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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

so, is Ankh your favorite character yet Q?
he will be.
It is possible that Ankh could become his favourite character but then there alot of characters to love in OOO.

Example everyone loves cakeboss.
I'm just pulling his leg.

I've just found that no matter who is your favorite character throughout the series, Ankh eventually becomes everyone's favorite.

he's literally the best written character in the show, his combo is the coolest, it has the best theme (seriously Q, you're in for a treat), and his actor does a SUBARASHII job throughout the entire series.
Lol that pic :D

It's awesome how silly Gaim was at first, I still love this scene:



so, is Ankh your favorite character yet Q?
he will be.

He won't.
He won't.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
please don't let my overhyping of Ankh deter your natural opinion.
I just like making that joke.
God that Gaim image, I almost forgot forgot how light hearted Gaim was in some of the early parts.

As said before Q will find his favourite character in OOO when he gets to it given everyone has different opinions as such, like me considering Fourze to my favourite series.
oh, I'm just pulling his leg. relax.

Ankh is my favorite character but Kougami is a very close second.

it's just the final episode really upped Ankh as my favorite character.
Ankh is great but I think we are hyping him up a bit too much because there are other great things in OOO that we can talk about but not really since spoilers.
all of the characters in OOO are great. it's a very character driven series, which gives it brownie points from me.

I way prefer a show has good characters than a deep plot or over the top action. Gaim had amazing and colorful characters ranging from the serious Takatora, to the hilarious and always welcome member of the main cast Oren.

"Hey Shark-Dude, Triple-Clown! Hase-Chan and I want to train here, get lost!"


"Hey Ankh, did you see how the Spiky-Dude messed these nuts up?"
btw, the bridge/waterway where joker fought flame dopant, that's also in OOO, and in Fourze, and possibly Wizard at one point, and I know it's in Gaim.

waiting for it in Drive.
The power of reused sets, I can't remember where it was but it was a splicing of images where one of the riders from Faiz threatens to take Wizard's Belt.
btw, the bridge/waterway where joker fought flame dopant, that's also in OOO, and in Fourze, and possibly Wizard at one point, and I know it's in Gaim.

waiting for it in Drive.

Yeah I think I have seen it in Wizard, I think it is the setting where Legion is cutting up people and Beast engages him briefly. But in Gaim? Are you sure? Doesn’t ring any bells for me.

Oh and Wizard also fought on the large bridge where Xtreme debuted in Double, I think.

But I just brought this up because I think its funny seeing them at the same place where other shows took place also. I also just watched an episode of OOO where they literally are at the same point again where OOO transformed for the first time.
it's just funny how each rider is supposed to be in a different universe and city even though they're all filmed in around the same one.

also very clever on Toei's part to be able to shoot at multiple angles and not usually the same one.
Their shooting in general is pretty good, scenery and action. Makes you enjoy the fights even more.

Oh, and I invented a new game while watching OOO: "Whats Uva going to hit?". Every time Uva's mad he smashes something, find out what it will be to get a special price!
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considering Worf and I both watched the series to the end, we can probably guess and be right.

Uva is also a cool character. I love him.
It's not that hard, Uva has style, he goes for things that make a good noise and shatter in many pieces when he smashes it.

My favorite of the Greeed gang is Gamel, he's adorable. SaGoZou is pretty cool also.
I don't know if it is just me but the guy who is the main villain of Deno looks a bit like Gamel's human actor.

Yeah Gamel an Uva is cool and Kazari the greed with the most severe case of chronic backstabbing disorder I have ever seen.

Gamel also adds an interesting dynamic to the group as the sort of mother figure to Gamel.
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Gamel is his own mom now, get lost fish-lady!
Well here is a mezool.


Mezool's suit actor that is.

letting you know,

Mezool's human actor is not legal in OOO.

In other trivia of OOO, Shu Watanabe the actor for OOO also wrote and song all the main themes of his various combo forms.
Red Combo is frigging majestic as fuck, my second favourite would be Green combo shame it doesn't get used much.

Well at least Sagouzo got used more than Green combo, I am just saying Green combo because I can't remember what the actual title of it was called and not calling what the red combo yet because spoilers.
SaGoZou is cool, but TaJaDor is just beauty incarnate.

also, GattaKiriBa is literally the most broken form. hence why Eiji only gets to use it like 2 times throughout the series, besides movie uses.
I heard there's Dinosaurs in there, Dinosaurs are the best.

I am just saying Green combo because I can't remember what the actual title of it was called

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PuToTyra is also cool, but really, just wait till you see TaJaDor. I can't begin to givew that form the proper justice it deserves. MMM! dat theme!

also fuck super TaToBa. literally that form is ugly as sin to me.
SaGoZou is cool, but TaJaDor is just beauty incarnate.

also, GattaKiriBa is literally the most broken form. hence why Eiji only gets to use it like 2 times throughout the series, besides movie uses.

I am starting to get flashbacks of All dragon form which barely got used, sigh.
They still aren’t finished with OOO-S.I.C.'s, I think Super TaToBa is next.

But boy, they do a hell of an awesome redesign with these. I cant wait to see how they do Infinity, and then start with Gaim. Imagine Kachidoki and Kiwami in a style like this, holy cow.
Holy shit that image is badass, in response to both the literal all dragon and Super manly moster Sagouzo form.

Also Sano I found this gif from OOO but I can't remember where it from, note the following gif is might make you chuckle.

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