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POLL: Keep Fukua in the game?

Should Fukua stay in the game?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 383 88.7%
  • Hell no!

    Votes: 50 11.6%

  • Total voters
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Just keep her in the game, if you don't like her don't play her.
A new character is in the game, no one should complain.
I'm in favor of Fukua but this is a bad argument. Even if you don't play Fukua, you still have to play against people using her.
Damn man I know this thread is going fast but this was only 2 pages ago
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I guess I just need to see how she's not completely ridiculous/good and actually exploitable. 40 hits of armor on a command throw that converts to a full combo, crazy projectiles, day one 8k+ universal BnBs, etc. are all kind of daunting. I really thought that was the joke more than anything.
1 - I make sure I can hit the same basic amount of damage with each character before they come out. I realize damage will go up as people inspect them further, but this is really a thing I actually DO.
2 - Sweepable/snappable/throwable armor on a command throw with 35f of startup. As I said elsewhere, if you are being hit by this you got read HARD, and would have been hit by lots of other moves in the same place. If you hit it with a normal, if nothing else cancel into a sweep and you're fine.
3 - Her command grab only converts if she's cornered or has meter.
3 - Not counting Lv3 because most peoples' Lv3s are useful reversals, she has two meterless reversals that beat physical hits (35f grab and HK drill, which is unsafe) and NO reversals that beat throws without meter. With meter she has a fireball that is not invincible, and a super with 25f of startup. That's long enough that most of the cast can whiff a meaty and punish.

Do not confuse "I can't react to this character's incredibly long startups yet" with "she's really good".

@Number 13

1. I have trouble believing anything Mike Z would State at this point, we all believed we were only getting 5 characters and just because he felt like it we get a new subpar one (again great Aprils fools joke, but not worth staying), how am i certain hes not going to make Sqiffly or any other recycled assets character a thing just for the sake of the "Lulz"? Because he said so?
You don't have much of a choice but to believe me, so you might as well do that. She was made cuz she fit a situation and had lots of stuff almost ready to go. Sqiffy doesn't.

My viewpoint's pretty simple - if we have to quit making the game, then it may as well have this extra character rather than not. In then end it's about what's FUN, and if she's FUN and is up to Lab Zero standards as determined by Lab Zero then I don't see a problem with it. Especially if she ends up being usable.
I don't care if "people" might think we're lazy for it, I'd rather expend the remaining effort to have another viable character that "people" might enjoy than just toss it. Since "people" already think we're stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars/sexist/racist/bad game designers/shouldn't have made the game in the first place/not actually working/"everyone will play USF4 but nobody will play Skullgirls" (my favorite quote about the Decapre spoof), if we were worrying about "people" I think we'd have stopped long ago, ne?
perhaps there should be more options in the poll than just a straight yes or no.

add a 3rd option, yes, as long as she gets tweaks (animation/balance etc)

because as she is RIGHT NOW i think she is too rough.

id be interested to see what the results look like then. things shouldnt be so black and white.
perhaps there should be more options in the poll than just a straight yes or no.

add a 3rd option, yes, as long as she gets tweaks (animation/balance etc)

because as she is RIGHT NOW i think she is too rough.

id be interested to see what the results look like then. things shouldnt be so black and white.
But it's already been established that Mike's gonna try and get her fixed up, even if he has to do it himself. This includes announcer VO, loading art, and other assets.
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3 - Not counting Lv3 because most peoples' Lv3s are useful reversals, she has two meterless reversals that beat physical hits (35f grab and HK drill, which is unsafe) and NO reversals that beat throws without meter. With meter she has a fireball that is not invincible, and a super with 25f of startup. That's long enough that most of the cast can whiff a meaty and punish.
Worth noting, HK drill can be safe sometimes depending on the spacing. That was one of the first things I checked, if reversal jab would punish a HK drill, and sometimes the drill pushes them far enough back that a jab won't reach.
perhaps there should be more options in the poll than just a straight yes or no.

add a 3rd option, yes, as long as she gets tweaks (animation/balance etc)

because as she is RIGHT NOW i think she is too rough.

id be interested to see what the results look like then. things shouldnt be so black and white.
I don't see whats so unbalanced about her, her hefty startup really keep her balanced in many cases
I think I need first to play against her to give my final opinion as I dread to get confusion between Filia / Fukua.
Adding something like glowing eyes (for both Fukua and, er... Suksan ?) and/or lightning effect around her would be cool.

About the clone characters problem: if any game put clone characters, it is okay, it's cool. But if SG does, it's bad. Why?

