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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

I really like the change to squiglies dp. It gives you much more time to confirm into into sbo off the first hit.
Beta test Filia jHK and Bella's jHK causing techable KD when not chained into pls?
Kind of a fan of Updo xx Gregor no longer being a free escape with the potential for a full combo.

I can't remember the last time I wasn't able to punish a whiffed/blocked updo xx gregor. The only thing that happens is you get counterhit and lose a meter.
Beta test Filia jHK and Bella's jHK causing techable KD when not chained into pls?
don't stop. i agree with x. just a beta test
How about we stop suggesting changes and just play with the current changes as intended and simply give cohesive and coherent opinions with valid points that Mike can then read in an intellectual fashion and take your opinions more seriously?

Because I'm sure Mike is one inane request away from hitting the unsubscribe button.
Welp... Click.
Skullgirls Beta Patch Notes - 8/3

- Added a green flash on your character when doing a successful Pushblock Guard Cancel to a special move or super. It is enabled everywhere for now, see whether you think it should be a training-mode-only thing. (Please do not ask about the color. We at least tried to make sure it is a separate intensity from the counter-hit red flash, for colorblind people.)
- Fix hard-camera-shake background animations not playing on new (hahaha "new", c'mon Mike it's been over a year) camera-shake types that were higher than Hard. PW's charged cr.HP and her QCT+K's shoulder slam now shake the trees on Maplecrest, etc. Thanks for pointing this out again Skarmand.
- Potential guess fix for Entourage crash online.
If it still crashes for you, please run the beta with -log and put the log on pastebin and tell me on Skullheart. I added a lot of debugging information so the log will be very useful! See this thread[skullgirls.com].

- WAY MORE COLORED FRAMES WOW. We know there are some cleanup errors on the new frames, don't report them yet, thanks.
- New palette! I would be even more beautiful if I rouged my face with your blood.
- The last part of s.HP no longer causes trip stun if used twice in a combo; instead, it does a bit less damage, will not knock you down, and has slightly shorter hitstun than normal.
Can we keep the green flash, mom? Can we?
Is it possible to make the pbgc detection a bit smarter? Currently the effect appears even if your pushblock actually extended your blockstun, which seems a bit misleading.
Not sure if this is just a simple matter of programming
Does ayone know when the next update for eliza's colors and voice is?
some times the first hit of her C.HP hits but the second whiffs. . . does any one else get this problem?
some times the first hit of her C.HP hits but the second whiffs. . . does any one else get this problem?

Eliza? No. But I rarely use the move. Context?
Eliza? No. But I rarely use the move. Context?
after air grab it seems to whiff on the second hit every now and then
Edit: nvm it seems to not happen anymore
some times the first hit of her C.HP hits but the second whiffs. . . does any one else get this problem?

Occasionally. I think it's caused when the first hit hits too low to the ground after an OTG, but I haven't had the time to do dedicated testing towards it.
after air grab it seems to whiff on the second hit every now and then
Edit: nvm it seems to not happen anymore

Were you trying to otg with it cuz that would make the second hit whiff yeah.
Parasol buffs weeeeeeee this is nice. + for gregor nerf although that really messes up ground throw>whiff dp>gregor combo, but idk enough about fillia to know if that's an important enough argument against the nerf.
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The nerf makes midscreen ground throw combos on heavies a little bit harder, so not really
Throw xx L.Updo(whiff) xx Air Gregor was kinda the coolest thing though
Samething with Sweep(crossunder) xx Updo xx Air Gregor resets

Nerfing Swag is the worst nerf
Throw xx L.Updo(whiff) xx Air Gregor was kinda the coolest thing though
Samething with Sweep(crossunder) xx Updo xx Air Gregor resets

