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What are you even talking about Sano, Alder doesn't look that old.
Joltik and Galvantula are total bosses, man. I still have the hilariously unfounded pipe dream that Joltik becomes the new Pichu in Smash Bros., being even smaller, yet not having the self-damage.
He looks pretty old to me. It's Oak got a tan and went crazy with his hair.
Alder looks like he's in his late 30s to early 40s, and Cynthia looks like she's in her mid 20s.
My aunt is in her late 30's and she looks just as young as Cynthia. Weird coincidence, my aunt is also named Cynthia...
does she have a garchomp, zen
because if she does your aunt might be able to sue game freak
I've always wondered what those things in her hair are...
she ripped them off of a lucario
as a trophy of her triumph
All I'm saying is that you're all way too quick to assume that the guy is an old geezer and the girl is a young dame.
I've always wondered what those things in her hair are...
They're Umbreon tails obviously, she hunts them in the wild.
what if she is actually half pokemon?

:O what if Cynthia is an artificial human created from the DNA of a Lucario?

All I'm saying is that you're all way too quick to assume that the guy is an old geezer and the girl is a young dame.
I will take it back though, he looks to be around his late forties to early 50s. in anime, arm hair is a sign of guy around his 50s.
I will take it back though, he looks to be around his late forties to early 50s. In anime, arm hair is a sign of guy around his 50s.
That is the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time. What irrefutable source told you that garbage?
That is the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time. What irrefutable source told you that garbage?
no source. just experience. also, its a fact guys get hairier in places like their arms when they get old.
That is the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time. What irrefutable source told you that garbage?
it's true, though
if there's any hair not on the head, chances are you're the old man character
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Reactions: SanoBaron
This just plain stupid, I'm blowing this scene.
Are you being serious right now or is it just your internet tough guy talking?
You guys are forgetting.

Alder has a grandson that is at least 10-12.
You guys are forgetting.
Alder has a grandson that is at least 10-12.
See, this right here is information I trust, not some bullshit estimation based on a person's body hair.
The ship has sunk and I am paddling away on a life boat. No matter, it's not like I take shipping seriously or anything.
Robotnik confirmed new Steel Type Champion
Seriously though, is there even going to be an Emerald remake? I mean we didn't get a Yellow remake.
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Pokemon Rainblue and Lightningyellow.
When's Pokemon Aeon and Pokemon Venus

Now with all new Zombie type Gym Leader Marie

>this isn't a reboot of Diamond and Pearl
>please understand
We never got a Crystal remake either.
You guys are forgetting.

Alder has a grandson that is at least 10-12.
Alder as an older man confirmed.
Will you shut up about that already?

Edit: Alder is one letter from older

This info is canon
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Reactions: SanoBaron
ye. Calm your tits. I just saw that info this morning. :\ jeez.
OMG, I just got an idéa. What if they make Shedinja (one of my most favorite pokémon) have a Mega Evolution?
Mega Shedinja just doesn't have HP, but all its other stats are absurd
you get one move
make it count

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The Happbenings

I already know my team, and what I'll be naming my pokemon

Swampert: Shauta
Breloom: Knuckle
Absol: Garo
Aggron: Sagozo
Gardevoir: Nadeshiko
Rayquaza: Kotetsu
We never got a Crystal remake either.

Yes we did, they were called Heartgold and Soulsilver. They both had everything that was in Crystal in them, the only difference is that they pushed the Suicune fight into Kanto.

ORAS will be Emerald remakes, featuring all the Emerald-exclusive content. The only differences will probably be the legendary you fight. The battle frontier will still be there, Wallace will still be champion, and Steven will still be the super boss.
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Yes we did, they were called Heartgold and Soulsilver. They both had everything that was in Crystal in them, the only difference is that they pushed the Suicune fight into Kanto.

ORAS will be Emerald remakes, featuring all the Emerald-exclusive content. The only differences will probably be the legendary you fight. The battle frontier will still be there, Wallace will still be champion, and Steven will still be the super boss.
That's about what I expected. That's good, I hate waiting for the third installment.

By the way you quoted the wrong post.
(i'd prefer if Steven was the Champ and they got some other superboss)
(Wallace didn't even need to be the champ i don't even know why they changed it)