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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

and I also found the first weapon Raiden gets besides his sword in Revengeance...


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Okay that is pretty frigging cool that he responded to that, hooray for people who really like Ryuki.
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I think it's even cooler that he didn't ban me on twitter.

I was so scared when I asked him.
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That is pretty good that didn't happen, would be a real shame if it did.

Looking through the Kamen Rider wiki I found that during one of the big crossovers that Shu watanabe, the actor for ooo voiced Faiz, guess they could bring in the original actor for that.

Okay this is a pretty cool piece of trivia, the Original actor for Kuuga also plays the live action version of the Mian character of Mushishi. I didn't know it had a live action version so I have no idea whether it is good or not.
oh yeah, super hero taisen.

not a lot of people liked it.
Yeah there have been quite a few crossovers recently, I don't know which one is since as mentioned there are quite a few. I will just get through the main series before the crossovers and then the movies if I can find them.

Still looking for trivia and there is gonna be a Live action Bakuman movie with Takeru Satoh aka Kamen rider Den-O, which is pretty cool.
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the gaim wizard one was okay. not amazing but certainly not bad.

I haven't really seen any others besides all Rider vs Dai-Shocker, which made a better ending to decade than the actual end of decade's tv series.
This might be spoiler related but I am gonna ask anyways.

If Kamen rider Decade goes around trying to save the rider worlds and whatnot, is there an actual villain behind it all or does he just fight the villains in the respective rider worlds?
he mostly fights alternate versions of villains from older rider shows.

sometimes there are original characters built for the worlds he goes to, like Kamen Rider Abyss in Ryuki's world, which is a world where the rider fights are televised and if you lose you just get thrown out of the mirror world, you don't die.
ah I see, so is there really know real final boss or bad guy then?
Another Update I watched the Kamen rider Core film and loved it though I enjoyed the Double half as opposed to the OOO half more due to Covering over the origin of Kamen rider Skull which was awesome but quite dark as well.
dont forget it was the origin of "Now, time to count up your sins."

which the whole argument of sins vs crimes, in that case with W being that it's meant to reflect noir style detectives, sins and crimes are synonymous. so I don't care what they use.
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And here's the new guy:


Makes me a little sad to see Gaim leaving. But it isn't over yet, we still have a full month of Gaim before us. Drive will (presumably) begin on October 5th.
I believe I have said this before but I definitely love the armour design that Drive has with the whole car theme. He has a cool drive especially with cheesy name of the Drive Driver and he has quite a few states already available to him. I hope he ends up an experienced rider as opposed to being an inexperienced rider.
I like how he has Drake's weird shoulder thing going on.
It does stand out a bit less than Kamen Rider Drakes but it still looks cool.

Note when you mentioned Drake I instantly though of Drake and Josh.
I saw the twitter blog of his had a picture of him soaked.

good on Gaku! I hope he challenged tsukasa, or someone does.

dem Gaku Sano abs. I like women but man, those are some sexy ones!
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so, if the Gaim characters were in JoJo's what would their stands be?

my choices would be so far
Kouta: Orange Range
Takatora: Zenryoku Shounen
Zack: Five Finger Death Punch
Jonouchi: M.C. Hammer
Oren: Mister Sandman
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Good job on Mr Sano doing the Ice bucket and doing it twice due to his newly found overlord abilities.

I have never thought of all the Rider in Jojo so I haven't really put much thought towards it.
This is something I have been meaning to ask for a while but kept forgetting to, does anyone know how they do the sparks effects when either the characters get hit in combat?
eh, its an effect thats been around for a long time. probably just to make the slashes and bashing look more powerful. =3= you'll see it in sentai too.
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I know why they have but I would be interested to know how they do it.
they probably add a little bit of flint on characters weapons and set off sparks to explode on the costume.
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Yomotsu Heguri Arms is really cool, watched the raw footage because I was too curious about it. So, who's ready for Overlord-Baron next week?
Awesome Episode!
  • We finally know what Sagara and Desu-Mai really are! And I was... half right :>

  • My theory with the human Overlords gets totally crushed... thanks Gaim :(

  • Yomutsu Heguri lockseed comes totally out of nowhere... major bummer. Why was it in that hospital? Makes no sense.

