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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

Now that is even more awesome. Has the big showa vs heisei crossover film been translated yet?
I don't think it's been out long enough for the DVDs to have been sold yet. I really want to see it though. hurry and finish Faiz before since some of the characters in Faiz returned in that movie.
ah okay, will get to that then. By the way should there be any other series other than all of them to get through quickly like Faiz for watching this one?
decade if you want. but then again decade has a really EH ending. it's just a dumb cliffhanger that pretty much says "watch the movie" and the non-canon movie one actually has a way better ending than the actual endings.
Here is something I only just found out about Kamen Rider Battride war is that it's only single player. It just feels weird to have a game done like some of the dynasty warriors games and it is not 2 player.
well, considering Kachidoki is in the game, it's probably to prevent bloodhsed.

"no I want to be the juggernaut!"
If that were the case I would just play as W or Fourze or Baron.
decade if you want. but then again decade has a really EH ending. it's just a dumb cliffhanger that pretty much says "watch the movie" and the non-canon movie one actually has a way better ending than the actual endings.

Thing is the Decade & Double Movie Taisen is Canon to BOTH series. Same with Double's stand alone A to Z Movie.

Also, I just finished watching the RAW of Episode 31 as well as seeing the 32 Preview and the August Movie Preview.

Sid is Dead, Kiwami arrives next week and Bravo and Griton help to fight the insane Demushu

Read the spoilers at your own risk or wait for the sub in a few days.
So… I just googled "SH FiguArts Kachidoki Arms" out of curiosity, cuz I really want this, and guess what…


Damn thing has been announced this week! Release is this September! Hype!


And some spoiler-stuff, don’t read if you want to experience it in the show first:

Kiwami Arms looks ASS XD


Kachidoki definitely wins the optic-contest, but let’s see and wait how the powers of this one turn out.

But another thing: Is Kiwami really the mysterious fruit everyone is after? I thought Golden & Silver Apple where, since the fruit of legend should be a golden apple not a fruit basket, but it seems golden apple appears in the movie, so silver will most likely too.


If Kiwami really is the last arms in the show, that would suck a little bit in my opinion.
Kiwami is not only confirmed as the last Arms o the show, but the Movie the Gold & Silver Apple Lockseeds are in is confirmed as an AU Future of Gaim. Interesting that we are getting that before the series ends.
I just really don't want Gaim to end too soon. All these rumors about how it might end in the 30s are really making me uneasy. Not knowing is worse than knowing...
Thing is the Decade & Double Movie Taisen is Canon to BOTH series. Same with Double's stand alone A to Z Movie.
I was talking about all riders vs dai-shocker.

-Red Overlord be harassing all the plastic lawn furniture!
-Double lemons aren't enough for this magnitude of of red butthurt!
-OOOOH! Green Overlord be scheming! he's'a schemin'!
-Roshu: None of you can have the forbidden fruit because my waifu needs it more!
-Sagara: come on man. don't be a dick. play fair.
-Yoko doesn't deserve to be yelled at by the mayor.
-Ryouma ain't gonna let anyone in Zawame tell the mods.
-godammit Yoko! After I said you don't deserve to be yelled at!
-Kaito still proving why he's the most badass.
-Kaito pretty much shows his respect for Kouta.
-Zack is stepping into the fray. I await his ass whooping soon after.

-I would make a joke about Sid, but, everyone has done it so fuck it. He went out like a bitch.

all in all, a really good episode that's really stepping up the plot. lots of chaos, lots of action. and we're getting plenty of setup for an amazing story that I hope doesn't peter out by the end.

Next week!


WE GETTIN' KIWAMI IN THIS BITCH! you guys are crazy! I love Kiwami arms and it's dumb fruit basket chest. you're watching a show about guy who use cutting board belts and don mechanical fruits. what did you expect?

Until next time!

Question at @Sanoblaze, Have you watched all the kamen rider series ?
unfortunately no. I can't sit through a ton of episodes like you are able to do Worf. I can only take so much at a time before I feel miserable reading subtitles.

I have finished:


and I've gotten through a lot of other shows, I'm more than halfway done with amazon, almost done with OOO, a fifth of the way through Fourze, 3/5 of the way through Den-O, a large sum of Kuuga that I just need to buckle down and finish, and I need to just step it up.

I mainly run through major story synopsis and find some info I find interesting.
you guys are crazy! I love Kiwami arms and it's dumb fruit basket chest. you're watching a show about guy who use cutting board belts and don mechanical fruits. what did you expect?