The fact of seeing a new face in the character screen makes me so happy that I refuse to want her out. But still I prefer to play some online matches before voting.
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My viewpoint's pretty simple - if we have to quit making the game, then it may as well have this extra character rather than not. In then end it's about what's FUN, and if she's FUN and is up to Lab Zero standards as determined by Lab Zero then I don't see a problem with it. Especially if she ends up being usable.
I don't care if "people" might think we're lazy for it, I'd rather expend the remaining effort to have another viable character that "people" might enjoy than just toss it. Since "people" already think we're stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars/sexist/racist/bad game designers/shouldn't have made the game in the first place/not actually working/"everyone will play USF4 but nobody will play Skullgirls" (my favorite quote about the Decapre spoof), if we were worrying about "people" I think we'd have stopped long ago, ne?

For the love of god, if you ignore everything else in the thread, PLEASE REMEMBER THIS SECTION
She would say that huh

She would.

-Filia would be against Fukua
-Fortune would be too busy laughing at the punny name to have a real opinion
-Painwheel would be driven even more insane by some of the posts in here
-Parasoul would arrest the writers of the more aggressive ones
-Cerebella would be thinking about the possibility of Vitrle, an alternate version of Vitale
-Peacock wouldn't really care
-Double would be offended cause she is supposed to be the one with a killer impression
-Squigly would want to be dead again just so she doesn't have to be on the same existing plane as this thread the way it is now
I think they are just watching the show at this point.

About the clone characters problem: if any game put clone characters, it is okay, it's cool. But if SG does, it's bad. Why?
I think it's simply because Skullgirls set the bar very high in terms of animation quality and each character have a entirely distinct feel to it and some folks feel that every character added must live up to that standard.
I can't help but see a degree of similarity to people who objected the inclusion of male characters - the community (ranging from lurkers to the most active) and the creators having different ideas of "what is best" for the game.

Personally, and this is my honest-to-God view on the matter:
She's "Skullgirls' Shen Long" so there's more to her than a joke at Capcom's expense;
Offers a relatively new gameplay experience that will likely be tested so that it's on par with all other characters (no OP bs etc);
Skullgirls celebrates many elements of 2D fighter history and the low-budget clone hidden character is a part of it;
Mike Z assuring us that there's not going to be anymore of these types of characters (Robo-F notwithstanding) is, well, reassuring;
I agree with the notion that she is not on the same "level" as the rest of the characters, which I think is natural, given her nature;
Also confess my disappointment in knowing she won't have a few extra frames here and there to make her look less choppy but I understand Lab Zero is already working on slave wages.
Ultimately, I'm in favor of her staying BUT not having a visible slot in the character select screen. Highlight Filia and press Left to select her or whatever. IMHO that would make a clear statement of what she is in comparison to the rest of the cast.
At the same time, keeping Fukua as part of the main UI would actually make the entire roster perfectly symmetrical once the rest of the DLC characters are released.
What's that I hear in the air? Did someone just say...

Fukua vs The World FT10 matches streamed at 8 P.M. on Faux News Network?
Because that's what I think I heard.
Can I be the Fukua?
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At the same time, keeping Fukua as part of the main UI would actually make the entire roster perfectly symmetrical once the rest of the DLC characters are released.
That is a true but on one hand I can already see some arguing that what started as a joke is now being used to fill up* the character select screen and a extremely cheap way of increasing the roster. Basically, "they make fun of Capcom while doing the same thing".
Of course, I concede the absence of a slot in the UI wouldn't guarantee such criticisms would never be made.
But palette swap hidden characters do get relegated to such unseen places.

Moral of the story is that you can please some of the people all of the time and you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.

*Or should I say "fukk up"?:PUN:
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At the same time, keeping Fukua as part of the main UI would actually make the entire roster perfectly symmetrical once the rest of the DLC characters are released.
This, there's tons of room on that damn screen. And it wouldn't be fair to those who are unaware of the trick needed to use her.
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In the end Fukua is a super fun character, she's different and add to the game and it didn't take any resource away from the main game. Some people are too whining, let it go people this is bad for your prostate...

