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I agree Ruin, Steven was sort of intimidating and matched the aesthetic of a champ, Wallace is a fairy.
so long as Flannery has a waist that just won't quit I dun even care who is the champion.
a waist that don't quit implies you want her waist to be enormous.

Flannery confirmed a fatass in the remake.
i mean I'd prefer if her hips don't lie but that's just me
a waist that don't quit implies you want her waist to be enormous.

Flannery confirmed a fatass in the remake.
I don't want her fat, I just don't know how to make words work. :p I just like Flannery for her everything if that helps.
That's about what I expected. That's good, I hate waiting for the third installment.

By the way you quoted the wrong post.

lol whoops.
I wounder what Mega evo's will be this time round as there are a lot of pokemon I can see having potential for Mega evo's.
Like Ludiloco, Shiftry, Sharpedo, Crawdaunt, Dusknoir, Weavil, and Xatu (I can dream)
Though I don't expect it because remake, it'd be amazing if they actually integrated megalutions into the main game. Like, give every gym leader after a certain point (3rd or 4th gym, whenever you get the mega stone) a mega to top off their team. Same goes for Wally, Maxie/Archie, and the E4. Y'know, like it should have been in XY.

So then assuming megas start at Flannery, they could have:
Flannery: Mega Torkoal
Norman: Mega Slaking (oh god)
Winona: Mega Altaria
Tate/Liza: Mega Claydol? It would seem weird for 1 to have a mega but the other not to, maybe they'd be the exception.
Juan: Mega Kingdra. I don't know how this isn't a thing yet.
Maxie: Mega Camerupt
Archie: Mega Sharpedo
Wally: Mega Gardevoir
Sidney: Mega Absol
Pheobe: Mega Banette
Glacia: Mega Walrein
Drake: Mega Salamence. It's inevitable.
Wallace: Mega Milotic. Again, I'm surprised this isn't already a thing.
Steven: Mega Metagross.
i unno
would make it a little less special if everyone and their grandpa had one

but I do agree that XY underused them (in favor of just telling you how megaevolution was)
Mega Metagross sounds like a Metroid Prime enemy, but in all seriousness the metal monster needs a Megalution.
I'm a little biased though since it's one of my favorite Pokémon.
I don't see why they don't just give all the pseudolegendaries Megaevolutions
they totally need them
why not give Garchomp like 4 more megaevolutions
because Garchomp totally needs buffs
Haven't seen this posted, so:

Looks like there's going to be a weird ass fusion with groudon, kyogre and rayquaza?
Also Sceptile/Swampert mevos confirmed.
In other news, I really don't want all the mevos to be gen 3 pokemon. :/
I also would rather them focus on pokemon with good designs but aren't that great in-game. Mega scizor, lucario, and tyranitor aren't that great imo, but mega kangaskhan, mawhile and banette are fantastic. This rule doesn't apply to dragonite, though- Dragonite's too awesome. Plus we need the item "dragoniteite" in the game.
Wish list for mevos though:
no. Never give a reason for mr mime to be used. His horrifying design needs to be left in the dust to die.
I always though that they would just give Mr. Mime an evolution. We have Mime Jr., now we need Mime Sr.
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Mega Metagross sounds like a Metroid Prime enemy, but in all seriousness the metal monster needs a Megalution.
I'm a little biased though since it's one of my favorite Pokémon.

I'm just glad we got mega evolutions for Pokemon who were underused because they were not as good as others.
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But in all seriousness yeah, what Dr. Sanity said. I think more Megas should be given to under-powered Pokes, rather than make already good ones even better. I mean, I'm not against Mega Metagross or Milotic, but we need more Megas for Pokes like Mawile, Manectric, Banette, and such. Give some lesser powered Pokes some time in the limelight.

Oh, but you just KNOW that Breloom is gonna get one. Prepare to run for the hills, as the best Spore user gets even better...
But in all seriousness yeah, what Dr. Sanity said. I think more Megas should be given to under-powered Pokes, rather than make already good ones even better. I mean, I'm not against Mega Metagross or Milotic, but we need more Megas for Pokes like Mawile, Manectric, Banette, and such. Give some lesser powered Pokes some time in the limelight.

Oh, but you just KNOW that Breloom is gonna get one. Prepare to run for the hills, as the best Spore user gets even better...
Watch him change type to fighting/fairy, or get a new ability that gives grass moves priority because why not.

Edit: of course he could also just get Prankster lol
But in all seriousness yeah, what Dr. Sanity said. I think more Megas should be given to under-powered Pokes, rather than make already good ones even better. I mean, I'm not against Mega Metagross or Milotic, but we need more Megas for Pokes like Mawile, Manectric, Banette, and such. Give some lesser powered Pokes some time in the limelight.

Oh, but you just KNOW that Breloom is gonna get one. Prepare to run for the hills, as the best Spore user gets even better...
I actually really want mega metagross, because at the moment he's fallen to the in-between UU and OU area- not good enough to be a formidable poke in OU, too powerful to be used in UU. Milotic has a similar problem, having practically nothing going for it compared to slowbro/suicune/swampert/empoleon in UU but way too good for RU.
Salamence is the one that really doesn't need a mevo. Does anyone even like salamence, though? He's a generic as fuck european dragon, flygon is way cooler.
I like Salamance. He made me won many battles. I also like he has a simular evolution chain as the bug pokémons.
But yes, he's maby one of the last in gen 3 who need a mega evolution. Delcatty is one who really need a MegaEvolution.
They should bring back Whittney and give her a Mega Miltank. Because that fight is way too easy.
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They should bring back Whittney and give her a Mega Miltank. Because that fight is way too easy.
Mega Miltank's ability is undoubtedly Serene Grace.
Or just give it Wonder Guard. Regular Miltank dies too quickly and need some more defense.
I too enjoy the feeling of burning eyeballs

Well...where do you think the butter comes from?
Or just give it Wonder Guard. Regular Miltank dies too quickly and need some more defense.
The fuck are you even saying?
Wonder guard never needs to be on a pokemon with more than 1 HP, let alone a pokemon with one weakness. That's just stupid.
The fuck are you even saying?
Wonder guard never needs to be on a pokemon with more than 1 HP, let alone a pokemon with one weakness. That's just stupid.
the joke

your head
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Wow they really spilled everything with ALL OF THAT GAMEPLAY.