about people who have covered the game. That thread is here, and by extension here. Thanks.
Well, I think those are unnecessary, whatever. Thanks.
Well, I think those are unnecessary, whatever. Thanks.
As there is a lot of discussion on this thread already it is to prevent things from becoming even more cluttered, sorry.
And still someone posted the same in the fanservice thread and I don't see the same correction, but it's ok.
And still someone posted the same in the fanservice thread and I don't see the same correction, but it's ok.
Oh, someone did? I didn't get an alert for this, I will go take care of that.
About 1k away from the next Incarnation reveal! Bets on who it will be? I'm thinking the Naga Rider.
It's unfortunately the same shitty internet we've had for the entire time we've been at that office. We're not sure how we can make it better. :(
Maaan, I hope you guys can keep today's Animation Stream from getting too spotty. We're probably going to be seeing some new faces, and you can bet the Grumps attract a LOT of aspiring animators. Show 'em something they like, and they'll bring some friends to the next stream for sure.
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With that said, insert the usual disclaimers that the estimates that these sites give are notoriously unreliable, and that consistently meeting their 'average' isn't necessary to succeed, etc.
I was assuming the information on what went in every day was accurate since that can actually be counted, I find it hard to believe anyone would think the prediction system was even close to reality though since the day to day data is very inconsistent. I don't even know why it's there at all, honestly.
the prediction system [snip] I don't even know why it's there at all, honestly.
It's there because the people who believe you can predict...anything at all, ever...will believe it.

Incarnation reveal when?
If nobody else has done it by the time I get to the office, I'll do it. :^P
I remember Peter saying that it showed a prediction of around 2 mil a couple of days into the campaign, so I don't think it really takes into consideration the usual pattern of a mid-campaign dip and a final day surge that is common with crowdfunding. It seems instead to just extrapolate the curve based off the last few recent days. It will probably only show a worthwhile prediction on the final few days of any given campaign imo.
I remember Peter saying that it showed a prediction of around 2 mil a couple of days into the campaign, so I don't think it really takes into consideration the usual pattern of a mid-campaign dip and a final day surge that is common with crowdfunding. It seems instead to just extrapolate the curve based off the last few recent days. It will probably only show a worthwhile prediction on the final few days of any given campaign imo.
It went from $2m to $170k within 4 minutes of each other, because the campaign passed the 48 hour mark. It certainly does SOME math behind the scenes, just not...good...math?

[edit] To note, we passed the $170k "prediction" for the entire campaign within that day, too. So yeah.
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If nobody else has done it by the time I get to the office, I'll do it. :^P

I demand that you reveal the samurai nun next, Mike.
It certainly does SOME math behind the scenes, just not...good...math?
I assumed it just calculated the daily average and then applied that to the number of days, I've got nothing to back that up though, just seems like the most obvious formula for "this is what the future looks like".

As said, it's nonsense no matter what since there is no way to actually predict the day to day numbers.
This is a face of a murderer if i ever saw one.

The falcon looks calm tho.
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Altun Brown over Mamahaha any day!!!!!
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But does it grab enemies and then fly high just so he can let go of them so their bones are crushed all good to be ingested whole when their bodies hit the ground making a loud cracking noise?

I heard some falcons do that. Or it was another species maybe. It's kinda cool if you ask me.
But does it grab enemies and then fly high just so he can let go of them so their bones are crushed all good to be ingested whole when their bodies hit the ground making a loud cracking noise?

I heard some falcons do that. Or it was another species maybe. It's kinda cool if you ask me.

no you're right, some falcons do that with mountain goats
That's pretty cool, and also pretty... big?

Will there be the ability to choose the order of your party members (and I guess also, does positioning have any effect)? Otherwise snuffleupagus Kushi might have to be placed at the rear by default to avoid hiding another character and thus making it hard to tell when they need to block.
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