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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

Well, everything comes down to Mai now.

Sagara...truly what is he.
Are these yours? Or did you just found the picture and liked it? Because all those Riders are backstabbers, aren’t hey?

My Ryugen should arrive soon, can't wait.

Also, a little cookie for you guys: We're getting Yomotsu Heguri-Arms next week already! :O
sorry I didnt answer this earlier.

no they aren't mine, I just found a pic on twitter and thought I'd share it.
Making steady progress with Blade instead of completing it within two days, I really like Blades final form, it is possibly my favourite in terms of it's appearance and everything else I just love about Blade, if you can tell I really frigging love blade it's frigging good.
let us know when you get to the episode where Philip questionably goes through a somewhat autistic phase when he's obsessed with a dance craze. I love seeng peoples reaction to those episodes.

Heavens Tornado, right? Just watched it, Philip is so awesome :D

no they aren't mine, I just found a pic on twitter and thought I'd share it.

Okay, thanks for sharing it then :3

Sorry that I can't appreciate it, I only know Micchy.
Phillip is indeed awesome, what do you think of Shotaro the halfboiled and Akiko the lost looney toon and the rider form that shotaro and Phillip have?
Holy shit, dat episode! Watch it now! It's so awesome... I can't wait for next week :(

So much awesome stuff... Gaim, please don’t ruin yourself with a shitty ending!

Phillip is indeed awesome, what do you think of Shotaro the halfboiled and Akiko the lost looney toon and the rider form that shotaro and Phillip have?

Shotaro is cool with his detective-fetish, but I like Philip better. Akiko is so annoying... but in a good way. She does get a laugh out of me sometimes and her actress really puts effort in it. I swear this slipper she has is the mightiest weapon in all of Kamen Rider. The forms are kind of cool, I like the Driver and that they actually call him "Kamen Rider". Okay, Wizard had no place for it, so does Gaim, but I like when they call the hero "Kamen Rider".
It's actually a plot point of why they call themselves kamen rider which makes it all the more cooler.

and yeah that episode is amazing will be making a this week on gaim in the next post.
This week on Gaim
  • but first this week on the Helheim dbeate channel is Kouta willing to sacrifice himself for the world, team Mai says yes and Team Sagara say well not up for me to decide.
  • Kaito and Mitsuzans still going at it and I love the fist fight part, also nice call back to the beat rider.
  • Hey it's the return of mister dangerous and Gridon, good stuff.
  • Kaito acknowledges Kouta's resolve, also good stuff.
  • Mai continues to remind roshou of his Waifu and puts the golden fruit in her, not good stuff.
  • Behold the ultimate technique fusion of bravo and gridon, chuck gridon at them
  • Yeah Mitsuzane still super tragic character and we still have ghost takatora around.
  • and then one of my favourite battles begins, sorry I would be putting more of what is going on but I am not it's just a super good battle so much good stuff going on you just have to watch it yourself
  • redue betrayed her king, oh no completely weren't expecting this at all, that statement was sarcastic.
  • and then my favourite with Kouta vs Redue
  • and people starting to work out where the golden fruit is
  • and next week hype for evil Mistuzane arms.
You know, there was so much awesome stuff going on, but the way Bravo & Gridon escaped is just my favorite. If everything fails, throw an acorn at it.

And Kouta reforming the Kachidoki lockseed was really surprising me, and he can control the forest now. And I seriously didn’t expect that they killed of all Overlords left in this episode. Makes sense, because I thought they would die before Micchy uses his new lockseed, but I didn’t think they pull it now. And no matter how cool Reyue's end was, I wished that she survived, only to crawl towards Micchy's feet and he laughs at her before killing her coldblooded. Would have been a fitting way to end the character.
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I wish I could talk about the episode right now, but I gotta go to work and then go to the gym, so it'll be a while before I even do my this week thing.
So currently we have Mitsuzane and Ryouma for final big bad of Gaim, I think it's gonna be Mitsuzane.
I think Ryoma, Mitsuzane is a little bit to obvious in my opinion. And there’s still Sagara.

But, speaking of the devil, guess who showed up today!









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Where did you get that mini Capri sun thing anyway and congrats on getting your Mistuzane the betrayer figure.

