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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

Well he is helpful in battle and having two people is better than just one, but still Kusaka is a complete ass. Kaito is far superior to him probably because even though he has a the strong will come out on top philosophy he tends to be quite altruistic from time to time.
like I said, just wait till you get to the Delta arc. Kusaka will look like a nice guy compared to who you see in that arc.

and Kaito can be pretty much summed up as "he's not wrong but I don't feel like I should agree with him"
given from the preview of the episode 26, I am assuming that calling it the delta arc refers to a new rider called delta. I wonder how they are going to handle and how long it takes for there to be a consistent rider given that most people can become riders with some exceptions in this series. Seriously they needed to be build a locking system on all these belts.
the Delta arc is really cool, but it kinda peters out because the person I know you'll want to become Delta will not be the one who becomes Delta.
Wait seriously, damn that's gonna suck.

Onore whoever wrote Faiz, Not really trying to insult the writer or anything but it does feel a tad disappointing in that.
it has a lot of good stuff, I just think time constraints and things were what kept it from being even more epic. like, there's so many plot points that are great, but they just sort of end without a conclusion you really feel satisfied with. there's still some really amazing scenes in 555 that make it a fan favorite.
Also just an observation on might part you guys might have thought of this earlier but each three of the main rider link to the three overlords. The red overlord links to Kaito with their mainly red colour scheme and the overlord protraying the negative result of what happens when strenght becomes everything. micchy would link to the green overlord because they are both scheming assholes and one of the main colours on micchy is green. Kouta would link with Roshue as with Kiwami arms they both have have a silver colour scheme and they have the most good intentions.

Edit : Also have a genuine wiki article about micchy, not done by me.
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I felt Roshue is more akin to Kaito, and Red Overlord was more Akin to Sid.
That probably makes a bit more sense given red just want power everything else and given what sid did in this episode and yeah roshue being similar to Kaito makes a bit more sense with their ideologies.

Not sure if anyone has brought it up but would Desu mai be the person that Roshue would want to revive with the forbidden fruit or was it too obvious that no one brought it up ?
I feel more that Desu mai is what will happen when Mai gets the forbidden fruit. I don't think Roshuo is going to get his Priestess back.
Have some Kiwami guys, it's free:


It's funny to see how Kiwami-Gaim can use Kurokage Shin's Kagematsu, without it having appeared in the show yet. And from what I know, it wont, since the transformation and thus the weapon is movie exclusive. Gaim you teasing devil you!

But it looks like Deemushu is up for one serious beatdown. I cant wait, this will be awesome!

On a side note, I really hope they make a FiguArt of Kiwami with a fuckton of accessories!

EDIT: Just realized by looking at the picture, Kiwami-Gaim wears the other lockseeds on the sides of his belt, like Wizard does with his rings! Maybe he summons the other arms weapons by opening up the lockseeds while in Kiwami-Mode? Or am I just dumb and Gaim had the lockseeds on the belt like that the whole time, since they had to come from somewhere when he switched arms?
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Can kiwami Arms still use the DJ Gun because that is personally my favourite weapon for all Kouta has used.

Also just a problem I am having with Faiz is that people have a problem communicating things, I think I have encountered alot of times where a current plotline could be solved by the characters talking to each other about it.
Can kiwami Arms still use the DJ Gun because that is personally my favourite weapon for all Kouta has used.

Theoretically it can, since its an arms weapon like everything else is. But if he actually uses the DJ Gun while in Kiwami-Mode is to be seen. I think not, since he needs to be in Kachidoki first to use Kiwami, meaning he just had the gun before transforming. If he could deal with the thread by using the gun, he wouldnt need Kiwami.

And I'm dumb, Kouta always had the lockseeds he didnt use at the side of his belt, that's nothing new.
I find it weird how Kouta seems to be OP but at the same time not really, considering he has the most lockseeds out of anybody.

also, in a series where everyone uses locks, doesnt it make sense that the key to ultimate power is literally a key? like, I bet if you shoved the Kiwami key into any lockseed you'd get Kiwami arms.
I find it weird how Kouta seems to be OP but at the same time not really, considering he has the most lockseeds out of anybody.

