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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

Yeah, I heard latter half Hibiki had some problems, but I've heard people enjoyed their experience with it.

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Wow... Kamen Rider Shin is so disgusting... I love it!
are you watching Kamen rider Shin @Detective Q

I'm about to. I have seen a clip of his transformation and it was so gross, but so awesome at the same time. Will watch it soon, I really dig the idea of a Rider that transforms biologically into a grasshopper mutant. I know Amazon does the same basically, Black too before the armor attaches, but Shin looks really cool and unique. Like a monster out of a slasher movie. I've read its an updated form of the original Kamen Rider, made for the first fans who were now adults at the time it was made, and thus more mature and dark.

But today is Godzilla time, got a package today and now my Heisei-collection is finally complete. Will celebrate with some Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II, havent seen that movie in a long time.
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Okay I am currently in ten episodes of Kabuto, personally my favourite character at the current moment is Kagami, I am preferring him at the moment over Tendou at the current time, Tendou is a bit of jerk.
Shin's henshin shows him as an abomination of his own species, his own genetics ruined by evil science. I love it. Shin is awesome, but I love the idea of man forcibly turned into a cyborg and fighting against the organization that made him that way.
Shin's henshin shows him as an abomination of his own species, his own genetics ruined by evil science. I love it.

Exactly what I'm thinking. Also, I hope the cyborg theme will return with Drive, would be cool to have a hero that is part machine again. Or a complete anti-hero.
I kinda hope we get another speed themed rider. we need a Kabuto that's not all "I walk the path of heaven hax hax hax" like Tendou.
Cyborg would be cool and would also be a cool shoutout to the show era riders since a majority of them were cyborgs. Fast speed type rider would be good also, you know as long as we don't have Tendou again.
Todays episode of Gaim was good. Ryouma has the world leaders in his hand, Kiwami is still awesome and Micchy goes totally apeshit at the end. Cant wait to see it with subs.

Oh and by the way, we wont get a new episode next week, I heard its because of a golf tournament of some sort.
oh my god, I'm just imagining them doing something like having the suit actors play golf so the kids will be interested.
"and baron added a little too much force to his swing. That's gonna cost him in the rough. Now, zangetsu is up to swing."
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" and after Zangetsu, comes micchy or would be micchy, we told him we were having the golf match in hellheim"
Also there was actually a golf match in a kamen rider series, It's in fourze and it's one of my favourite moments in that.
-Shit's fucked. 'Nuff said.
-Angry Chinese, French (I think), and Australians!
-Rider Kombat! Defenders of the Realm!
-Kaito gettin' all the ladies swoonin'!
-Micchy gets a Peacock!
-Yoko shows her true colors, and they are just lovely!
-Kouta: shit! I don't have that much in life goals. also, things taste weird.
-Peacock attacks!
-Micchy's rouse defeated by the power of GAY!
-Someone's been taking their crazy pills.

This episode is REALLY setting up the current plot and using all the characters they've got the best they can. It's also nice to see how this rider series seems to have so much at stake. like, the entire world is getting thrown into the plot of the show, and as far as I know, we really haven't had much like that happen in recent years with Rider. I can't wait..... 2 weeks. well, might as well use it to catch up on series I've been needing to catch up on.

Next week though: things might be falling apart in some areas. Can't wait. Also, Takatora is out of the forest.

Until next time!

Is there a full version of Kachidokis theme, "Raise Up Your Flag"? Can I buy that somehwere? YouTube link would also do.

