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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

Judging by those sexy menus, we have some character names:

Magician Bro = Ryuji Sakamoto
Token Girl = Anzu Takamaki
Kitty Cat = Morgana
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I was mashing the post reply button and posted twice on accident but it won't let me delete it I'll try again later

There is just so much awesome here I can't handle thiiiiiiiis
Fare thee well P3-P4 era
Move aside Doors and Swag Masters

It's time for H E I S T B O Y S

Some dancing all night songs revealed by the way

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So, not only is Nanako playable in Dancing All Night


I could also see parts of Catherine in there, don't forget, that game's engine was supposedly gonna be used for Persona 5
I'm really glad Igor's back. I was worried for a sec there.
My heart is pounding

Things I like about this trailer:
  • Groovy music
    • (as usual)
  • Action-Adventure elements
    • (stealth and platforming ahoy)
  • Game is still RPG at heart
    • (no betrayal there)
  • Very small presence of Highschool
    • (Looks like we'll have actual places to go but still to early to tell how much school will factor into things.
  • Masked Thieves
    • I expect a burst of cosplayers in the summer/fall
Things I didn't like
  • Too early to tell and not enough footage. I like what I see so far
Meanwhile in Japan, this came out. Looks like the protag's persona possibly?

oh thank god, the battle system isn't like P1.
I won't have to be walking through glass this time.
really liking the artstyle. red is my favorite color.

Meanwhile in Japan, this came out. Looks like the protag's persona possibly?

yo, that thing reminds me of the minions in the most recent sentai series
The emancipation was actually us being freed from the tyranny of Persona 4

Based Shotagonist
Guys, I'm not sure if we're going to have P3/P4-style Social Links in this one. There's something called "Cooperation" in the shown pause menu, but in Japan, Social Links have always been known as "communication," or "commu" for short.
Guys, I'm not sure if we're going to have P3/P4-style Social Links in this one. There's something called "Cooperation" in the shown pause menu, but in Japan, Social Links have always been known as "communication," or "commu" for short.
they confirmed social links are still in, just not as important.
Guys, I'm not sure if we're going to have P3/P4-style Social Links in this one. There's something called "Cooperation" in the shown pause menu, but in Japan, Social Links have always been known as "communication," or "commu" for short.
Changing up the SL system wouldn't be a bad thing in my book.
That crossing is clearly Shibuya, that overhead they hang out on is clearly in Shibuya, and that train station the MC walks through is clearly the JR Line train station.

So get hype for Tokyo.
Back to demons? Weapons with gun subweapons? Bonds not too important?

yo, we in Shibuya?
we going TWEWY?
we going TWEWY.
nevermore man.
I was pretty concerned about the games location, considering we've already been to Tokyo in other SMT games.

But, it depends on what districts they cover, no way in hell it's going to be all 23 of them, but we already see Shibuya, I know that specific overhead walkway because I almost busted my ass on that same railing like a month and a half ago while trying to find Tower Records.

If we only stay in Shibuya that would be too boring as well.

So I dunno.

I suspect the ritzy areas like Ginza to get covered, of course Akihabra, or at least it's strip will be there, I hope the cover the quieter districts like Nippori once.
The real question is will there be cat puns??
Well, they're CAT burglars...............So no.

The realer question is how many characters do we have.

We see 4 other people parkour flipping through what I'm pretty sure is either Shinjuku or Shibuya, then the MC lands on the train.

Plus the cat.

Also, for once it looks like the MC is initiating things. He's the one looking at the building blueprints and presumably gathers the other three over to look at once he's spotted.

After watching the trailer again, the Velvet room must be persecuting the MC for something, because I can see the twins staring at him before we get the shot of MC in prison clothes asking to be set free.

If we have to level up intellect and courage and strength in this game I'm calling bull. You should already be maxed out on those things if you're going to be a master thief.
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After how they made mazes, usually a kinda boring level design, interesting in Q by adding puzzles and stuff (the torch one was a pain in the ass but it made me think and I like that), I'm looking forward to the various platforming and stealth missions in the dungeons this time around

don't count on that since a lot of the PQ stuff was Etrian team, not Persona team. I can see the floors of P4 being used for espionage and sneaking if they fix up what's on the environment.
Stupid forum keeps double posting and double deleting my stuff.
Anyway, what does everyne think the persona theme is gonna be this time? We've had mostly Greek/Roman and mostly Japanese.
The protag's persona, or what we can assume it is, gives me a Digital Devil Saga feel...I don't know quite how to feel bout that. Still need to watch that trailer, stupid school preventing me from hype!
don't count on that since a lot of the PQ stuff was Etrian team, not Persona team. I can see the floors of P4 being used for espionage and sneaking if they fix up what's on the environment.

Aw man
Well whatever they decide on I'm sure it'll be grandiose
Ghost Thieves need proper stages to give a proper performance after all
This game is overflowing with style and awesome(funky) music. This will be a day one buy(it already was gonna be, but now I'm on my way to GameStop to pre-order).

Also dat face expression tho
So going off the trailer I can assume that double lives will factor into the main theme of the plot. Our protagonists seem to be "normal" student's (and cat) by day and overly-theatrical thieves by night. Maybe their shadow selves appear and start pulling off more violent robberies that cause the police to start cracking down heavily on the group.

What are they stealing I wonder? Is it just money and priceless artifacts or will their actions land them directly in the middle of some demon laden danger. If the game takes cues from Persona 2 and 4 than things won't get weird immediately.

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oh oh
they got Akira Yamaoka and Lotus Juice to remix stuff
i don't want this game at all, but man am I gonna listen to it
Dancing Nanako?....Ok...This game gets weirder and weirder. Also, what's with the shadows? Don't tell me beat them DDR-style?!
Yo we got Igor with sunglasses

Those aren't sunglasses, he just had his eyes closed.

But dammit I thought they were sunglasses too. I was all "Aww shit, Igor's looking like a boss- oh wait, he just opened his eyes :/ "
i'm worried about those velvet twins
they look
troublingly young
Those DAN special editions though...
The CRAZY VALUE pack (priced at 9,800 yen or $83 US) has the full soundtrack CD (two discs), downloadable content, and a special box.

or there is the one that comes with a fancy Vita and all the CRAZY VALUE pack goodies for 28,980 yen or $250 ish US

More importantly though, first print copies get a special P5 blu ray which has a special video of the game. Maybe that will come out here too (or just get uploaded online somewhere).

Here's some avatars/icons of the P5 crew that whoever wants to use them, can (looking at you Clawsome):





Also, not sure if anyone caught this part but when the cat shows up, very briefly are latin words for the 7 sins, superbia (pride), avaritia (greed), luxuria (sloth), invidia (envy), gula (gluttony), ira (wrath), acedia (sloth).

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Maybe the main villain for persona 5 will represent the eigth deadly sin, despair
Perhaps...I mean, I can kinda see the deadly sins in the really over-the-top portraits for the characters