I think thats because of his character, he isnt really a fighter, mental-wise. He's more of a guardian, who only wants to use his power to protect others. He would throw away all of his powers if he could save humanity through it.

also, in a series where everyone uses locks, doesnt it make sense that the key to ultimate power is literally a key? like, I bet if you shoved the Kiwami key into any lockseed you'd get Kiwami arms.

Youre right, didnt even think about the lock & key thing. But I'm not sure if Kiwami fits into every lockseed, I rather believe Kachidoki was created to be unlocked by Kiwami some day. I think Sagara gave Kouta Kachidoki to test him, he wanted to see what he would do with that power.

Also, Kachidoki is literally half of Kiwami, not sure if that could be achieved with every other lockseed.

Another thing I noticed, Kiwami's armor color is white with black stripes, didnt the not-armor lockseeds that where used to summon Inves looked like that?

EDIT: I should post all the preview pics for Kiwami:


Seems like your wish has been granted Worf, Kiwami will use the DJ-Gun!
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hooray for Dj gun.

Also if micchy tries to fight Kouta, he has gonna have his ass handed to him so badly now that Kouta has Kiwami arms.

So what do you think the story will go from here, for me I think the team will go to fight Ryouma in Yggdrasil to regain control over the city and then micchy betrays them in the open and the Yggdrasil team goes to Hellheim and stirs up stuff for the overlords. the heroes are stuck and eventually Sagara opens a way back into Hellheim. they have an epic battle fighting each other and then Ryouma to get his hands on the forbidden fruit when micchy takes it and becomes the true final boss. Plants and stuff take over the Zawame city as micchy gets more evil. Then the heroes with new resolve fight super evil micchy and probably several rider don't make it through the final battle.
I think Micchy will probably get his ass handed to him and will join the good guys but they won't like him being there.

I would love it if greed overlord becomes the final bad because he's just so unassuming, he'd be perfect.
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You know given my previous idea of the green overlord being the equivalent to micchy, it could make the most sense for him to be the final boss, that or they both end up working together and then betraying each other.
also, because I really am starting to like green overlord's design the more I look at it. from the earing beads to his half opened eyes look.

I just really like his design.
I would love it if greed overlord becomes the final bad because he's just so unassuming, he'd be perfect.
"He" is a "She", Redyue is female :)

I know that for a fact since it destroyed my theory that the Overlords are really Kouta, Kaito and Micchy from an alternate dimension.

And on the point which route the story will take: I heard the next story-arc will show Helheim invading our world.
well, thats actually quite interesting. which is weird because Redyue's voice actor is male. I guess it's like Mezool who's suit actor was male, but she had the voice of a female.

and yes! we finally get an all out war with helheim! let the battle begin!
Wait the green overlord is female, what expecting that. The more you know.

Okay Hellheim is making an attack on Zawame and probably Yggdrasil as well given that they went into Hellheim the most. I don't know but the fact that hellheim is attacking now just makes me feel we are getting closer, I know I am dragging on this topics but I want Gaim to keep going for at least over 40 episodes.
well, its safe to say that since we haven't really seen any pics of Drive yet, Gaim still has some longevity.

like, if I remember correctly, they were advertising OOO around the last 5 or so episodes of W. so its probably safe to say Gaim is safe for a while at least.
Don't they also have crossovers at some point in the shows run to premiere the new rider before they make their first appearance in their own show, probably in a movie at some point.

I must say that thrill of speculating about something new, as in this new rider series coming up, is quite exhilarating. Will probably be Kamen rider in more vehicles but still I am quite excited for it.
Don't they also have crossovers at some point in the shows run to premiere the new rider before they make their first appearance in their own show, probably in a movie at some point.

I must say that thrill of speculating about something new, as in this new rider series coming up, is quite exhilarating. Will probably be Kamen rider in more vehicles but still I am quite excited for it.
maybe it will be a rider who is like, the Centurions.
If I may ask what are the centurions?
it was an 80s to 90s cartoon show that I used to watch when cartoon network used to air reruns.

it's about a group of dudes protecting the earth with armaments that represented their fields of prowess, land, sea, and air. it was pretty cool and the weapons they got were pretty awesome.

not to mention they have a space station named Sky Vault.

and they even spelled extreme like W did. "POWER! XTREME!"
ah okay sound interesting.

