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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

but guys...... what if Santa


was really Rider-1?
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Who's Rider Minus 1? Is he Takeshi Hongo's Grandpa or something?
no, it's a normal hyphen for saying Kamen Rider Ichigo. :P the hyphen is an optional thing, I just switch to and fro on a whim.

the actual rider minus 1 would be reboot movieverse hongo. because he's a total bitch in the sequel.

yes. I still am upset about sitting through that movie.

no. I will not get over it.
Send me the link I want to watch it like right now
I sent it in a PM. I am sorry I did because I wouldn't want to wish this movie on my enemies.

literally the second worst movie I have ever seen. nothing will top the spirit in sheer shittitude.
Oh lord Q is watching the some of the worst things in rider although I refuse to watch so I cannot say how bad they are in from my perspective.

I can say that if do watch, I will probably rag on Faiz and Wizard less, actually that is a good reason to watch them, Link please @SanoBaron.
oh trust me I talked about that. when I saw it I was like "of course"
You know what, we really should have watched this halloween given how horrific it has been described.
I honestly thought I was watching the grudge for the first part of it and wow if I were takeshi I would not put up with all this bullshit from the students, where is Onizuka when you need him ?

I think the manager guy to the pop singer is one of the character from OOO.

I think I am just gonna pop some reactions here as I go through this film.
Yeah I'm watching it while hanging out here too.

It's not so bad, only the beginning is like exactly like The Ring. Knowing that Scissors Jaguar is in this movie, I kind of expect that bastard to jumpscare me now any second.
Behold the naked forces of shocker, we will charm Kamen rider 1 into oblivion.

Twenty minutes in and this very un kamen ridery so far, the only real thing that confirms this kamen rider for me is takeshi, the title and shocker.
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I told you all this is the grudge ft. kamen riders!

and I didn't lie about the bitchiness of reebootverse hongo in this movie!
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btw, it takes over a whole episode of Kamen Rider just to get to a fight.

literally a 2-3 minute long fight.


Scissors Jaguar is in this movie? is he handled well?
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The movie isn't so bad... (so far) but it isn't really Kamen Rider either.
I feel like i am watching the grudge meet kamen rider, that sucks.

Got through the first and christ where do I begin, even though the rider troops are seperated by different coloured scarves it doesn't matter when you can't frigging see them, especially in the dark with those suits they just blend into the back ground too well.

Also he doesn't finish the battle he doesn't finish it what the hell, what sort of exiciting first battle is that when the main character can't actually accomplish it.
Okay the scene where "Takeshi" stops the car and the motorbike was cool I will admit that, was cooler than the fight scene earlier.

Which is then followed by more Chiharu plot, goddamn it this plot is annoyingly stupid.

Wait, wait, wait Chiharu's brother is Kazami Shiro, wasn't Kazami's sister called yukiko, could they not keep the plot the same as V3, did we really need a the Grudge plot line?

I am think I will stop commenting until I get to end because every comment I ahev is gonna be me complaining about something.
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yes but that won't bring in the horror obsessed teens! why have a movie where the themes are justice and men who lost their humanity protect humanity when we CAN HAVE THE GRUDGE AND COMPLETELY EMO MAIN CHARACTERS!
Oh my god that actually fits, The next is the equivalent to Nuts and Bolts, that fits quite well as an analogy.
Important question, Is there anything in this else in this film dumber than this versions of Scissors Jaguar?
V3 punching his demon-mutant-cyborg-ghost sister in the face.

I am not kidding on this.
V3 punching his demon-mutant-cyborg-ghost sister in the face.

I am not kidding on this.


I am close to what you mean, I think would agree with the above description but I would also add resident evil boss into that title.
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I apologise for every bad thing I have ever said about Faiz and or Wizard, for that film was fucking dumb.

Not even gonna do a review not even worth spending my time thinking about it any further.

Edit: I tried looking for images to cheer myself up after that movie and found this.

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we need a good movie, how about
How is ZO a good movie exactly? That thing is terrible.
Bit behind but my favorite Bad Guy Rider, or Dark Rider as is the official term, would have to be the Original Dark Rider, even though he is not called a Rider: Shadowmoon.
How is ZO a good movie exactly? That thing is terrible.
I dunno. ZO was pretty good if you ask me. what didn't you like about it?

I also wanted to make a dumb power rangers zeo reference.
The whole movie consists out of a grown man running behind a child screaming said child’s name while they're in turn being chased by an (admittedly awesome) monster. This dude is apparently a Rider because this professor crossed his genes with that of a grasshopper (that gives him an armor how exactly?) and the rest of the movie is downright weird. Plus the fight scenes suck.

Talking Rider-Movies though, the Gaim movie will be released in a few days, I hope some subbing-people go on it quickly.
I dunno. I mean, the guy is an amnesiac, so it makes sense he doesn't know what to do when the monsters show up. and yeah, it's weird, but can you honestly say it's weirder than anything that goes on in the next?

but if you genuinely don't like it, that's cool by me.
I like it, makes up for the not having another episode of drive episode.

Do you guys think Mach's toy bikes will be like Drive's toy cars and they will fight each other ?
I like it, makes up for the not having another episode of drive episode.

Not for me, next episode Chaser will finally use the Viral Cores, I can't wait :(

Do you guys think Mach's toy bikes will be like Drive's toy cars and they will fight each other ?

I think his Shift Bikes (just calling them like that) will be sentient like Drive's, but I don’t know if they will be rivals or fight each other.

I mean Drive already has Machine Chaser with his Cores who is basically Evil-Drive, so I don’t think Mach will be a rival too.

Don't know if I said that already, but I seriously hope they gonna build up Machine Chaser to be a character until the end of the show, I like this dude. Seeing that they release all his stuff as deluxe toys makes me more positive about his further involvement in the show.

And Machine Chaser's Break Gunner will be my first henshin device, after I got no belt so far I figured I get a gun instead :D
Well at the current moment Machine Chaser is like an evil rider and given how most riders series do it, Mach will most likely be on the same side as drive put oppose him due to some form of like opinion, difference in morals, hidden agendas, so I would say he would be like Ryu, on the same side but they don't get along initially.

Though if they work together from the start that would be great and I would really like to see that.

Also apparently his bike can combine with Chaser's bike, what that means I am not sure, maybe his bike can just combine with others.
Well at the current moment Machine Chaser is like an evil rider and given how most riders series do it, Mach will most likely be on the same side as drive put oppose him due to some form of like opinion, difference in morals, hidden agendas, so I would say he would be like Ryu, on the same side but they don't get along initially.

Okay now I now what you mean, I can see this happening.

Also apparently his bike can combine with Chaser's bike, what that means I am not sure, maybe his bike can just combine with others.

Where did you get that from?
Hey guys it is Seiji Taikawa's birthday today, let us pay some respect to Mr kamen rider.
Kamen rider wiki, link down here.

Hm... either that's toy-exclusive or Chaser and Mach will team up at some point.