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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

yeah I know what you mean I am watching through the series with him just as an excuse to watch W again and yeah some of the early episode are quite slow paced.

I am not sure if I asked this but which would be your guys least favourite Kamen rider series, mine would be Faiz for everyone having communications problems, villains taking too long for them to say what is going on in the plot and even then the ending felt massively unresolved. I was going to put Kabuto as my least favourite but Clock up is cool and it has some of my favourite designs in Kamen rider.
Hey, you got me into Kamen Rider as a whole all by yourself, thats something!


Okay, Oren had something to do with it as well. After seeing Bravos first henshin, I was just too curious what the hell this stuff was about :>
decade is my least. and only because it focuses way too much on fan wank and not enough on the story and that god damned cliffhanger ending.

and I'm not depressed that said person didn't like W. to each their own. I can understand that some people don't like certain genres and they're open to give their opinion and shit on the show if they legitimately don't like it.

I'm a huge nerd about Kamen Rider but I'm not an oversensitive fanboy like some people are with their shows.
@Detective Q Oren is still a great character in Kamen rider Gaim, hell the majority of characters in Kamen rider Gaim are all great and the reason why Gaim is one of my favourites.

@Sanoblaze I see, Also if that person didn't like W to each their own I guess.
Gaim is just thriving with really great and memorable characters.

and kamen rider fans should always be the fans that are like "oh okay" if someone ever tells them that they don't like kamen rider. be the fandom that needs to be made. a very understanding and kind fandom.
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Understanding that people won't like the same things as you tends to be a core component to a good fandom, we are a small group, I mean there are only 5 or so people who tend post often or at all on this thread.
Problem is explaining it to people, that can take a while. The first minute you tell them about Kamen Rider, they go "Oh, Power Rangers?", Thats not bad, but then you have to tell people how Power Ragers is really Super Sentai and that Kamen Rider is totally different.

I tend to tell people that Kamen Rider is a japanese superhero, like Spider-Man or Batman are in the west (yes I'm realizing Kamen Rider Ichigo fought a Spiderman and a Batman once ;D) while Super Sentai is more a group of fighters that always acts on the same basic structure while Kamen Rider is more different, not only in orirgin like the Rangers are, but also in characters and story.
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I like that explanation @Detective Q, it gives a general idea of kamen rider without stuff much too specific since people have framed more around an iconic lone super hero power rangers, I think that makes it sound a bit more appealing since comparing to power ranger tends to throw people off.

What do you think makes Kamen rider appeal to you guys, for me I seen a lot of my Asian dramas my mum watches and they have a sort of similar feel, also the action and characters are really good.
a dude having to fight an opposing force by himself. thats always been the main appeal of kamen rider to me.
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Makes sense, the lone warrior fighting for justice is quite good since the solo aspect means they have to rely on their own skills, talents and gadgets to get them through, at least until more riders show up.
I think what appeals to me the most is, with Gaim at least, the design of the armors. They are beautiful. Havent seen any others in the franchise that I like so much, these are just amazing. And I like how its total stupid with mecha-fruits from another dimension, but they still make it work.

As with action, I think the fights in Gaim are a little bit more boring because of that it is weapon based combat, although the fight between Kiwami, Shitlord and Peacock was pretty epic. Hammer to the face, express air delivery.

I always liked superheroes and a little bit of anime (and of course, Godzilla) so Kamen Rider is just a mix of things I like. But I also like the humor, the action, the characters... everything basically.
What do you guys think to the idea of a kamen rider fanfic, since I am planning to actually write one.
I'm open to it so long as its not like a forced rider on rider fanfic. but those kinds of fanfics are just dumb in general.
Well at the current moment I just had the idea of one, I am not actually sure how I would like to do it but I know that I want to do one. I like the idea of crossing over series, not one rider in another series but putting kamen rider in a different verse or just make up my own idea for a rider.
I have Kamen Rider fanfic in my head everyday. Believe it or not, but since I was a kid I developed the habit of creating stories in my head when I'm bored and cant do anything about it otherwise. Usually at night when I'm about to sleep in or during bus & train rides. I combine various franchises or just play "What if...?" stories in a single franchise, but I add new things like characters and enemies.

I never write them down though.
You probably should write them down, who know what crazy ideas you end up making, do you have any you remember since I would like to know what they are.
Oh, I know what crazy ideas I made, you dont want to know that. I could write them down, problem is I'm too lazy to write them all the way trough. If I'm writing a story, I want it to be big and unique and perfect so I add even more stuff I dont wanted at first, I try to make things work that only worked in my head, try to write what I think and at the end I say "fuck it" and just leave. I attempted to write fanfic before, but I always drop it after 3-4 chapters because I want to think about other stuff and realize my idea wasnt so good after all.

And since my daily dose of fantasy varies so much, I cant even write all of that down. But if you need some advice on how to make crossovers work, ask, I made the craziest shit up already, you wouldnt even believe.
so, I showed my best friend the first episode of Gaim the other day, and he liked it.

but, there was something in the first episode that's been picking away at my mind since I saw it. there's a scene in the first episode where Mai tells Micchy, "We don't need Kouta" and when I saw that scene I was just like
Um, yeah? She said that because she was mad at him, he left the team to work and never had time for them again, remember?

