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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

Okay I just got through watching it, It was frigging awesome for me, and could anyone guess my favourite moment, well I will tell you
Takatora : (Unenthusiastic-ally) It's space time - and that's about as much as I will humour it.

Also I want to find a good Takatora avatar, which has been something I have been meaning to do for a while, but Image is just too big, could you any of lend lend some help please?
Also I want to find a good Takatora avatar, which has been something I have been meaning to do for a while, but Image is just too big, could you any of lend lend some help please?

Sure thing, link the image and I cut it down for you.
how about this?
Here would be the image I would like to use @Detective Q

And sorry Sano but I prefer this image over the image you chose, sorry about that.

Much appreciated @Detective Q, this is like the first time I've had a male avatar since Big Boss which was probably a year ago.
don't worry about it Worf. the image I linked is too sad panda for Takatora anyway. it also doesn't accentuate his god-like cheekbones as your current icon did.
Much appreciated @Detective Q, this is like the first time I've had a male avatar since Big Boss which was probably a year ago.

No problem at all, that were like 2 clicks ;) Also, we have a theme going on now. Whenever you're in need just type: "Melon! Lock on! Soiya! Melon Arms! Tenka Gomen!" and I will magically appear to help you.

Oh and another thing, you dont need to link my username in every post. Just write "Q" and everyone knows who you mean, including me :)
His cheekbones are pretty top tier. Still waiting for subs of Kamen rider Gaim and I will definitely be doing a this week on Gaim even if everyone does one because the return of Takatora is too much for me to pass up.

Also your welcome again Q. I will probably be keeping up with this Avatar until Gaim ends.
Also your welcome again Q. I will probably be keeping up with this Avatar until Gaim ends.

I will wear mine until I know the truth. What that means? You will find out when you watch the new episode.

And now I must really resist talking about that again, shit I'm gonna spoil someone accidentally and feel bad about it forever.


So what else... a, Wizard! Watching the Infinity-Episode now, Legion is one scary Phantom. His human form reminds me of a german actor, I dont know who exactly.
I have problems with that arc, do you mind if I start flooding the thread with my thoughts of wizard again?
If you think I can hold up, I just finished episode 31. I have a theory about how it will end or who the real villain is, but I dont know for sure so I havent opened your spoilers either.

But I must say, the ending with Gremelin becoming Medusa's supervisor was pretty funny. Her face when Gremelin came fourth... priceless!

And I'm so accustomed to how the japanese pronounce "Gremlin", I just realized I wrote "Gremelin" two times. Weird. Oh and Worf, dont feel bad when I wont answer right away, its nearly midnight around here so I will go to bed now before the Phantoms get me.
ah Okay, that's not much time difference to where I am right now since it's nearing eleven in the evening.

I will say one thing though, I think he got Infinity form too early, we just got Beast hyper form like two episodes ago, at least let his new form be shown off a bit before we introduce something new, Also what about all dragon form, It would have been nice to seen that I don't maybe at least a fews times.

Sorry about Wizard makes me ranty sometimes.
With all that's going on between the brothers, I am more worried what Kaito's injury from Demushu may mean for the future.
oh please, Kaito is the eternal rival. he'll walk it off.
Oh yeah...I think Takatora will not be back.

They gave him a flashback before the end of the fight and his sinking. Unless we get a deus-ex machina with Oren, he ain't coming back.
can you imagine Oren going on a vengeance spree after caressing his precious Melon in his final moments?
-Takatora jumps in as does Kaito BUT THEN REDUE COMES IN WITH THE CHAIR!
-Errybody upset about the knifes in their backs from Mitsuzane
-Walk it off Kaito.
-Yoko and Takatora are super cool with each other
-Takatora sent tons of pictures of dickbutt to Mitsuzane. I'm sure of it.
-the entirety of the Takatora vs Mitsuzane fight

next week! GOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL! at least its promotional FOR Gaim.

until next week!


holy shit, what a downer just before bed....
So now that Sano has done his weekly report, I can talk freely about the episode:

It was great! And I know it sucks but:

Shitlord will survive, and I have the slight fear Takatora could actually die next week.

Called it.

The end was awesome, with Takatora's helmet breaking apart. The fight scene and the flashback was awesome too, I love it. And I love how Takatora used the Melon lockseed one more time, I don’t know why but I hate Melon Energy since Shitlord used it, the design is great but for me this will always be a traitor in disguise. So now only the original Melon is the real deal for me.

My predictions of what will happen sooner or later:

-Takatoras Driver landed in the bushes, it didn’t sink with him. Maybe Kouta will pick it up and get hyper mad.

