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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

Yeah Emo wataru isn't that great so far, also he is quite introverted but he is getting a bit better. On another note I am introducing a friend to Kamen rider over the summer, due to random selection we are going to watch Kamen rider Kuuga.
Kuuga is not bad for a first time thing. the main character himself isnt the best and most dynamic character, but he's charismatic enough to where you can't really hate him.

plus the Kuuga fights are just really good and Kuuga's powers are cool.

how are you enjoying V3?
V3 is... V3 is, I haven't really gotten through as many of the showa era series but V3 is really convincing me to get through the other Showa rider series, V3 is just awesome.

Also given your point, is there any other you might recommended for a first watch to introduce someone into the Kamen rider?
well, if the person like ultra violence, introduce them to amazon. good old kamen rider goodness, black or V3. for heisei, Kuuga, or W. but let them know that W is pretty slow at the start and then it becomes amazing.
Well some choices were restricted due to the fact that some i want to show him are ones I have watched through and the plan was for us to go through as both of our first reactions so some of the choices were limited to those I had only watched the first episode for.
Okay I am a decent chunk of the way into OOO and I have to ask, you mentioned that one of the outfits is highly gaudy and Eiji now has Putotrya form. Is it gaudier than that then?
super tatoba is a movie only. Imagine the black and colored parts on the torso and legs swapped in tatoba. Now give him pointy ugly shoulder pads and you have super tatoba. The power is cool but I wish it wasn't so ugly.
Since there was some posts about what Rider shows to recommend to a newcomer, I think I'll chime in with my opinions.

If the person is into Anime, I recommend Den-O. Not the best series to represent rider, but is in familiar territory that you could ease someone into rider if that's the approach you want to take.

I would not recommend Kuuga I'm sure to Sanoblaze's disappointment. Sure, it has some of the best moment in possibly all of rider, but it's rather slow paced and you have to Slog through periods of awful at times.
Well when I see him and can give him more information about the series, we can make the decision about which ones we will watch. With the reccomendation and my thoughts the choices so far are narrowed down to Black, Den - O , Kuuga, Agito, Amazon, Blade, Kabuto and Hibiki.
so, I was looking at the gaim tag on tumblr, which is pretty much the only reason I still go there, and came across some really nice art by the pixiv user.... http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=12039 < Seramiku, and I figured it wouldn't hurt to make icon sized versions of little pieces of the art, as seen with my icon.



spoiler for episode 14


oh shit I forgot Kouta... problem is he's so small....
That looks really good!

I like the movie-poster vibe this one has, and most of the characters are perfectly drawn, they look really life-like.

Although… the one who does look odd has to be my favorite character, Oren :(

He looks to… "Massive", his head has a totally different shape. He’s not that masculine looking.

oh shit I forgot Kouta... problem is he's so small...



Also, something new on the FiguArts front: Images of Gaim & Baron in their packaging have surfaced!


And what can I say… they look delicious! Almost makes me sorry for ripping these packages open soon, but I have too much fun posing these guys for leaving them in their boxes. But I will keep the boxes anyway; they look to good to just throw away.
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I think Oren looks accurate in the poster art. He is a,very masculine yet extremely comical feminine character. I think it portrays him extremely accurately. My favorite though in the pic is Kaito. :p duh.
No points for Guessing who my favourite one is on that one.

Also even though I was going through V3, I have also been going through OOO as well and have completed it.

OOO is really good and has spawned three of my favourite characters, Kougami Kousei, Date Akira and Ankh. The concepts of greed and desire were played far differently from what I was expecting and the majority of characters were great fun to see. Although with this one while I liked alot of the characters I did like Eiji but not that much, not entirely sure why though.

The forms in this were great along with really good fights, Tajador is my favourite combo and comes with the best music.

It was a good series and with how I have been going I might as well finish the neo heisei era and then the showa era and then the Heisei era.
Eiji isn't bad, its just that he's the weakest of the characters that are so interesting. whether it was sympathizing with Gouto, loving the carefree nature of Date, the absolute insanity-hype that is Kougami, the assholish nature of Ankh, the lovable nature of Hina, or anyone else. Eiji never gave anyone a reason to dislike him, and he's a generally well rounded character, but he's just not the most interesting. I still love him as a whole.

also, I recently learned the name of the next Kamen Rider series.

Kamen Rider Drive.


and yes, Tajador is the best. the best design and Time Judged All is the most perfect theme for it.
That is exactly what I have been trying to think of but was unable to phrase it, I like Eiji, he was a good and likeable character It's just that every other character was so much better with characterization or what type of character they were. Gentarou Kisaragi is still my favourite rider.

What sources do you have for the new kamen rider title, if I may ask?

If it is true then, Kamen Rider Drive sounds like it could be a vehicle based series.
So what will the protagonist use to transform then?

A "Drive Driver"? :D
And then it turns out to be a story with Kamen rider accel as the main Rider.... a guy can dream, Joking aside I'm looking forward to Drive, regardless of the fact we only know the title of the series. Making a prediction the the main rider's Armour will have wheels on it.
or maybe he'll look like the Stig.