I mean its funny seeing this today, but not that special.
yeah but think about it. What if the writers are just that good? What if they're just. That. Good?

I just think its a great parallel to what's going on now. Like, Mai used to not be too keen on relying Kouta, while Micchy would be perfectly fine with relying on him. Now its the exact opposite. Mai relies on Kouta and Mitsuzane hates him.
What if the writers are just that good? What if they're just. That. Good?

They're not. Sorry, but from what I think, they didnt even knew back then they would make Micchy into an antagonist later on. That evolved with the plot.
;u; I like to think they did...

at the very least I think Urobuchi would be that good.
But they work hard on time, you know that. They need to make one new show each year. Maybe it was his idea all along, maybe not. But you need to ask yourself: Who's the greater writer? They one who plans everything from the start, or the one who can improvise so good you would think he planned it?
I think it could be a mix of both tbh, because both are good forms of writing if you can do it correctly.

like, maybe Urobuchi saw the script and was like "can you make this character say that line to that character?" and the writing staff were like "yeah, sure"

plus, rewatching episodes of Gaim, you'll find subtle things, like Micchy doing what Takatora does when he gets all huffy, which is put his hand in his coat pocket.
like, take note, I'm not trying to argue with anyone on this. I just love discussing what could really be going on behind the scenes of Gaim, and how much of it is play as they go, and how much is they planned it from the beginning. because Gaim seems to be one of the most cleverly written Kamen Riders I have ever seen.
plus, rewatching episodes of Gaim, you'll find subtle things, like Micchy doing what Takatora does when he gets all huffy, which is put his hand in his coat pocket.

I find it funny that they basically swapped roles now, Mitsuzane is now what Kouta believed Takatora would be like as Yggdrasil's boss, saving the people he deems as worthy and killing the rest. Although Mitsuzane is really evil. But what I really didn’t like is that Kouta still thinks "Mitsuzane suffers the most" implementing he can be redeemed. I don’t want that to happen, god dammit.

And I hope Takatora wont die next week, I still fear that will happen.
If Takatora goes I will be so sad, I already got through something sad happening in another series, I don't need more sadness.
I don't think they'd kill Takatora so quickly, he just got back into the game.
I really hope so, I just really want most of the characters to stick around I have gotten to attached to them already, but this is gen urobochi writing this it could still happen.
As another note, I have decided I will get through the Neo heisei Series first, Just because there is only wizard to get through while the other series have multiple series to get through.

So as of now I have been getting through Kamen rider wizard and it has really starting growing on me with Haruto's dragon forms, beast weirdeness and mana eating requirement, he also adds conflict in the group which helps keep things interesting and he is quite the funny guy, Beast is cool although I was hoping he would have form changes as opposed to just have different capes but the capes are cool and they fit with his design.

Also now one of my favourite moments in Kamen rider
Haruto Rider kick's Phoenix into the sun, so awesome.
his hyper theme has lots of hype. literally.
Okay I gotten up a little further into Wizard so I want to part some of my thoughts since I was quite vocal on my dislike of Wizard and since it grown on me I thought I would put my thoughts on here.

In comparison to other series of kamen rider they didn't get their upgrades this early but for me I consider the dragons states to be like the full combos from ooo, like the complete form of his normal states. Would like to see more of all dragon form as opposed to Haruto "one man sentai" Souma.

Again beast is cool, and even though the mantle don't completely alter the form they are really cool. I do have a problem with the fact that his sabre strike finisher is based of dice rolls, having a randomness factor on your finisher is really stupid due to the fact you have one in six chance of getting a good roll and the same amount of getting the worst roll with the others being a varying degree of good and bad rolls.

Also even though they are trying to put something that is random in a show that is written out already which means it's not random at all, which removes the tension out of it. Also slightly disappointed that in Hyper form beast weapon is gun, not like a blade crossed with a gun but just a gun, just seems like a disappointing final weapon.
Also get hyped for Kiwami Arms and Shin Zangetsu in Kamen rider Battride War 2.

Worf, I'm on the same level on Wizard as you, I'm overall a little bored with it. Beast and Gremlin definitely spice things up, and the episode with Beasts' granny was just hilarious, but overall its just not as interesting anymore. I think I will finish the show, but I have certainly no interest in watching it again.

Little merchandise update from me:

-FiguArt Zangetsu is shipped (maybe he makes it for his big appearance in the next episode?)

-Preordered this:


I think its cool to have the original Kamen Rider in the collection, and while I'm not really interested in motorcycles, I think for the first Kamen Rider its almost a part of him, its important enough to buy it. With Gaim, I have literally zero interest in the bikes, because they are so rarely used.

-Finally bought a Kiwami-lockseed. I've given up on waiting for some Japanese retailers to get this in stock again, no luck, this thing sold like hotcakes and its totally gone. I swallowed the bitter pill on buying one for a somewhat decent price (although still double the retail price), I figured I rather buy one now before the price goes totally trough the roof.