  • Mitsuzane makes a decision... will he survive the next episode? Or will he die in Kouta's arms, realizing what he's done?

  • Yoko is the biggest fangirl I've ever seen. Would totally not be sorry if the peach gets crushed under Overlord Kaito's foot.

  • I simply love how Kaito maintained his character and goals, he doesn’t care about saving Zawame, he wants that the strong survive, and only the strong!

  • Bando's still awesome... EAT, EAT, EAT! Even Oren can't argue with that logic.

  • Peco and Chucky get totally tricked again... yu neva lern?!

  • There's a storm coming... and Kaito will forge his own destiny... by eating yummy, yummy fruits from the forest!

  • Forget how lame the introduction of the lockseed was... Yomutsu Heguri arms is fucking scary! It doesn’t come from a crack... but from a dark cloud, accompanied by red lighting... and instead of fruit juice it spits out smoke... spooky! Hell Fruit Arms! Realm of the Dead, Hell, Hell, Hell!

  • Yomutsu Heguri arms just has stuff... no one knows why. Maybe Mitsuzane pulls everything out of his ass, that would explain why this lockseed hurts like shit.

  • The epic battle begins – only one will walk away for this!
Get ready for the final battle between Mitsuzane and Kouta... and the real f-f-fight power next week, when Kaito becomes the Overlord of Overlords... Overoverlord!
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This week on Gaim
  • and everyone is fine until everyone is not fine because the Invess are coming, the Invess are coming.
  • Then we cut to Mai who ain't feeling well and then Mistuzane comes in and then Ryouma comes into to take them to a hospital because ryouma's such a trustworthy guy isn't he?
  • after defeating the enemies Kaito starts entering DESPAIR mode probably due to invess infection and reasons he will explain later.
  • Ryouma some how converts hospital equipment to scan for fruits of mystical power, science.
  • Now it is time for Sagara exposition time, in short he is hellheim, mai is the woman of the beginning because she has the golden fruit and stuff.
  • Bandou continues to be awesome and Kaito is till going super DESPAIR mode.
  • I think Ryouma is tricking Mitsuzane into trying to get rid of kouta through saying he would get rid of Mai, which we all know Kouta wouldn't do but I don't think Mitsuzane is thinking logically when it comes to Mai.
  • Ryouma was the one who had the Yomotsu Heguri arms, makes sense in all fairness as it is a blend of Grape and Kiwi except it's EVIL, and drains your life force.
  • and so the battle between Kouta and Mitsuzane begins with Yomotsu Heguri and goddamn, Ryouma you programmed a really evil sounding call/chant for the Yomotsu Heguri.
  • Okay the shot of Kouta in Kachidoki arms arising from the smoke and fire is possible one of the favourite looking shots in Kamen rider Gaim, especially in GLORIOUS HD.
  • and next time on Gaim, damn it Kaito, just damn it.
I seriously hope we get an explanation for where this lockseed comes from. I mean of course Ryoma made it, as I expected, but why is it in that hospital and why is he pulling it out now? It cant be around for long, id he had it before he could have given it to Sid and let him destroy the Beat Riders and get rid of him.

I mean this thing is too important and strange to just appear and then become useless once Mitsuzane dies. What could happen next week.

Maybe this hospital was his base when he lurked around Zawame and he built the lockseed there. And I still think he uses Mitsuzane as a test subject for this power and he will use a perfected version himself.
Yeah now that you mention it, it was weird that the Yomotsu Heguri arms just happen to be right there at the random hospital in the random room that he picked out and he just knows it was there. My guess is that he brought it with him and placed it there for dramatic effect.

Also yeah given by that preview Mitsuzane won't be lasting long if he keeps using the Yomotsu Heguri. I think you have a point that @Detective Q that he is only just using Mitsuzane as a means to test the super,dangerous, evilbad, hell fruit arms and will and will come back later with super not dangerous, evilbad, Hellfruit arms, Duke edition.

