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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

when they introduce magnet states.

not the episode, the plotline.
Ah the mid season upgrade episode, always a good episode those ones are and I like the conflict that happens in that episode.

At the moment for me I think I can say I enjoy the Neo heisei era more than I enjoy the Heisei era for Kamen rider.

Also I just found a different version of Giant step from Fourze and have been listening to it for a while now

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well, you havent watched Blade, Agito, or Kuuga.

I mean, I know a lot of people who want a sequel to Blade.
Fair enough, it could just be the ones I went through were the ones I wouldn't have liked as much so there may be more better parts to the neo Heisei era that I haven't gotten to.

From this point I am going to go from Blade to Kuuga to Agito to Hibiki and then Dikkkeeeddddoo, which would also be the point in which I would run out of kamen rider to watch unless I can find somewhere that has the showa era riders.
trust me, the videos might be gone but not the files they were uploaded from.

and if you run out of rider, theres always other toku like: Sentai, Ultraman, Garo, Rescue Force, and plenty of others.
Thanks I never thought I would utter the phrase might run out of rider series to watch not even without a year passing from when I started watching this. I think after Rider series I might go to Super sentai for a bit.
theres all kinds of Sentai to start with.

try and pace the 90s sentai out though. it's considered one of the best eras for the series.
Fair enough 90's era of sentai will be the place I might head to last since I go by the belief of saving some of the better things for last.
Some new things guys:

Remember that we talked about Kouta and Kaito fight in the finale? Well apparently, it’s happening. Someone took a washed pic of the place where they filmed the last episode and claimed he saw Gaim and Baron fight, he saw Gaim in Orange Arms and Baron with Mango Arms.

Take this with a huge grain of salt; it could very well be a fake. But even if it’s true, I don’t think it’s a "final battle" it looked pretty casual on the pic that was shown, it showed them on the street in broad daylight. Maybe it is like I said and they will fight after Micchy is defeated or before to determine who will finish him.

But as I said, I hope they do something special with Kaito, he deserves it.

Other than that, its FiguArt time:


Gaim Pine-Arms and Baron Mango-Arms will come in a two-pack in January. And you can be damn sure I’ll buy them. I love the Mango Suit and Pine looks pretty cool too, I like the weapon with the little chain.
I just hope that if it's the final battle, they don't make it a cliffhanger battle where we don't get to know who wins.

those endings are bullshit.
I hate endings which are ambigious and stuff like that, but I don't think that will happen. Urobochi doesn't seem to have the writing difficulties I have seen from other rider series eg Kabuto plots take ages to finish and too many get introduce to keep the viewer interested and Faiz not finishing some of your plotlines off properly, You know which one I am talking about Sano.
I would like to see them fight before Kouta battles Micchy and during the fight Kouta finally finds his own way into his own future, so he can face Micchy without doubts or regrets.

Kouta would win the fight and Kaito would finally say that he is truly strong now. I would love to see that happen.

Little Update on my collection: Got a new package today! What can I say but...




Cool packaging!


"Never Give Up!"


"That was good, yes?"


"You may have bitten more than you can chew kid..."
"I can beat you!"




"See? It's good to have friends, right?"
"Sure is!"
"Is that Capri Sun?"
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I'm definitely gonna have to try to get some Gaim figures after AWA.

hopefully I can start with Baron.
ah those figures look so good. Still would like to get some at some point when I can.

Was it this week we get the new episode or is it next week?
hooray, can't wait for this is one given we are getting close to the end and a lot of interesting stuff happens in the next episode.
guys! I think there's been a leak on DJ Sagara's true and final form in Gaim!

guys! I think there's been a leak on DJ Sagara's true and final form in Gaim!


I knew it, Sagara is actually ramen rider and has come to take over the kamen rider series.
guys! I think there's been a leak on DJ Sagara's true and final form in Gaim!





I knew it, Sagara is actually ramen rider and has come to take over the kamen rider series.

Okay, that is funny.
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oh come on. I thought it was funny.

tbh, I hope to see Sagara, or at the very least his actor, appear in more stuff.

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to be honest I was actually expecting that spoiler to be serious, but nope we get ramen rider Sagara come to ruin Gaim's fruit theme with his not as healthy ramen, to which I don't really know the nutritional value of ramen so I can't really say.
Ramen is pretty much okay but it is HIGH in sodium.

if you're gonna eat ramen a lot you should work off that sodium.
oh come on. I thought it was funny.

