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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

This episode has been another good one and I think we will all be leaving our thoughts of how Gaim went.

Edit: Congrats on getting the 1000th post as well. OOO would be proud.
Here’s the true identity of Kamen Rider Drive… Shinnosuke Tomari! He’s a car fanatic (unsurprisingly) and also a police officer! There was a rumor that the new Kamen Rider is a member of a special police force, maybe that’s true.



There are also new info’s about the transformation: Drive changes a Shift Car into “Lever Mode” and then inserts it into his bracelet. But there is a twist to the Drive Driver that we haven’t heard of before… it talks! It seems to have a personality of its own and gives Shinnosuke advice during combat! And its safe to say that there will be a lot of funny and awkward scenes that occur because the belt starts talking.

I think he looks very sympatric and I love that the Driver talks! But the transformation is a little bit too ToQger for me. But lets see and wait, the idea of Gaim sounded pretty stupid at first too, and look what it became.
I want him to be like "OMFG CARS YOU GUYS! I FUCKING LOVE CARS!" c'mon Drive! be cheesy and silly!
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Okay guys, here he is. Kamen Rider Gaim's Final Villain. The Mastermind behind everything.


Kamen Rider Jam!

I think its save to say, this is Ryoma. Seems my guesses where true, this seems like a perfected Yomutsu Heguri-tech of arms. The suit and lockseed is definitely reused from the movie exclusive villain Kamen Rider Mars, but strangely Jam uses a purple version of Gaim's Daidaimaru!

What's behind this arms? We will soon find out.
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it's most likely Ryoma. he's still in the fray but in the background, Yoko certainly will probably go down with or by Kaito's hand, and Mistuzane's probably not gonna make it past next week.
I made the parallel earlier but his solidifrs it, along with his actions this week.

Sengoku Ryouma is the Earth Equivalent of Redyue from Helheim. I get the feeling tha thtose two would have gotten along well while figuring out how to outwit and kill eachother.

Hoo boy, one more Premium lockseed to order in the future, just have to get lucky on another website or figure out the Premium Bandai Page (maybe with a good webpage translator)
I don't remember if its CS toys, or HLJ that usually will buy the premium stuff and sell limited quantities of it. I'm sure its one of the two though.
Hoo boy, one more Premium lockseed to order in the future, just have to get lucky on another website or figure out the Premium Bandai Page (maybe with a good webpage translator)

Or use a middleman like Toku Taku Toys :)

That's were I got my Yomutsu Heguri-Lockseed preordered. But you are right, I need to buy this new lockseed as well, and I thought YH would be my last one.

I don't remember if its CS toys, or HLJ that usually will buy the premium stuff and sell limited quantities of it. I'm sure its one of the two though.

Definitely not HLJ, they never carry Web-Exclusives or Bandai Premium-stuff.
Mr. S over at CS Toys actualy had to institute a hard limit of 24 preorders after he goofed on his end with the Kurokage & Knuckle Set, costing a lot of pre-order people the Sid Lockseed bonus.

He has not returned to Japan yet after working the CS Toys Booth at Power Morpicon last weekend so he has not activated the preorder for the YH Lockseed, or the Die-Cast transforming Shadow Ressha.
and now it is time for reactions to things

I do like the new rider and I also really like the fact that his Driver device is going to talk to him, I liked it in Kiva and I think I am going to enjoy it here as well.

Also the final villain spoiler of Gaim. Bravo, Urobochi, Bravo. That is the best name for the final villain in this series.

Also is it just me or has the text changed ?
Okay, guys we had the full press-conference for Kamen Rider Drive. I will just copy the text from Tokusatsu and wont use a spoiler anymore. Here you go!


As previously reported, the enemies of this series are known as Roimyuudo, a species of android-like creatures that wish to become human. Most of the Roiymyuudo are sealed within a digital network and do not have physical forms, although they can control ordinary citizens by forming an emotional connection.

The Roimyuudo Leaders do have physical bodies, and wish to raise an army in rebellion against humans. The main leader is known as Heart and works mostly in shadow to accomplish his goals. Another Roimyuudo called Brains carries out attacks on humans to gain new intelligence that may assist other fighters. A third mysterious villain character, named Chase is said to work alongside the Roimyuudo as a hitman- but there may be more to his story than currently known.

In addition we have learned quite a bit about Kamen Rider Drive- real name Shinnosuke Tomari. A member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department before stepping aside due to personal tragedy, Shinnosuke is re-recruited for the Special Unit to fight the Roimyuudo-receiving the Drive Driver & supercar Trideron to aid him in battle.

The Tokyo MPD Special Unit also consists of

*Kiriko, the technical support expert. Unlike most of the Special Unit she is aware of Drive’s secret identity and as such she can sometimes cover for him.

*Rinna, a physicist in charge of researching the Roimyuudo and maintaining the Special Unit’s technology.

*Kyuu, a network researcher who harbors a secret obsession with the occult.

*Genpachirou, a hostile lieutenant who considers the Special Unit a burden and frequently mocks the other members.

*Tsurutarou, the Chief of Police with years of experience in regular detective work.

