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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

Wonder what he'll do now. Sid is dead, Takatora dosnt trust him anymore, Peach-Girl is now a complete Kaito-Fangirl, and all of Yggdrasil is Overlord territory. He's pretty much on his own now. I bet he will make a big return with some crazy inventions soon.
and then it turns out ryouma is the protagonist of kamen rider Drive

On a more plausible note, he might pop up again with some other robots helping him.
I would argue that Takatora does not know of Micchy's actions at this point, only that "he trusts his brother to do what is right".

Also, we know who is going to end up with the fruit of knowledge at this point, the questin is how will she get the fruit of the King. Kiwami is an Overlord as well so we have at least one Rider who became an Overlord.

Finally I paused the video at the moment all the fruits were out and Visible: Kiwi and Mango were not in the mix so not all the fruits seem to be available. However I do need to go back and see if Melon Energy was in there. I can confirm Cherry, Peach and Lemon Energy were.
Finally I paused the video at the moment all the fruits were out and Visible: Kiwi and Mango were not in the mix so not all the fruits seem to be available. However I do need to go back and see if Melon Energy was in there. I can confirm Cherry, Peach and Lemon Energy were.
Ichigo and Pineapple werent there either. I think it just shows the main Rider fruits for the spectacle.
Finally I paused the video at the moment all the fruits were out and Visible: Kiwi and Mango were not in the mix so not all the fruits seem to be available.

Only an animation error or a mistake, since a promotional picture in a magazine showed Kiwami-Gaim holding the Mango-Mace as well as the Kiwi-Bladerings. So he can definetly use these as well.

However I do need to go back and see if Melon Energy was in there. I can confirm Cherry, Peach and Lemon Energy were.

Melon Energy was there, I saw it.
And now that is another rider series done and dusted, this time being Kamen rider Faiz.

Faiz was really good a being one of the darker parts of the series especially with how many assholes there were across the series and how much crap some of the characters went through. The fact that, if you meet some of the requirements most people could use the rider gear (which by the way have the best voices) which lead to some interesting scenarios. I did like quite a few of the cast including, Mari, Keitaro and Takumi and a few others, really good characters, with a few exception. which leads me to.....

... the problems I had with Faiz. No one communicates with each properly for example two of the characters hate each other so instead of going to talk to each other about it, they get two of their friends to swap messages and neither has paid attention to the other so the proper message doesn't get across. No explains their problems, characters hide their what they know which only delays the other characters finding out what they need to know and it's just really frustrating.

Also Kusaka is massive jerk. Also another thing the series does leave out somethings that I would really like to know the answer to, which makes it gives it a feeling of having too many loose ends. A good series but currently the one I would put on the bottom of liked series for all the five Kamen rider series I have watched so far.

Given that the number six tends to go badly with some rider series, It's time to watch a one of the black sheep of kamen rider, It's time for A-MA-ZON.
my main problems with Faiz is it sets up so many great plots, but the execution seems to fall apart near the ends, what with mihara, and the orphenoch king storyline.
Yeah, that really stunk towards the end with the orphenoch king, it makes you think there is going to be more but you realise there isn't because that was the last episode.
and paradise lost is just promises that were tossed aside. I was so pissed when I learned paradise lost doesn't follow up on the main story of 555. also, they put keitaro in the fucking kaixa gear! we didn't want him as kaixa, we wanted him as delta! worst movie continuity ever!

and you are gonna love Amazon. theres plenty of reasons why he's my favorite Showa rider and I'm just gonna let you find those yourself.
Just gonna say this, ten faced demon in Amazon is like the weirdest design I have seen in kamen rider so far.
yeah, Amazon actually develops on the villain side though. ten-faced is just the beginning. you'll see.
btw Worf, which character would you say I am in Ryuki? I've always wondered who I'd most likely be like. I've always been fond of Raia.
If I may ask what brought up that question, just for curiousity sake. To actually answer your question, I can't really say I know you well enough to answer that really. If you are fine with Raia then that is fine as well.

and for another thing I don't like the women who dislikes amazon, how can you hate him, he is such a nice guy.
I was just listening to the 8-bit version of Ryuki's theme and I thought to myself "I wonder which rider I would be in Ryuki? who do I know thats watched Ryuki? oh yeah, worf likes Ryuki, I think I'll ask him."

trust me, people at first don't like Amazon, and my theory is that Amazon smells because he probably doesn't shower and people might find that offensive.
ah fair enough, again I can't really say because I don't know you well enough, my apologies about that.

and now I dislike the other character more, monsters are more of a threat then smelly people.
my theory is just a fan theory and more of a joke. Amazon being smelly is probably not a factor. Its probably the fact that he's a violent Wildman who is very out of touch with normal society and doesn't understand Amazon completely. She opens up to him though.
also, dont worry about not being able to answer my question. its cool.
It's also the fact he is one of Two Organic Riders. Every other Kamen Rider is Mystical or Tech Based. Shin and Amazon are the only ones who re Organically morphed when they Henshin. Same as for their First Heshins as well, they literally Mutate into their Rider Forms, though in Shin's case he never got a Sequel to his movie so he never got a Fast Henshin as Amazon eventually did.