-Still no update on future Gaim-FiguArts, gimme Kiwami dammit!

And finally, who else is hyped as fuck for the next episode? Melon battle royal, here we come!
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Yeah Wizard while it has some good points has far too many points which are like really, really not so good, same with me that now that I am done with Wizard, I am probably not gonna watch it or really recommend it there are better Kamen riders to be watching. Congratulations Wizard, you beat Faiz as my least favourite Kamen rider series so far.

And now for the long long review because I have quite a bit to say
On a whole the longest of the Neo Heisei era by a few episodes, It may not be much I do feel it hurt the episodes pacing a bit with them adding the super forms too early and taking too long to introduce Mages of White wizard. Plot never really reaches much beyond make phantoms and only introduces interesting elements far too late for the audience to care about it.

Lets get through this, quite quickly in fact, Haruto can be easily summed up personality like his taste in donuts, nothing really interesting with nothing really special that makes it stand out, quite bland it in fact. This would be fine if I could describe like that but he is mainly like that for the majority of the series, sure he gets quite motivated and angry at some points but having emotions is not the same as actually developing character. This could be seen as an effect of the Sabbath since he is one of only character who didn't turn into a phantom from being in it, but that seems like a crappy excuse for not having a personality. I guess one of the unique things he has is that he makes noises when he sighs as opposed to just sighing, I guess. I wish we could have seen more interaction with dragon, sort of glad he went on Haruto's side more after infinity.

Beast: One of the only good characters in the show, not morality wise but in actually being a good character, he has a fun personality, he is a nice guy even though he misunderstands the situation alot of the time, chimera was cool as well. I like that even though chimera was created for a different purpose the purpose he has makes him more against each other but due to Kosuke's personality he gets along with him.

Rider forms
Wizard : The base forms for Wizard are just really amazing, the blend of colours, the long coat at the back and his sword gun are all really designed well. The other base states are also good but I prefer the mask design best on flame style than the other ones. With the dragons states, it just a brilliant idea for an advanced state and looks brilliant, leading to the creation of all dragon which was not used enough in my opinion, probably due to cgi cost, which is probably why they used Haruto's one man sentai team form more.

Infinity : It looks beautiful with the whole diamond like armour which fits given that Haruto's forms come from ring and the ultimate form of his armour is a diamond aka the strongest jewel, It's final theme is not that great compared to the theme of all dragon in my opinion.

White Wizard aka Wiseman, Hands up who is surprised, if you were surprised by this you probably need glasses. It took too long for him to actually reveal his plans and by the time the show wants you to start have sympathies with him he but he has done too much crap for you too actually care.

Medusa: who gets a bit of development but not much, I mean sure she has her loyalty to wiseman and the twins arc but that is it.

Phoenix : Aka the best villain of Wizard and after he gets hurled into the sun the show really takes a drop after he bites the dust, he was so entertaining and has so much personality and he felt like a competent threat.

Gremlin : Sure gremlin added a bit of intrest but that only lasted a while like seriously a small while, it doesn't take long to get bored of his personality.

Might add more this later.
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okay. I'm not saying I know what happens next week, but regardless of what does. we should try to remain as calm as we can. if the thing we don't want to happen happens, we should remain calm and try our bests not to get too ranty. PLEASE! you're allowed to get mad, but please don't focus too much on the tangent.
okay. I'm not saying I know what happens next week, but regardless of what does. we should try to remain as calm as we can. if the thing we don't want to happen happens, we should remain calm and try our bests not to get too ranty. PLEASE! you're allowed to get mad, but please don't focus too much on the tangent.

Next week happens nothing besides a movie-promo episode. Again, I hate this promo shit. While it will be good entertainment, I hate it when they throw these in and you have to wait 2 weeks to see how the story continues -.-

And about what you're thinking:

Come on, you think Takatora died from this? He was fully armored while taking the slash, last time he fell from a freakin cliff, without armor, and survived, a little swim wont kill him. Hell, Haruto survived the exact same situation with a full beat down by Phoenix beforehand, and he survived. If that’s how Takatora dies, I'm really disappointed.

But yeah, I don’t want to say I told you all this would happen... but I told you all this would happen.
I am really looking forward to this episode it's gonna be so great. and wait we get another promo episode, ah this is my only problem so far with Gaim, promo episodes for other things it can make you excited for other things but we are here for Gaim, which is such a good kamen rider series.
I am really looking forward to this episode it's gonna be so great. and wait we get another promo episode, ah this is my only problem so far with Gaim, promo episodes for other things it can make you excited for other things but we are here for Gaim, which is such a good kamen rider series.

It is great, let me tell you, while it has its flaws I think this is the best episode of Gaim yet, and thus one of the best in all of Kamen Rider. I cant wait to see it again with subs!

But just in case, sit tight while watching this, there will be a few moments that, knowing you, will leave you speechless.

And while next week is a promo, at least its for its own movie, not Kikaider or a Super Sentai crossover. And we will see Kamen Rider Mars for the first time!
btw worf, you can now watch the Gaim/Wizard war movie. it's pretty good and you'll get to see Takatora in his glorious Fourze Arms!~
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