Nerfing Swag is the worst nerf

crossunder sweep xx M updo(1) xx ground gregor still works

losing whiff L updo xx air gregor after throw does kinda suck since I've been using it for better positioning for follow-ups lately.
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- Fix remaining high and low multihit/rapid-hitting normal attacks where all the hits remained high or low even after the first hit made contact. All normals should now be mid after the first hit makes contact, as most of them were to start with.
Would it make sense to port this behaviour to multihit lows like Squigly c.HP? A meaty c.hp can, for example, currently be blocked high if it whiffed during the frames of the first hit, or if an opponent with a wider standing hitbox stands up into it. It hitting low on the first hit that actually connects would surely be appropriate, similarly with Filia/Valentine c.mk, etc
Oh, I think that was a botched implementation of this for those. >.<
You wanna list which ones do that and tag me? Squigly cr.HP and F+HP I remember, what else?
Oh, I think that was a botched implementation of this for those. >.<
You wanna list which ones do that and tag me? Squigly cr.HP and F+HP I remember, what else?
Outside of those two:
Filia c.MK, Valentine c.MK

Can't really think of more candidates than those four.

Also, Filia j.MK, Valentine j.HK, for air moves that hit mid if the first hit whiffs.

Edit: Also Fukua c.MK, of course.
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After putting in some weekend hours into Eliza, I'm not too big a fan of the change to her s.hp. The 3rd hit change just feels kinda arbitrary. Maybe it's just my old man showing, but I tend to forget whether or not I've used the 3rd hit in the s.hp earlier in the combo.
Did the multihit change happen to Parasoul's j hk? jw cuz I won't be able to test it yet. But this was the only move that I even knew this happened on and it caught me all the time since I figured I'd be able to block switch.
Did the multihit change happen to Parasoul's j hk? jw cuz I won't be able to test it yet. But this was the only move that I even knew this happened on and it caught me all the time since I figured I'd be able to block switch.
Oh my goodness if that only hits high on the first hit now I am so okay with that
Yeah Para j.HK is fixed afaik. As is Para j.b.LK, which honestly was the bigger issue.
Can't even count the amount of times I collected undeserved hits with that, and that's without using fastfall c.LK at all ever.
Fast fall after j.b.lk was the greatest mixup ever.
Yo +1 for making fillia and cb knockdown air normals have the same attributes as ps j.hp. This game is becoming the best
Was that actually added? I can't find the beta changes for today
No I don't think so, I just remember asking Mike about it, he said "Maybe!" then nothing happened. I want to stir that pot again
Hm okay. Would definitely make Filia worse
No I don't think so, I just remember asking Mike about it, he said "Maybe!" then nothing happened. I want to stir that pot again
That would significantly hurt Cerebella, who doesn't have anything like Parasoul's jump arc or j.LP to compensate for it.
@dekillsage ?
I'd be almost okay with it on Filia, though she would still be able to airdash cancel to continue off it if high enough or just air Gregor at pretty much any height. It'd also have to apply to Eliza's j.HK then, though.

Is it possible to make the pbgc detection a bit smarter? Currently the effect appears even if your pushblock actually extended your blockstun, which seems a bit misleading.
I originally had it where it only happened if the pushblock cut off any blockstun, but that made it much more confusing since 1f could be the difference between getting it and not. Since it's basically just a reversal after the pushblock animation ends, I'd rather it happen in all instances where you're doing the thing, regardless of whether the thing is beneficial for you or not. If there's a good case for the opposite of that, great. What is it?
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I don't really think its necessary to nerf either of Bella or Filia's j.HK's. They're not that great air-to-airs to begin with. "For consistency" is not really the best justification.
I originally had it where it only happened if the pushblock cut off any blockstun, but that made it much more confusing since 1f could be the difference between getting it and not. Since it's basically just a reversal after the pushblock animation ends, I'd rather it happen in all instances where you're doing the thing, regardless of whether the thing is beneficial for you or not. If there's a good case for the opposite of that, great. What is it?
Inputting a special move or super after a pushblock is significantly easier and more common than actually timing it to get some frame advantage, which is what I think actually qualifies as a pushblock guard cancel (Hence the cancel)
Currently it shows up a lot of times where I think it doesn't seem "deserved" or notable, like pushblocking an opponent away from you and then throwing a projectile at them.
When I attempt a pushblock guard cancel, I want to know if I managed to reduce my blockstun, not if I managed to input a thing after pushblocking.

If you have a special effect for something, surely it's better to use it to indicate a special case than to have it show up fairly commonly, with the special case being almost impossible to distinguish.

I might be alone in thinking this, in which case I concede I guess
what was changed for parasoul?