-Kaito will become an Overlord. Redyue has most likely infected him so he will become an Inves, but he is strong enough to become an Overlord instead. I can see this happening because Kaito was always found about the strong take the next step in evolution and he has no interest in a normal live at all. I can see a fight between Overlord-Kaito and Kiwami-Kouta happening.

But whats up with Kiwami? Redyue obviously knows more.

Also, I feel like facepalming right now, Because Kamen Rider Drive will be using the Drive Driver.

So what will the protagonist use to transform then?

A "Drive Driver"? :D

Called that one too, holy shit!
This week in Gaim

  • Kouta is not taking well that Mitsuzane is an asshole now.
  • I agree with Kaito your naivety has it's limit Kouta, Mitsuzane is too far gone.
  • The Mai and Kaito shipping increases, also Takatora still gets along well with Yoko, that's good to know.
  • The scene with Takatora talking about his backstory with Micchy was good and just really good, feels man, feels.
  • The fight with redyue was good, really tense and stuff. In my opinion I think Kouta might start becoming overlord due to Kiwami's power.
  • The battle of the Kureshima's was one of the best fights of Gaim and one of the emotional hihglights of the series.
  • Sigh, why must you do this to me Urobochi, why. Well I had hope of Takatora making it through his fall in helheim, I just can't see him making through this incident, I mean there was really sad music and a flashback. If I'm wrong then I'm glad but I just can't see myself being wrong about Takatora going in this episode.
Next time on Gaim, another promo, damn I just want to know what happens next, oh well I can wait, hopefully.
In my opinion I think Kouta might start becoming overlord due to Kiwami's power.

From what I think, he already is one! :)

King Rosyuo taked about it with Takatora, the evolution of both races targets the same goal, but takes different routes. While the residents of Helheim took the route of genetically altering themselves, the humans of our world choose to use the drivers and lockseeds to channel the powers of Helheim and adapt to the forest. Sagara also talked about it, saying that Kouta would become an Overlord by using Kiwami Arms, and he did. I think whats happening now is that his body also adapts to his powers on a genetic level, not by transforming him into an Overlord Inves, but by making some changes. Like that he now needs less food.

From what I understand, Kouta in Kiwami Arms is the human equivalent to an Inves Overlord. So a transformationen to an Overlord Inves is illogical.

But Kaito may transform into an Overlord Inves, that green wound dosnt look so good.
well, if you remember, if an inves scratches you, vines will grow out of your body. Redue is an overlord but she's still an inves, so maybe Kaito is gonna get vines growing out of him. I still think he'll be okay.
Oh crap, they blew up RiderFan's Gaim videos! That sucks.
Wait seriously... "runs to check, well not really run since I can click on to it"

Goddamn it has been taken down.

Edit : Oh well, at least there is Gooddrama.
Last edited:
Well they seem to have a lot of heisei rider but they also seem to have none of the Showa rider which really sucks.
Well unless I find a place that has the showa era videos, It's Heisei era time again, Onward to Kamen rider blade and Rider Trivia of the day. The actor, Kousei Amano who played Kamen rider Garren in Blade also plays one of the major villains in Kamen rider fourze.
Takatora may be gone from the show... but he lives on, in my collection!







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Wait! His actor has yet to receive flowers while on set! Takatora may yet live!
Wait! His actor has yet to receive flowers while on set! Takatora may yet live!

Thats why I said "may be gone" ;) Yes I know, it has a different meaning, but essentially I said "may be" :D

And I swore, I will wear this avatar until I know the truth.
I know I have said it's seems highly unlikely for Takatora to be around still but along with the flowers on set thing there is one thing that I still draw hope from. Urobochi compares Takatora to Kamen rider Ouja in Kamen rider Ryuki, which seems weird at first given that Takatora is man trying to humanity and Ouja is just vexxed all the time but there is one similarity, they are both extremely durable as in there have been multiple occasions where it looks like they got rid of Ouja but it turned out not be the case. So with that there is a slight chance Takatora might still be around.
You-know-who has his Gaim videos back up :)

Just go to his account and select the new playlist.
his youtube was terminated.

But the videos are still there, under a new account. I had the Wizard-playlist filed and when the Gaim-playlist was destroyed it was still there. I watched some Wizard today, klicked on the account that hosted the videos and it had a new Gaim-playlist.

This one: Gaim
After going back through double, I wish the movie tie in could have been a small element of the plot that gets placed into one episode as opposed to having to fill up an entire episode.

Speaking of Double my friend is almost finished with double and we will probably finish with double by tommorow.
well, if you look at what happens at the end of the movie, the windmill is destroyed.

and at the beginning of an episode in W, the windmill is being repaired. so, you can place in around the time of before said episode shows the windmill being repaired.
Oh wait sorry, I was being a big idiot, I was referring to the most recent episode of Gaim but forgot to put that in the post.