"some say, his belt isnt actually needed to henshin. all we know is his name is Kamen Rider Drive"
If it’s about cars and stuff (what the title seems to indicate) I’m not interested, at all. Seems harsh at first, but I don’t care about cars or motorcycles, although the later ones are a common feature of the Riders, but they are not that important. Of course, I need to see the series before making my final judgment, but what I think "Drive" could look like, I don’t like the idea.

The only thing that could interest me in a scenario like that is that the protagonist is a cyborg again. When it is about cars or other motorized vehicles, it would be fitting if the protagonist is half machine himself.
Note to self: must now write fanfic where Kamen Rider Aceel fights against the stig and loses because it took too long for Ryu to say Henshin.

I am also imagining for every characters henshin belt to related to a vehicle and the main characters would use a Motorbike and the other characters would use other vehicles like cars, helicopters and boats.
I am also imagining for every characters henshin belt to related to a vehicle and the main characters would use a Motorbike and the other characters would use other vehicles like cars, helicopters and boats.

You know what that reminds me of?

I was thinking along those lines as well.

Watch as it turns out we were all wrong and it's called drive as reffering to drive as a motivational drive and the series revolves around the main character being a motivational speaker and the enemies feed off lack off motivation.
oh my god! what if Drive is referring to hype and he's just a super energetic rider who is like Kougami but a younger dude?!
Mhm… I still think it’s about cars. But they could do both actually.

I hope they go all out with this; if it’s about driving, make it take place in the future, with a new art style and vehicles we have never seen before.

Did we have that already, a masked rider in the far away future?
no, they usually have taken place in present day. but I wouldn't hold it against them to try doing that. it'd be easy to have him team up with Gaim in a movie or something, considering Gaim crosses dimensional borders all the time.

I think we should all be patient on Drive and see what it is. if it's something we don't think we'll like, we'll get the fan reaction from it and jump in if it's good. if we do like it, more weekly stuff!

I however am gonna jump on it. I just hope it doesnt end Gaim too soon.
oh my god! what if Drive is referring to hype and he's just a super energetic rider who is like Kougami but a younger dude?!
Note to self : Make a kamen rider fanfic with Kougami as the main rider as Kamen rider baking and have him teamed up with Oren and they go around defeating food based monsters.

Hype rider does sound quite good.
Mhm… I still think it’s about cars. But they could do both actually.

I hope they go all out with this; if it’s about driving, make it take place in the future, with a new art style and vehicles we have never seen before.

Did we have that already, a masked rider in the far away future?

I think it was Faiz that was bit more of a futuristic rider but I am not entirely sure they can have the next rider set in the future given that there is quite alot of crossovers as of recent.
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The greatest of duos. Speaking of which Oren hasn't appeared for a bit in Gaim.

I really want to see what happens next, Drive has made me too hype at the moment
Okay I have a sort of question about Faiz, I am currently 4 episodes into and I think I have a theory about something related to it that might be spoilerly and my question is if I you have a theory and it turns out to be right should you still wait until to it gets confirmed ?
I dunno. I guess it all depends on spoiler thresholds. My spoiler threshold has always been 5 years, but what is it a major plotpoint spoiler or something else? Feel free to spoiler it if you want.
Thankfully I didn't spoil myself on that bit about faiz.

I am trying to get through Wizard but It is going some what decently but I don't know this is the first series where I have not liked the rider and I think that really breaks my enjoyment of a show when I can't enjoy the main character, The only characters I have enjoyed so far are the villains.

The action has been good if not too much CGI from time to time. Sorry about still harping on it but I want to get through Wizard but I am liking it as I go through it.
just wait till Beast shows up in wizard. I know people who hate Wizard but love Beast. Hopefully Wizard will pick up for you. I wish we had more characters like Oren or donut manager. They're the best characters.
Donut manager was good, and I will be on the lookout for when beast shows up.

So far my top ten characters in no particluar order have been, Kougami "Cakeboss" Kousei, Date Akira, Ankh, Ren "Batman" Akiyama, Shuichi Kitaoka, Shoutaro Hidari, Gentarou Kisaragi, Kengo Utahoshi, Kaito Kumon and Kamen rider V3. I haven't learned every characters name yet.

Not sure how beast is but I doubt he will be taking a spot on that list, and I almost forgot Kaito so I added him on.
since you said you finished OOO, I thought I should give you a couple fun facts.

Ryosuke Miura, the man who played Ankh and Hina's brother, suffers from hydrophobia, which is amazing to know considering theres so many scenes of Ankh in and near bodies of water.

also, the hair Ankh has is actually Ryoksuke's real hair. the hair he has as Hina's brother is actually a wig.
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Wait, what, they are actually the same person. but they look so different to each other. Well after looking up I do agree but damn, they just look so different. Also it is cool that Ryosuke was able to do some scenes given his hydrophobia.

Also for a cool fact I found of my own, apparently the voice of guts in the new berserk films is the person who played Date Akira.