Sano, you must admit that after this:


Kiwami is a pretty huge letdown. It gets owned by Kachidoki big time.

Okay, I havent seen what it can do yet, so that can still speak for it. But design-wise? Nah, looks really bad. The only thing that I have going for it is that Kouta now looks like a wiseman instead of a warrior. I like it when shows evolve their protagonist that way, because the wise ones of today where the warriors from yesterday. You can see that he learned his lessons.

But the fruit-basket thing is beyond stupid. We can clearly see that the forbidden fruit is a golden apple, like it should be, and we have a guy in the movie that uses a golden apple to transform. Why? Why not make it in the show? You can still have Kiwami, but it is a key goddamit! The key has to fit somehwere! Make it that the key unlocks the fruit and the golden apple lockseed for the chosen one to use, and end the series with it. If Kiwami really is the last arms and the movie is an alternate universe, im pretty disappointed.

Also, this can't end so soon. Please dont ruin the whole series with a rushed ending, it still needs at least 9 episodes. End it with episode 40, and I'm fine with it, but not with 35 or 36. This show got 2 freaking crossover episodes that are nice for the sake of it, but not if that means the story gets rushed.
just because kouta has his final form, it doesn't mean the series is gonna abruptly end. Lots of shows have the character reveal his final form and keep going on for quite a while. Hell, look at kamen rider w! Kiwami isn't probably the end of the series signal, it just means kouta now has his ultimate power.

and I'm looking at the armor as a whole, not just the chest piece. I think kiwami and kachidoki both look great in their own right, and kiwami has been confirmed as the key to kachidoki since kachidoki's reveal, just look at reviews for the toy.
Just checking on how much you saw of the series just to makes sure I don't say something that might have been spoilerly by accident.

Well Kiwami does look interesting and I have looked up what it does. Kiwami is cool enough in my opinion and it's power of being able to use the abilities before more freely sounds quite good. Maybe now Kouta can fully defeat the red overlord.
Also as of note from what I have seen from most of the neo heisei era that by the time they get their final forms there is still over a dozen episodes left, so I am fairly confident we will have over 40 episodes in Gaim.
I hope there will be, rumors had it it wouldnt go over 40. But, new topic:


Who's the blue guy? Silver apple maybe? And why are there 2 Kurokages? The one next to Zack is obviously Peco, but the one on the other side? Could it be that Hase comes back?!

And another thing: Kiwami has a cape? Shit, no one told me! Still looks really boring compared to Kachidoki, but let's see how it turns out. I hope it blows me away once I see it in action. Man, I can't wait for the next episode :(
Blue rider could be one of those movie exclusive characters, whoever they are their outfit looks cool. Oh shit, Kiwami does have a cape, that pretty nice.
also, if you look closely, one of rhe kurokage's is using a genesis dtiver, and the other is,in a regular sengoku driver. and hase has been confirmed to return in the movie.
Blue rider could be one of those movie exclusive characters

Um yeah, that picture is from the advertisement of the summer movie that aired after the episode ;) Thought it was clear that I talked about the movie, sorry :)

And since we know there would be Golden & Silver Apple Arms in this movie, my guess is that's silver. Would also fit since Gold Apple Arms is red and gold.

also, if you look closely, one of rhe kurokage's is using a genesis dtiver, and the other is,in a regular sengoku driver. and hase has been confirmed to return in the movie.

Right, the one with the Genesis Driver is Peco, he transforms into Kurokage Shin in the movie. But the other one confused me. I knew the actor was on board, but that could have been for flashbacks only. No we know he'll make a comeback.

And Im really suprised I was the first one to notice the cape XD

But yeah, thats the only time you can really see it, you can kinda see it on the picture where Kiwami-Gaim rides the horse, but only if you know its there.
Hase and Yuya will be returning from the dead(don't know for how long), and Peco will be Kurokage Shin, like Takatora is Zangetsu Shin now.
Looking back at the pictures, the cape is just barely noticeable at times but it still can be see, good on you for finding it first @Detective Q.

and how is Hase going to return in the movie, unless something happens in the story that allows some of the characters to return.
and how is Hase going to return in the movie, unless something happens in the story that allows some of the characters to return.