So important question, where does desu mai who spoke with Sagara ages ago fit into the plot, I still don't know what she is up to and it can't be Roshuo's wife since they don't look the same.

I still not sure I mean with the power up Mitsuzane is gonna get I think it makes him final villain tier.
Where did you get that mini Capri sun thing anyway and congrats on getting your Mistuzane the betrayer figure.

I have no idea. Found it in the attic while searching for something else. It was most likely part of a promotional toy that was given away during my youth (I loved Capri Sun), you can still see a peg and some glue on the back where it was attached to the figure.

But yeah, I found it and I was amazed how much it fits in my comedy-shots. I mean it is orange-flavor :D

So important question, where does desu mai who spoke with Sagara ages ago fit into the plot, I still don't know what she is up to and it can't be Roshuo's wife since they don't look the same.

She's from a possible future. Seeing as how the Queen has the same look as Desu-Mai, it seems like this blond hair red eye-thing is because of the golden fruit. The Queen carried it and looked like this, now Mai has it and starts to slowly transform into the Priestess of Time. In one future she fully evolves and the Riders go to war in a world that is already swallowed by the forest. She goes back in time to stop it from happening again. That’s what I think.

Or it was the queen all along, who choose to disguise herself as Mai.

And a funny fact regarding the Queen: She was portrayed by the wife of Metal Yoshida! :D

Sagara, I have no idea at all. He has similar powers to an Overlord. Maybe he is from yet another world besides Earth and Helheim?

I still not sure I mean with the power up Mitsuzane is gonna get I think it makes him final villain tier.

I still think he will be betrayed in the last episode by Ryoma who takes the golden fruit and morphs into a monster. Something like that. Or Sagara wants to end the game.
This Desu mai still bugs me, I like your ideas on it but I just hope we get to know what going on so that we don't get a last 2 episodes okay now here is everything you need to know about the plot thing, I would like to fully know what is going on a few episodes before that.

again with the villain thing I would like it established before hand instead I am so the final villain nope you got crossed by someone and now they are the final villain, you know like in wizard.

So how does Mitsuzane end up with the Yomotsu Heguri arms, does sagara give it to him or does Ryouma's research allow him to create it?
Well, I would say Ryoma creates it. We saw him scanning Kiwami, he was present and saw the power of the golden fruit in this episode, and we see him with Mitzsuzane and the unconscious Mai in the lab in the preview. I think he will cut out a part of the golden fruit and fuse it with the Budou lockseed to create Yomotsu Heguri arms, or he just makes a new lockseed based on Budou. This could also explain why the lockseed hurts Mitsuzane, because someone who isn’t familiar with this power used it. Kiwami was created by Roshue and he knew what he was doing.

It could still be Sagara who wants to equal out the game again, but I think its a creation from Ryoma. And if it is, then I think he has a plan doing so.
;w; don't talk too much about it without me please? I'd like to be able to partkae in the discussion and theories with you guys if I can.
;w; don't talk too much about it without me please? I'd like to be able to partkae in the discussion and theories with you guys if I can.

Sure dude, sorry, go work out, take a shower, eat something and then enjoy the episode. You really have something to look forward too, let me tell you! We stop now until you're ready.
Fair enough Sano, this episode is just hype, prepare yourself, you are in for a good episode.
well, I got a few more hours of work unfortunately. If you guys wanna talk amongst yourselves go ahead. Just don't. get antsy when I come in and want to talk about stuff you've already talked about. ^^'
nah we won't you get antsy, you might even cover something we missed.

Plus this episode was super good, I don't really mind talking about it again.