Also Amazon is...well do you wan your kid watching this series then going out and Biting the other kids if he/she gets into a fight?
I doubt any child is gonna be strong enough to bash another kid's skull in with his arm or punch a head off.

but yeah, Amazon is not for the chillen. then again, a lot of Showa isnt all that kid friendly.

hell, V3 has people getting stabbed to death in the early episodes.
also good for ooo fans as well, Kougami is as I mentioned one of my favourite characters in kamen rider.

Speaking of favourite characters, Takatora actor provided the voice for Kamen rider Shin in one of the crossovers, not sure which.

Also in Gaim stuff, Ryouma's actor has been performing in a play so that is why we have only seen him in the suit for the past couple of episodes.
I did hear about Ryouma's actor being in a play. gotta hand it to the production team in Gaim, they know how to do their workarounds.

also, I figured you'd like this version of takatora
it's from the Gaim/Wizard movie.

I would probably say watching Wizard before this movie is best considering there was some death spoilers. but, those never bothered me.
Wizard or Amazon... Wizard or Amazon... Wizard or Amazon.. Sorry awesome suit you will have to wait, the Showa era calls for me.
I will warn you, Micchy's recent acts will make his legend arms piss you off.

Baron's is my favorite though

kinda wish he had more than the sword though.
Why is amazon so short anyways, I mean most of them tend to be be within 40s to 50s for range of episodes but amazon doesn't even scratch 30 episodes, know of any reasons @Sanoblaze.
Oh that baron one is really good, wait what has micchy done now, note I still hate Kusaka more at this point?
I think it was just the level of violence. he gets a completed story though, but his short story and awesome brutal action scenes make him my favorite Showa.
Oh that baron one is really good, wait what has micchy done now, note I still hate Kusaka more at this point?
he gets W.


Baron's is the best cuz he gets kitty ears on his head.


also, I'm sure his W arms were given to him before they knew how Micchy would turn out.
Well I guess with a shorter story for amazon there is would be focus on getting the plot moving as opposed to dragging to plot along to fill out more episodes.

Micchy is W, Micchy is W, Micchy is W.... I am composed individual so instead of doing this with rage reaction gifs, I am gonna calmy state why this is just so wrong.

In one of the episodes arc, we cover that the tile of Kamen rider is that one who does justice, stops and bad guy and saves the day, all the good hero stuff, you can't claim to be Kamen rider and be an asshole.

Micchy after all the crap he has pulled, betraying his friends on multiple occasions, playing his friends and the group he was working for behind their backs and trying to get rid of Kouta, proves that while he is a Kamen rider, he lacks any of the qualities that make him a Kamen rider, so the fact that he has taken the legend arms of W, who only not represents these ideals but is also an homage to the Showa rider era, just feels so wrong.

It could be argued that I am taking what happens in a fictional story too seriously, but this is how I am, I get really invested in a series and enjoy it to it's fullest, going through the good moments and bad moments.

On one more note, congrats Micchy you have over taken Kusaka as my most hated character in Kamen rider.
hey hey hey hey.

in the movie he was pre-asshole. he didn't do any scheming. he was being nice to everybody.

this was pre-asshole micchy. also possibly alternate world because of a thing in the early parts of the gaim episode.

it actually looks really awful on him tbh because they keep the cyclone green which is not even a different green on Ryugen so he just looks like an all green Ryugen with some black splotches here and there.

also, Yoko makes an appearance at the end. she did not look that great tbh. her hair was more of a bowl cut and it did not look good imo. Yoko's current hair is the best.
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ah that makes sense, but still hate micchy though.

Do you think near the end of gaim we will end up with a cameo from some of the characters from Drive?
I don't know if the movie is out, but if Drive is gonna make an appearance it might be there.

I havent heard about what he looks like or anything of the sort, but I am really interested though.


again, it really doesnt look that great on him.
Damn it micchy, you get the legend arms of W and still you can't even look good it.
I disagree slightly, her hair there looks good in my opinion but looks better in the Gaim tv series.

Also I feel I should probably apologise for my rant post, I guess I was blowing off some steam at that point and have calmed down a bit now, Should I edit the post or keep it as is?
nah its fine. everybody has been making the "count up your sins first, micchy" jokes for a while now.

I can just link them getting the legend arms on if you want. its not really a spoiler of the movie.
Damn, I am surprised I didn't think, I think I will wait until I get to watching the movie before seeing the clip of them getting the legend arms.

Also in retrospective, I am not that mad at Micchy getting W as I would have been if he got fourze's.

I think each of the Rider series has at least had my favourite something so far. Ryuki has my favourite villain rider, which is Odin. Faiz has my favourite henshin tool, the voice for it is so smooth and it has also has my favourite actress, the woman who played Mari. Double has my favourite main rider concept. OOO has the most satisfying conclusion. Fourze has my favourite rider and Gaim has my favourite secondary rider, Takatora.
there are lots of good things from kamen rider shows of all.

for starters, Hibiki has a great psuedo father-son relationship between the main characters, and many find it a great and underrated series.
Apparently Hibiki had some problems when some of the members of staff got changed slightly over half way through. According to some of what I know, apparently during the the filming of the final episode on the last day they were still making changes to the script.