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Looks awesome, cant wait to see the official artworks. I've read Groudon and Kyogres new forms are their prehistoric ones, or in other words: At full strength.

Not 100% sure if official

I've already preordered both games.

At least I can tell that the hat is a hat this time on the male trainer...
holy hell! Mega-swampert looks like he just shits literal bricks!
But really, Mega Swampert looks absolutely ridiculous. It's proportions are so dumb.

I love it
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theres no way you can make Mega-Swampert dumber! it looks so perfect how dumb it is!
Mega-Swamp is silly, but in a good way imo. While I would have preferred it not having silly proportions, it being super swole is better than if its design was straight up ugly. It's proportions remind me of Poliwrath, which makes sense considering that that's one of the lead Pokemon designer's favorites... isn't it?

Off topic, but it's depressing to see all the people (on other sites) who are getting all butt-hurt about Mega-Sceptile's ability. With Lightning Rod it is a straight up Rotom-W counter. If Rotom-W wants to even the odds, it's gonna have to sacrifice Pain Split/Will o' Wisp for HP Ice, and even then that only helps catching Scep on switch in. And by taking HP Ice, it effectively limits it's longevity/crippling capabilities by getting rid of the aforementioned moves. Hell, Scep doesn't even have to switch in, the mere existence of Mega Scep on a team is gonna make your opponent question what to do in every situation where they could Volt Switch out. Mind games son! Unfortunately Mega-Sceptile is inversely countered with Talonlame, which is always a sad thing...
I like Mega-Swamp because it looks visibly different. May sound strange, but Mega-Sceptile looks too... boring. Too much like the normal one. It should have something... more. Maybe I need to see the artwork first in its full glory, not only a scan. But I had hoped for something better, like a samurai mantle and helmet made out of plants and sword sheaths on his back/sides, also made out of plants.

But I'm really happy with prehistoric Groudon & Kyogre, I'm curious on how that devolution thing will turn out. Like a mega evolution, but with a special animation? Or like a form change, its permanent until you dont want it anymore?

My theory before the remake was announced was that if they make a Hoenn remake, the red & blue (and green) stone would turn out to be mega stones and unlock Groudons, Kyogres and Rayquazas true potential. Maybe I'm still right. Also, they totally should connect Hoenn and Kalos by saying that the stones that were used to calm Groudon & Kyogre were made in Kalos and were a gift of the former king who wanted to help the people of Hoenn.

And I want an extended backstory on the golems, I always thought their story was really cool and the way to unlock them was pretty unique. Hell, back then a friend told me about them, I didnt even knew they existed in the game. And using the manuel with the braille-code to unlock their chambers was really fun.
Mega Swampert's fuckin' jacked. I'm gonna have a hard time choosing between Mudkip and Treecko now...
So I don't know if that Steven Stone is going to be using a Charizard X or whatever, but why would it's level be 100 if we're supposed to face off against it?
maybe it's an event kinda thing like some trainers super mega charizard went outta control and you go and defeat it and the dude apologizes for being so careless and as thanks for stop his charizard he gives you a mega stone

while I am getting the remake I'd rather they just stick to updating x and y for now. Right now I just want more clothes.
I also want a feature where pokemon can have different body types like a chubby alakazam or a skinny machamp but it took them 2 gens to put in different genders in and 6 gens to put in different skins so...that probably gonna stay a dream for now
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it's probably just to show off how cool Mega Evolution is again or whatever

I bet if Steven is getting anything, it'll be a Mega Aggron or ideally a mega metagross
megagross would be nice to see
Mega Diancie looks so freaking gaudy, I love it. Too bad Diancie's an event pokemon.
maybe to make different from the mega evolution groudon and kyorge get a move or ability that let's them store up energy and they revert back to their primitive forms for a limit amount of turns cause right now I'm just imagining the primitive forms being unleashed when they're hold the orbs which would just be like the mega evolutions. Or maybe they'll just work like the rotom forms and you need to go see a guy for that kinda stuff

how you guys think the primitive forms will work?
an event pokemon we were supposed to get months ago!
Mega Diancie looks so freaking gaudy, I love it. Too bad Diancie's an event pokemon.
Oh don't worry. We'll get her, AZ's floette, the other two legendaries, the megastones to Latias and Latios, and everything else within the next oh...

*checks watch*

3000 years
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maybe it's an event kinda thing like some trainers super mega charizard went outta control and you go and defeat it and the dude apologizes for being so careless and as thanks for stop his charizard he gives you a mega stone

while I am getting the remake I'd rather they just stick to updating x and y for now. Right now I just want more clothes.
I also want a feature where pokemon can have different body types like a chubby alakazam or a skinny machamp but it took them 2 gens to put in different genders in and 6 gens to put in different skins so...that probably gonna stay a dream for now
It took one gen to put in pokemon genders. 1.5 for player genders, since crystal had them but gold/silver didn't.
And technically gourgeist kind of has that, although I don't think that's exactly what you were looking for.
But different sorts of rare pokemon would be nice; more shiny forms, some model mutations like shorter/taller or bigger/smaller or small changes to their shape (like a pikachu with a fluff of fur on his head like richie's from the anime.) Maybe even some clothes for your pokemon - probably simple stuff like some hats and bows and other accessories like jigglypuff and pikachu's alt costumes in smash bros- just to make your pokemon feel unique from others, because at the moment it feels like I have the exact same pokemon as everyone else who breeds and has a gengar or a mega charizard.
All I really want is a pink Gengar named Clefable, though.
but what if everyone you encounter ALSO has a pink gengar named Clefable
it'd be like naming your character Ash just to find out everyone is named ash
Wow that's a lot of news. I was both pleased and disappointed by a lot of things here so have a couple of lists.

I am pleased that
Swampert's megalution makes him brolic.
Steven got even more fly.
Team Aqua is now composed of my people.
The female protagonist wears actual shorts instead of those stupid bike shorts.

I am disappointed that
Sceptile's still just a stupid lizard after megalution.
Steven's not wearing a hat.
My people didn't join Team Magma.
The male protagonist wears stupid shorts instead of his amazing pants pants.
I don't like new Archie and Maxie :/
I don't know, having Team Magma and Team Aqua be so dramatically different kind of adds to the feeling that these are kind of two different games.

(Also I think Sceptile got dragon type with it's mega, it's kinda a double-edged sword but it's something)
I don't like new Archie and Maxie :/
Oh I should add that to the list.
I'm pleased that the new Archie looks like a sexy beast, I'm disappointed that the new Maxi looks like a fucking nerd.
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I like the new Team Aqua Admin F. color though, it is pretty cool
Oh I should add that to the list.
I'm pleased that the new Archie looks like a sexy beast, I'm disappointed that the new Maxi looks like a fucking nerd.
I like that new Team Magma just looks like a bunch of internet losers just kind of got together and started an ecoterrorism organization
meanwhile Team Aqua is pirates and hot people
I like that new Team Magma just looks like a bunch of internet losers just kind of got together and started an ecoterrorism organization
meanwhile Team Aqua is pirates and hot people
as if I didnt need another reason for Saphire
Old Shelly was still hotter.

I also hate how Magma just got fucking jipped in the redesign department.

like, Magma originally looked like they were a super organized almost cult looking group using lots of dark type pokemon. now they just look like dorks aside from the females. fuck.