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Skullgirls Encore Edition Tiers and Matchups Discussion Thread: The Revengeance

The game was out before EVO 2012.

Parasoul is up there because of her great normals.

My personal opinion on the tiers (characters in each tier in no particular order)

A: Filia, Ms.Fortune, Valentine
B: Double, Parasoul, Peacock
C: Cerebella, Painwheel, Squigly
Too soon to tell: Big Band, Fukua
top tier: my waifu
low tier: your waifu

Ignore the advice of everyone in this thread and play who you find the most fun. Every character can be decently competitive with every other character.
Skullgirls sorta has tiers, but they are so narrow that it doesn't much matter who you play. There's no Sean or Roll in Skullgirls.

He asked for tiers, not what's fun. If he didn't care about tiers he wouldn't of made this thread.
Fukua became a part of the main game again... a couple of weeks ago, I think. Gotta remember that patches and downloadable characters are a thing now.
Hey guys I know I'm kinda going off topic but forgive me its just that there's a lot I don't know. Fukua was added in an update right? And Big Band and Squigly were DLC. Is there going to be anymore characters added in because I just saw that thread about the 3rd DLC characters people would have liked to see and quite frankly it seems like there's insane amounts of characters that could or could have been chosen.
Fukua was added in a patch because she was a bonus April Fool's joke Mike Z churned out in about 3 days turned into an actual character. She's not the actual 3rd DLC character. There are three more DLC characters coming soon, in this order: Eliza, Beowulf, and Robo-Fortune. If you know nothing about those characters, then their subforums here, this page, and the character description page it links to should be good places to start.
My opinion is that because skullgirls updates so often, just play who you like and they'll be good at some point. Character loyalty is much more beneficial in this that it is in say, sf4.
My opinion is that because skullgirls updates so often, just play who you like and they'll be good at some point. Character loyalty is much more beneficial in this that it is in say, sf4.
None of the recent patches have made a character shit/good though, they've been small changes that are very slight buffs/nerfs.
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Hello everyone, I just picked up Skullgirls a few days ago for PS+ and have been practicing with Big Band. I decided to refuse to play any story mode or public online until I at least know one characters moves in and out and I've looked at a lot of tournaments for the game and I've noticed that it seems like generally speaking that this game is pretty balanced. Everyone had tools to do some serious hurt and assists seemed to cover the weaknesses of others and it got me thinking about the tier list. Is there one that is generally accepted by the community?

There was a consensus a couple months back:

(Not in order)

Val,filia,fortune and to a slightly lesser extent, double.


Everyone else except painwheel



To early:

BB and fukua

The thing is though that the tiers are really compressed... Like REALLY compressed. If the top tier is A+ painwheel is a solid B maybe even B+.

But things have changed. The top tier has gotten nerf raped hard in the last few weeks. val got her shuriken heavily slowed down over time, double got cat super extremely nerfed, fortunes headless has way less lockdown and is much more easily locked out plus her fiber in headless is no longer strike invincible... All this on top of nerfs she received going from sde. Filias combo ability is waaaaay waaaay less than what it was in sde. Though apart from that and slight nerfs in other places shes relatively the same.

This has brought peacock primarily to the forefront of top tierness for though she did have many nerfs as well, her damage has stayed close to the same, and her keepaway while less spammy, is just as good as it ever was especially with the aforementioned characters nerfs and peacocks hk plane buff and mp bang buff.

Besides peacock, the stage is set for parasoul and bella to really rise higher now with the other characters nerfs and the fact that neither character has had severe nerfs to their movesets.


The game is constantly being changed so the tier list fluctuates alot though there was at least a semblance of consensus for a bit.
I accept this tier list:

Toppity top :
Valentine / Fortune

Fillia / Double

Fantastic Pick:
Parasoul / Peacock

America Underrates:
Squigly / Cerebella

Very Competitive if you have the right mindset:
Big Band

Noticeably Lacking but competitive still:

Fukua I'm not certain but I am a little less optimistic than others. She wont be bad because she doesn't struggle at all at neutral but I think Fukua's in the future will have trouble getting into the range where they can effectively mix up to get some reward for her setups.
Tiers in Skullgirls only exist/matter for the select few who reached a very high level of play. For anyone from "just picked up the game" to "solid intermediate" the answer is "no, there are no tiers".
Tiers in Skullgirls only exist/matter for the select few who reached a very high level of play. For anyone from "just picked up the game" to "solid intermediate" the answer is "no, there are no tiers".

