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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

I haven’t watched a lot of Kamen Rider’s, but I think he’s pretty powerful. At least compared to older Riders who used their fist and feet to fight.

If Kiwami is what I believe, he could be really OP.
Well I haven't read the spoilers, so I have to wait a bit then for that.

What is your progress withe Kamen rider's so far then @Detective Q ?
Not much.

Some of Ichigo, Black & Wizard and all of Gaim.

I don’t have much time to watch stuff at the moment :(
I think Kouta can be considered one of the more stronger tech based riders solely because of Kachidoki alone.
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and later we will be getting Kiwami arms which according to Detective Q is gonna be uber badass.
well, if it's his ultimate form and we've seen how much curbstomping Kachidoki does, it probably will be OP.

I'd love it if he went mad with power, and it takes everyone to stop him, and then they agree that only the strongest should wield the fruit, and then we get that huge showdown scene that the show started on.
It would seem to fit Urobochi's style if Kouta went power mad and accidentally destroyed micchy while disguised as Zangetsu, which in a sense would get the satisfaction of Micchy finally getting his comeuppance but not in a way that would feel as satisfying as this would cause a massive shock to Kouta.
honestly I want him to accidentally hurt Mai, which transforms her to Desu Mai, and then someone like Zack or Oren sacrifices themself to snap Kouta out of it and then Hideyasu is like "i'll never join your side Kouta because you killed my father" and so he joins Kaito's side and Micchy becomes so entangled in his lies and has to pretty much be a lapdog to Takatora.
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I also like that theory for how things are going to happen. I wonder If any other riders will be upgraded with Kachidoki arms as well by the time we get Kiwami arms.
I hope at least Kaito get another energy arms form. because Kaito going lemon has been working out amazingly.
I still believe that the thing in the prologue is an alternate future that will never happen.

I don’t know why, but I fear that the explanation for Desu Mai, Sagara and the prologue war will be severely lacking.
Well we haven't hear much from them for a while and the explanation will either be a huge top tier revelation or oh okay there is more important stuff going on here because you took too long to explain stuff.
I hope we get something close to the battle scene that started in the series. the forest taking over the city with the tower in the background, the build up to an ultimate battle, no one knows who is on the right side for humanity. Gaim needs a scene somewhere close to that.

and hopefully we'll get information about Desu-Mai and Sagara soon.

just a little bit of the best opening getting the best of remixes.


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Why is it that an MLP-Crossover comes to my mind instantly? XD

Also, I did some thinking today (yeah, it happens) and I must correct an idea of mine: Sano, you’re definitely right, the Fight Power-chant was made for Baron and then later used by Duke, not the other way around like I believed.

You see, none of the next gen-riders from Yggdrasil have chants. Melon Energy obviously doesn’t, and neither do Cherry and Peach. Why should Lemon then? I believe at first, none of the drivers should have gotten chants. The first one, seen in Takatora’s flashback was "By Heavens Degree", and I think that’s more of a code name that was put into the lockseed so that everyone could accept it more or so that the project has some help from heaven. Also, you give names to stuff that you like to remember. So I think it was a thing that Ryouma did to make the lockseed a little more appealing, I don’t have the right word for it.

So when the testing drivers got out, Ryouma obviously wanted to make them appeal to the target audience, the Inves gamers, so he continued his theme of adding cool chants to the lockseeds, he really liked to do it. But the lockseeds for Yggdrasil themselves, the real things, they never got chants because it was mere Childs play that would have consumed too much time and money. So Ryouma didn’t do them. But when he had to give Kaito an energy lockseed, he continued his theme of adding a chant. That way, the Lemon Energy lockseed had a chant added and he had the chant too when he later used it to create Fallatora.

I admit it, I was wrong.

But I have a new thing: Why does Micchi, when using Melon Energy, look exactly like Zangetsu? That’s not right. The basic structure of armor is unique to every rider, while the fruit used to transform creates the armor. For example, Kouta using Banana Arms still looks like Gaim, minus the orange but plus the banana helmet and armor. So shouldn’t Micchi look like Ryugen, but with a melon on him instead of grapes? I mean, Baron with Lemon Energy basically still looks like Banana, you can see it in the current episode where Kaito switches not only arms, but belts. The basic suit is still the same. I know, they did this for the plot, but it makes no sense. And don’t tell me it’s because they’re brothers. If that would be the case, Ryugen shouldn’t look so different in basic arms to Zangetsu, but he does.

That kinda bugs me.

On to more enjoyable things: I did manage today to get a new pre-order up: Now Gaim won’t come alone to me, but with Baron on his coat-tails! After months of looking at the same "Sold Out"-signs, I know have both Gaim and Baron's FiguArts on pre-order. I’m really happy to get a little Kamen Rider Gaim-collection going.