It was, problem is every time I heard "leak" somewhere near Kamen Rider, it was serious. Until now. You corrupted me forever.
I'm not the kind of person to post leaks though.

so if you see me post a "leak", always expect it to be a joke thing. that way, if I ever by the off chance post a serious leak, B) you'll be disappointed but in a good way.
I agree with Q, I think we should make it a bit more more obvious when it comes to if a spoiler is serious or not, since the trend has been most of the time they are legit spoilers instead of joke spoilers.
okay okay okay. I'll give you some leaks you guys might be happy to see.

the suit for Kamen Rider Drive was spotted recently while filming, and here's a pic and an artist's rendition of what it may look like


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That's old, already saw that one, buh, no dessert for you!
well excuse me. I was just gonna post something you'd like since you guys are bein' big ol' babehs.

I kid. I kid. though I do think we should take the whole fake links thing with a little more ease.
I was just kidding too, I'm not really angry.
You know I have complained before that it is boring Haruto only goes for plain sugar donuts when I tend to stick with Glazed donuts, although I branch out for other Donuts from time to time.

Actually is it ever explained why he only likes plain sugar donuts, yeah not really major point but I can't remember if they cover over that in the plot.
I found it a Gif of my favourite moment in Kamen Rider Kiva

Note the scene isn't a serious scene more of funny scene but don't look if you don't want it spoiled, if you do look it and are conffused don't worry it make sense in context.

So, I was at a nice restaurant today, got some sleep and finished Kamen Rider Wizard. It was very nice, the food was delicious and... wait you don’t want to hear that.

You want this:

So yeah, Wizard... it's not bad. But it's also not great. It is fun, I like the transformations with the touch-belt and the rings, I like the fact that it is magic, I enjoyed the actors very much and the fights were great, very well choreographed.

But the story and character development is severely lacking. I know, we are talking Kamen Rider here, no one is expecting a fantastic story and mindblowing characters, but I started with Gaim. Fucking Kamen Rider Gaim. Where you want to know how the story continues, where you care and root for the characters and where one week without it feels like someone stole your candy and pulverized your favorite teddy-bear.

Wizard's story is just so predictable and boring. Whoever didn’t see the ending coming from miles away had their eyes closed and ears shut. With Gaim... I didn’t knew Mitsuzane would go completely apeshit, even with the signs that are clearly visible if you go back to older episodes, I just now remember the episode where he demanded from Kouta to throw his Driver away. And we don’t even know if he will be the final boss and how it's going to end.

Granted, I didn’t see Beast's role in the end coming and it was great, but if I had to wait a week between episodes I knew I would have figured it out.

And the last fight was fucking lame. Seriously, the first fight against Minotaur was more hype then this.

I'm satisfied with the ending I got, I wont ruin it by watching the last two episodes which are basically advertisement for Gaim, but in the end, someone already said it here, the show was painfully stretched like bubblegum. They could have told this story in 10 episodes without any problems. Okay, it lives on the traditional “One new monster per week”-vibe from the original Kamen Rider, and some of the mini-stories told and characters you meet are very cool.

But I think engineering a more focused story with little side-stories here and there like with Gaim is better then having only side-stories and throw in a big plot behind it that totally sucks. I mean, watching the last two episodes where they really tried to end it well was so painfully. I was like "get over with it already, we all know how it ends" and that’s no great way to end a show.

All in all: I like Wizard, it's fun and I definitely recommend it to any Kamen Rider-fan, just alone for the action and the great actors, but if you really want tension and very well done characters, watch something else.
Glad to know you enjoyed Wizard a better than I did which was that you still found it enjoyable, granted yes there is some fun to be had with it but for me it's still the weakest Kamen Rider series mainly for lacking in good plot that is stretched out far too long, lackluster protagonist, weak side characters, crappy final villain, predictable plots and all sorts of other things because I have ranted about Wizard far too much.

But too end positively watch Kamen rider W, you won't be disappointed with this one.
I think about what show I should watch next. Mhm... maybe I just wait until I want to watch some Kamen Rider again.
I think about what show I should watch next. Mhm... maybe I just wait until I want to watch some Kamen Rider again.
Maybe you could jump onto Garo?

I mean, it's not like theres an anime adaptation coming out this fall or anything!

You know, I'm interested in Garo, I almost started watching some but I reminded me that I still had Wizard to finish when it came to Tokusatsu.

So, once again: Guide me master. Tell me where to start, and where I can watch it with subs.
As a recommendation for more Kamen Rider, definitely would Recommend Kamen rider W.