I have only got through a bit of it but I am reading through the kamen rider spirits manga, which is frigging awesome, of course what they can pull off is abit more than what was capable of them doing in the show but damn it is all awesome.
Where are you guys getting the raw episodes of Gaim before the subs hit the net? Cause I dont think I can wait to see Kiwami, since I'm always a whole working day behind you with watching, damn time zones.

Also: I'm up to Episode 12 of Wizard now, I like it still, but not as much. The thing is the theme of Phantoms & Gates repeates too much. I know thats in style of the classic Rider-series, but the problem is the people who Haruto saves are not so interesting anymore. The con artist was pretty cool but her motivs where too predictable. Gaim is just so much better with everything.

I think I will continue watching, since Beast isnt far away now, but I'm really salty that Gaim probably wont get as much episodes but Wizard got more than most over series.

And one last thing: My package from Japan is on its way, 2 sweet FiguArts and a Kachidoki lockseed! Pics as soon as they arrive, promise!
It's cool about your stuff getting to you eventually Q, hoping to see it soon.

I do want to get to wizard at some point but unfortunately I am getting through the other rider series at this point, but given the rate I am going I will probably get through wizard at some point soon.

Edit : I found this video and it was fairly amusing.
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So I've seen the new episode now (raw), oh boy Kiwami is awesome! Not Kachidoki-awesome, but the second most awesome thing in Gaim yet.

I dont want to spoiler anything further, but feel free to watch the commercial for the Kiwami lockseed-toy that surfaced yesterday to get a preview of whats ahead:

I will definetly get one of those, since I already bought the Kachidoki lockseed. And heres me hoping Kiwami gets a FiguArt (not a web-exclusive please!).
Yeah I go to youtube, type in the Gaim & the episode number late on Saturday (after 9 p.m. ) and adjust the Search parameters to today and just refresh until the RAW goes up.

So now we begin the Battle of Zawame City.

-Demushu gets butthurt again and ragequits, only because he needs a snack
-Kouta wants to fight but Mai is being the weird "I don't want your help but I appreciate it anyway but seriously stop though" thing again
-Sagara gives the key but not really because he needs to watch his awkwardly posed soap opera!
-Redyue and Micchy be scheming still
-AUGH! these vines are getting way too intrusive!
Yoko: oh godammit....
-Gridon returns from his fabulous training. he still hasn't gained any range though.
-Oren returns too! again! again!
-Mai: Kouta! you've been doing enough! it's fine!
Kouta: is it though?
-The YoKaito ship is strong with this episode
-Everyone is being competent! Even Zack!
-not even acorn sparking can-it's probably the only good attack for Gridon, who are we kidding?
-Kouta charges to the beat of his own drum off screen!
-We get it! Kachidoki can take a lot of hits! you're pushing that a bit too hard now!
-Kouta is all the fruits and you can't stop him!

a REALLY good episode. firing on all cylinders. keep it up. we're getting so many good plots.

Next week!

Until next time!

This week in gaim

  • Did anyone notice that Zack was pretty competent in that first fight and excluding Demushuu's final attack none of them had really hit either Kaito or Zack
  • Yoko : Professor, interrupting the riders has not helped before, should we do it again?. Ryouma Of course we should, inteferring with someone who is winning always works, Fails again, Ryouma : Well who could have seen that coming?
  • Sagara has force powers, who knew, Also the awkardly posed conversation does make me chuckle a bit
  • Micchy and Redyue final boss, I can see it now, the invasion of ygdrassil was also cool and damn ryouma prepared a escape pod, also can they still restore the systems even though ryouma has left it.
  • The riders when they work together can be quite competent also the return of Jonouchi and Oren.
  • Oh shit, no can be beat demushuu, none, it's impossible, there is nothing we can do to.... oh hey Kouta has his final form now, forget what I say you are going down Demushuu.
  • And so Demushuu was defeat in glorious style, Also next time we might see the ruse of Micchy the scumbad comes crumbling down , Can't wait.
I guess he would be..... Oh my god I just realized something, Now that I have gone through all of OOO I can now fully go through the cakeboss chronicles, this is going to be good.
Wonder what he'll do now. Sid is dead, Takatora dosnt trust him anymore, Peach-Girl is now a complete Kaito-Fangirl, and all of Yggdrasil is Overlord territory. He's pretty much on his own now. I bet he will make a big return with some crazy inventions soon.