Looking or it because its awesome, but I dont find anything.
This week in Gaim
  • Well project ark was revealed to the world, not good.
  • Rider alliance, woo, finally everyone is working together right?....right?
  • Kaito and mai seem to be getting on well, a bit too well if you know what I mean, not that kaito seems to notice.
  • Given that micchy might betray redyue, I would finally it completly hilarious, if he knew about all along if he redyue reveals she has mind reading.
  • Also peacock overlord
  • Kouta is losing some of his sense, oh dear it's ooo all over again quickly make sure kouta has eaten any coins st some point.
  • Also props for bandou being the best shopkeeper, city being invaded by most, gotta stay open for everyone.
  • " Kouta: I will protect the world" " Yoko: Well what about after? " " Kouta uummm, I don't know"
  • good fight and Oren know that the current Zangetsu is an imposter, good job Oren.
  • Also Kiwami arms still kicks ass.
I am currently a bit further into Kabuto and now I am thinking, how would Oren and Daisuke get along with each other or would the rivals in beauty?
I just love how they resolved the reveal that the Zangetsu they've been fighting has been fake. It's a very clever use of Bravo and its just hilarious to say "curses, my planned was foiled by the gay one! why can't I be as desirable as my brother!"
I also love how Kaito has really opened up as a character. my favorite has pretty much discarded his quest for power from what this episode has shown.

also, Bandou doesn't afraid of anything,
If it were the case that Kaito has abandoned his quest for power, would that change Yoko's opinion off him?
doubt it. she saw how strong a leader Kaito was firsthand.
Fair enough.
From the previews, it seems as if Roshue is also heading into Zawame city, also the fact there won't be an episode running is a bit annoying, but nothing too bad.
I'm definitely gonna take the 2 weeks to catch up on stuff I've been needing to.


I have let too much get on my plate already and this is definitely something that will help.
How far are you into OOO and fourze, my apologies if I have asked this before.
still at episode 39 with OOO I just need to sit down this week and finish it.
Fourze, I haven't gotten past the part where Kengo was okay with being stuck in rabbit hutch.

I wanted to finish OOO before going any deeper with Fourze.
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Okay, It's just one scene in fourze I wanted to know your reaction to, and also when you get through it your thoughts on like the the last ten or so episodes of OOO since everything shifts into high gear from there.
I do want to ask worf, who was your favorite of the Greeed?

currently its a 2 way tie with Gamel and Uva for me.
Ankh is my favourite greed.

well, that goes without saying. Ankh is probably the best character in the show.

I meant out of the 5 evil greeeds we got.
Ah okay, I see what you mean now, Okay then Uva would be my favouirte excluding Ankh.
So, I finally finished Kamen Rider OOO. and let me tell you. It is a great series for both new and longtime Kamen Rider fans alike.

theres so many reasons to love OOO.

The Music:
OOO probably has the best musical cues and soundtrack I have seen. theres this roughness to it that compliments the action but a sweetness that OOO can have from time.

The visuals:
OOO has some of the best designs and forms for the characters. Birth's add-ons all look great, from Drill Arm to the Cutter Wings.

and OOO's forms all look amazing. but let's face it

Tajador looks the best.

and now, we get to the most extensive thing that needs to be talked about in OOO.

The Characters: (warning. spoilers)

I have said it before and I will say it again, Eiji isn't the best or most interesting character of the series, that said, Eiji is certainly not a bad character at all. we have every reason to sympathize with him and we have no reason to dislike him. and his character really shines in the final arcs of the series.


Ankh is literally the best character of the show. Whether you love his journey as a character or the delivery that Ryosuke Miura brought to the table, Ankh stole the show and I couldn't be more happy that he did. and I will say we got a great ending for him. I know some people usually are sad that the best characters die in certain shows, but Ankh's death was literally the best thing for the character, and I'm happy he was able to give himself an end that made him feel fulfilled.


Hina was a really sweet character, and while I was confused about what she really wanted in the end, I feel she was a great addition and emotional tether for the main characters. she wasn't bossy or mean, she was just a kind girl who wanted to make everyone happy. also, never explain why she is super strong. shame on you if you want one!


Kougami is probably the most entertaining character in Kamen Rider to date. He's so full of energy and desire and when he was bawling in the 2nd to last episode I almost fell out of my seat. I love Kougami and I hope they don't try to replicate him in any other rider show. In fact, just bring the character back. make Kougami the next Tachibana!


