Why is it that an MLP-Crossover comes to my mind instantly? XD
Also, I did some thinking today (yeah, it happens) and I must correct an idea of mine: Sano, you’re definitely right, the Fight Power-chant was made for Baron and then later used by Duke, not the other way around like I believed.
You see, none of the next gen-riders from Yggdrasil have chants. Melon Energy obviously doesn’t, and neither do Cherry and Peach. Why should Lemon then? I believe at first, none of the drivers should have gotten chants. The first one, seen in Takatora’s flashback was "By Heavens Degree", and I think that’s more of a code name that was put into the lockseed so that everyone could accept it more or so that the project has some help from heaven. Also, you give names to stuff that you like to remember. So I think it was a thing that Ryouma did to make the lockseed a little more appealing, I don’t have the right word for it.
So when the testing drivers got out, Ryouma obviously wanted to make them appeal to the target audience, the Inves gamers, so he continued his theme of adding cool chants to the lockseeds, he really liked to do it. But the lockseeds for Yggdrasil themselves, the real things, they never got chants because it was mere Childs play that would have consumed too much time and money. So Ryouma didn’t do them. But when he had to give Kaito an energy lockseed, he continued his theme of adding a chant. That way, the Lemon Energy lockseed had a chant added and he had the chant too when he later used it to create Fallatora.
I admit it, I was wrong.
But I have a new thing: Why does Micchi, when using Melon Energy, look exactly like Zangetsu? That’s not right. The basic structure of armor is unique to every rider, while the fruit used to transform creates the armor. For example, Kouta using Banana Arms still looks like Gaim, minus the orange but plus the banana helmet and armor. So shouldn’t Micchi look like Ryugen, but with a melon on him instead of grapes? I mean, Baron with Lemon Energy basically still looks like Banana, you can see it in the current episode where Kaito switches not only arms, but belts. The basic suit is still the same. I know, they did this for the plot, but it makes no sense. And don’t tell me it’s because they’re brothers. If that would be the case, Ryugen shouldn’t look so different in basic arms to Zangetsu, but he does.
That kinda bugs me.
On to more enjoyable things: I did manage today to get a new pre-order up: Now Gaim won’t come alone to me, but with Baron on his coat-tails! After months of looking at the same "Sold Out"-signs, I know have both Gaim and Baron's FiguArts on pre-order. I’m really happy to get a little Kamen Rider Gaim-collection going.
You know what that means, right? Bananas guys, bananas for everyone!
Funny fact: I literally munched a banana while preordering Baron. If that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is.
And closing this way too long post, be prepared for some crossover pictures with my MonsterArts figures once Gaim & Baron arrive at my place. Will the king of the monsters and his following be a force to overwhelming for our heroes? You will soon find out!