I also don't think Painwheel is anywhere near as bad as anyone else does.
I would assume painwheel's problem has more to do with her being difficult to use than anything else. It might just be me, but she seems to require a lot of technical ability.

I decided to refuse to play any story mode or public online until I at least know one characters moves in and out

You're looking at it the wrong way, to pick a character you need to learn EVERY characters moves in and out. Story mode would be a good place to start.
Painwheel's issue mostly lies in not really having a spot on a team.

You really want to run her point because she has subpar assists
You really want to run her 2nd/3rd for the Install DHC
You really want to run her 3rd to have meter for Installs
You really want to run her not 3rd to have access to an assist that helps out her neutral

Imagine you took Double and removed Butt, that's PW
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Pretty sure the only thing most people can agree on is that Val, Fortune and Filia are top three. Still not sure why so many people keep rating PainWheel so low, but w.e.
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I don't think fortune or filia are top 3 at all.
Also painwheel is like not rewarding to play at all and it kinda sucks.
I think peacock and parasoul are better. Filia is only top 3 when she lands a hit (which is everyone in this game), and I don't think her neutral is very good. Not compared to parasoul/val anyways, and I think peacock does more for a a team than Filia ever would.(Meter build, great match up spread, high damage output on hit and block).

That's just my opinion though.
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There will only be one once a crapload of JP players have SG for a month.
Tiers in Skullgirls only exist/matter for the select few who reached a very high level of play. For anyone from "just picked up the game" to "solid intermediate" the answer is "no, there are no tiers".

For anybody who just picked up the game, the tiers are "everybody else is bullshit, especially Peacock".

I think painwheel is currently mid tier. I dont think she is bottom.

As far as why others think she sucks/her weaknesses... They are many and vast:

Her top 2 weaknesses are that shes slow (has a floaty jump and slow startup dash) she doesnt use the best assists in the game as confirms very well.

Tertiary weaknesses:

Her reversal is balls for wakeup and neutral and requires meter (pretty decent pbgc though)
Her air normals have either slow startup or small range.
Her meter gain is abysmal
Her armor is easily beaten via multihits or avoided entirely.
Has 1 low for all intents and purposes and it is rather slow, which gets her counterhit out of it fairly often. She can use lp instead for the increased speed but loses the low property and range as well.
Has no double jump so it can be hard for her to deal with characters that can get higher than her... Which is everyone except parasoul (who has the best air to airs in the game to make up for charge and no double jump).
Her fireball has huge startup time, her fireball does pathetic damage.
She doesnt excel at any 1 thing, yet isnt really a jack of all trades either.

By themselves, none of those is really huge. Its the combination of them that makes her tough to win with because its a lot of weaknesses to try and minimise/account for.

Her strengths:

Easy attack confirms.
Easy throw confirms.
Good damage.
Good resets.
J.mp is fully confirmable even when jumping backwards.
Flight avoids a lot of bs that other characters have to deal with.
Can cancel her fireballs startup into flight at any time.
Safe on block dhc.
Cr.mp alpha counter could be better than what is currently known.
Armor is situationally powerful.
Strong install combos.

@keninblack and @winnie are top players and it seems like a lot of people agree with this minus a character or two.

And again, the tiers are so compressed that the difference between SS tier and C tier is super minimal compared to other games. I might even say that the gap between best and worst character in Skullgirls is equivalent to the gap between one tier in most other games.
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Also yeah SS-C is pretty silly for SG..

Its like.. A+ to C or some shit. No one in this game is SS or S tier that tier list maker thing is just hella small.
There isn't a universal tier list for Skullgirls but there are fairly common opinions on the strength of some characters.
Such as Ms. Fortune and Valentine, It's fairly universal that people agree they pretty damn good, and the most common opinion with Painwheel is that she's pretty crappy.