Goto started off as a huge weenie, became just a sidekick, and eventually was able to flourish as his own character. I really feel Goto was a worthwhile character to be invested with and his chance to become Birth was the best. also his parts in episode 999 and 1000 were amazing.

Akira Date

Akira Date is the man men wish to be. charismatic. kind. worried for other's well-being. but I am glad they didn't make him perfect. in the end of his main arc he admitted he was selfish, even though he had a good reason to be. Akira Date is probably one of the best side Riders for the Neo-Heisei era. also, his scenes with Dr. Maki were the best.

The Greeed

Uva: the best of the Greeds. a literal roach who just refused to die, and in the end, you feel bad for him when his end finally comes. sure he was a jerk but I wouldn't want an end like his. I loved the guy and his tenacity.

Kazari: that little shit. he was such a backstabber and I loved it when his plans came crashing down. also, his end is the most surreal. he almost had everything he wanted and he lost it in mere seconds. great ending for a character that is most likely to have a shit eating grin.

Mezool: I can't be attracted to Mezool even though I kind of am. Her suit actor is a man and her human form's actress was 14 at the time so I feel super weird to say she was the most alluring character in the series Aside from (Chiyoko but that's another story) her end just felt really abrupt though. you wanted more of a reason to pity her at the end but, I really feel like I couldnt, but her death did make feel feel really bad about another characters death which leads me to

Gamel: Gamel is basically just a huge teddy bear that you can't help but love. from his childish antics to his obsessions with Mezool, he is one of my favorite Greeeds. also, his death makes me feel really sad for him. yeah he turned living people into medals just to get Mezool back, but, I feel he thought it was his only option. in the end, he just wanted Mezool back.

Dr. Maki

super creepy villain, and while not the best in my opinion, I kinda wished we got more of him because of his antics. whenever the doll fell out of his arms and he started freaking out was the best. plus, FUCK! he is really messed up in the head. burning a sibling alive will do that for ya.

and now, I must bid adieu to OOO.

If there was one word to describe OOO, it would be

the medals have been counted up, 1, 2, and 3. and everything has come up OOO.

now, we go to the Rider who will boldly go where no Rider has gone before (at least since super 1)

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Good review, well not a review but good input on OOO which is probably ranked as my third favourite Kamen rider so far, the other two in the top three being Double and Fourze.

Yeah Ankh is frigging awesome and the best character of the show, well arguably for me, given that there is Kougami and Date.

Hope you enjoy the journey of fun that is Kamen Rider Fourze.
I really feel OOO is a great entry level Rider show. a somewhat simple plot, but the characters are what make it an amazing series, and lemme tell ya, I loves me some well written characters.

can't wait to just get all kinds of Fourze in my viewing eyeballs.
I kinda hope we get another speed themed rider. we need a Kabuto that's not all "I walk the path of heaven hax hax hax" like Tendou.

Speed theme was covered in Accel's second form in Double.

Also I picked up a DX Suika Lockseed this weekend at Project A-kon 25 giving me 2 Seeds. Speaking of Suika Lockseed, am I the only one who caught Griton will be using the Suika lockseed next episode? I wonder how the weapon will change for him.
I need to get a couple of stages myself just because I want to have Magnet States Fourze deal with the everyday antics of Blaster Faiz and Terry Bogard.
Ah so you have gotten up to fourze's magnet state @Sanoblaze, So leading up to something I am gonna ask you later, what is your opinion of Kamen rider meteor?

I just got the figure for Magnet states because I really like the design! I just got up to episode 15!
ah, sorry about that, misread the situation, my apologies.
naw, its cool. if it makes any consolation, I really like Meteor's motif and design. and his bruce lee-isms are really entertaining.

if there is ever a Fourze reunion I demand Tomoko be super preggerz with his baby.