Finally, we have also learned that the series’ theme song, SURPRISE-DRIVE will be performed by Mitsuru Matsuoka- who some fans may recognize as Kamen Rider Eternal!

So far everything about Kamen Rider Drive sounds worth watching! Be sure to tune in on October 5th and see exactly what this new Kamen Rider has to offer!
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is that the air date or are you going by the time Gaim ends and then going a week after?

because a lot of toku shows including Kamen Rider will have a week off after the final episode airs, AKA the week of despair.
is that the air date or are you going by the time Gaim ends and then going a week after

I just copied this, I didn’t come up with the date. But seeing the fact that the press conference is over now, this might be the official date they announced for the start of Drive.

And here's a real treat for all you guys: The first video footage of Drive!

Here's a new spoiler-pic for upcoming Gaim episodes. It gets me hyped as fuck.

Wow that spoiler Image

Thoughts in the spoiler below
So I guess It's gonna be like the battle between overlords with Kouta representing the a human who obtained the power of overlord and Kaito who took the power of the overlord directly and also can have a human form .
Kaito also looks a tad different in this image, I guess being an overlord had an effect on him maybe.
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Yeah my thoughts exactly.


It's also a cool throwback to the intro of the first episode. Also, Overlords can have human forms, the Overlord from the movie has one too.

There was also a pic that I sadly can't find, someone said there is a picture that shows Mitsuzanes actor wearing the blonde wig of Desu-Mai as a joke alongside the red-eye contact lens and it was labeled "Mitchy of the Beginning".

I would kill to see that.
I have been trying to find that on as well but I am been having difficulty know exactly what to look for since I don't know how different Micchy of the beginning is compared to Mai of the beginning.
Wow... you know how Drive already feels a little bit like Double? I mean a police officer is the main character so him solving crimes should be a no-brainer.

But... Keiichi Hasegawa is the secondary writer of the show, as he was before once... in Double!

Also, it seems like Drive will return to the classic Kamen Rider type of story-telling: One story per episode. That’s a little sad after seeing how well Gaim worked, but since I'm really happy with Double so far, I think short stories aren’t bad if the overall plot is interesting. Not another Wizard please, while it had interesting little stories, the overall plot was just terrible.

And, have a poster of Drive, because why not:

Well no one has seen an episode yet so I can't really say how Double feels compared to Drive but if one of the writers from double is there then I ain't complaining.

If the stories are fine for Drive then that is fine by me.

How far are you in Double at the moment by the way?
Yeah I'm at the second episode with the puppeteer now, Weather was already all over Taboo-Dopant :)
New (full body) picture of Overlord Baron:


I really like the suit, but the fact that he uses a mildly repainted version of Demushu's sword is super lame. Slowly the heavy re-usage of old parts for these new forms starts to annoy me.
I see you have a nice new avatar @Detective Q, yeah that design is pretty cool.

This episode, Christ it's a roller coaster. A lot of the details were missed because I watched the raw version but damn I did not expect this episode going the way I expected to.
Yeah I couldn’t wait, I watched the raw too. Pretty awesome.

Seems like Ryoma is really dead, flowers and all. I heard some people say that Jam might be a crossover-rider that Gaim and Drive will fight together in the "final" episode. So Kaito is the final boss then. But I'm amazed that Mitsuzane is still alive... that battle ended way different then I thought it would. The sad part is, we will never know what was up with Yomutsu Heguri, bummer. But... maybe the original Ryugen will return once more.
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Yeah this episode was great, another in the list of great episodes of Gaim which would essentially be the majority of them.

Honestly I am a bit annoyed that Jam Ryouma wasn't the final villain and I know he was gonna get his come uppance but damn I would have liked Ryouma as the final villain.
So Kaito final villain by the looks of things I guess, no idea what Mitsuzane is going to do at this point.
I don't know everything that was going but but I will have to wait for subs for that.
I guess they are also doing what wizard did and the last episode is gonna be like
Kamen rider Jam " haha I am the evil final villain haha and I will do evil bad things"
Gaim " Oh noes we can't beat him"
Drive " Greeting good sirs, I kamen rider Drive shall partake in this battle
Jam " da fuk are you?
Drive " Advertisement my good friends" Rider kick
Jam " oh noes I have been defeated"
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New (full body) picture of Overlord Baron:


I really like the suit, but the fact that he uses a mildly repainted version of Demushu's sword is super lame. Slowly the heavy re-usage of old parts for these new forms starts to annoy me.
welcome to rider shows. once you hit the late game the budget kinda has to deviate from the current series so it can be used for the newer series.
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Yeah this episode was great, another in the list of great episodes of Gaim which would essentially be the majority of them.

