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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

my thoughts on the movie:

-holy shit that was a lot of mayo
-damn that room is messy
-okay, it's the Grudge Ft. Kamen Riders
-something tells me even the actual Takeshi Hongo wouldn't have put up with that shit as a teacher.
-10 minutes in, no riders or bad guys have been shown, better go back to that cursed CD plotline
-that must be one strong girl to push Hongo away like that
-yep. thems titties.
-more specifically, thems shocker titties
-what was the point of that water part?
-well... I'm never buying that model. damn japanese with their grudge cars and gas pedals that turn into hands and make you asplode
-20 minute mark. no riders. in a sequel to the first kamen rider reboot movie. not even a goddamn motorcycle
-24 1/2 minutes. just to get Hongo's bike. still no henshin
-back to the grudge!
-man, that was close. good thing movie hongo doesn't listen.
-we interrupt your horror movie presentation to feature the special guest stars, Kamen Riders! for like, 2 minutes
-man, Rider 2 should probably lay off the gluten
-hongo is tired of your delinquent shit.
-"I believe this is your bike wheel"
-you know you're spending an awful lot of money just to make these girls look like another one.
-fuck this house
-fuck this wine
-fuck this gate
-"gah! tire smoke! how can we get past this?!"
"I know I've been tasked to kill you rider 1 but the audience doesn't want kamen riders, they want to know more about my sister!"
-Shocker's greatest plan yet! WEAPONIZED OFFICE WORKERS!
-boquets all around!
-not sure if I should make an electrical joke or a Shocker joke.....
-after becoming Harvey Dent, Chiharu decided to further add to Japan's stereotype of what they do during a bad day.
-oh yeah right, Kamen Riders. fight Shocker.
-spooky scary monster sister
-"no ichimonji! you can't die for justice! Kamen Riders aren't about justice! live a long life!"
"I think you broke a rib"
-"fuck you Takeshi! I'll justice what I want!"
-yes, listen to your demon ghost friend's song. don't wanna feel left out.
-"hey guys, can I help out too?" "but you're on our si-"-elbow-"I am talking to my fiends"
-obligatory rider pose
-apparently movie Jaguar doesn't believe in Jesus
-sometimes, you have a bad day: you stub your toe, you cut your tongue, you forgot your phone, and you might have had to punch your mutated vengeance ghost sister right in her big stupid mutant face. we all have our bad days. don't let it get you down
-famous last words: I am immortal
-so are they a couple now?

wow.... I was right. this movie was baaaaaad. like, it's really not good. the fight choreography is good, but that's all I can say about it.

I'll let Eternal sum up this movie

I want that hour and 44 minutes of my life back please.
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Who said I was angry? The evil-looking grin on my metal face might irritate you, but underneath I'm still the same.
I'm sorry. I thought you were actually upset that I said the movie was bad before watching it.
Which are your guys favourite villians in rider, here is my personal favourite.

Kamenr rider Ouja.
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Eternal's suit is really badass, I like the combat gear and the cape on the outfit.

Eternal himself is also one of the great villains of rider with his utter not giving a fuck, manipulating all of futo city and his response to Double's count up your sin's line.
and his idea of a pose is just giving you a thumbs down!

he's just one step down from saying "I'm Eternal, go fuck yourself"
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If only Jun "Drops everything " Kazu got his own focus movie, I would totally watch that.
Which are your guys favourite villians in rider

Who could it be...


It's not Fueki, no Greeed, not Ryubee...


Yes! It's Professor Ryoma aka Kamen Rider Duke!

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Ryuouma was pretty cool. he could rock boy shorts with calve socks and still be an entertaining antagonist.
Oh my god Tamashii... all my money :(

SH FiguArt Kamen Rider Drive + Trideron, Machine Chaser + Rider Chaser, Kamen Rider Knuckle, Kamen Rider Marika and freaking Suika Arms!

