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Skullgirls Encore Edition Tiers and Matchups Discussion Thread: The Revengeance

Oops dunno how I missed her lol. Added her.

Yes, but that just makes that PLAYER dumb. You don't get rid of that by not having a tier list.

Not enough Parasouls use bike-sniper (to get hit out of Sniper without spending meter and leave the bike alive) for ANYONE in this thread to decide that Parasoul/Peacock sucks. I intentionally left that there...

I might be reading this wrong, but are you saying that Bike xx Sniper will not cause the bike to lose its hitbox if Parasoul gets hit?
I might be reading this wrong, but are you saying that Bike xx Sniper will not cause the bike to lose its hitbox if Parasoul gets hit?
Bike goes away if she's hit out of bike call. If she's no longer in bike call, bike won't stop.

Bike won't stop.

Bike can't stop.

Can't you see it's bike who owns the night?

Can't you see it's bike who 'bout that life?
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I'm in the process of getting gdocs spreadsheet to be embedable in SH and make a Popular Teams thread where I just add everyone's team and tally up how many people use the same team. Also it will have side stats for individual characters and assists.
I feel that there should be more to the "rack" rating than raw size. Fortune's overall aesthetics there win out even if they are smaller.
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This is a few pages late, but I think zidiane should play against mulnim's solo peacock. No offense to peanutty.
This is a few pages late, but I think zidiane should play against mulnim's solo peacock. No offense to peanutty.
Who's that + is he from Korea because if so lol
This is a few pages late, but I think zidiane should play against mulnim's solo peacock. No offense to peanutty.

Boston to Seoul is going to be an incredible TCP/IP adventure, I look forward to it.
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Bike goes away if she's hit out of bike call. If she's no longer in bike call, bike won't stop.

Bike won't stop.

Bike can't stop.

Can't you see it's bike who owns the night?

Can't you see it's bike who 'bout that life?

I decided to try this out the other night, it worked great now that peacock can't counter super with argus... until the other guy remembered he had double and just did argus > double car.
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Boston to Seoul is going to be an incredible TCP/IP adventure, I look forward to it.
Also, yeah, I'd have to do this from not-my-internet. I can't even play people on the East Coast on my internet.)
I decided to try this out the other night, it worked great now that peacock can't counter super with argus... until the other guy remembered he had double and just did argus > double car.
Well, you did just force them to burn two meters and switch out of a bad matchup. And you can't combo after car. So it's not utter garbage, probably.
Well, you did just force them to burn two meters and switch out of a bad matchup. And you can't combo after car. So it's not utter garbage, probably.

Hell, assuming it wouldn't kill me, I'd take that trade any day. Double is pretty weak against Parasoul anyways, and if I get an opportunity to safely tag to another character with a better Peacock MU, all the better.
Here's the Bella v Peacock match me and meanuts did.

Here's the Bella v Peacock match me and meanuts did.
Alright, now we need to do that like a hundred times and get an average lol
Here's the Bella v Peacock match me and meanuts did.


10 : 8 = 5.5555... : 4.444...

or roughly 5.6 : 4.4

I did a math
Alright, now we need to do that like a hundred times and get an average lol
It's a start though. And I'm sure me and Peanuts doing this 99 more times won't happen. And even if it did, it'd be the Zidiane v Peanuts matchup a little more than the Bella v Peacock one.
10 : 8 = 5.5555... : 4.444...

or roughly 5.6 : 4.4

I did a math
I kinda wanted to play two more matches so math wouldn't be needed, but we were playing Strip Skullgirls, and if I lost one more match I would have been taking my shirt off.
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I kinda wanted to play two more matches so math wouldn't be needed, but we were playing Strip Skullgirls, and if I lost one more match I would have been taking my shirt off.
...so I suppose Peanuts had already lost his pants?
...so I suppose Peanuts had already lost his pants?
Funnily enough, it seemed like I was the only one participating in the stripping. I feel like people are starting to only want to play me in Skullgirls for my body, for the thought of beating me and forcing me to strip down.
Funnily enough, it seemed like I was the only one participating in the stripping. I feel like people are starting to only want to play me in Skullgirls for my body, for the thought of beating me and forcing me to strip down.
My wife said yay.
I avoid being abused in strip Skullgirls by always playing naked.
I decided to try [Parasoul sniper super vs. Peacock] out the other night, it worked great now that peacock can't counter super with argus... until the other guy remembered he had double and just did argus > double car.

Anyone doing a slightly delayed super bomb to invincibility-frame-dodge the sniper shot and get a full counterhit combo punish with M teleport yet? The argus nerf is one of those things that forces you to do the slightly more difficult reaction that you should have been doing the whole time.
Anyone doing a slightly delayed super bomb to invincibility-frame-dodge the sniper shot and get a full counterhit combo punish with M teleport yet? The argus nerf is one of those things that forces you to do the slightly more difficult reaction that you should have been doing the whole time.
This is very true, when I realized that you could full combo punish with Lenny I thought why I had been doing Argus all the time. Though since usually I have at least one bomb out, they tend to interrupt Parasoul and I was better off with just Argus, but guess you'll get a free combo and other times you'll just get a free escape.

