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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

I still need a Sengoku Driver, but I have no money to spare at the moment. I wait and hope some better offers will come in now that the Drive Driver is the new hot thing to buy.
I don't know if you realized, but the First episode of Fourze indicated that all the Showa Riders, Kuuga, Agito, and Double-Wizard all take place in the same dimension while every other series takes place in a close-by parallel Universe (hence Decade's Dimention hopping so easily). That is the canon explanation as to why the Riders would appear in the July/August moves for so long.
well, all Showa was one universe. Aside from Shin, ZO, and J, who all seemed to be their own forms of reboots.

I also always thought that the dimensions usually converge from time to time.
Wait isn’t Amazon also in the same universe as Fourze? I mean the Hyper Battle-DVD's aren’t really canon or else lockseeds could actually rot but it's strange that they choose Amazon to be able to meet Fourze just by traveling from the jungle to Japan.
you can't tell Amazon what he can and can't do!

Airplane customs be like "sir, you have to get rid of you weapons before you can get on the plane"
-cut to Amazon holding the wing of the plane like it's nothing- "Airplane Tomodachi"
I imagine most of the showa era rider's would have problems getting through airplane customs given that most of them are cyborgs.

Were ZO and J Cyborgs I can't remember?
I think ZO counts as a cyborg and I haven't really finished J.

Ichigo would just set off a bomb that would launch him where he needs to go. cuz he can do that.
Wait is that something he would do, I normally regarded Amazon and V3 as the most crazy awesome members but if the other do things on their level then well that is really great.

For that sentence in question form, are there actually any riders in the showa era as crazy awesome as V3 and or Amazon?

Mainly from the tv series though, I have a measure of how awesome they are from the manga.
you think I'm kidding about them being able to survive explosions and travel to other places with the force of said explosion, but that has happened! it's even happened to Riderman!

and dude, Kamen Rider Spirits is the greatest thing ever for one page alone

I literally tear up reading this page! it's too good!
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Yeah spirits is frigging awesome, and that page is cool in itself but in context damn it is good.
my second favorite one is super one's greatest moment ever, and I say that not watching super 1.

and I plan on watching Super 1!
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So, I watched the first episode of Kamen Rider Drive. It's pretty good! Of course you cant really say anything about characters just yet, but I think the Driver and the police-crew will get a lot of good laughs out of me.

Transformation isn’t as "fluid" as Gaim, but I like that it seems they do it with some more effort. What I mean is, there are two types of transformation: One where you see it actually occur, and another where the heroes just disappear in a sparkling light and come out as Riders. Gaim was my favorite so far, where you see the armor attach in fruit form and then it unfolds to become real armor. Okay, the suit still appears out of nowhere, but still. With Drive, I like how you can see pieces of the armor float around him that then attach to his body to form the complete suit. That the Trideron provides the tires is actually a nice idea.

The combat is really good, some old-fashioned hand-to-hand combat. But the inclusion of the tires and the Tire Change make it worthwhile, awesome! And with Type Speed... let the JoJo-jokes come, Drive used OraOra-power!

That was an intense Rider Kick by the way, it's cool how the incorporated the Trideron into it.

Drive looks like a fun show so far, I will definitely keep watching!
technically, Kouta yelled ora ora ora in the first episode. ;) it's very subtle though.
ah man, ah man, just watched drive, oh my god it is really good so far.

quick impressions will do drive-by reviews next time

I like shinnosuke, I am glad his personality is not the same as other rider as before like with his motivational issues.

I do like Mr Belt's voice it reminds me too much of one half of decade's belt voice and that is not a great thing, haven't watched that much from Decade but that voice is not doing for me now, it will need to grow on me.

Calling it right now, Kiriko is the Koyomi/ Mai/ Phillip / other characters that fit this archetype of these characters in which some I can't mention yet because Detective Q and maybe other haven't gone through them archetypes of character that is heavily important to the main villain of the series yet we won't know about it until much later or why they are important.
I kinda hope Kiriko is the former Drive that can't do the job anymore, but that's highly unlikely seeing how she flipped around shooting bad guys. There was this dude in the wheelchair during the preview, I bet he's the last Drive but got hurt too badly to fight anymore.

Shinnosuke's partner will return as a bad guy, calling it now!
the decade voice is fine. the belt was one of the few things I liked about the show.

speaking of, I also remembered that Decade's amazon actor is the worst I ever saw. he doesn't have the unbridled rage, the roars, the GIGIGIGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! the DAAAAIIIIIIIIIIISETSUDAN!

he sounds like boring amazon. >:T

also, I'm watching the first episode now.
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With decade's belt voice I did like one half of the voice that one that calls out kamen rider and attack ride but I don't like the sound calls out the rider names, of course that is my opinion, My favourite belt voice is Kivat the third.
well of course because Kivat's voice actor is Gintoki and Joseph Joestar.
so, my first thoughts on Drive:

its... different. now don't get me wrong. I don't hate it. I like the characters fine, the mini-cars while goofy ,they are still kind of entertaining and the suit I have SOME minor gripes about. it's just hard to really say I'm in love with this series just yet.

my one and possibly only gripe about the drive suit: it looks really good and sleek, but that main form tire is way too bulbous and it kinda ruins it for me. it it were more snug on his body I wouldn't mind. the other wheels I don't mind being bigger and stick out more. they're attachments, so I like how they look like they just attach to Drive's body.

the rider kick was really nice and unique, and it really gives off the vibe that Trideron is not just a vehicle, but a part of Drives artillery as well. nice use of the car so far.