-Sagara still sneaking about in the background!
-Kaito is a real man. he don't treat women like object. UNLIKE A CERTAIN MELON WANNABE!
-you thought they were dead but the invincible duo is still around!
-if ghost brother was illusion, and redyue was ghost brother.... THEN WHO WAS PHONE?
-here let me shove this golden fruit straight in your abdomen!
-you two thought you could fite me but I am the mod on this server!
-Kaito: man that golden fruit is hype...
-Redyue does not like being bamboozled. not at all.
-you thought this lockseed was broken but DODECAHERDON!
-I'm gonna beat yo ass with dis here buster sword
-Mai suffered from a dark case of pinkeye
-Mai's gettin' attention of ALL DA BOIS!
-still a better love story than Twilight

really nice action packed episode. lots of character reveals. and DAMN! Metal Yoshida's wife is really attractive. good on the guy. I bet she makes him do the Oren stuff all the time.


until then!

sorry about not posting this sooner. I got sidetracked.
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but seriously, I have a feeling Redyue could make illusions, so she's just been fucking with Mitsuzane all along. guess we'll see if I'm right next week. :P
but seriously, I have a feeling Redyue could make illusions, so she's just been fucking with Mitsuzane all along. guess we'll see if I'm right next week. :P

Oh… you mean that she is the one who made him see the ghost of his brother? That’s clever, haven’t thought about it that way. But I think that’s not the case, I remember in one scene where Mitsuzane argued with his dead brother, Redue was surprised about it as well and was like "He’s broken now". And she wasn’t always present when Mitsuzane had hallucinations.

I like the idea, but I think it works better as an imagination of Mitsuzanes sick mind.

EDIT: Seems like the next episode, after the debut of Yomutsu Heguri, will be titled "Baron The Ultimate Transform!". So either he goes Overlord, gets a true final form, or both.
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Although it would have been cool if Redyue was the on making the illusions there have been times where Redyue was around went ghost Takatora was around along with Q mentioning the scene where Redyue was surprised at Mitsuzane's delusions.

also since this is my first time commenting on it, Metal Yoshida's wife is quite attractive.
now I'm nit saying you guys are wrong, but here's two things that sort of give me my theory,

1 why did redyue disappear when ghost taka was around?

and 2, why did he make that weird helheim noise when he appeared most recently?

man, I've missed being able to talk about fan theories and stuff with rider fans!
Okay I don't really like trying to take down theories but lets ee what we can get from this

you say that redyue disappears when when Ghost takatora is around as to show that the effect of redyue casting an illusion on him. From my idea that Ghost Takatora is just an illusion and everything one else seems to disappear could be there to show that when ever Ghost Takatora appears that Mitsuzane is the only person who sees Ghost Takatora which emphasies his craziness.

The Helheim being made when Ghost takatora appears, you have me there, to be I wouldn't have noticed this if you didn't bring this up.

Again not trying to put your theory down, just trying to explain my ideas, since I don't really like to go against other people ideas since no one fully knows yet but then that is the fun of exploring these ideas.

So in more theory crafting time, given that Kaito is still infected by the forest do you guys think that the with Kouta now having more of the power of the forest he can reverse the infection.
Also one thing I wish other riders series do is to change the opening music or the opening, so far I have only seen this in Blade and I love it for doing that.
1 why did redyue disappear when ghost taka was around?

She doesn’t. During the first time Mitsuzane hallucinates that his brother is in the room, she stands right before him. During the time Mitsuzane hallucinates while fighting Kouta & Kaito, she watches. I admit, in the current episode it kinda looks like Redue disappears but its either a production error or Mitsuzane cant see her because of his brother. And because we are seeing what Mitsuzane sees, she's not there.

I really like this theory of yours, but it gets totally destroyed if you watch the first time Takatoras Ghost appears. Redue stands in the same room and wonders about Mitsuzane, saying "Are you talking to yourself now?" and she thinks "Is he broken?". Why should she, if she's the one causing the hallucination? And we see a shot where Mitsuzane's throwing stuff at an invisible Takatora, Redue stands there and watches, but she cant see what Mitsuzane is so angry about.

The problem with this theory is, after the fact I just explained, Redue is sometimes there when the ghost appears, sometimes not. If she would be always there or not at all, that would be suspicious. But that’s not the case. Also: If the producers pulled that, why not build it up properly? Why not show Redue as a puppeteer, holding the strings of the ghost? No one knows that she has something to do with it until she's dead? Nah. There are no clues to this theory, and if there would be they would have Mitsuzane kill her to free him in the end. Not just a dead Redue and then Takatora is gone.