Also Zidiane I agree with the Peacock and Cerebella matchup, I mean that's how it seems when we play =p. Though I wouldn't mind more solo matches against you for fun.
On worldjem's thread, I posted Painwheel's Warp Swarm s.MK, Parasoul's Egret Charge, and Filia's French Twist. Is this any good or is there any flaws with this one. Also, should I have this much emphasis on rushdown with this team? I first used Peacock but now she doesn't seem to matrch my rushdown style.
On worldjem's thread, I posted Painwheel's Warp Swarm s.MK, Parasoul's Egret Charge, and Filia's French Twist. Is this any good or is there any flaws with this one. Also, should I have this much emphasis on rushdown with this team? I first used Peacock but now she doesn't seem to matrch my rushdown style.
Rushdown is not just a character type, but it's also a playstyle. Personally, I would do point Parasoul (Napalm Pillar), middle Painwheel (c.mp), anchor filia (h updo..at lets i think this is the updo people use.) Parasoul is a really good battery/point, and by having Painwheel in the middle you can dhc to a hatred install once you get two bars. And Updo is just a stupidly good assist for both Painwheel and Parasoul.

I'm sure other people would tell you other things, but that's my take on it.
I actually reject DP assists. What if they had jumping assists? ohhh...
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On worldjem's thread, I posted Painwheel's Warp Swarm s.MK, Parasoul's Egret Charge, and Filia's French Twist. Is this any good or is there any flaws with this one. Also, should I have this much emphasis on rushdown with this team? I first used Peacock but now she doesn't seem to matrch my rushdown style.

The first 2 assists are dubious though they can work its more matchup specific. If you are using painwheel lockdown assist, her cr.mp locks down for more time allowing better mixups and easier confirm. But it also has less priority than st.mk. So pick st.mk for better priority or cr.mp for better lockdown.

Egret charge is only really going to be useful for combos or against a parasoul or peacock... And even then it isnt that good in those matchups... Hk pillar is the standard choice but since you eschew dp assists then the best choice is probably lp or hp shot depending on your personal preference.

For filia, once again updo is the preferred assist choice, but hk hairball is still a fantastic assist.

So imho i would for you go with:

Pw (cr.mp)
Para (lp shot)
Filia (hk hairball) though cr.mk isnt bad, one of our players loves cr.mk assist.

Note that is assist selection leaves you no defense whatsoever... It is flatout, balls in, go time.
re peanuts vs zid:

After 10 games, it was 5-5, if you want to look at it that way.
I guess I'll just casually toss out another tier list based on the current PC build. http://tinyurl.com/kch3mc6

On the left/right: On the center line is more of a "Brings a lot to the team from any position" more so than "Should be second on a team". So with this list I'd say characters who "should" be...
Strictly on point: Valentine, Peacock
Anchors: Double, Cerebella, Big Band(?), Fortune (though I didn't put her on the center line and she's further to the left than Filia, she can do very well without assists)
Can go anywhere: Bella, Big Band, Fortune? (see above)

On "optimal" assists: Notice the quotes, but on point I think it's safe to say that most people go DP assist + Hornet Bomber/Lock 'N Load. Seconds would have DP assist/Bomber/LnL. Anchors are anchors.

On Peacock: I think she's better than a few people give her credit for. It's just that there aren't that many Peacock players who know how to bring out her higher potential like TJ. There's also the matchup chart, where it was concluded that she has quite a bit of good matchups and few negative matchups (and again, the matchup chart is not a tier list).
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I agree with the top half in the game's current state, but I'd shift Fillia to half way between the 2 top tiers.

Double, Squigly and Cerebella I all feel should be slightly (or not so slightly in Double's case) higher
I agree with the top half in the game's current state, but I'd shift Fillia to half way between the 2 top tiers.

Double, Squigly and Cerebella I all feel should be slightly (or not so slightly in Double's case) higher
Any reasoning as to why?
Any reasoning as to why?
Squigly and Cerebella have overal, better / more even matchups than BB and PW. Although they both have some pretty crippling ones, they fare well to good against the majority of the cast. They both bring fantastic support to a team and in Squigly's case is also significantly more difficult to deal with herself when using an appropriate assist.

I'm still out on BB, he might be better than I think but not feeling it just yet.

I'm not quite sure if I'm reading your list correctly despite you explanation, but I feel that Double is just so important to the metagame in general to not be right up there. She is still a bit meh on point, but her ability to improve a team by being slapped on a team as anchor is a pretty big part of the current metagame it seems. LK Butt/Cat Heads DHC are still an incredibly powerful tool.

As for Fillia, even with the recent changes, her playstyle doesn't really seem to be altered, she still dominates the second she lands herself in an advantageous position and she doesn't struggle so much at a neutral position that it is a difficult task for her to land something, hit or block.
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Yeah the top 3 still hasn't changed much Fortune is still really good just not as stupid with the head off.

I fell like the row with PW, Squigly, BB, and Bella is a little to generous to PW. I wish is wasn't so but form what I have been seeing lately PW is looking like the worst character atm. Don't know much about BB but I can say that Squigly and Bella are being underestimated, they aren't top 3 but they are definitely better than PW.
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