Drive having a car is not a big deal to me because hell, Black Rx had a car, and no one complained.
He was not only a great voice but his own character in of itself which even though I mentioned I don't like really like the voice of Mr Belt I think I will enjoy him as a character.

Christ going through the first episode of a completly brand new part to kamen rider feels really good there is so much to speculate.

In response to Sano, I do like drive but it didn't draw me straight away like Fourze, Double and OOO did. Wizard had a good oepning and I watched Gaim around the time I was watching ryuki and well that just felt weird to me from the start given how light Gaim was at that start.

I am not sure about Drive competely, guess I am gonna get around to a few more episodes before I can form a better opinion.
I mean, Drive just feels different and that's not bad.

with the slowdown stuff, I really hope people don't go "well, Drive should be able to beat all the riders because he can slow things down" stuff. because I hate that. as soon as I saw the slowdown I was not too fond of it because kabutards. I don't hate it but I really hope he doesn't go walk the path of heaven on us.
I don't think there is going to be an problem with Drive going like Kabuto if most I see him getting a more specialised version of Axel form like Faiz or maybe in later upgrades since his main weapon is one of his car's wheel he can gain other parts of the car for an upgraded form.
I'm just talking about how every fight takes place in a hypertime situation. I always hate that. like, as soon as the girl threw the cars she slowed down too and I really hated that. I'm not gonna write off the show for having the density shift/slowdown. I've just never really been a fan of it in the first place.
Oh okay I get what you mean, yeah it does harken back to the time of kabuto but with what happened in the slowed down fight was cool in Kabuto and this one puts a different twist on it as opposed to the za warrudo, everyone is slightly aware that they were frozen today which adds a bit of a horrifying aspect towards it and creates more tension in some scenes.
I just hope like, other riders won't be hindered by it. like I want them to be able to overcome the slowdown because of ULTIMATE JUSTICE or something like that. because clock-up can be beaten without having to use clock-up/clock-up-like powers, and I would like the slowdown/density shift to have the same done to it.
That or everyone gets a free toy car to help avert slowdown.
Factor in his Base Rider Form is Type Speed. Slowdown seemed to be an essential part of that, but as it is a base power that means something will come along to nullify the Slowdown, or at least make it not the first option to go to, which will lead to his second form and possibly an armor color/design change.
I really hope so. we don't need another infinite access to hypertime like clock-up. as impressive as it is for a design standpoint, from a power scaling standpoint, it really is awful.

sorry for the Kabuto hatin'. I'm just not a fan of giving riders a superspeed base form from the start.
Only by sheer technicality does Kabuto not start with Speed as it's base. It's Armor that he and the other Kabuto Riders (Minus the Hoppers) have to "Cast Off" to access the speed powerset.

Doesn't mean the speed is not overused though.
You know what sucks? Being too reasonable.

I didn’t pre-order the Drive Driver because I thought: „Don’t spend money on it, you don’t even know if you like this show or the Shift Car-mechanic at all“.

And now, after the first episode? „OMFG I need that belt!“. Yeah, congratulations, sold out everywhere. Thanks brain.

If someone see's the belt for a reasonable price on a trustworthy site please let me know.
don't be upset Q. imagine what would happen if the show sucked and you spent all that money on the belt. you'd be even more mad than you are now.

they'll restock eventually.
Yeah you're right. I can wait... hell I still need to pick up a Sengoku Driver, that should be my first priority considering I already own expensive lockseeds. And spend a lot to get Yomotsu Heguri this winter.

Also, it seems like we already have toy announcements for Drive's secondary Rider:


I bet it's Majin Chaser reformed.
so, I remembered there was a trend rider fans did called getting to know a Kamen Rider fan. I partook in it when I first got into rider and I will refuse to show the video I did, but I do plan on making another one in the near future. I think it needs to make a return.
in the spoiler below are the questions you need to answer and videos to use as an example
1. How long have you been a Kamen Rider fan?

2. What is your earliest Kamen Rider memory?

3. Who is your favorite Kamen Rider of all time?

4. What is your most prized Kamen Rider possesion?

5. Where do you come from?

6. Outside of Kamen Rider what do you do with your life?

7. What is the origin of your YouTube screenname?

8. Who's videos do you enjoy watching?

9. What is your holy grail of Kamen Rider?

10. If you could henshin into any Kamen Rider who would you be?

lemme just say, you guys don't have to do this. this was an old thing I remembered I took part in and wanted you guys to know about it too.

:P it's nice to also know I've been a rider fan for 5 years.
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So @Detective Q how far are you into Kamen rider Black?

Not so far, Episode 3 I think.

I don’t know why exactly but I cant get into Showa at all. It just bores me.

lemme just say, you guys don't have to do this. this was an old thing I remembered I took part in and wanted you guys to know about it too.

I would do it, but first I don’t do YouTube or show my face around the net, and second the answers would be boring as hell because I only watch Kamen Rider for a few months now.
Showa is a different taste. if Black isn't your thing try V3 if you havent. V3 is a fan favorite for many.