Man so much win. Also, they bring back Garo FiguArts (The anime Garo gets one as well!), I already mentioned SIC Birth, and Kikaider REBOOT!

Shame Godzilla only gets lousy repaints.
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I would definitely buy a Herman Figuart if they make one. Tamashii needs to make more human figuarts.

hopefully the Garo ones will have improved over the previous ones. I havent owned one, but I have not heard much in terms of positives for the previous lines they did.

will be a while before I get them though, I plan on getting the S1 Akibarangers and G3X for my next figuart haul.
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I still haven't gotten any Kamen rider figures or anything like that but then I don't want to spend too much.

Where would be the cheapest places to purchase the figures ?
amazon is usually a good place to buy them.

I think big bad toy store and hobbylinkjapan are good too. also there's CS Toys.
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Thanks for the tips, I don't think I would be getting that many just because I don't want to splurge on too much so for me I would stick to favourite rider from each era which would be V3 for Showa, Ryuki for Heisei and Fourze for Neo Heisei.
Fourze's SH Figuart line is kind of a money pit considering there's Fourze, all his forms, and all of the module sets they released.

and his module sets go for around 20 bucks each, and theres like, six out now.

Ryuki and V3 are safer for your wallet though.
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V3's bike will be released next February so they will reissue the figure to go along with it. Pre-orders are still open on multiple sites. If you want to order directly from Japan there's AmiAmi, Nippon-Yasan and HobbyLinkJapan. Don't know about stateside.

Here are the product pages from HLJ:

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I actually got a few figures at AWA this year. I got

Rider 1
Baron with the backdrop prop.

I fucking love Baron but his elbow guards will not stay on and that scares me so they're gonna stay in the box forever.
like, I hate losing parts to figures. I once thought the same Baron figure lost a kneepad 3 states away and I was depressed until I found it on the floor at home.
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also, I am glad that not The Next V3. the only time I will buy that figure is if it comes with a demon-monster-mutant-ghost sister with which he can punch in the face.

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I fucking love Baron but his elbow guards will not stay on and that scares me so they're gonna stay in the box forever.
like, I hate losing parts to figures. I once thought the same Baron figure lost a kneepad 3 states away and I was depressed until I found it on the floor at home.

Thats normal with the Gaim figures, the elbow guards are pegged in, not glued, so if you're not carefull enough they pop off. They should sit in there pretty good if you dont use force though.

And I totally broke down and ordered Kurokage a few days ago, even though I dont wanted him at first, but he completes my original cast of the first 10 episodes and I get a Kagematsu for Kiwami Gaim.
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just don't be like gigabeetle and order 3 thinking they're the troopers. they don't come with gray belts.
I think for fourze I would just stick to the base form because yeah there is a lot of forms.

I don't think we have asked this question of you @Detective Q, What do you think of the main rider of OOO?
just don't be like gigabeetle and order 3 thinking they're the troopers. they don't come with gray belts.

I would need to shit gems if I want to start army build with web-exclusives ;P

And yes, this Kurokage is Hase-Chan, not a trooper. I remember them having some troopers on display sometime though.

Now I wait for official pictures of the new reveals. A FiguArt of Suika sounds both awesome and pricy as hell at the same time.

What do you think of the main rider of OOO?

He's nice.

adding to this, have you gotten to the unicorn yummy yet?