You know what that means, right? Bananas guys, bananas for everyone!
Funny fact: I literally munched a banana while preordering Baron. If that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is.

And closing this way too long post, be prepared for some crossover pictures with my MonsterArts figures once Gaim & Baron arrive at my place. Will the king of the monsters and his following be a force to overwhelming for our heroes? You will soon find out!
I hope at least Kaito get another energy arms form. because Kaito going lemon has been working out amazingly.
Chances are he won't. Toei is having issues with Bandai for creating new molds for models or something along those lines. Lemon Baron is probably going to be what we are stuck with.

But I have a new thing: Why does Micchi, when using Melon Energy, look exactly like Zangetsu? That’s not right. The basic structure of armor is unique to every rider, while the fruit used to transform creates the armor. For example, Kouta using Banana Arms still looks like Gaim, minus the orange but plus the banana helmet and armor. So shouldn’t Micchi look like Ryugen, but with a melon on him instead of grapes? I mean, Baron with Lemon Energy basically still looks like Banana, you can see it in the current episode where Kaito switches not only arms, but belts. The basic suit is still the same. I know, they did this for the plot, but it makes no sense. And don’t tell me it’s because they’re brothers. If that would be the case, Ryugen shouldn’t look so different in basic arms to Zangetsu, but he does.

That kinda bugs me.

It's the belt. Not all the drivers are identical. Each one has the face of the rider it's going to be on the side.
Look at the right side of the belt. It has Gaim's face. Each other rider has there own unique image here.

The exception to this is the Energy driver (or whatever they are called). But it also follows the same rule of the belt giving the form, hence Michi as Zangetsu rather than Ryuugen.

The only confusing part about this is why Baron has the same base form regardless of whether he is using the regular driver or the energy driver. And the answer to that is Toei didn't have time to make a completely redesigned suit and just went for the easiest thing. The Bandai issue with making new toys was also possibly a factor.
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well, we could say that the genesis drivers could be like the mass produced ones, but they have the suit properties of the original genesis drivers. because the original drivers can only be used by the first person who puts them on and each rider has a different suit design, while the new suits possibly have the Kurokage suit as the standard (hence why Zack is also black in his suit) and can be used by anybody. I think it's fine and thank you @Banazama for the info on the suits and toy deals.


and I am fine with Lemon Baron.

also, the genesis suits probably have a suit specifically designed for them, it doesn't seem too far-fetched for Ryouma to make the suit for Micchy look like Zangetsu's and allow Kaito to keep the same suit.
I have gotten through a decent chunk of Kamen Rider Fourze, at least 34 episodes. From this I think I can give my opinion of my favourite rider so far and hopefully for a while, Gentarou Kisaragi.

He is just joy and friendship incarnate, he tries to make friends with everybody, has some many cool fancies gadets and has enthusiasm as endless as space. He is just far too much of an enjoyable character to put as my favourite which is why he is currently my favourite.
he is the rider who will befriend all other riders.

and godammit, :,) I wanna be his friend too.
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On one of the sites that I am using to watch some of the kamen rider series, which is gooddrama, there is a message saying there is Malware and they are waiting for google to deblacklist them, Is that something I should be worried about in using Gooddrama even though I have Adblock or should I use different sites in future?

Edit It doesn't appear all the time, so it could be an ad related problem as opposed to a problem related to the site of gooddrama.

Also slightly more on topic, In fourze so far in episode 41, Gentarou pulls out a switch I haven't seen before and he says Nadeshiko when he pulls it out, did I miss a movie that explains what happens here?
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Also slightly more on topic, In fourze so far in episode 41, Gentarou pulls out a switch I haven't seen before and he says Nadeshiko when he pulls it out, did I miss a movie that explains what happens here?

The OOO x Fourze movie. Kamen Rider Nadeshiko is in there, as well as OOO strongest form: Super TaToBa
Kamen Rider Nadeshiko, I assume she is move exclusive then and If the ultimate form of OOO is there, then I think I watch that when I get through OOO in it's entirety.
Also almost done with Fourze at episode 45, There will probably be a big post about my thoughts on this later.
super tatoba is also OOO's ugliest form. The power is cool but it is gawdy as hell.
I don't think I have seen a design so far in Kamen Rider that I have disliked so far, I mean it can't be that bad, of course I don't really have the best sense for what is and what isn't a good design and I won't see it until much later but still can't be that bad.
Ok, this is going to sound odd to most of you having read through all the posts, but Decade is my favorite Rider.

He's the Rider who was on when I got into the series and he has one of the more dangerous power sets in that all the Primary Heisei riders from Kuuga-Kiva are his weapons. Add in that by the Movie to end the series he has all of them active it just raises his danger level.