Honestly, one of the main reasons there aren't any official tier lists is because the amount of characters in the game is fairly low, so anyone willing to give a tier list is probably biased based on who they play, resulting in biased tier lists being made based on who the creator of the tier lists plays in the game, some characters that may not be placed in the correct position based on their skill, but rather how the matchup plays for that persons characters.

Anyway welcome to Skullheart and the SG community! we hope you stay, we have some pretty great people in our community, except Mike Z, that guy is nuts and always is going on with his damn unbiased commentary. :PUN:
Maybe you're the reason everyone thinks PW sucks?
Maybe you're the reason everyone thinks PW sucks?

I could see that being the case from both sides of the argument. Still need to do something about it haha
So should I. I don't think you can really tier characters in the traditional sense. If you have a tier in Skullgirls, then the difference between each of the tier categories such as keninblack's SS and A should be bread thin, and the difference between SS and C should be still highly viable because these characters, even Painwheel, are very balanced. I don't see all the hate for Painwheel though. If you just tried her, you see that she's very good on solo and she actually has great assist options. For example, the other day I found the difference between j.MP and j.HP:
j.MP: Falls vertically, can catch OTG from way down, and stays in one place when it hits either block or confirm.
j.HP: Get one hit of Hatred Guard, has less than 30 degrees diagonal.
Both: Can hit very close to the ground, but can't chain j.MP to j.HP entirely close to the ground.
Its hard to make a tier list in a game where everything changes every few months. The only character that has stayed in the top 5 in every version is Val so thats is the character you should play if you want some consistency.

And don't trust anyone's placement of BB or Fukua because that will change rapidly over the next few weeks.
Also yeah SS-C is pretty silly for SG..

Its like.. A+ to C or some shit. No one in this game is SS or S tier that tier list maker thing is just hella small.
Fukua mid twerk pops up to S- tier.
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This game's tiers are hard to define because there are so few top players, and they're spread out among the regions. In the spirit of the thread though, here's a tier list:

A: Filia, Fortune, Peacock, Double, Valentine
B: Parasoul, Cerebella
C: Squigly, Painwheel
If Kenin and Win's mmcafe chart was a little better (that's the chart's fault, though) I'd say that's the closest we have.

I think Squigs is JUST getting old enough to start putting her on the chart.

I personally think that Double is a more rounded character than both bella and Filia but oh wells.
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Tiers? Ehhh a tier is just a person or groups perception on how well a characther plays based on their moveset... I think everyones good not equally because each characther has a different moveset that makes the player use them in a different approach.... like Valentine and Parasoul have projectile moves as well as Fukua... not to mention they have deadly close up combos so they can be close or far range but parasouls can be linked into a deadly combo while with Val and Fukua its more difficult and Painwheel and Big Band are power characthers and can dish out alot of damage especally BBs Satchmo Solo but that thing is lard to land so again... all based on ones opinion and how youll use em
Aren't tiers supposed to be based on matchups? As in, tier lists are statistical measurements of how often you would expect one character to win against other characters in a matchup, and not just a general sentiment of how "good" a character is. In that respect Skullgirls wouldn't have tiers in the traditional sense anyway because it's primarily team-based.
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In that respect Skullgirls wouldn't have tiers in the traditional sense anyway because it's primarily team-based.
And then someone mentions MvC2 and this thread goes right back into the same circle the last one did.
Aren't tiers supposed to be based on matchups? As in, tier lists are statistical measurements of how often you would expect one character to win against other characters in a matchup, and not just a general sentiment of how "good" a character is. In that respect Skullgirls wouldn't have tiers in the traditional sense anyway because it's primarily team-based.
All true but it goes back to how good the group or people think the characther is based on the approach they take with them teams arent usually tier based because look at SSBB or SBBM they dont have teams (for doubles its a different story) but what you said is true in a sense
Hello everyone, I just picked up Skullgirls a few days ago for PS+ and have been practicing with Big Band. I decided to refuse to play any story mode or public online until I at least know one characters moves in and out and I've looked at a lot of tournaments for the game and I've noticed that it seems like generally speaking that this game is pretty balanced. Everyone had tools to do some serious hurt and assists seemed to cover the weaknesses of others and it got me thinking about the tier list. Is there one that is generally accepted by the community?

Here's the tier list

There is none, I cheated you all