Yep I'm at episode 43 now, OOO just beat the Lost Ankh.
okay. for me, knowing how Eiji is as a character was summed up for me in the episode with the unicorn yummy. cuz remember, where everyone had small everyday sized objects as their dreams, Eiji's was the world. I feel it pretty much summed him up to me.
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Holy crap Q is the last ten episodes of OOO, aka the where plot kicks into super high gear.
also, Q, The Next gets no spoiler threshold. it's fair game even if you or Worf haven't seen it.

if me spoiling it means you won't watch it? good.

the movie barely focuses on the Kamen Riders and instead if focuses on some stupid grudge wannabee storyline about an idol, who is V3's sister, who got killed in an accident and is killing people who listen to the song she made before her death. said girl also commited suicide and the company she was working for paid surgeons to make her rivals look like her because of stupid reasons, and those people die anyway.

meanwhile Rider 1 is a total bitch who is way too invested in one of his student's personal life, Rider 2 is dying and they keep using him spurting blood-oil or whatever the reboot riders had pumping through them, and V3 is completely unsympathetic of a character. scissors jaguar's head is a helmet, and the shocker minions are just guys in gas masks.

also, V3's sister isn't actually dead because the nanomachines malfunctioned after she got flavorblasted in the face by a switchbox so she comes back as a mutant monster thing but she's also a ghost for some reason. and V3 does what should be this awesome ungulfing of flames to give him a powerful burning punch, but it really doesn't help with the shit show that is this movie.

also Rider 2 dies and he's shown alone looking like he's sleeping, and then they feel they need to do the blood squirting out of his body thing like he was doing earlier.

also, Rider 1 is a total bitch in this movie.
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Wow the Next and the First sound bad.

What if they get to Amazon and they get an actor acts completely differently from Amazon and barely has the any of the feeling of Amazon in his voice, oh wait, they did that already.
The First is fine. it's got more action than the Next and it's just a better movie. the next is just one big shit show.

What if they get to Amazon and they get an actor acts completely differently from Amazon and barely has the any of the feeling of Amazon in his voice, oh wait, they did that already.
decadetomodaci. amazon, ko ko ni ar-I'm so pretty.

at least he got a better voice actor in all riders vs dai shocker.
Well that is an improvement I guess, I mean I have only seen at least 8 episodes of Amazon and from what I saw the original actor was significantly better.

Still need to get back to the Showa era but I still can't find any video on them.
but seriously, watch The First. it's more of a kamen rider drama movie.

but never watch the next. no matter what anyone tells you, the next is the worst.
paradise lost is the worst? naw man, the next.
decade is the worst? naw man, the next.
wizard is the worst? NO! KAMEN RIDER THE FUCKING NEXT!

but never watch the next.


But this message conflict with itself, I am not allowed to call anything I might dislike greatly in Kamen rider the worst until I have seen this but then I am reccommend to not watch it , I am so confused.
But this message conflict with itself, I am not allowed to call anything I might dislike greatly in Kamen rider the worst until I have seen this but then I am reccommend to not watch it , I am so confused.
I am just still reeling from this movie I guess.

if anything, take it as this "if anyone gives you crap for liking something they think is the worst, remind them of kamen rider the next, and tell them they're saying the thing you like is worse than that movie, then tell them off for insulting you on a personal level"

I'm just still in a bad mood because of this movie. fuck it, I need to jump on Blade and Fourze to wash my palette.
I would reccommend fourze slightly more given fourze's light and fun mood will probably wash away the taste of the next more than Blade will, not saying anything bad against blade but well not really gonna say, depends on how far you are into Blade.
A happy day late halloween to you as well and you will definitely find something for a christmas theme rider gif given the existence of Santa chan.
And the whole episode of Wizard where Santa Clause himself appeared to save Christmas.
Yup plenty of Rider gifs and or images for christmas time, I don't know where they are but I am sure they exist somewhere.

and goddamn he was right, the best images for something are found the days after the event since I just found this one.

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Aw man that's awesome! I love the usage of Dimension Cab to dress as the Headless Horseman. Even Belt-San got a costume :D

Poor Machine Chaser isn’t in costume though, he just came out of the bathroom and realized his situation.

And since we talked about Christmas, I remembered the Wizard-Christmas episode has one of my favorite little moments in the whole show in it:


There's so much wrong with Wizard but I just love these guys.
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I competely forgot about that scene, thanks for the reminder, Haruto in that scene is brilliant.