Honestly I am a bit annoyed that Jam Ryouma wasn't the final villain and I know he was gonna get his come uppance but damn I would have liked Ryouma as the final villain.
So Kaito final villain by the looks of things I guess, no idea what Mitsuzane is going to do at this point.
I don't know everything that was going but but I will have to wait for subs for that.
I guess they are also doing what wizard did and the last episode is gonna be like
Kamen rider Jam " haha I am the evil final villain haha and I will do evil bad things"
Gaim " Oh noes we can't beat him"
Drive " Greeting good sirs, I kamen rider Drive shall partake in this battle
Jam " da fuk are you?
Drive " Advertisement my good friends" Rider kick
Jam " oh noes I have been defeated"

Ryoma would have been my final boss of choice too. I wanted to know more about Yomutsu Heguri :(

And at the end of the episode I thought: Ryoma survived, and now that he lost his Genesis Driver he will make a new prototype: Dark Apple. But then I heard the flowers-thing... crap. But Kaito as final Boss isn’t bad either. Its a good throwback to the intro with Gaim and Baron riding against each other and Kaito as a character deserves to shine in the end. His Overlord-form is really awesome.

But next week... god I hope Kaito doesn’t kill Oren & Jonouchi.
It is probably safe, or not safe to say for the characters anyways, that Urobochi might be backs to his oldways in the last few episodes.

If he does do that, please do end it like a certain other rider series that I really liked, It was fine for that one but not this one, this also applies to another rider series but that ending could be interesting. Yes I am being vague about rider series I am mentioning on purpose so that I don't spoil stuff.
I'm almost 100% sure the end will be that Kouta sacrifices himself but by doing so he resets the world so everyone is alive and happy again (except the bad dudes) and Helheim no longer exists.
that or he'll take control of helheim and he'll rule the forest with Mai and create a new kingdom with her while earth is left to rebuild after Kouta defeats the final villain.
I'm almost 100% sure the end will be that Kouta sacrifices himself but by doing so he resets the world so everyone is alive and happy again (except the bad dudes) and Helheim no longer exists.

Gah this is the ending I would prefer not happen but seeing the way it is going it might happen, I don't know what will end up happening though.

Sleepover Henshin = Best Henshin

I think I know far too much of double when I can remember what episode that is in the series and what is gonna happen in the next episode.

The reason i bring this is because the next episode set is so awesome, I frigging love it. That episode was a decent episode though. Good to see you are still enjoying Double.
I think I know far too much of double when I can remember what episode that is in the series and what is gonna happen in the next episode.

Dont worry, I could do the same with Gaim :D

The reason i bring this is because the next episode set is so awesome, I frigging love it. That episode was a decent episode though. Good to see you are still enjoying Double.

I love the dream-setting with the samurais, its so funny. But yeah. I just finished the first part and in the preview the said something about the "Extreme Memory"... sounds like a final form for me.

And yeah I totally enjoy Double... I'm at episode 30 now and if I remember how much I needed to focus myself to finish Wizard, that says a lot.
wait till you see how they reveal the XTREME memory. Its both badass, blood pumping and just plain bromance manly.Wrider feels.
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Yes Xtreme is coming up in the next episode set and it is frigging awesome it's one of my favorite moments, well another one of my favorite moments would be coming in the next few episodes but yeah, Double is really good.

and not to hat on wizard but Double does obtain of the it's form a lot better than wizard did, although all the crap I have said about wizard I think I going to dislike Decade more given that is the only kamen rider I am not looking forward to.
I still like Wizard, but the more really good Rider-shows I watch the more I realize how sub par it is. I mean I really needed to tell myself "you still have to finish Wizard" to keep watching it. But with Double... snip, 30 Episodes watched. Its just so much more fun and even if it isn’t as dark and edgy as Gaim its still awesome.

So, I watched episode 43 of Gaim now with subs and damn... the scene between Kouta and Micchy is really good. I was one of the people who said: Kill this son of a bitch, he deserves it! But now... its so like Kouta to just say: "Fuck it, I forgive you!". The whole scene was great with the feathers dropping. Mitsuzanes actor really got even better this time around... playing despair isn’t easy. I hope he returns as Ryugen once more, not to make everyone forgive him but to protect Kouta, his only remaining friend.

And now Desu-Mai finally makes sense. Lord Kaito is still awesome, and I enjoyed how pissed Ryoma was because Kaito could evolve without a Driver.

And yeah, I think he's dead Jim. The leaked final boss might be either a crossover-rider for the "final" episode that’s set after the real finale, or its Sagara as a rider. I would prefer the crossover-thing, because I think Kouta vs. Kaito is the best final fight this show could have.

Also, by the leaked pics for the next episode Kaito doesn’t kill Oren & Jonouchi, he just defeats them. Lets hope it stays that way, I don’t want to see Oren dying :(
well, it would add to how jonouchi was the only visible rider in the,beginning other than the big 4 at the beginning of the series. Oren dying would suck though.

might be really late on the this week guys. I gotta practice a thing for my theatre class and read some stuff for my English lit. But I'll try to squeeze it in asap.
I wouldn't take that to serious, Takatora is dead and he was in the intro. Also, wasn't he fighting with Kaito? Now he fights against him.
You know Mitsuzane has been one of the best characters so far in the series, I think we have gone over this several times that he has been a really interesting character with having a really developed character arc, but damn props to the writing and staff for making his character and his actor for performing so well.

Thankfully yes as you said Q, they did explain the whole thing with Mai and that really makes sense now. This has been a super good episode, I still can't wait for more.