That being said I did feel the series of Decade ended on a very weak note, making fans wait from September all the way to the Decade x Double Movie in December to see the official end of Decade's series. Also, after they left Shinkenger & THe Super Sentai Earth the series felt like it got weaker. Heck we know Narutaki is a major villain, but we never truly find out why, even when he keeps popping up.

Gaim is going to run til' September at the earliest, but sometime next month we will begin to hear the rumors on the next series. The first notice of the next Rider will be when the Name of the 16th Heisei Rider is trademarked.

Ok, on a different note, while several of us have S.H. Figuarts riders, does anyone have any Drivers or Henshin Items? Personally I have the DX Double Driver, DX Skull Magnum, DX K-Touch, 12 DX OOO Medals and a DX Peach Energy Lockseed.
And now I am finished with Kamen Rider Fourze, Oh my god this a such a good series.

Putting my thoughts in the spoiler since some of them are quite spoilery.
As previously mentioned Gentarou Is currently my favourite rider with all his enthusiasm and stuff.

For quite a few of the main cast, excluding Gentarou, Tomoko and Kengo they were a tad unlikable until there story arcs and then they became quite likable and good characters. Well again excluding Yuuki who was fine at the start of the series and then go too much hyper and space obsessed in the later parts of the series, although there was some liking to her character restored after the gemini arc.

The villains were decent, some were a bit more memorable than other such as Makise, Cancer and Virgo while some I didn't like as much such as Sonoda and the principal. Tatsugami was good as well along with Virgo and Gamou.

They did a good job with the two episode story arcs for the characters which I felt went through the characters well and gave alot of interesting and diverse characters. Also when they first start doing the two episodes mini arc things in kamen rider ?

Also did any feel any similarities to Double with this one?

Really enjoyed this one and now I will move onto V3
I eventually want to try to get these lockseeds:

Peach Energy

I don't really mind not having a driver for them. I just want the lockseeds.
To answer @Cyberbeta, No I don't unfortunately have any Rider merchandise but I would like to get some of it at some point.
Sh figuarts are a good start. or SIC Kiwami Tamashi figures if you're on a budget.
Okay this is currently one of my new favourite things in Kamen rider.

Also Haven't been able to find a subbed version of the new episode but this episode drains my hype a bit because , yay new episode but we have to keep waiting for the actual plotline, sigh.
Sub will be up sometime tomorrow. I am more curios on the fact we will be getting the companion lockseed to the Kachidoki one from the Leader of the Overlords.

Now what is DJ Sagara's role in all this to the Overlord King.
My guess as of right now due to his ability to alter fruits into lockseeds by himself and creating the kachidoki arms is that he is some form of higher being related to the forest like the spirit of the forest in a physical form.
(Because I'm first ;P)

-Kikaider steals the spotlight!

-Kouta found a puppy when he was little! He wanted to make an extra dramatic entrance so he could keep him, thus he mounted a sprinkler to the ceiling, but it didn’t pay off!

-Robot appears out of nowhere.

-The sprinkler strikes back!

-This should have happened:

I’m Kouta. Hello Kouta! This is Mai. Hello Mai! This is Micchy.


-Robot can’t cook.

-Robot is a pet thief.

-New Inves appears and is a dick to everyone.

-Floating Mecha-Orange hates to wait for curious robot.

-Ryouma cutes his brain out. Because fun. He totally risks to die and thus have his ultimate plans fail just for the lulz. And for some friend of his. Seems legit.

-Mister Knuckleman gets beaten up. Nothing new here.

-Brain Drain Ryouma Hakaider attacks!

-Kouta remembers he has a gun on his sword.

-Brain Drain Ryouma Hakaider beats the shit out of Yggdrasil!

-Ultimate awesome Robot & Orange Samurai team-up battle!

-First time Kachidoki transformation is shown without some shit blocking sight!

-Stupid robot forgets his new best friend and leaves. Sad!

Next Week:

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it was definitely a good episode. I'm not gonna do weekly updates for specials because theres nothing really to talk about on them considering its a one episode plot.

I doubt we'll see Kiwami arms since the reveal isnt supposed to be for another month in Japan, but we'll probably see the lockseed. Looks like some Baron members will be getting beat up a bit in the next and Sagara is making a return. next episode will be AWESOME!
also, I'm definitely gonna look out for when the Kikaider reboot comes out. the actor for Kikaider was pretty good and enthusiastic while at the same time still enjoyable.

and aw, Yoko cares about the Kurokages. that's adorable.
One issue I sort of have with Kamen Rider Kiva so far. It has it good moments but I am far interested in the story in the 80s with Otoya as opposed to the story with Wataru, probably because Otoya is one of my favourite characters in all of Kamen rider.