From what I've heard, the movie takes place in an alternate universe. As a result of this they could just bring them in because they feel like doing it.
I saw the cape when we got the leak on saturday, I just didn't think it needed to be proclaimed.
also, lets face it, Sid fucking just ate it. and it was awesome. good on you Roshuo.
I saw the cape when we got the leak on saturday, I just didn't think it needed to be proclaimed.

Oh, of course you did...


also, lets face it, Sid fucking just ate it. and it was awesome. good on you Roshuo.

What I liked about it was that Rosyuo gave Sid a chance to just walk away, twice. Only after that he killed him, when he could have done it instantly. I really dont think he's that evil, he's only very egoistic and sad.

I still cant figure out who the big villian will be. Rosyuo isnt evil, Deemushu will be delt with in the next episode (possibly) and Redyue dosnt seem like villian material.

Ryouma seems like a good choice, although I really hope Micchy goes totally crazy before the end and threatens to destroy both our world and Helheim because of his madness. Having Kouta kill Micchy in the finale would be so awesome.
Oh, of course you did...


I'm dead serious though. you showed the same pic as the one cyberbeta put in a spoiler and when I saw it I was just like "cool, a cape" cuz its not the first arms we've had that gains a cape. Lemon energy and Mango both have capes.
There are quite a few villains at this point to make a complete judgement call of who is the final boss yet. Still going for Ryouma as the final boss mainly because I want to see micchy get his ass handed to him sooner rather than later.

Also so long sid, you won't be missed. Also something I just realised, Micchy and Takatora were denied a meeting, damn a chance for Takatora to discover what is going on with micchy is delayed.
I know we won't miss Sid, but his ending was still pretty epic in the case of how Roshuo is apparently a strong sword fighter, and he didn't even draw a weapon to fight sid.
Yeah, he did go out quite well considering who he was up against. Given that Sid, who uses the cherry energy arms, could not defeat Roshue would that mean only Kiwami Arms is something that could stand up to him, if they do fight. Well I imagine if they do fight it would be that Kouta wants their help and he has defeat him to get that help, and then as soon as they are about to ally Ryouma and micchy get rid of him and then they ascend to the final boss territory.
Ryouma seems like a good choice, although I really hope Micchy goes totally crazy before the end and threatens to destroy both our world and Helheim because of his madness. Having Kouta kill Micchy in the finale would be so awesome.
Personally I'd prefer if Micchi ends up with an ironic death, like dying without the details of his betrayal ever getting out. Then Kouta and Mai can live on in blissful ignorance which is exactly what he was working for.
Personally I'd prefer if Micchi ends up with an ironic death, like dying without the details of his betrayal ever getting out. Then Kouta and Mai can live on in blissful ignorance which is exactly what he was working for.

I can live with that :)

Only thing I need is him getting some kind of punishment. Dosnt need to be JoJo-style or anything similar, but I dont want him to be redeemed or some shit like that.

On a side note: Has anyone a good place where I can find some awesome artworks of Gaim, fan-made and not? I searched around and found nothing really spectacular, which I cant believe on a fanbase this big.
As of watching through 16 episodes of Faiz I have made this post to say that Masato Kusata is A Colossal Jerk.
As of watching through 16 episodes of Faiz I have made this post to say that Masato Kusata is A Colossal Jerk.

Only Colossal? You aren't giving him enough credit man.
On a side note: Has anyone a good place where I can find some awesome artworks of Gaim, fan-made and not? I searched around and found nothing really spectacular, which I cant believe on a fanbase this big.

But seriously, I just check around multiple places. the Gaim thread on tumblr is where I go, and I only check the gaim thread as I don't even care for tumblr anymore outside of that.

and just wait until the Delta arc comes in @Cybermanworf because the Jerk counter multiplies. But yeah, Kaixa is the jerk of jerks.

on another note, Kaixa is actually somewhat famous in the fighting game world, as he caused a huge upset in Salty Bet.
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Only Colossal? You aren't giving him enough credit man.

Fair enough, after seeing more I can say he is A Gigantic, super colossal Jerk seems appropriate enough now in my opinion.
Edit: important update Kusata has just convinced to Yuji that he is trustworthy and that Faiz is not, I hate this character even more now.

In response to @Sanoblaze, that Kaixa saltybets video is mad hype, even though I despise him currently, not as much as micchy at the moment.
Well, Kaixa, while an immense jackass, still is an okay guy at some points. he's just a total jackass in general though.

he's an anti-hero but not in the good kind like Kaito Kumon.