Is Kaito going to still be in full control, like is he overlord status now and also does anyone think Minako will still follow him after doing that?
Mhm... if he had it with him I'm sure he would pull it out of his pocket, not hide it to take it out a few minutes later. Could be a possibility, but I would be pissed if that would be the case. I still hope this whole business with the Yomutsu Heguri lockseed gets bigger, and Ryoma tells us more about it.

Kaito will be in full control, Overlords aren’t mindless and retain their personality, we know that. I think he will test his powers and there will be a battle against Kouta, from what he says in this episode he should fight the Armored Riders because they want to stop Helheim, but he wants to let it win over so humanity can evolve.

I think Kaito will be the next big problem for the Riders to handle until the finale. And Yoko... I kinda hope he kills her. Don’t know why, I just don’t like her. But maybe she realizes that being a Fangirl isn’t enough and she will fight for herself now.
I made a mention of it in my post but does anyone think Kaito has gone a bit despair like, I mean he sort of follows through his ideals but he has partially shifted into despair I would say.

What do you guys think?
But wouldn’t fall into despair make him a Phantom?

Holy shit, Wizard's coming to Zawame to save the day!

Just kidding, I don’t think he's desperate. Especially the line in this Episode were Yoko says that he will die and he just answers „Then this is as far as I was ever going to go.“, I think he's cool with whatever awaits him. But I think his ego might push him over the edge, we can assume he and Yoko will fight Ryoma next episode by the preview and from what I've seen from Kamen Rider Duke so far lets me believe they wont stand a chance.

After that Kaito might want to just get over with it already and advance to an Overlord.

Btw. I'm at episode 22 of Double now, I really enjoy it. But that Ryu/Accel-Dude... as much as I like his Rider-Outfit, the fact that he turns into a motorcycle and his badass sword... I hate that dude, he's a total asshole. Hard-boiled my ass. But Fang/Joker is really cool, I love that Philip transforms into Double more often now. And I totally call that he is a member of the Museum-family, Wakana is his big sister right, thats why they have this special connection?
It makes sense that he probably isn't going into despair more that he just accepts that this is path he has taken and will not last long as a result.

If Overlord Kaito goes up against Ryouma then Ryouma is probably screwed.

Double is a really good series. Ryu is quite abrasive and douchey but he will get better as the series goes along in terms of being less of a jerk.
If Overlord Kaito goes up against Ryouma then Ryouma is probably screwed.

I'm routing for Kaito but I'm really not so sure about this one. I was so surprised about how Duke just toyed around with that Turtle-Overlord... he could have beaten this dude without taking a scratch.

He has tuned up his Genesis Driver and implemented tons of stuff that we maybe haven’t even seen yet. Also, Baron in Lemon Energy wasn’t pretty bad dealing with Demushu too.

I don’t know how they explain this but Overlords aren’t really that strong if you think about it – only Roshue put up a good fight because he had the Golden Fruit. Every over Overlord got blown up by Kiwami pretty badly.

Maybe a persons strength decides the strength of his Overlord form and Kaito maybe the strongest one yet, maybe even on par with Kiwami Arms. Or he eats tons of fruit. But I'm still not sure if Duke is such an easy enemy to defeat.
You Know what I just realised, we are close to one thousand posts on this topic.

We must celebrate, have my so far favourite kamen rider GIF/

Now I have completed Kamen rider Blade, which is currently one of my favourites of Kamen rider, will post my thoughts of the show when I am less sleepy.

-we won. everyone go home. wait who is invessing? nobody is invessing! how can this be?!
-Kaito is open to the possibility of humanity getting gud.
-and this chillen is why you need to wash your golden fruits before sticking them into a teenage girl.
-Peco and Chucky give Ryoma and Mistuzane the benefit of the doub-oh godammit.
-you think Sagara deserves rights? Sagara ain't even a person!
-no one ever listens to ghost nii-san.
-Yoko is a fangirl to the end... of the world?
-Kouta and Mitsuzane finally get pushed for summer slam!

very good episode. can't wait for the next part.

NEXT WEEK! Kaito turns heel!

until then
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also, I think I should mention for the last episode, I will not be doing as THIS WEEK. instead, it will just be a review.
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