I think the ghost is still there, because Mitsuzane is crazy. This ghost is a complex he developed. Maybe he "destroys" the ghost, or rather this form of his subconscious, by smashing the Genesis Driver and Melon Energy lockseed once he has Yomutsu Heguri.

and 2, why did he make that weird helheim noise when he appeared most recently?

Just a simple sound effect. If it would be a thing, they would have used it every time Takatora appears, not just this time.
I know we have mentioned the possibility of sagara being the one who could provide Mitsuzane his lockseed and I still think it could be ryouma but if does turn out to be Sagara then I just don't know what Sagara is up to anymore since he has ambiguous for a far too long in my opinion.

By the way what upgrades does Yomotsu Heguri arms get?
You mention Sagara, that’s fitting, because I have thought about him. What is he, really? He could be either a survivor of a world that was devoured before Helheim and who now watches the way of the fruit, or... what if Sagara created the fruit himself and is its watcher, for eternity? And he waits for someone who uses its power right, so that it vanishes and he is finally set free. Every world that was eaten by the forest choose the wrong path, but he trusts on Kouta to make the right decision and break the endless cycle.

By the way what upgrades does Yomotsu Heguri arms get?

It is about Kiwami-level in power, and it can summon the weapons of the Overlords, like Kiwami summons the arms-weapons. And it has both the Budou Ryuhou from Budou arms and the Kiwi Gekirin from Kiwi arms.
It is about Kiwami-level in power, and it can summon the weapons of the Overlords, like Kiwami summons the arms-weapons. And it has both the Budou Ryuhou from Budou arms and the Kiwi Gekirin from Kiwi arms.

" Imagining Mitsuzane in final form dual wielding roshuo's buster swords"

Yeah that sound pretty powerful. I think I hyped my self up for the next episode.
Yeah that sound pretty powerful. I think I hyped my self up for the next episode.

I already am... way too much. I want a FiguArt of this form to pose it with Kiwami, and the lockseed which will be the last one I buy, to also pose it with the Kachidoki and Kiwami lockseed.
Good luck on getting that figure when it comes out, depending on how popular some of them can be.

We getting closer to reaching the end of Gaim and I so hope that Gaim continues to be amazing, I don't want it to screw up near the end.
Also one thing I wish other riders series do is to change the opening music or the opening, so far I have only seen this in Blade and I love it for doing that.
the main reason Blade probably did it was because the first one was REALLY bland and barely reflected anything of the show.

and like, its weird how we've grown from hating Mitsuzane to actually talking about him like a well developed fallen from grace villain character.
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and like, its weird how we've grown from hating Mitsuzane to actually talking about him like a well developed fallen from grace villain character.

That’s probably because that is exactly what he is right now :D

But yeah, it’s weird. Before he was just a backstabber without much focus, now he has a goal. I admit I don’t even hate him anymore, for me he is a villain now, and I like villains. I like good villains, the ones you can hate and understand at the same time. With his new lockseed, I like him even more. And his actor really shines when Mitsuzane goes crazy. He’s really good.
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Well mitchy went from best buds with kouta to control freak, to Heinous backstabber to man in charge to mentally broken villain who lost his way ages back. I think this is why we we don't have the same reactions of of when Mitsuzane went full evil is that he is not the same as when he try to get of rid of kouta himself. if he was still like that I am pretty sure we would still despise him but he is not super evil as he is tragic.

In all fairness we need need to be really appreciative of the writing staff and the actor for being able to pull of such a complex character so well.
That's why we are all enjoying the Gaim Kamen Rider Series so much. The plot is not something you can easily figure out. The first true swerve came after all the riders at the time entered Helheim simultaneously and true Kurokage had his driver wrecked. That and the following episode, while not the first move was the major point that said "the Rider Series is leaving the tracks you thought it was on.
It is only a small thing but one thing I love about getting into a new fandom such as this one I that when I got onto other forums I can recognise when some has an avatar related to that series and I have seen quite a few Kamen Rider related avatars. It makes me feel good when there seems like there is more than the few people here talking about Kamen Rider.
recently, Hideki Kamiya of Platinum Games was asked on twitter who his favorite rider in Ryuki was. He answered "Ryuki".

I then asked him what other Rider shows ddoes he enjoy and he answered
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