Well I have 8 badges now, and I think I've pinpointed my biggest problem with Gen 6. The Gyms.
The designs are pretty cool, most on par with BW2 (which I believe has the best gym design in the series). So what's the problem? Well for one, they didn't bring back a different remix of the gym theme for each gym like in BW2, which helped to make the gyms more memorable by the end.
More importantly though, the gym leaders were pretty unmemorable. How many of you can remember all the gym leader's names off the top of your heads? Probably very few, cause very few actually left an impression. The ONLY gym leader with any build up to the fight was Korrina, who is IMO the best gym leader. She even continued to help you after you beat her. Every other gym leader was pretty much a blank face with little to no personality, very few of which you even saw before you actually battled them. Now that's okay for a few, as long as all the other NPC's talk about how tough they are(example:Drayden in BW2), but not the majority.
The other issue is of course the difficulty. The gym leaders are pretty pathetic, most of them I beat with 1 pokemon. In fact I cleared the entire 8th gym, including the leader, with just my Delphox without taking any damage aside from hail damage. That really shouldn't happen. Though that's less of a gym-specific problem since the entire game is too easy.
Anyway, I don't know about you guys, but this really bothers me, cause for me the gyms are the most important part of Pokemon games-they're the big battles I'm anticipating throughout the entire game! I'm not sure yet if I feel this is the worst set of gyms in any gen, but it's definitely pretty close to the bottom bunch...FIX IT IN Z, GAMEFREAK. PLS.