Thank Mike for his extra FREE work.
I could brush that man's hair and feed him those rare bananas he's into. Let Fukua run wild and free...
I kind of agree with Balder that she shouldn't appear on the select screen. Hit left on Filia and then you'll see Fukua. It would make her seem like an EX character in KOF, or a hidden character in MvC. No one complains about those characters being lazy cause they are supposed to be 'hidden alt/bonus version of character'. They aren't held in the same regard as characters on the select screen.
I kind of agree with Balder that she shouldn't appear on the select screen. Hit left on Filia and then you'll see Fukua. It would make her seem like an EX character in KOF, or a hidden character in MvC. No one complains about those characters being lazy cause they are supposed to be 'extra, hidden, bonuses'.
At the same time, the select UI doesn't really allow for additions without some sort of visual overhaul; it's what happens when you have an expansive roster. Skullgirls, however, doesn't suffer from this, so treating it like it does, makes no sense.
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Because everyone has different viewpoints. Not that I mind, but damn...
Anyone interested in what Fukua's story would be?
That is a true but on one hand I can already see some arguing that what started as a joke is now being used to fill up* the character select screen and a extremely cheap way of increasing the roster. Basically, "they make fun of Capcom while doing the same thing".

nah, I wouldnt peg it as the same thing. Capcom, has made formal announcements and beta testing for Decapre, dissapointing many fans in the process. Fukua, just came unnannounced, more over as a laugh, than anything. I consider her a free bonus to a great game.

I have no intention of getting all artsy fartsy and nitpicking that in terms of animation, she doesnt hold up to the rest of the cast. its clearly pegged what she is all about, and her animations just drive that point home even further. This is coming from someone who animates for a living, and is excessively nitpicky about making drawings move fluently. This is directed more torwards the people griping about aesthetics

Let the Fukua stay!
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Err, let's just keep her where she is on the character select screen and not make things more difficult than they need to be.
Just move her to the right of Big Band, right? Like how it looks in the beta?

EDIT: I honestly don't want her to have a story mode, they should black her out or something. If they do it should be more a joke story mode...
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If they do it should be more a joke story mode...
Was thinking this. Similar to the marie 300% version of squigly's story.
Leaving out Fukua from the character select screen would be a weird decision. Once BigBand, Eliza, Beowulf and Robo-Fortune are out, Fukua can take up that awkward single spot that would be left on the select screen.
EDIT: I honestly don't want her to have a story mode, they should black her out or something. If they do it should be more a joke story mode...
I agree if they make her one (a big if) her story will likely end up a big joke of some sort.
Mike said what I pretty much wanted to. There is nothing more coming after Beowulf/RoboFortune patch. It seems highly unlikely to change. Why do you want to remove content? Because she's a little janky?
Leaving out Fukua from the character select screen would be a weird decision. Once BigBand, Eliza, Beowulf and Robo-Fortune are out, Fukua can take up that awkward single spot that would be left on the select screen.
Or she could stay to the right of BB like in the beta.
Anyone interested in what Fukua's story would be?

Yes, one here.

Since she has no backstory we can enjoy ourselves with craziness:

-It has only one mind (that is a real part of her body, not a parasite) and it is nasty.

Possible Origins:

-She is a Lab Zero clone of Filia and Samson. Filia was the original target of the Lab, but for the Lab's delight she got Samson, bled somewhere in a fight and the rest is history.

-She is a piece of Double. The nun can separate a part of her body to run around keeping it under control. If the "original" Double dies Fukua mutates into Double.

-She is Filia memories who took form after Samson spit them out.

I like the first one because Lab Zero needs more characters. In the poll, the only true Lab Zero character was Brain Drain.
Anyone interested in what Fukua's story would be?

it's everything works out and she meets a nice guy, settles down and decides she doesn't need the skull heart to be happy and focuses on raising a family
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Since she has no backstory we can enjoy ourselves with craziness:

She does have a backstory... no idea why people keep saying this!

Skullgirls said:
Fukua is the result of a fortunate - or unfortunate - Lab Zero accident: a union of two souls. One, a once-proud warrior known for her brute strength in close combat; the other a silent assassin who specialized in ranged weapons for her kills.
Together as one, Fukua possesses the best of both specialties...but relationships formed under intense circumstances often don't last.

It was confirmed as non-canon (alongside Fukua herself), but it's there...
I was just reminded of something:

I think I like Fukua so much because she reminds very much of the old-style Robo-Ky from GGX & GGXX. (also known as GG mode Ky)


And maybe like old robo-ky, maybe she'll one day be canon . . . maybe. Probably not.
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She does have a backstory... no idea why people keep saying this!

It was confirmed as non-canon (alongside Fukua herself), but it's there...

Uoops. Sorry and thanks.

Well since it is non canon it could still change, like the original characters.

But putting aside my lame excuses and now working with the official story:

For what it was written, seems like there is a battle for the dominance of the body.
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